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Joined: 4/9/2006 Status: offline
Turn 136 Turns left: 75 with 20 being mud. Shortest Distance to Berlin: 980 miles Hex to turn ratio: +43 ------------------------------------- VP: 239 GHC Armaments: 246,000 +12,000 Manpower in Pool: 473,000 +9,000 SHC OOB: 8,351,000 +7,000 GHC OOB: 3,742,000 -33,000 So far I have been able to do what I want, but the only issue is I have 473,000 men stuck in the manpower pool and 250,000 in armaments. The issue is not swapping bugs but I am doing to good and getting punished by historical infantry division issues. Historically the Germans "up-graded" from 17k to 13K divisions in 1944, so starting in late 43 units started switching and putting 4k men per division into the manpower pool. This game is not going as history wanted, I am doing far better. My OOB has dropped from 4,200,000 turn 110 to 3.7000,000 a difference of 500,000 men. Why? Because they are in the manpower pool or basicly on vacation Game will be a draw because Dave simply has to take Finland and just get close to 1941 start line. I should easly be able to hold Berlin. Good game that brought out an issue that morvael and the crew can fix.
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Beta Tester WitW & WitE