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Brass Drum

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Brass Drum - 1/2/2014 3:28:58 AM   


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Any tips? Thanks
Post #: 1
RE: Brass Drum - 1/2/2014 1:23:15 PM   


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From: Houston, Texas
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Try to conserve the SAMs on your surface action group. Use the Zumwalt's gun to keep destroy the Iranian airfields as you go and keep aircraft that can interdict a surface attack on short notice over the surface action group.

Having aircraft in the air and emitting means the Iranian AF will come out to play. Use that knowledge to ambush them as they transit. They won't turn on their radar until they're close to missile range so you can use your ship's radars to que your Hornets onto them and launch from their blind spots. I use an EA-18G as the bait using it's jammers and radar to bring them in. Once you've worn down the numbers higher-end fighters you can start using your helicopters to clear a path of hostile submarines and bring your SAG further into the Gulf. Bring a Triton up with your SAG to try to locate as many of the mobile SAM launchers, ASM batteries and radars as you can then suppress them with HARMs/TLAMs/Zumwalt. The SAMs will be able to defend themselves from the missiles you throw at them but will burn through a lot of ammunition. Using decoys and jammers may very well make them waste the remainder of them. Either way wait until they're neutralized and the sky is clear of fighters before you bring in your F-35s to finish off the ASM batteries and radars. Once Char Bahar and all their radars are gone (or several hours before to account for the long transit times) fly in the tankers and drones from Djibouti, and the P8s from Diego Garcia, use the drones to hunt down the remaining mobile contacts, and the P8s to sniff out the subs. Start the process of clearing the mines using your helicopters and maintain a BARCAP between yourself and their Tomcat base to the north.

(in reply to davedwmullins)
Post #: 2
RE: Brass Drum - 1/3/2014 10:35:06 AM   


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I've been putting a cover of F-18Fs over the SAG and drawing in the Iranian AF. I'm pretty much following your advice. By the time I'm to the straights I've cleared up everything of the Iranians to that point but have run out out of everything. I haven't been deploying the drones soon enough. I've been too sloppy I guess.

(in reply to poaw)
Post #: 3
RE: Brass Drum - 1/7/2014 4:35:25 PM   

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I'll just run the Zumwalt's radar (with HOLD FIRE active) and keep my CVBG and a/c dark as much as possible until both both bases on the Gulf of Oman are destroyed by TLAMs and airstrikes. Strikes at Bandar Abbas usually involve a lot of aircraft loaded with JSOW and JDAM, with plenty of SEAD and EW support & immediately preceded by a large TLAM strike to soak up the defenses and get some suppression.

The big secret is YOU need to dictate the initiative and destroy as many enemy aircraft on the ground. If you're caught reacting to the IAF, then you're going to run out of AMRAAMs.

< Message edited by Primarchx -- 1/7/2014 5:36:26 PM >

(in reply to davedwmullins)
Post #: 4
RE: Brass Drum - 2/4/2014 6:16:14 PM   

Posts: 43
Joined: 8/4/2009
From: Belgium
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Hello, I have just a question ...

Which sort of armament can destroy the underground bunker near Jask ?

I have tried most of the available bombs or guided weapons, but no result.

(in reply to Primarchx)
Post #: 5
RE: Brass Drum - 2/4/2014 7:10:08 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Rodwen67

Hello, I have just a question ...

Which sort of armament can destroy the underground bunker near Jask ?

I have tried most of the available bombs or guided weapons, but no result.

It will probably take more than one weapon to take out the bunker regardless of what you use. If you've destroyed the surrounding air defences, why not try a TLAM?


Certa Cito

(in reply to Rodwen67)
Post #: 6
RE: Brass Drum - 2/8/2014 10:26:17 AM   

Posts: 43
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From: Belgium
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Thanks, I will try ...

(in reply to Maromak)
Post #: 7
RE: Brass Drum - 3/7/2014 1:49:31 AM   


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I pounded the bunker with JDAMS which just caught it on fire but when I got the Zumwalt SAG into range I just pounded it with the AGS.
I recommend immediately launching your TLAMS to take out the runway access points of the two air bases on the Gulf of Oman. That will trap a lot of the aircraft on the runway, then you can push your DCA closer to the straight (be sure to keep your planes more than 80nm from BA) and start grinding up his fighters until you can get a strike on the Gargoyle launchers then hit BA. The secret is to get those air bases offline so you don't have to deal with large numbers.
For the FAC/FIAC in the straight I transferred all my firescouts and MH-60Rs off of the SAG and rebased the four AH-1s from the ARG onto the SAG, they are great at taking out the little FIAC when they show up.

(in reply to Rodwen67)
Post #: 8
RE: Brass Drum - 3/7/2014 12:48:59 PM   

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All excellent points, trismidt. I actually took out the sensors on the Jask bunker and stopped worrying about it because it was soaking up too much ordnanace (and by extension sorties).

Knocking out the runway access points at Jask and Cha Bahar are key, too. Jask is pretty simple to do with an early TLAM strike. For Cha Bahar I usually close to AGS range with the Zumwalt while getting emitter location intel with Growlers. The Zumwalt then engages the Cha Bahar SAM sites with AGS while a Super Bug strike JDAMs the runway access points and takes out any remaining air search radars.

After you're done there you can extend your DCA out further and provide better cover to the Zumwalt SAG as well as prep for an attack on BA. Good point about the Cobras, I usually do that, too! I'll also forward stage the MCM helos, too.

< Message edited by Primarchx -- 3/7/2014 1:50:09 PM >

(in reply to trismidt)
Post #: 9
RE: Brass Drum - 5/31/2014 5:29:22 PM   


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Could anyone tell me the trick to clearing out the sea mines? My mine sweeping equipment can find them but they don't destroy them and I have not been able to manually target them with anything. Any help would be appreciated.

(in reply to Primarchx)
Post #: 10
RE: Brass Drum - 6/1/2014 9:32:26 PM   


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Well, it should be fixed in 1.04 (haven't checked yes, just downloaded new version) - Edit: my bad, Seafox is not on fixlist yet. My trick was find them and avoid. Rather cumbersome, but doable ;)

Here is manual ploting at work:

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by hb921 -- 6/1/2014 11:25:46 PM >

(in reply to sandy61)
Post #: 11
RE: Brass Drum - 7/18/2014 6:57:52 PM   


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Is this still an issue?


(in reply to hb921)
Post #: 12
RE: Brass Drum - 7/22/2014 4:40:35 PM   


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If you ask - yes, at B554, database 417 Seafox is still not capable of anything useful. It is possible to launch one manually in BOL mode, but it isn't attacking mine despite passing just few meters from it. See attached scen.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to Dimitris)
Post #: 13
RE: Brass Drum - 7/22/2014 4:45:21 PM   


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Is this the only issue? Are there any other issue we should be aware of? Thanks.


(in reply to hb921)
Post #: 14
RE: Brass Drum - 7/23/2014 5:52:20 PM   


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Well, probably it depends how we define what is an issue.

For example, in my opinion it would be VERY VERY VERY nice to have message (with possibility to set popup) for mine detection. But it is only my personal opinion - possibly all other players like it as it is. Anyway, this "issue" is already reported in this thread

Another example is AN/BQS-15 range, reported here�
Don't know if it is an issue - possibly this sonar is just piece of junk. But as it is now mine avoidance sonar on quite modern submarine is useless for stated purpose.

(in reply to Dimitris)
Post #: 15
RE: Brass Drum - 8/3/2014 8:57:04 PM   


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(in reply to hb921)
Post #: 16
RE: Brass Drum - 8/9/2014 6:32:24 PM   


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Sunburn, the mine clearing was the only issue I noticed with this scenario. Thanks for all the hard work on making this an excellent war game.

(in reply to Dimitris)
Post #: 17
RE: Brass Drum - 9/6/2014 7:16:48 AM   


Posts: 140
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So they can still be detected manually?

(in reply to sandy61)
Post #: 18
RE: Brass Drum - 9/6/2014 12:16:31 PM   


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Yes, detecting them was never a problem for me. I just cant seem to destroy them.

(in reply to tk208)
Post #: 19
RE: Brass Drum - 9/6/2014 12:21:10 PM   


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Keep in mind that once you go thru all your AIM-120's with the F-18's, you can always equip the F-35's the same way.

(in reply to davedwmullins)
Post #: 20
RE: Brass Drum - 9/7/2014 1:32:12 AM   


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double post

< Message edited by tk208 -- 9/7/2014 2:34:33 AM >

(in reply to sandy61)
Post #: 21
RE: Brass Drum - 9/7/2014 1:35:13 AM   


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Yes, detecting them was never a problem for me. I just cant seem to destroy them.

Fair enough, at least I'll be able to avoid them lol.

(in reply to sandy61)
Post #: 22
RE: Brass Drum - 9/22/2014 3:27:09 PM   

Posts: 1046
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This was one of the first scenarios I tackled when the game first came out.

Mine clearing was a functional issue then, and now that I've reinstalled the game, I am curious whether it has been resolved? Can't quite tell from this thread.


Brad Leyte
HC3 development group member for HCE
Author of HCDB official database for HCE Co-Owner

(in reply to tk208)
Post #: 23
RE: Brass Drum - 9/23/2014 8:03:25 AM   


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I cleared a few mines last time I played it, unfortunately the platforms clearing them were a DDG and an Anphib lol, choppers will detect them easy enough but wont do anything about it.

At least they didn't in my game.

(in reply to CV32)
Post #: 24
RE: Brass Drum - 3/7/2015 10:18:25 PM   


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I really enjoy this scenario, but it also has a big negative from my perspective - the ammo selection on the aircraft tends to force you to either waste a huge amount of time rearming, or you need to follow a relatively prescriptive way of targeting the enemy.

In the latest build, the ammo selection doesn't have any weapons with penetrating warheads, and only has 2 aircraft with cluster-type munitions. While all games (and scenarios) are a suspension of reality, I read the scenario briefing for this one and think that the battle group commander (i.e ME) would have had reasonably opportunity to brief his subordinates about his targeting priorities as they approached the AO.

IMHO this scenario would be significantly improved if all three US ship groups were moved out to sea further, the aircraft set to Reserve/available the the scenario made longer to account for an initial ammo selection and greater transit time. The scoring (if you choose to follow it) could use some tweaking too (I like the public opinion element in scoring, but I find it hard to believe that loosing a single F-35is 25% worse than sinking a entire submarine).

(in reply to tk208)
Post #: 25
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