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Preference sheet. what didn't I do or get wrong?

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Preference sheet. what didn't I do or get wrong? - 3/25/2001 6:25:00 PM   
Pack Rat


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From: north central Pennsylvania USA
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Map: custom/default Map size: Date: Time: noon/dawn/etc. Weather: Type of battle: meeting/delay/defend Point ratio battle type: 1:1 2:1 3:1 Visibility: Battle length: Flags: on/off Op fire: on/off Comm interventions: True troop cost: on/off Victory frontage: on/off Time per turn: Timeouts: Searching: default Hitting: default Rout/Rally: default Troop quality: default Tank toughness: default Inf toughness: default Battle points: Air sections: default Max formations: default Arty vs soft: default Arty vs armor: default Historic ratings: on/off Characteristics: on/off Command & control: on/off Limited intel: on/off Unit comm: on/off Move & fire: on/off Morale: on/off Mines & obstacles: yes/no Ammo: unlimit/limit/reduced Reduced squads: on/off Vehicle breaks: on/off Weapon breaks: on/off Reinforcements: yes/no Other nation purchase: yes/no Off board artillery: yes/no Percent off board arty: Non/semi/historic forces: Ammo trucks/dumps: yes/no Comments: Personal notes: League game: yes/no Report game start: Report game finish: Score and side (self): Score and side (opponent): Play opponent again: yes/no Comments: For SPWAW ver 4.5 I'm unsure how this is going to look on the post. I'll post it on the Electric War site as soon as we get feed back on things that could or should be done differently. Comments please. It didn't transpose too badly, the spacing is better on the notepad version which I'll have for down load soon.


Post #: 1
- 3/25/2001 9:06:00 PM   


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From: Pennsylvania, USA
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Maybe it's just me but I haven't got a clue as to what you are trying to ask or say!! Figmo


"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes ...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, f

(in reply to Pack Rat)
Post #: 2
- 3/25/2001 9:15:00 PM   

Posts: 4855
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same here.... this like a checklist for online/pbem games? :confused:


(in reply to Pack Rat)
Post #: 3
- 3/26/2001 5:43:00 AM   
Pack Rat


Posts: 594
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From: north central Pennsylvania USA
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Sorry about any confusion. It is a "checklist" for pbem/online games. For record keepers it can be used for part of a folder or file on individual players. It is ment to help from forgetting all the settings that can be set for anyone game. Until I did it I would have never thought there where that many settings to discuss :). (thank you Matrix) I have another suggestion to change the words from "default" to show the actual range of choices, which I will do. To use it you would send the sheet to an opponent with your choices and he would then be able to see them all, they would then send it back with the changes they would like in the comments and the debate would begin and end of course once the settings were in a happy place. You would have the finished sheet running in the background and alt/tab out and in from the preference screen till all was done. There maybe simpler ways to do it, but this is how I invision it at the moment. Thanks are due to some that had good suggestions for inclusion Redleg, AmmoSgt, Mike R., and Mosh. Mosh also suggested another way to possably do what this sheets intention is and I'll look into this. What this sheet can't do is cover every possable bending of the rules nor does it attempt to define historic or its variations. Scott Grasse and Jon Johnsons' program is on the site to help here. They are just too broad in scope. I hope ths intent is clearer. Thanks.



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Post #: 4
- 3/26/2001 9:02:00 AM   
Pack Rat


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From: north central Pennsylvania USA
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Here is the new version which unless someone can point out something wrong will be the one that is posted to the web site. Yes it is for version 5 . Redleg was kind enough to compare it for me and has done this much cleaner looking version Much thanks Redleg!! I'd like to say agian that posting it here does not lend itself to what it really looks like in notepad, much cleaner, less cluttered. Default Settings for PBEM and Online Battles Map default= Small Date: Time default= Noon Weather= Random Type of battle default= Meeting Point ratio battle type: Visibility= Random Battle length= Random Flags= on Op fire: on Comm interventions: True troop cost= on Victory frontage= on Time per turn: Timeouts: Player Preferences (Default): Searching= 100 Hitting= 100 Rout/Rally= 100 Troop quality= *** Tank toughness= 100 Inf toughness= 100 Battle points: Air sections= *** Max formations= *** Arty vs soft= 100 Arty vs armor= 100 Realism Settings (Default): Historic ratings= on Characteristics= on Command & control= off Limited intel= on Unit comm= on Move & fire= on Morale= on Mines= yes Reduced ammo= on Reduced squads= on Vehicle breaks= on Weapon breaks= on Reinforcements= yes Other nation purchase= no Off board artillery= yes Percent off board arty: Non/semi/historc forces: Ammo Supply: yes Comments: Personal notes: League game: yes/no Report game start: Report game finish: Score and side (self): Score and side (opponent): Play opponent again: yes/no Comments: For SPWAW ver 5.0



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Post #: 5
- 3/26/2001 11:53:00 AM   
Pack Rat


Posts: 594
Joined: 5/8/2000
From: north central Pennsylvania USA
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For better or worse it is up for download. Remember it is in notepad and you can fix it up any old way you like. Enjoy.



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Post #: 6
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