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Scenario-editor, How to Use

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Scenario-editor, How to Use - 5/30/2015 8:00:18 PM   
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Gil R.

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We had hoped to release all modding documentation with yesterday's 1.05 patch, but there's been a delay as WCS instead works on improvements to the game itself. But anyone who wants to start using the scenario-editor can do so now, and rather than forcing everyone to wait another week or two for the official release of the full modding guide we figured we would post this section of the guide here in the forum so that people can get started. So, here is everything you need to know about placing and moving units in a scenario. Please let us know if something is unclear.)

The scenario-editor permits one both to place or relocate units on a map and to change their facing, formation or mode – thus it used both for creating wholly new scenarios and modifying those that already exist. It also provides some ability to check on A.I. scripting. The interface is similar to the one used for playing the game itself, and quite user-friendly. All changes made through the scenario-editor modify the Positions.txt file, and that file only. (As a simple text file it can be changed directly, but the scenario-editor is far easier to use.)

To access the scenario-editor for a new or previously existing scenario you must change the first line of that scenario’s Scenario.txt file from “notEditMode” to “EditMode” – that simple change makes it possible to edit the scenario but impossible to play it until you change it back. You should then load the game and the scenario itself, which will take you into a screen on which you can see the map and any units already placed there (along with arrows showing the direction that the A.I. is scripted to send them), but in which you can do nothing else. To begin to make changes hit the <U> key (for “units”); after you make the desired changes be sure to hit the <U> key again or else none of your changes will be preserved.

To select a unit you must right-click on it, to move it you must left-click on the destination hex, to change its facing you must right-click on an empty hex in the desired direction (as in the game itself), and to put it into line, column or skirmish you must click on the appropriate button (as in the game). To dismount/mount cavalry use the <K> key, not the button. Once you have finished with a unit you may select another with the mouse, but if you wish to move to the next unit in the OOB just hit the ‘+’ key (or ‘-’ to go backwards to the previous unit), which will keep you in the same place on the map regardless of where that unit is, or hit SHIFT-‘+’/‘-’ to move to that unit.

If the A.I. has been scripted then when a unit is selected an arrow will show the direction towards which it will head. These arrows can be toggled on and off with the <I> key.

If you are creating a wholly new scenario or creating new units for an existing scenario they will show up at coordinates 0,0, which is located in the blackness beyond the top edge of the map. To go there you can hit the <Z> key, and after selecting the unit you wish to place go to the map; after placing it, you can use the ‘+’ key, as noted above, to cycle to the next unit. (Note: When creating a new scenario or new units the code will automatically add them to the Positions.txt file, filling each new row with 0’s until the scenario-editor is used to add data concerning location, facing, etc.)

Note that while there is no stacking in “Brother against Brother” it is possible to stack units in the scenario-editor, which permits reinforcements to enter the map from the same hex at different times. To select a unit when two or more are occupying the same hex just right-click on that hex repeatedly until you have selected it.
Post #: 1
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 5/30/2015 8:31:36 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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been messing around with all battles for a while but couldn't say anything about it as was under a NDA at the time, will post a few little ones in time, but this is a quick one for 2 players to start the ball off, USA has some better start off points so it's easier for them, so let the modding begin

as normal, unpack and copy into scenario folder

it only took a few mins, so make your own start up, but my ones i like for me... as i test different things, starts, units and places, but not battles to fight...

had done them all tbh, with 3 of 4 different versions, but as they are small changers and WIP tbh.

i've tested battles with FOG, storms, rain, and snow, all the weather types to see what the difference does and all in the editor for you to add.

i've not altered units, or weather or time in this one, or even the intro txt, all is simple to do with a txt change for some when needed, but atm time for me is a issue, so have just started the ball rolling and hope others take up the challenge now.

so look and alter, then play, test and share

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 5/31/2015 9:11:58 AM >

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Post #: 2
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 5/31/2015 4:19:11 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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6 way mod different start off positions, for 2 player only, while the idea is simple, and to do it took all of a few mins at max, it plays somewhat different than the standard one, in many ways, it quicker pace, it's slightly unbalanced now for the US side with a unfair advantage for them but can be still won be either if played well, 8 plays with 4 wins for US, 2 draws and 2 wins for CSA so far...

by showing each side the maps and start up positions doesn't matter, as knowing is one thing, countering it is another thing altogether, while CSA has to rush forces to either defend in many places or slow the onslaught down while it manoeuvres in to better positions while it brings up reinforcements, is a balancing act and has to be done quicker in this one as time is key, as the US is not only knocking on your door, it has a key

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 5/31/2015 5:44:45 AM >

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Post #: 3
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 5/31/2015 4:21:17 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Ball's Ford

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 5/31/2015 5:21:25 AM >

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Post #: 4
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 5/31/2015 4:23:37 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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The Stone Bridge

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 5/31/2015 5:23:45 AM >

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Post #: 5
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 5/31/2015 4:26:35 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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And finally Buck Hill

with the premiss that you marched over night and got into position earlier and had a better set up all-round, so the CSA defender will be on the defences right from the start but if played well will be in good ground or has the chance to hold it, or fall back to better defence able ground and hold.

makes for a quicker game and more of a challenge for the CSA side, but is altered in another one i've done which replaces all the CSA unit's in better ground to start off with, but then makes the CSA side very static and defensive to play, but as the US attacker it gives you a very hard time to break down the defenders while you try and take the VL on offer...

these are quick test plays and don't follow history or even try to, they use roads and supply lines and some quick routes to choke points that the CSA have made, so end's up being a slugfest and quick engagement for both sides as it's a head on clash with all forces at almost max strength, so can be over before dinner in played hard, as morale in these sort of hard fights are the key, enjoy and see what you think, then make your own to try

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 5/31/2015 5:34:23 AM >

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Post #: 6
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 5/31/2015 5:39:10 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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and now the CSA altered positions added as well, while i've moved most to better ground and nearer to the front, i've also on purpose kept all the units / brigades not be together so as to portray a rush to the front to counter a sudden attack by the US side, so less ground has now to be covered by the CSA defenders, because of there lack of full cohesion with mixed brigades you either need to move them of fight with them being out of command, so adds to another level of command issues for them.

stance is altered, for USA it's advance in column while CSA it's line for hold by brigade...

for me it all adds up to more intrigue and mess in war, but others may see it as being idle, then for those i say, make your own and play it how you like, using the + and - keys lets you select what units in a brigade you wish to move and where, and if you have the colours on you can if you wish place them all together, i have chosen not to, and also altered commanders as well to not be with some troops, as if they was away from there units at the start of battle and need to get back to command.

it's war

modding is not about just putting units into places where they can't really loose from either, it's about some form of balance and your aims on what your trying to achieve, quick victory by making the other side loose by either loses or morale.

or by making a mod that alters a battle with a different type of what if type encounter, then it also needs a story of why you think it plays out the way it does.

what ever you do, just do it for fun, as the game is really fun to play and can be very hard also if you wish it to be, so alter the detail and levels to suit yourself and your gaming style

lol had left both files in edit mode so deleted them bot hand uploaded the right ones

have 14 done for now, but only 2 new ones from scratch, both not fully tested as yet

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 5/31/2015 9:13:58 AM >

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Post #: 7
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 5/31/2015 2:33:53 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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this is a new area map mod and not the same one as above either ^^ just if your wondering

basic map alteration mod and files to be added.

blue stars are for the USA side to hold, one for there HQ position and the other for a supply and reinforcement road entry position.

gray stars are for the CSA side, and again is one for the HQ which is there main on map base HQ so staffed and other supply and equipment base etc, while the other 2 are supply and reinforcement roads / supply depots off map.

yellow stars are VL or victory locations needed by both or either side to claim the overall victory.

one at the ford, mainly needed to cut supply for the CSA side, which the CSA needs to keep open, so a main point of interest for both, the next is the bottom of the map VL which is the same for the USA side.

the middle VL star is near the CSA side and has been placed to show how deep the USA will need to go if needed to get it, as they start off as the defender in this battle, with the CSA being the attacker, but it can go both ways as it's a even battle with a lot of units involved on the map, in fact the same amount as Bull run.

the USA starts off the battle manning the defences all along the ridges looking out at the approaching CSA.

the CSA has no options of flank moves and must assault the defenders where they are and try and push them off the battlefield while keeping there supply lines / road clear.

infantry and artillery only in this one, all cavalry units have been removed or sidelined for rear area operations as it's a assault on fixed positions and no work for horse or there riders so most have been dismounted and fight as infantry or left behind at the rear.

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 5/31/2015 6:03:28 PM >

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Post #: 8
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 5/31/2015 2:35:45 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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brown lines are the breastwork defences used to make the heights more defendable

and are just local tree's cut down and placed round the hills to make breaching the brow of the hill a little more hard going for infantry, of course this is only a map and a idea, the real map won't have the colours but will have the design and units on it in the correct place.

atm it's a 2 player only affair as i haven't got all the AI working for single player as yet, but given time, if i'm not doing other stuff will be fine, plays now ok for 2 player, but not really read for the masses, just showing what can be done in again a few mins of a bored afternoon...

troops can be taken from any OOB and dropped in then placed where you need them, this way you don't have to re invent the wheel and make up your own, saves time

which Gil has already spent for us anyway

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 5/31/2015 3:55:00 PM >

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Post #: 9
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 5/31/2015 4:38:17 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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here's all the troops in position and ready to have the stance altered to the correct ones for both side, then need to add the VL, and do the AI if needed for single player. (edit 4 now has VL added)

so as you can see, or can when you load it up, using more of the map, so for me large maps give the choice of fighting in different area's and options.

while basic in design atm, options can be added to alter the battle and map to suit, eg VL, weather and units involved, placements and area to fight on, do a readme and a txt intro, then a little map with you plan and options

map mod version 4 added, still WIP below, just for a idea of how it works, while it will test, it won't play atm as no VL or AI either so 2 player only and still WIP so rough, will i ever finish any of them, well depends on how many beta's i'm on next week, so if not busy yes, if busy then maybe not as it's just for fun tbh and it's so easy you all could do a better job that i can anyway...

edited: txt has been added

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 5/31/2015 8:27:06 PM >

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Post #: 10
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 5/31/2015 5:00:20 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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and here's how it loads and looks

with map image now in place and VL shown, please remember this is work in progress, as it's a new one for me, and haven't finished the other 14 or so as yet, still doing AI and testing them etc

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 5/31/2015 6:02:20 PM >

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Post #: 11
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 5/31/2015 6:13:41 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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map mod version 4 added in post 10 and while still work in progress, it is fine for 2 player testing, no AI so no good for single player full testing atm.

Victory hexes loaded so all victory locations are from map above so are now 100% correct, almost as i've moved the CSA HQ a bit as it didn't test right so far back, will alter mini map later as well to show new place...

enjoy and start your own mods, it's easy and quick and can be fun testing new area's of the map, good open places lead to mass fights on a large scale if you want to play that way.

have fun and hope you like Brother Against Brother

total time to mod this battle from scratch is under 30 mins and complete for 2 player testing, no AI as yet so not for Single player as yet, that will follow once some more testing and tweaking is done

please feel free to comment and alter it in any way you like, or ask any question you like, either way it's been fun again...

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 5/31/2015 8:32:42 PM >

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Post #: 12
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 5/31/2015 7:53:58 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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intro was going to be this, but it's too long and tbh you would have to agree not to flank around the top of the map and attack from there before hand


blue stars are for the USA side to hold, one for their HQ position and the other for a supply and reinforcement road entry position.

gray stars are for the CSA side, and again is one for the HQ which is there main on map base HQ so staffed and other supply and equipment base etc, while the other 2 are supply and reinforcement roads / supply depots off map.

yellow stars are VL or victory locations needed by both or either side to claim the overall victory. so 3 in total of these

one at the ford, mainly needed to cut supply for the CSA side, which the CSA needs to keep open, so a main point of interest for both, the next is the bottom of the map VL which is the same for the USA side eg road / supply.

the middle VL star is near the CSA side and has been placed to show how deep the USA will need to go if needed to get it, as they start off as the defender in this battle, with the CSA being the attacker, but it can go both ways as it's a even battle with a lot of units involved on the map, in fact the same amount as Bull run in fact.

the USA starts off the battle manning the defences all along the ridges looking out at the approaching CSA, while the CSA units are approaching them, with a aim to dislodge them and free there supply lines and push on to Buck hill and beyond, so a pre attack plan before Bull run in theory as the same troops from that area but different ground used to fight over.

the CSA has no options of flank moves and must assault the defenders where they are and try and push them off the battlefield while keeping there supply lines / road clear.

and new front mini map to upload

and unit that passes over the red line is for all purposes left the battle for good so just move to either map edge of away to not be kept in any contact or combat... with a map full size, you need to agree map shown is your battle area for now as i have no idea atm how to limit this, but as soon as i do, will edit it again... but can be tested for now as i've been playing it anyway...

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 5/31/2015 9:16:40 PM >

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Post #: 13
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 5/31/2015 9:13:47 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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next stage is the AI

then it will be playable as a single player game from both sides

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 5/31/2015 10:14:29 PM >

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Post #: 14
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 6/2/2015 10:04:18 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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2nd mod done, fixed
no new intro and mini map as yet, as still on beta stuff, but playable all the same from either side, again it's 2 player only, no AI for single player

< Message edited by zakblood -- 6/2/2015 6:13:24 PM >

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Post #: 15
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 6/2/2015 10:06:01 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 6/2/2015 6:13:31 PM >

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Post #: 16
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 6/2/2015 10:08:43 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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new unit layout and start points, new VL for both sides, CSA defender, US attacker

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 6/2/2015 11:10:26 AM >

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Post #: 17
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 6/2/2015 10:13:40 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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US has 4 start off points, all from the sea, so have been ship landed, with supply coming from the same points / ships,

CSA has 5 points to defend, with another one (VL) for both sides to take and hold.

CSA has 2 supply routes, one fort and town to hold.

will write some txt for it later, already done just not in putted it as yes but works fine so for another beta test that can be played if you want now...

either way enjoy.

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Post #: 18
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 6/2/2015 4:39:20 PM   
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Thanks! That looks fantastic. I'll look and see if I can figure out what the error is.


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Post #: 19
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 6/2/2015 4:49:23 PM   
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Ah, this was a mistake we had introduced temporarily in one of the commander files. Try replacing this file:

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Post #: 20
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 6/2/2015 5:09:34 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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that sorted it ty

2nd mod done fixed file upload here

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 6/2/2015 6:14:03 PM >

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Post #: 21
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 6/2/2015 6:27:47 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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next mod to be converted is Wilson creek 2 player, and for now it's a what if type battle, with unit not from the area involved so is a new version with different start off places, supply line lines and roads used, so in a different part of the map etc.

with the story going like, a meeting engagement of 2 reinforcement armies on there way to reinforce the units which fought the Battle of Oak Hills.

or something like that, a battle for land, or just because the other side was there...

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 6/2/2015 7:37:43 PM >

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Post #: 22
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 6/3/2015 5:12:47 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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and here's the new 2 player mod of Wilson creek, while it doesn't follow history, it plays out well as a large mass engagement in a new location, but yes troops are a year later used, but don't want to reinvent the wheel

no new mini map pic as yet, will get round to adding one, just busy atm with other stuff but as it works fine without, no need to hold it back, so 2 players enjoy.

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 6/3/2015 9:34:52 AM >

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Post #: 23
RE: Scenario-editor, How to Use - 6/3/2015 6:35:06 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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anybody tried any of these yet?

what do you think?

do you want any more doing or not?

i've started a epic scale mod, will be longer and harder than others i've done, but have troops from all the 4 main battle sites in it, under one mod on one map, so unit overload, and a battle on a grand scale for those who may be interested, or if not, just another one for me to play on...

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Post #: 24
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