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WC 03 Squirmer (UK) vs rbrunsman (US)

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WC 03 Squirmer (UK) vs rbrunsman (US) - 3/10/2003 8:05:15 AM   


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July 1942, large map, Vis 24.

The Brits have decided it's only fair not to use any kindly donated US equipment against its makers.

Can't post an attachment for some reason, gonna need an email please ...
Post #: 1
- 3/11/2003 5:47:13 PM   


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Squirmer, I am still at large and hope to solve my probs real soon, see the WC thread. Give me a few more days, I am out for the blood of your Russkies!

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Post #: 2
- 3/12/2003 8:39:50 AM   

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I would just like to point out that there are no AT Guns or squad weapons in the US OOBs in July 1942 capable of taking out the Brit tanks.:( :( There really isn't a tank main gun useful beyond 500 yards either.

This could be a serious defeat for the US.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 3
- 3/13/2003 1:23:22 AM   


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Well my other country is the USSR, that would be even worse.

The thing to remember with us Brits is that we would rather sit around drinking tea than fighting. Hard to rally ...

Better go off and play the first turn :)

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Post #: 4
Turn 1 - 3/13/2003 2:34:46 AM   


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We're off!

Brits have taken but not exactly secured southern and central VHs. No sign of Americans but willy meter shows they are around.

The map is Plains rather than the Desert I was expecting. Lots of large open spaces.

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Post #: 5
- 3/13/2003 2:09:12 PM   

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I got shot at a couple times and did some scouting. I took a few pot shots at some tanks to slow them down.

Squirmer likes those Churchills.

Turn Fast Arty OFF please.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 6
- 3/13/2003 5:07:10 PM   


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Sorry Fast Artillery should be Off, I never play with it on.

Will check settings ...

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Post #: 7
Turn 2 - 3/14/2003 1:57:17 AM   


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Fast arty is definitely Off, I can't abide it either ...

Lots of recon battles this turn. I am impressed with the little Daimler and Humber ACs. Took out 2 Jeeps and a Dodge truck, damaged an M3 halftrack and another Jeep. Also pushed back a scary looking Eng FT squad and several Recon Patrols.

Have spotted an M3 Lee tank near the northern VHs (which the Americans have taken). These are tough cookies with good armament. A bit like Churchills really :)

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Post #: 8
Re: Turn 2 - 3/14/2003 4:02:17 AM   

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Squirmer
[B]Have spotted an M3 Lee tank near the northern VHs (which the Americans have taken). These are tough cookies with good armament. A bit like Churchills really :) [/B][/QUOTE]

Yeah, right :rolleyes: except that your behemoths are so heavily armored that I'll be lucky to dent them with the guns I have available to me.:( And, yes, I'll have a little cheese with my whine, thanks.:)


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 9
- 3/14/2003 1:29:47 PM   

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I'm glad you were impressed with your Daimler and Humbers, because you won't have occassion to be impressed again for all but one of the ones I spotted (6 out of 7 killed).:D

I even topped it off with a lucky long shot on a Crusader III.

There is lots of smoke flying and British infantry hoofing it forward towards the central line of hills.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 10
- 3/14/2003 4:17:41 PM   


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Does this mean you will stop moaning about my behemoths now :rolleyes: :)

Work is so annoying, I now have to wait 8+ hours to watch my brave if somewhat foolish armoured cars go up in smoke ...

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Post #: 11
- 3/15/2003 12:23:39 AM   

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I'm avoiding the behemoths and focusing on what I can hurt. The good news about them is that if I give them a shot now and then, their movement stays at 10, so it's not like they can dash all over the place and appear unexpectedly.:)


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 12
Turn 3 - 3/15/2003 3:26:16 AM   


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British Behemoths 2 American Semi-Behemoths 1

Lost one of my few remaining ACs to a Lee as it poked it's nose over a hill. Silly but I wanted to see what was there.

First Lee is dead. This was so lucky I'm embarassed. A 3 inch howitzer TOP hit from a lower elevation ... Also got an M3 halftrack using conventional 2 pdr AP shot.

More luck, Commando infiltration right on top of some 81mm mortars.

Looks like the HT-mounted US infantry are going to be occupying the VHs long before my foot sloggers get there.

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Post #: 13
- 3/15/2003 3:38:53 AM   

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Squirmer, make RB squirm. LOL

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Post #: 14
- 3/15/2003 4:10:49 AM   


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Well I'm normally the one who's squirming (see my game against Scharschutze) ...

I have to say though I was ROFLing a bit at the thought of Churchills "dashing about".

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Post #: 15
- 3/15/2003 7:01:08 AM   

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Now if I can just get them to give me a nice profile view, I may be able to punch a hole in one or two.

V2, you're asking for another beatin' aren't you!?:mad: (the last couple of games we've played excepted, of course.:o )

:D :D


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 16
- 3/15/2003 12:02:55 PM   

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Beat me baby beat me:rolleyes:

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Post #: 17
- 3/16/2003 8:04:09 AM   

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I can't do anything about those Churchills, but the Crusaders make nice easy targets. I got 3 of them and immobilized another.

The US was shocked to see Commandos appear its rear areas, because in July of 1942, the only infantry the US has to choose from is Engineers and Regular infantry. I didn't get the choice of any specialized troops. :mad:


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 18
Turn 4 - 3/16/2003 7:06:37 PM   


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British Behemoths 1 American Semi-Behemoths (with help) 3

Yes my beauties lumbered into the sights of some 90mm AA guns this go. Scratch 2 Churchills. Another was despatched by a TOP hit from a Lee (payback I suppose). That Lee is now dead but it's little consolation.

The Crusaders aren't very tough. Instead they are supposed to rely on their superior 6 pdr guns to protect them. However this doesn't really work if they don't fire ... They are now mostly hiding.

The Commandos are few in number. I wasn't going to get any but had just the right number of points left over after getting everything else.

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Post #: 19
- 3/17/2003 6:45:31 AM   

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I never have luck with infiltrators, mine or my enemy's. You and V2 are good at placing your infiltration points right where I am hunkered down.

I can't wait to watch the replay to see the Churchills killed. I think I know exactly where they stumbled into my 90mms.:)


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 20
- 3/17/2003 2:08:09 PM   

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Those Churchill kills were nice, but I fear my 90mm AA won't be enough to stem the onslaught of British men and armor pouring forth over the hills.

My poor infantry is having to suffer at least 3 batteries of 4.5 and 5.5 inch arty every turn. The British FO seems to be better than my own FO in this game.

The only thing I could manage in this turn was to kill a Mk VIb and immobilize another. There was also a Humber Mk II that I shot full of holes, but the rounds must have gone through without damage in each case. :mad:

I've also noticed a strange "feature" of a rainy game: As player 2, if I pop smoke and block LOS, as soon as the next turn starts, my smoke disapates enough to allow player 1 to see through my smoke screen. This is how I lost my 2 M3 imps.:( It is as if I hadn't even popped smoke.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 21
- 3/18/2003 2:21:19 AM   


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It's only one battery each of 4.5in and 5.5in. No doubt they will go on a long tea break soon ...

The whole rain thing is weird since the weather is Clear :confused:

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Post #: 22
Turn 5 - 3/18/2003 3:18:29 AM   


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Not much happened. Grunts are meeting on top of the hills and shooting each other. About equal results for both sides.

The Brits do have some big WWI style artillery. It's all off-board but I still feel guilty. I suppose it complements the massed foot soldiers going over the top though ...

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Post #: 23
- 3/18/2003 1:26:19 PM   

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Considering that my men on the southern VH hill had to suffer through a barrage of 7.2 inch arty:eek: , it shows the strength of the US infantrymen that they could not only drive the British infantry off the hill but also assault a Churchill and kill it!:cool:

On the other hills, I am just trying to rally through these awful barrages since no Brits are presenting themselves as targets.:(


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 24
Turn 6 - 3/19/2003 4:31:38 AM   


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Yep US infantry is quality even without the super-bazooka.

More of the same this turn, a few infantry shootouts followed by horrendous bombardment. Slowly progressing toward the northern objective, not getting anywhere near the southern. We already hold the central. These are all 100 point end of battle jobbies.

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Post #: 25
- 3/19/2003 2:01:15 PM   

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Not much for me but rallying the troops from another storm of arty. :(


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 26
Turn 7 - 3/20/2003 7:34:13 AM   


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Brits continue to crawl over the hills behind their barrage.

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Post #: 27
- 3/20/2003 1:58:36 PM   

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I drive a few Brits back... and suffer another massive barrage.:(


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 28
Turn 8 - 3/21/2003 2:59:38 AM   


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Continue to advance slowly. Take out an M3 Scout Car with small arms fire which was nice. It's 50 cal seemed to be broken ...

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Post #: 29
- 3/21/2003 2:37:39 PM   

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I couldn't rally that stupid vehicle since the first barrage. I'm better off without it.

On my turn, I caught a couple Churchills getting a little too close and I drove off some more infantry. We're getting very close now. I hope the heavy arty starts hitting some of the Brits for once. That would be nice, because my mortars seem to shoot indiscriminately themselves.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 30
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