Posts: 11
Joined: 11/4/2013 Status: offline
I really enjoy FPRS for many of the reasons people have stated previously. This is a great, thoughtful game that rewards efficiency and brutally punishes mistakes. With that in mind, I wanted to start a discussion on some tactical considerations while playing the scenarios. For example: During the initial planning stage and placement of forces, particularly in the attack do you plot your initial moves all the way through to the end so that forces are on the move, with orders, freeing command 'points' for follow on and aviation units? -or- Do you plot your advance in a series of steps, trying to maintain tighter control over your units, perhaps sacrificing speed for unit cohesion thereby providing a more powerful punch at the point of attack? I am rapidly fostering an appreciation of 'command and control'. My biggest problem is in moving to contact while maintaining any sort of unit integrity. Consequently, units wind up separated from their HQ's, comingled with units from other commands, and when I finally make contact they have very little cohesion, and the battle degenerates into a disorganized slugfest...which I generally fare poorly in. I understand von Moltke's maxim "No plan survives contact with the enemy", but my plans rarely survive the "Start" button So while my forces flounder around trying to sort east from west I am using up orders to whip them into line...which fairly quickly leads to rockets over my head. Do you manage your engaged forces tightly, trying to control the local battle, or do you rely on the inital orders for your lead units and reinforce/by pass them if they bog down? Oh, and just for fun...I just finished a scenario where a single LARS unit accounted for nearly half my casualties! I sent hordes of helicopters, airstrikes and counter-battery fire after it and only was able to hit one launcher. He cut through my units like the Sword of God!!