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An Old Post Re-hashed From U.V. Forum. This time with replies?

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All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [World War II] >> War In The Pacific - Struggle Against Japan 1941 - 1945 >> An Old Post Re-hashed From U.V. Forum. This time with replies? Page: [1]
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An Old Post Re-hashed From U.V. Forum. This time with r... - 2/21/2003 8:24:51 PM   


Posts: 22
Joined: 5/11/2002
From: St.Louis Mo. USA
Status: offline
A Short History, Some Praise and A Suggestion For WITP
Hello again. I first came to find UV through the Combat Mission forums, a tactical wargame of unparalleled realism set in the West Front '44. Being a fan of the ETO I have played or looked at many wargames through the years. Combat Mission caught my eye and then my heart when at first I discovered the genuine passion put forward by the developers and confirmed by the integrity of their forum and participants. A link by a member put me on the road to another game and company that I rank equal to , Matrix Games.

Although I did not have a knowledge of the PTO, UV looked wonderful. The screens were beautiful and after reading the truly awesome AAR's I decided to purchase this intriguing title. Being completely green to this kind of warfare and the fact that I am a tradesman with barely a H.S. education resulted in a very laborious and trying learning process. I became frustrated several times and have just recently grasped the complexities of waging war over such large, empty areas. Needless to say I am now and forever hooked on the PTO and this game. Way to go 2by3 and Matrix! This game is what I always never knew I wanted! :confused: What fun I am having discovering what most of you all have already known about the Pacific.

Anyone still awake? As to my suggestion for WITP:

I really feel that we as commanders need more information during play. I find that unless I use a pencil and paper I have a very hard time keeping track of certain things such as Air Units training and losses. There is no way for me to remember what the Experience and Fatigue were from turn to turn unless I track them. It is just too many units. And when I look at the Intelligence Screen it only tells me combined losses. It does not show which sqn.'s have taken them and where.

What I propose for WITP is this;

A tracking system for each and every unit on a turn by turn basis. It could be a button on every unit info screen that shows several things when brought up. These include things that are readily known by the game and just need to be recorded for future reference such as, their statistics, losses incurred, and what and where the mission was located.

With the proposed added info you can very easily see what each and every unit has done and what effect certain things such as Training and Resting has had upon said unit from turn to turn, not to mention the benefit of seeing first hand the attrition from prolonged contact. It could also show sorties flown for air units, supplies used, operational losses, damage and repair status for ships all in an easy spreadsheet fashion. If it only covered several weeks to a month or so it would still have conveyed a sense of progress/failure. No need to track 500 days worth. It would have the date on each line. Bases could have a similar chart showing supplies received and distributed, when reinforcements arrived and possibly weather effects.

I hope I have articulated what I am proposing clearly. Thanks again for the wonderful game and great community and please consider this for use in your future release of War In The Pacific.
It's scope warrants it's inclusion IMHO.

and can you have this done by next week? :D

Post #: 1
Re: An Old Post Re-hashed From U.V. Forum. This time wi... - 2/21/2003 8:47:29 PM   

Posts: 6520
Joined: 2/8/2002
From: Melb. Australia
Status: offline
[QUOTE]Originally posted by YZ426f

I really feel that we as commanders need more information during play. I find that unless I use a pencil and paper I have a very hard time keeping track of certain things such as Air Units training and losses. There is no way for me to remember what the Experience and Fatigue were from turn to turn unless I track them. It is just too many units. And when I look at the Intelligence Screen it only tells me combined losses. It does not show which sqn.'s have taken them and where.

Try doing it this way.....set a bench mark for how low you will aloow Moral to fall before with drawing a Sqdn (in my case it is 60, unless I have my back against a wall, them they stay and fight as long as I need them). The same again for exp....I TRY to get my guys to AT least 55 exp before committing them to battle, but my opponents have a bad habit of interupting my plans.
Using bench marks is the only easy way that I have found in coping with the work load and as I run about 6 to 8 PBEM games at once I need a BASIC system. Generally I can run a turn in about 15 mins, maybe 20 tops.


Never argue with an idiot, he will only drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

(in reply to YZ426f)
Post #: 2
- 2/21/2003 9:30:49 PM   


Posts: 22
Joined: 5/11/2002
From: St.Louis Mo. USA
Status: offline
Thanks Raverdave. Helpful suggestion. I still would like to have this kind of info at my fingertips though. An ingame management system is still needed for this sized game. The time involved to code would be worth it, more so than capturing ships IMO.

To me the units seem to blend together and I tend to take on a min/max approach rather than a careful study of unit participation and replacement cycling.


(in reply to YZ426f)
Post #: 3
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