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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Gary Grigsby's War in the East Series >> After Action Reports >> RE: 110 Page: <<   < prev  4 5 [6] 7 8   next >   >>
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RE: 110 - 5/19/2015 6:57:24 AM   


Posts: 1050
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From: Sandviken, Sweden
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Another stroke of genius of the


Grösster Pelton aller Zeiten!


Bougainville, November 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. It rained today.

Letter from a U.S. Marine,November 1943

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Post #: 151
RE: 110 - 5/19/2015 4:53:16 PM   

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ORIGINAL: sven6345789

Another stroke of genius of the


Grösster Pelton aller Zeiten!


Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to sven6345789)
Post #: 152
RE: 110 - 5/21/2015 12:36:38 AM   

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Turn 110 Turns left: 101 with 24 being mud. Shortest Distance to Berlin: 980 miles
Hex to turn ratio: +19

GHC Armaments: 271,000 Manpower in Pool: 62,000 VP:257
SHC OOB: 7,665,000 +65,000
GHC OOB: 4,232,000 -76,000


Tempo last 5 turns: 23 attacks per turn.

AGN not much of a change, Stavka has managed to take 3 hexes in 5 turns.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 153
RE: 110 - 5/21/2015 12:37:22 AM   

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In the center Stavka has managed to push about 30-40 miles, Penza the yellow not fully garrisoned city is 1250 miles from Berlin. The Eastern Flank runs along the Volga and Stavka has managed to cross, but the bridgehead is 1 hex. Stalingrad is 1330 miles from Berlin.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 154
RE: 110 - 5/21/2015 12:38:04 AM   

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Along the Volga east of Stalingrad, Stavka seems to have most of its tank/cav forces which are along ways from a railhead. This area is a long ways from Berlin. Stavka has managed to tale 6 hexes south of the river. Romanians and Huns hold the lines along the eastern most side of the front as Stavka is a long ways from railheads.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 155
RE: 110 - 5/24/2015 12:00:32 AM   

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Turn 113 Turns left: 98 with 24 being mud. Shortest Distance to Berlin: 980 miles
Hex to turn ratio: +24

GHC Armaments: 231,000 Manpower in Pool: 72,000 VP:257
SHC OOB: 7,708,000 +00,000
GHC OOB: 4,183,000 -00,000
SHC this turn-----14------------10------------58%

Manpower pool is slowly growing.
AGN holds vs 2 attacks. No picture the area is basically static.
I have started shorting the lanes north of the Oka and transerfing divisions south.
In Jan 44 I will have to defend this northern flank with 2x stacks and panzer reserves while the eastern most divisions
slowly retreat west during blizzard. As the front shortens I will lose CV, but beable to 2x stack more and more keeping
basicly the same CV for as long as possible.

AGC holds 4 times vs 15 attacks and counter attacks 2 winning both.
I am tring to hold the northern flank while getting driven back at the eastern most point on the map X 145/Y 65,
Berlin is at X10/Y57.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 156
RE: 113 - 5/24/2015 12:01:25 AM   

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Volga Front holds 4 times vs 7 attacks, this area is all the way along Volga to center.
I counter attack 4 times along the Volga where most of his mobile units are. I also move 3 more Panzer divisions to this area and 10 more fresh SUs. This area is closest to a rail head so I want to hold it as long as possible. Those counter attacks should set him back 2 turns.

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< Message edited by Pelton -- 5/24/2015 1:02:21 AM >


Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 157
RE: 113 - 5/24/2015 12:08:42 AM   

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How does it feel playing without the benefit of multiple fort belts?

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Post #: 158
RE: 113 - 5/24/2015 12:18:40 AM   

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How does it feel playing without the benefit of multiple fort belts?

no different really, just do fort belts Oka north and reserve reaction set-up on the rest of the front.

A different rule set requires a different strategy, I know where I want to be at the end of 1941 and where I want/need to be at the end of 1942, same for 43,44 and 45.

its turn 117. I am guessing dave is low on trucks, because if I withdraw 2 hexes he cant attack.

Only 4 turns of summer left and lines are solid where I want them to be and were I have 145 hexes to Berlin I can with draw
1 or 2 hexes at eastern most point and hold the flanks as I withdraw.

Once I get back to Oka to Rostov front will only be 90ish hexes instead of 160 so units will have a much tighter set-up.

Penza the yellow not fully garrisoned city is 1250 miles from Berlin.

< Message edited by Pelton -- 5/24/2015 1:24:57 AM >


Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to M60A3TTS)
Post #: 159
RE: 113 - 5/29/2015 2:20:43 PM   

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Pelton gave me the green light to post in this AAR so I'll add a few comments and data that may help to fine tune the game (if needed).

I have no shot at reaching Berlin by the historical date but Pelton and I have decided to play on since there have been no other late war AAR's post 1.08. This is a 260VP automatic victory game and Pelton was one urban center away from victory at the end of the summer '42 campaign. I managed to barely hold on but I think that if he had concentrated his panzer ball for one more push he probably could have ended the game. I thought I handled the '41 offensive as well as I could have hoped against a player of Pelton's skill (although I forgot to rail out industry one turn which was a major rookie mistake) but Pelton's '42 offensive really put me in a bad spot. Pelton didn't achieve any huge pockets but he was masterful and pocketing a small number of units each turn and over time it really thinned out my defenses. By the end I was literally close to the end of the map and hanging on by a thread. The only thing that saved me was building loads of rifle corps when the AP cost lowered to 10 in January '43.

If I had to do it over again I don't think I'd agree to no +1 and mild blizzard, certainly not against a player of Pelton's skill. I really didn't accomplish much at all during the blizzard.

Pelton captured a lot of industry during '41 and I'm still suffering for that now. Here are my current production stats: (These numbers are from September '43)

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< Message edited by smokindave34 -- 5/29/2015 3:21:16 PM >

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 160
RE: 113 - 5/29/2015 2:26:40 PM   

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Here is the current OOB for September '43. I intentionally have been keeping my OOB <8 million in an attempt to not build an army I can't feed or arm. I also (until recently) have not build a lot of tank/mech corps (unlike M60 who seems to have about 100 tank corps in my game with him). Since I didn't expect any significant mobile operations until late '43 or '44 I've concentrated on building rifle corps. I'm just now starting to penetrate a few hexes behind Pelton's lines in one or two areas but that has a lot to do with how long the front line is and the fact that the axis is spread out without a lot of defense in depth.

Pelton - your reserve setup is excellent. Where you have reserves I can't launch an attack without hordes of regiments joining in. Even those pesky Luftwaffe regiments are giving me headaches.

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< Message edited by smokindave34 -- 5/29/2015 3:31:43 PM >

(in reply to smokindave34)
Post #: 161
RE: 113 - 5/29/2015 2:29:29 PM   

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One positive is that I seem to building morale quicker than my previous games as Soviet (although it's been a long time since I played as soviet). I don't remember having this many units with morale >70 this early. This may be a result of the recent changes Morvael has made.

I'll update the AAR periodically as I drive on to the heart of the facist invader. On to Berlin!

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(in reply to smokindave34)
Post #: 162
RE: 114 - 5/29/2015 5:34:42 PM   

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Turn 114 Turns left: 97 with 24 being mud. Shortest Distance to Berlin: 980 miles
Hex to turn ratio: +25

GHC Armaments: 213,000 Manpower in Pool: 75,000 VP:256
SHC OOB: 7,720,000 +12,000
GHC OOB: 4,183,000 -15,000
SHC this turn-----18------------04------------81%
Manpower pool is slowly growing 3k per turn.
AGN holds vs 1 attack.
AGC counter attacks and retakes the western most hex and take back a hex Stavka lacked the MPs to take. The eastern most part of the front with draws 1 hex from contact and a 2nd line of units is put into play all along the front, I am rotating units out of the front into the 2nd line as needed. The Volga river holds, Stavka has with drawn some units from Volga river I am guessing they are building up a force to hit just south of Moscow. So I in turn am with drawing units from Volga

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to smokindave34)
Post #: 163
RE: 114 - 5/29/2015 5:35:18 PM   

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Stavka takes 5 hexes and 2nd PG retakes 2 key hexes. I am amazed that we been fighting over the same 6 hexes now for 9 turns. If not for the swamp on the south side he would have never crossed as with the Volga north of Stalingrad.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 164
RE: 113 - 5/29/2015 7:05:27 PM   

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ORIGINAL: smokindave34

One positive is that I seem to building morale quicker than my previous games as Soviet (although it's been a long time since I played as soviet). I don't remember having this many units with morale >70 this early. This may be a result of the recent changes Morvael has made.

I'll update the AAR periodically as I drive on to the heart of the facist invader. On to Berlin!

That's some crazy morale, if you had +1 or normal blizzard your hole army would be +70.

Looks like your not getting enough supplies and your truck pool is low.

Looks like 20% low on trucks and same for ammo 20%

Supply ratio looks off might be because of how it goes out now in 3 phases, which would put it near 20% also

< Message edited by Pelton -- 5/29/2015 8:13:37 PM >


Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to smokindave34)
Post #: 165
RE: 115 - 5/30/2015 8:01:39 PM   

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Turn 115 Turns left: 96 with 24 being mud. Shortest Distance to Berlin: 980 miles
Hex to turn ratio: +26 ------------------------------------- VP:255

GHC Armaments: 200,000 --------- Manpower in Pool: 74,000 -1000
SHC OOB: 7,739,000 +19,000
GHC OOB: 4,161,000 -22,000
SHC this turn-----19------------09------------67%

By retreating in center Manpower pool stopped climbing!!
AGN holds vs 4 attacks.
AGC loses all 11 battles, but Stakva can do little to exploit anything. The 1 hex buffer has slowed the tempo to just 3 attacks at the eastern most point of AGC. AGC withdraws 2 hexs this turn as OKH has a new shorter hold line come winter.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to sven6345789)
Post #: 166
RE: 115 - 5/30/2015 8:02:12 PM   

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The Volga above Stalingrad holds. Stavka manages to take 6 hexes below Stalingrad and 2nd Panzer Army retake 4, but the 2nd was not able to retake a hex in the Romania zone. The Romanian and Hun Army will try and hold for one more turn. Then the plan is to draw the Russian Army away from the nearest rail heads before mud season and hopefully general mud then winter will inflict hvy truck losses which will slow summer 44 offensive.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 167
RE: 116 - 5/31/2015 10:58:27 PM   

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Turn 116 Turns left: 95 with 24 being mud. Shortest Distance to Berlin: 980 miles
Hex to turn ratio: +27 ------------------------------------- VP:255

GHC Armaments: 171,000 --------- Manpower in Pool: 72,000 -2000
SHC OOB: 7,755,000 +16,000
GHC OOB: 4,161,000 00,000
SHC this turn-----17------------10------------62%
AGN holds vs 2 attacks, 1 win for Stavka, but not enough Mps to take the hex so Germany takes it back. No picture the area is basically static.
AGC same as last turn I hold the northern flank.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 168
RE: 116 - 5/31/2015 10:59:11 PM   

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AG Volga loses 6 hexes and takes back 3, to the death.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 169
RE: 122 - 6/7/2015 5:17:49 PM   

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Turn 117 Turns left: 94 with 24 being mud. Shortest Distance to Berlin: 980 miles
Hex to turn ratio: +28 ------------------------------------- VP:255

GHC Armaments: 142,000 --------- Manpower in Pool: 165,000 +93000
SHC OOB: 7,787,000 +32,000
GHC OOB: 4,057,000 -104,000
SHC this turn-----20------------17------------54%

AGN holds 6 times vs 7 attacks and counter attacks taking hex back the hex, static for the summer to date.
AGC heavy fighting on the northern flank, but it holds while the eastern most part of the front pulls back 20 miles.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

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Post #: 170
RE: 122 - 6/7/2015 5:18:18 PM   

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On the Volga 6 hexes are lost but 5 retaken.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 171
RE: 122 - 6/7/2015 5:20:22 PM   

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Turn 118 Turns left: 93 with 24 being mud. Shortest Distance to Berlin: 980 miles
Hex to turn ratio: +29 ------------------------------------- VP:252

GHC Armaments: 115,000 --------- Manpower in Pool: 178,000
SHC OOB: 7,793,000 +5,000
GHC OOB: 4,016,000 -41,000
SHC this turn-----25------------20------------55%
AGN holds 5 times vs 8 attacks and retakes 2 of the 3 lost hexes. Wow manpower pool has grown 106K in 5 turns.
AGC has massive take battle this turn. 7th Guards Army cut off 2 divisions from 2nd Army. Using good tactical skills X Corp under the command of General Sauken was able to route 6 Tank Corp and forced another 4 Tank Corp to retreat. Total AFV loses for the crushing defeat for 7th Guards Army was 651 to only 71 for Germany for a ratio of 9-1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The German Army is far from defeated or on the run.
Stavka will think twice before tring that again. They can advance slowly until summer 44.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 172
RE: 122 - 6/7/2015 5:21:10 PM   

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AGS lost 4 hexes, but all 4 were retaken, this area is holding surprising. I am expecting that Stavka will take massive truck loses during mud and will keep losing them during the winter turns, but time will tell.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 173
RE: 122 - 6/7/2015 5:22:27 PM   

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Turn 119 Turns left: 92 with 24 being mud. Shortest Distance to Berlin: 980 miles
Hex to turn ratio: +30 ------------------------------------- VP:251

GHC Armaments: 89,000 --------- Manpower in Pool: 192,000
SHC OOB: 7,804,000 +9,000
GHC OOB: 3,990,000 -26,000
SHC this turn-----24------------13------------64%

AGN 4 hexes were taken and GHC retook 3 of the 4, static still north of the Oka.
AGC again heavy fighting, but the line shortens and the CV go up where needed.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 174
RE: 122 - 6/7/2015 5:23:04 PM   

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AGS loses 7 hexes and retakes all 7, wow uber fighting over the same hexes for 13 turns static.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 175
RE: 122 - 6/7/2015 5:24:11 PM   

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Turn 120 Turns left: 91 with 24 being mud. Shortest Distance to Berlin: 980 miles
Hex to turn ratio: +31 ------------------------------------- VP:251

GHC Armaments: 67,000 --------- Manpower in Pool: 211,000
SHC OOB: 7,804,000 0,000
GHC OOB: 3,952,000 -65,000
SHC this turn-----30------------13------------69%
AGN 5 hexes were taken and GHC retook 1, static still north of the Oka.
AGC again heavy fighting as Stavkas routed tank Corp thrust forward and encircle 3 infantry divisions. X Corp again opens the pocket and the 3 divisions return to the lines. At the point of attack the lines are 3 divisions per hex. The rest of the line keeps pulling back as Berlin is 1220 miles from is area of the front.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 176
RE: 122 - 6/7/2015 5:24:50 PM   

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AGS pulls back as its 1250+ miles from Berlin and seeing Stavka is more far from any railheads I want to drop back about 100 miles and hopefully bait them into advancing and losing a pile of trucks. All the Huns are on the rail lines along with the 2 MT divisions in the south. MT divisions are head to above Oka.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 177
RE: 122 - 6/7/2015 5:31:03 PM   

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Turn 122 Turns left: 89 with 23 being mud. Shortest Distance to Berlin: 980 miles
Hex to turn ratio: +33 ------------------------------------- VP:251

GHC Armaments: 68,000 --------- Manpower in Pool: 223,000
SHC OOB: 7,864,000 +264,000 for the summer
GHC OOB: 3,952,000 -325,000 for the summer

Dave has a very good ratio going, he is not attacking in spots he knows he cant win in general. GHC reserve reaction is keeping the tempo of fighting low to med intensity.

AGN lost a total of 7 hexes during the summer of 1943.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

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Post #: 178
RE: 122 - 6/7/2015 5:31:43 PM   

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AGC has withdrawn 21 hexes over the 16 turns of summer. This part of the front is a min 115 hexes from Berlin or a hex to turn ratio of +49.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 179
RE: 122 - 6/7/2015 5:33:00 PM   

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AGC has withdrawn 21 hexes over the 16 turns of summer. This part of the front is a min 115 hexes from Berlin or a hex to turn ratio of +49.

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Beta Tester WitW & WitE

(in reply to Peltonx)
Post #: 180
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