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Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames

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Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/5/2014 4:38:37 PM   


Posts: 1327
Joined: 11/12/2001
From: Spain
Status: offline
The new game has been released at Matrixgames, I was wrong, it is cheaper than other CC games, 27,99+taxes by the digital download.

At two days, it will released at Steam.

< Message edited by Nomada_Firefox -- 6/5/2014 5:38:58 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/5/2014 6:14:12 PM   

Posts: 22687
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great news

(in reply to Nomada_Firefox)
Post #: 2
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/5/2014 6:17:06 PM   

Posts: 1119
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Downloading now
$28 not bad.

(in reply to zakblood)
Post #: 3
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/5/2014 7:34:32 PM   


Posts: 80
Joined: 12/5/2012
From: Bluewater Bay, South Africa
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$28 ??? Did the game go up in price suddenly? .. as I'm seeing $35 ..

.. or, is it $28 only in the USA?

Oh, .. how big is the download? .. it shows 0 Mb on the store.


< Message edited by Thomasew -- 6/5/2014 8:40:33 PM >


He Who Will Not Risk Cannot Win

(in reply to Platoon_Michael)
Post #: 4
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/5/2014 7:40:34 PM   

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Can't wait for Steam release. I want to be the first to 100 hours playing this game


I have a Youtube Channel that features Close Combat and Panzer Corps Let's Plays and videos, as well as historical documentaries.

(in reply to Platoon_Michael)
Post #: 5
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/5/2014 7:42:57 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Thomasew

$28 ??? Did the game go up in price suddenly? .. as I'm seeing $35 ..

.. or, is it $28 only in the USA?

Oh, .. how big is the download? .. it shows 0 Mb on the store.


It's 1.4GB and it's showing as £22.99 for me (that's Pounds - I'm in UK)


I have a Youtube Channel that features Close Combat and Panzer Corps Let's Plays and videos, as well as historical documentaries.

(in reply to Thomasew)
Post #: 6
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/5/2014 8:06:51 PM   


Posts: 80
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From: Bluewater Bay, South Africa
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It's 1.4GB and it's showing as £22.99 for me (that's Pounds - I'm in UK)

Thanks, .. well +-23 pounds equates to $28.00, .. which is what everyone else is seeing.

Why am I seeing the equivalent of $35 ??? ... I'm in South Africa, which converted to ZAR = R 397.00, which is the price showing for me. Once I convert it back to USD, .. it's $35.00, which equals an exchange rate of R14.18 to the US Dollar, .. which is insane!!

The exchange rate as of the last few hours is R10.70 to the US Dollar, .. which means that my ZAR price should be just on R300, ... NOT nearly R400!!

Something is definitely wrong with their conversion from USD to ZAR, .. that's for sure.

I was so looking forward to this, .. but, not when the pricing is wonky.


< Message edited by Thomasew -- 6/5/2014 9:31:34 PM >


He Who Will Not Risk Cannot Win

(in reply to TIK)
Post #: 7
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/5/2014 8:30:26 PM   


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The price is correct:

US$ 34.99 + Tax
€ 27.99 + Tax
£ 22.99 + Tax

(in reply to Thomasew)
Post #: 8
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/5/2014 8:32:40 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Thomasew


It's 1.4GB and it's showing as £22.99 for me (that's Pounds - I'm in UK)

Thanks, .. well +-23 pounds equates to $28.00, .. which is what everyone else is seeing.

sorry, 22 pounds (GBP) are about $37 or 27€ today

i just check the onlineshop shop and it would bill me 28€ (+ tax) or when i change to $ its about $35

who actually got it for $28?

a there is a new post ....damned taxes ;-)

< Message edited by MikeGER -- 6/5/2014 9:39:08 PM >

(in reply to Thomasew)
Post #: 9
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/5/2014 8:45:18 PM   


Posts: 80
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From: Bluewater Bay, South Africa
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Hi Mike,

Yeah, you're right about the GBP to USD conversion, .. I think I was looking at GBP to Euro.

A fella in the 3rd post, .. Platoon_Michael mentioned the $28.

Well it looks like VPaulus has clarified the issue, and $35 is the correct price.

Our ZAR exchange rate has nearly doubled in the past year or so .. , .. thanks ANC ..

Gaming is becoming expensive for us here, .. may have to take up tiddlywinks ..

.. or return home to Bonnie Scotland.


< Message edited by Thomasew -- 6/5/2014 9:48:33 PM >


He Who Will Not Risk Cannot Win

(in reply to MikeGER)
Post #: 10
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/5/2014 9:02:08 PM   

Posts: 1119
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sorry for the confusion.
I just assumed Firefox was bad.

(in reply to Thomasew)
Post #: 11
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/5/2014 11:36:12 PM   


Posts: 266
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Is the AI improved over PITF?

Are the maps smaller than PITF?


(in reply to Platoon_Michael)
Post #: 12
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/6/2014 12:13:48 AM   


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Is the AI improved over PITF?

Are the maps smaller than PITF?

No programming changes to the AI. Some data changes that influence AI behavior.

Maps sizes are comparable to PitF sizes, a few may be larger where there are many map connections.

(in reply to MikeAP)
Post #: 13
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/6/2014 1:06:19 AM   

Posts: 594
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How appropriate the last of the Close Combat series (2D) to represent the drive on Caen by Commonwealth forces, and it's release in time for the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings.
Thanks Matrix!


"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." - Sun Tzu

(in reply to Cathartes)
Post #: 14
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/6/2014 1:54:10 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Cathartes



Is the AI improved over PITF?

Are the maps smaller than PITF?

No programming changes to the AI. Some data changes that influence AI behavior.

Maps sizes are comparable to PitF sizes, a few may be larger where there are many map connections.

So AI will just sit and do nothing on a map that's too large for the amount of forces that occupy it? Because that's what happened with PITF.

Awesome. You just saved me $30


(in reply to Cathartes)
Post #: 15
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/6/2014 2:21:27 AM   


Posts: 233
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From: Basque Country
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I can't believe what I am reading here: you have released a new Close Combat game in 2014 with no improvements in the AI code... This means that the AI code is basically the same that was programmed 15 or more years ago... Come on.... Have you seen the AI of other games offered by Matrix like Achtung Panzer: Operation Star?

I am very disappointed...


< Message edited by Txema -- 6/6/2014 3:33:34 AM >

(in reply to MikeAP)
Post #: 16
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/6/2014 2:56:09 AM   

Posts: 272
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What I can't believe is some of you come on here like you are shocked there were no major changes...they have said all along it's the last release with the old engine to tide things over until the new one comes out. You can't just take old code and make major changes it just breaks everything else.

I'm getting this shortly and will enjoy it just the same as I do the others...some may have better AI but they still aren't as much fun as this series...thats why it's still here after all these years when the others with supposed great AI just fade away.

< Message edited by LitFuel -- 6/6/2014 3:57:15 AM >

(in reply to Txema)
Post #: 17
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/6/2014 3:24:05 AM   


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What I can't believe is some of you come on here like you are shocked there were no major changes...

I think there are about 10 things wrong with what you said, but I'm only going to address the main issue.

In my opinion, the lack of a modern, functional AI is downright inexcusable. Last module or not, there were serious flaws with the AI from PITF. To make no effort to at least improve the gaming experience is very unfortunate.


(in reply to LitFuel)
Post #: 18
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/6/2014 3:33:40 AM   


Posts: 1327
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From: Spain
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LitFuel is right, nobody lied here, the game was announced as you see months ago.

Now, a simple suggestion, if you want the IA running different, you can make a mod with smaller maps, you can make a team of people, if one edit the maps from the game and he makes them smaller, the second map can code them, other can edit the data and other the strategic map, it would be easy.

I suspect that the data from this game is very similar to PITF and you can use the workbook from it as a guide.

At the end, the large maps was a idea from some part of the community, never I understood because it was followed.

(in reply to LitFuel)
Post #: 19
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/6/2014 8:39:45 AM   

Posts: 2804
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There are a range of code changes in Gateway to Caen, so I'm not sure why someone is suggesting otherwise. These include new features such as Rolling barrages, dug-in/camouflaged tanks and anti-tank guns, bug fixes and multiplayer stability.


Iain McNeil
Matrix Games

(in reply to Nomada_Firefox)
Post #: 20
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/6/2014 8:55:09 AM   


Posts: 1327
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There are a range of code changes in Gateway to Caen, so I'm not sure why someone is suggesting otherwise. These include new features such as Rolling barrages, dug-in/camouflaged tanks and anti-tank guns, bug fixes and multiplayer stability.

Sorry but before answer, I would recomend you read the previous answers. I have not told about the code integrated in the exe, I was speaking about the base files, the txt which we can edit, very probably they almost equal to PITF.

(in reply to IainMcNeil)
Post #: 21
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/6/2014 10:21:06 AM   


Posts: 1327
Joined: 11/12/2001
From: Spain
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Well, I have bought the game few moments ago because the price is the same from other CC games but for this week, there is a small discount. 1,4gb downloading at 50 minutes.

Just a few comments, the store site is a piece of ****, always it was bad but this time I needed at least three times for load it.

Next, the store has the language options for spanish and you ask the last name but at Spain, we have two last names, from our father and from our mother. This can sound stupid but usually the information about you, it must be the same from your credit card. At Steam by example, it does not happen.

(in reply to Nomada_Firefox)
Post #: 22
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/6/2014 10:52:32 AM   

Posts: 90
Joined: 6/6/2014
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Strange, store page loaded fine as it always did and never had any issues with any of the purchases I made.
The download was done in one go at my top download speed of 300kb/s.

as for the personal Info, I do it via Paypal so can't comment on that.

(in reply to Nomada_Firefox)
Post #: 23
RE: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames - 6/6/2014 2:52:22 PM   


Posts: 18
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Downloaded and suscessfully run on my Macbook Air 760
Yep can play it on Mac

219 RMB :)

< Message edited by linlishuo -- 6/7/2014 2:56:20 AM >

(in reply to HunterICX)
Post #: 24
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