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Same design constructor building same star base producing hugely different build rate

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Same design constructor building same star base produci... - 12/12/2014 10:09:25 AM   


Posts: 24
Joined: 12/24/2012
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DWU v19510

I have just noticed while testing E2FC quantities on star bases at a test star that 1 of the constructors is building consistantly ~15 components per tick while the other is producing 5~7 per tick.

The designs for both constructors are identical.

The designs for the star bases initially varied from 1 to 10 E2FC.

I originally noticed this when I purposely prepared both constructors to build at the same location at the same time, they arrived within 3 seconds of each other and began construction immediately. The left base was completed more than twice as fast. Multiple subsequent tests confirmed these results.

I have narrowed out lack of source materials, as my current game is post-pewpew stage.

I have since performed the same test with resort bases at the same location with the same results. One builds at 15 per tick consistantly, the other crawls along at 5 or so.
Post #: 1
RE: Same design constructor building same star base pro... - 12/12/2014 10:32:28 AM   


Posts: 24
Joined: 12/24/2012
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Oh, and as a side note - when pressing R to refuel a ship/fleet that is stopped beside above mentioned E2FC Starbases (with 50k both fuel in storage), they don't actually use the star base...

Havent tested to see if automation uses it however.

(in reply to Miyuki)
Post #: 2
RE: Same design constructor building same star base pro... - 12/12/2014 11:35:21 AM   


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Maybe upload a savegame.

I guess one constructor was not out of fuel making it live off insufficient energy collection or something? And are you sure all is indeed identical?

(in reply to Miyuki)
Post #: 3
RE: Same design constructor building same star base pro... - 12/12/2014 6:41:03 PM   


Posts: 24
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Yes, checked twice. The only thing I can think of is 1 builder may or may not be one of my original built pre-warp wherein I had put a ship pilot in for a short time to transfer. That's the only difference. Components are all the same.

Well, lets consider your question about fuel - I stated that both constructors arrived at roughly the same time to the build site and drew mats from the same location at the same time.... so.... =P

(in reply to Bingeling)
Post #: 4
RE: Same design constructor building same star base pro... - 12/12/2014 6:46:37 PM   


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In the past I have had ships (state ones) refuel just fine at star bases with no commercial center. If they have commercial center freighters should fetch fuel there as well.

One way to keep the military up in a tight spot.

There have been quite some time since I did that, though...

And the base where the constructors left could be short of fuel, or something...

(in reply to Miyuki)
Post #: 5
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