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Shock armies

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Shock armies - 2/8/2015 2:23:14 PM   

Posts: 791
Joined: 3/31/2008
From: Quebec
Status: offline
Hello, so shock armies no longer provide a morale boost but instead a +1 admin rating to their leader right?

What is the benefit? Can the admin rating gives more movement points? Is it worth putting units in shock armies for an offensive?

Thank you, Michel.


Michel Desjardins,
"Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious" - Oscar Wilde
"History is a set of lies agreed upon" - Napoleon Bonaparte after the battle of Waterloo, june 18th, 1815
Post #: 1
RE: Shock armies - 2/9/2015 8:04:34 AM   

Posts: 10920
Joined: 10/20/2012
From: Utlima Thule
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: micheljq

Hello, so shock armies no longer provide a morale boost but instead a +1 admin rating to their leader right?

What is the benefit? Can the admin rating gives more movement points? Is it worth putting units in shock armies for an offensive?

Thank you, Michel.

I think there are two main reasons to use the Shock Armies - by that I mean to organise them as your key offensive units, not just let them be a normal combined arms army.

The admin rating gives (from the manual);


the actual number of movement points a unit will have during its turn, checking for repair ... and ground elements,

Sounds trivial but getting say 12 or 15 MPs on a regular basis can be the difference between being able to advance after a battle and not. Equally repair of damaged elements is important as with the Soviets you tend to have a lot of these after combat.

You have potentially 37 leaders with an admin of 6 or more and masses with 5. So you can either use the Shock Army bonus to bring a 5 to a better level (there are a few with otherwise decent stats) or better (in my opinion) is to give it to someone who is already at 6 (and gain the bonus).

The other reason may say more about me than anything else. I just find the shock armies easy to identify as a focal point, easier than trying to remember which combined arms army has my best Support Units etc.

Equally worth remembering that the title was relatively meaningless. Some (3 and 5) went on to be amongst the elite formations of the Red Army, others not much more than better equipped Combined Arms armies and 2 Shock not even that (never recovered from the disaster on the Volkhov and never trusted after Vlasov's defection). So a mild bonus is probably a good simulation of their impact.


(in reply to micheljq)
Post #: 2
RE: Shock armies - 2/9/2015 8:20:35 AM   

Posts: 11762
Joined: 9/8/2006
From: Poland
Status: offline
What loki100 said, on average units in Shock armies will have more MP, this means more options to attack or advance. Certainly worth using on the offensive.
Also, Shock and Guards armies have 21 CP now, so you can use more units without command penalties, preferably under one of your best leaders.

(in reply to loki100)
Post #: 3
RE: Shock armies - 2/9/2015 4:41:33 PM   

Posts: 791
Joined: 3/31/2008
From: Quebec
Status: offline
Thank you for the answers :-)


Michel Desjardins,
"Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious" - Oscar Wilde
"History is a set of lies agreed upon" - Napoleon Bonaparte after the battle of Waterloo, june 18th, 1815

(in reply to morvael)
Post #: 4
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