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Lost Window issue

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Lost Window issue - 10/3/2014 2:38:57 AM   


Posts: 8
Joined: 12/17/2013
Status: offline
I am running Windows 7 using 2 video cards and 4 monitors.

The game starts normally. I have patched up to most recent version. When I start the game proceeds normally through scenario selections, optional rules, and lend lease. After the US do their scrapping the next window does not show on any screen. I see the window in the the taskbar. I can select minimize and restore but the window does not appear. I have also tried cascading windows but to no avail.

Has anyone encountered this issue or have any suggestions for next steps?

Thank you
Post #: 1
RE: Lost Window issue - 10/3/2014 3:44:27 AM   

Posts: 8201
Joined: 3/24/2007
From: Canada
Status: offline
Did you make a new screen layout (SLY file)? If so delete it and retry. The game is supposed to be able to handle three monitors, maybe using the 4th is causing grief.

You can find the SLYs in \Matrix Games\World in Flames\Scenarios\<scenario name>\Map Views



(in reply to Warwick)
Post #: 2
Lost Window issue - 10/3/2014 9:01:24 PM   

Posts: 833
Joined: 6/22/2012
From: Salinas, CA
Status: offline
Why? I find one awesome 27" Apple monitor enough.


(in reply to Warwick)
Post #: 3
RE: Lost Window issue - 10/11/2014 7:57:41 PM   
Shannon V. OKeets


Posts: 22095
Joined: 5/19/2005
From: Honolulu, Hawaii
Status: offline



I am running Windows 7 using 2 video cards and 4 monitors.

The game starts normally. I have patched up to most recent version. When I start the game proceeds normally through scenario selections, optional rules, and lend lease. After the US do their scrapping the next window does not show on any screen. I see the window in the the taskbar. I can select minimize and restore but the window does not appear. I have also tried cascading windows but to no avail.

Has anyone encountered this issue or have any suggestions for next steps?

Thank you

A couple of suggestions for investigating:

1 - if you include your SLY file (New Game.SLY) in a post we will be able to understand better what data the program is using. SLY file are simple text, so you can open it using NotePad (or equivalent) and just insert it into a post. There is no need to Zip it or Attach it. They are also quite small.

2 - if you do not have the Main Form at the top of a monitor (e.g., at the bottom) that can cause trouble.

3 - if you have the 4 monitors arranged as a square, instead of as 4 in a row, that configuration hasn't been tested (to the best of my knowledge).



Perfection is an elusive goal.

(in reply to Warwick)
Post #: 4
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