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Joined: 8/4/2010 From: Winnipeg, MB Status: offline
ORIGINAL: jmalter hi Fred, This game is all about Supply & Fuel, distributed to where it's needed. Oil & Resources are also v. important to an IJ player, less so to the Allies - though I'll note that Oz needs Oil, & Pearl needs Resources, to keep their industry producing Supply. Industry can get damaged by attacks, so look at Pearl to see if its Shipyard suffered damage on 7Dec41. Set its Repair to ON. Other bases under Allied control might start the game w/ damaged Industry, & areas under attack might suffer damage. The game wants to repair damage, so it's important to look at the Industry screen (hotkey J) from time to time. A base can repair 1 point of each damaged industry per day, provided it has at least 10k Supply points on hand, + 1k Supply points for each repair. Look at your China Industry, & turn Repair OFF for all damaged Industry, do the same for all Dutch & Phillipine Industries. 1000 Supply points are more useful for defense. A repaired Heavy Industry point will produce 2 Supply points per day, so it takes 500 days to break even on the cost of repair. A Light Industry point needs 1000 days to justify its repair cost. Likewise, look at your base construction. Each Engr point (an Engr Vehicle = 5 Engr points) spends 1 Supply point per day/night phase to repair or build base facilities. Only Engrs in a Combat-mode LCU can repair or build. Engrs will always attempt to repair base facilities (in order of Runway, then Airfield facilities, then Port facilities) before they will attend to new construction of Forts or Air/Port expansion. Damage-repair takes priority over new construction. If a base's defenses aren't strong enough to prevent add'l damage, & it doesn't have enough supplied Engrs to make the needed repairs each day, that's a sure sign that the base is circling the drain. If a base is under attack, it should try to build Forts. Spending effort & supply to build Port & Airbase capacity at a threatened base is unwise - if the base falls to the enemy, you've made a gift. Great advice jmalter - the relationship between supply and repair is important to know and manage. A couple of things to add: 1. There is an exception to the requirement for engineers to do repairs - airfield runways can be repaired by ANY troops, albeit slower than engineers can do it. I have had HQ troops slowly repair runways that were damaged by partisans or my own bombardments before I took the base. Just put them in Combat mode and they will grab a shovel. 2. I thought I read that in the last update of the game that supply is NOT used up by doing repairs, but the base must have supply to be able to repair. New construction still does use supply. If my recollection is wrong someone please jump in. Leandros, since you are playing of game disks they could have been sitting on the shelf for years or they could have been burned with the latest game version before they were sent to you. You can find the version they gave you in the "Preferences" window - second button from the left at the top of the screen. Since this affects some of the advice offered, please report it here.
No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth