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OT Pet Peeves

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OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 1:55:42 AM   

Posts: 14863
Joined: 12/23/2010
From: St. Louis
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Ok, this is a no politics zone. I'm going to let rip on one of mine, but hold back on the rest, (for now). I've got a lot of issues with commercials these days. I know you UKers and others around the globe may not get this, cause you're not exposed to these. Please try to bear with me.

There are these pharmaceutical commercials running now (in the US) saying 'if you're talking to your doctor about a biologic, this is H*mira. This is H*mira making me feel better... blah blah blah'. Biologic is not a noun. If it were a noun, I'd be a biologic, a human would be a biologic, a cockroach and a tree would be biologics. Let's just say this: if your doctor is talking to you about a biologic, you need to get a new doctorl

This reminds me of a shampoo commercial a few years back that claimed that the shampoo had "active naturals" in it. What in the heck would an "active natural" be? Natural is not a noun either. Do these ad people think we're all imbeciles? Or just the gorns? Prior to that idiocy, another shampoo maker was claiming their shampoo contained "botanicals". Botanical isn't a noun either. Oh dear.

I'm going to hold off beginning my next rant (on car commercials) until others have the chance to comment on my rant or start their own. No politics or religion please.

< Message edited by geofflambert -- 6/13/2015 2:56:54 AM >
Post #: 1
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 2:04:48 AM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
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That's what the mute button on the remote is for. I mute all comercials!!!


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

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Post #: 2
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 2:16:12 AM   

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From: St. Louis
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ORIGINAL: rustysi

That's what the mute button on the remote is for. I mute all comercials!!!

I'm afraid that's just too sophisticated for a gorn like me. Is there nothing proactive we can do?

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 3
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 2:17:11 AM   


Posts: 10398
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From: Near Portland, OR
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This would probably be better on the General Discussion thread, but then not all of this crowd visits that forum.



WitP AE - Test team lead, programmer

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Post #: 4
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 2:20:12 AM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
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ORIGINAL: wdolson

This would probably be better on the General Discussion thread, but then not all of this crowd visits that forum.


I was there once.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to wdolson)
Post #: 5
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 2:21:00 AM   

Posts: 7472
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From: LI, NY
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ORIGINAL: geofflambert


ORIGINAL: rustysi

That's what the mute button on the remote is for. I mute all comercials!!!

I'm afraid that's just too sophisticated for a gorn like me. Is there nothing proactive we can do?

Not that I can think of offhand.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to geofflambert)
Post #: 6
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 2:22:49 AM   


Posts: 586
Joined: 3/27/2012
From: Over the hills and far away
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I don't know... but why is a Gorn watching shampoo commercial?
It seem a little deviant to say the least. Do you know Alex Jones?


"Patriotism: Your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it." - George Bernard Shaw

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 7
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 2:25:03 AM   


Posts: 10398
Joined: 6/28/2006
From: Near Portland, OR
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ORIGINAL: rustysi

That's what the mute button on the remote is for. I mute all comercials!!!


ORIGINAL: geofflambert
I'm afraid that's just too sophisticated for a gorn like me. Is there nothing proactive we can do?

How did Gorns manage space flight when they couldn't figure out a remote control?

Never watch anything in real time and fast forward through the commercials. More time efficient too.


WitP AE - Test team lead, programmer

(in reply to geofflambert)
Post #: 8
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 2:34:06 AM   

Posts: 14863
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From: St. Louis
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I don't know, you'd have to ask our supreme commander "Lambchop". or maybe "Charlie Horse". Kukla Fran and Ollie will attest to the details.

(in reply to wdolson)
Post #: 9
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 2:47:58 AM   

Posts: 14863
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From: St. Louis
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ORIGINAL: danlongman

I don't know... but why is a Gorn watching shampoo commercial?
It seem a little deviant to say the least. Do you know Alex Jones?

Because we're watching you very carefully. I know my scales frizz out a bit but (bleep bleep bleep bleep) and we need to keep up appearances, but jeez.

(in reply to danlongman)
Post #: 10
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 3:10:28 AM   

Posts: 7472
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From: LI, NY
Status: offline

Never watch anything in real time and fast forward through the commercials. More time efficient too.

Then when will I get my turns in.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to geofflambert)
Post #: 11
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 11:02:54 AM   

Posts: 1277
Joined: 4/12/2012
From: Bedlington, Northumberland, UK
Status: offline
The simple fact is that people are stupid and fall for this pseudo science nonsense, which is why advertisers charge for them, firms pay for them and we as consumers actually pay for our own stupidity.



An unplanned dynasty: Roger Neilson, Roger Neilson 11, Roger Neilson 3 previous posts 898+1515 + 1126 = 3539.....Finally completed my game which started the day WITP:AE was released

(in reply to geofflambert)
Post #: 12
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 11:08:51 AM   


Posts: 103
Joined: 11/28/2009
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Looking for good stuff and seeing the History Channel has crap like "Ancient Aliens" or "Nazi and UFOs". Four letter words at a high volume. Where is the "World at war" MARATHON?

My wife doesn't quite get me...

(in reply to RogerJNeilson)
Post #: 13
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 11:21:07 AM   


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< Message edited by chemkid -- 4/25/2018 8:23:45 AM >

(in reply to geofflambert)
Post #: 14
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 12:20:55 PM   

Posts: 532
Joined: 11/22/2012
From: Upstate New York USA
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ORIGINAL: Roger Neilson 3

The simple fact is that people are stupid and fall for this pseudo science nonsense, which is why advertisers charge for them, firms pay for them and we as consumers actually pay for our own stupidity.


A friend of mine at work once pointed out (not totally untrue)that the average person in this world is just barely smart enough to get by. We know about our own tiny piece of the universe and are completely reliant on others to guide us through the rest. Scott Adams (Dilbert) took this a step further with the idea that you don't even have to be smart about something; you just need to know 1% more than the other guy, and then the other guy can't tell the difference. It's how most of the economy functions.

Car salesmen suck thousands of dollars out of your pockets for that sunroof to counteract the air conditioning, but can't balance their own checkbook. Gorns buy shampoo. Doctors invest their money in technology stocks, and programmers invest in pharmaceutical stocks.

Ah, thanks Gorn, for the nice Saturday morning rant!


"It's all according to how your boogaloo situation stands, you understand."

Formerly known as Colonel Mustard, before I got Slitherine Syndrome.

(in reply to RogerJNeilson)
Post #: 15
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 2:21:50 PM   

Posts: 8622
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
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Looking for good stuff and seeing the History Channel has crap like "Ancient Aliens" or "Nazi and UFOs". Four letter words at a high volume. Where is the "World at war" MARATHON?

My wife doesn't quite get me...

Most of you do not remember the "good ol' days" when a TV series had 24+ episodes per season to keep the viewers interest, whereas today, many only have **TEN** and obligate the airways and cable to countless re-runs..

I am positive if the FCC stopped all "long term cable contracts", and we could watch channels by the month...those re-runs would go by the wayside overnight.
I do write the advertisers about this, and make it clear I "vote with my dollars"......


(in reply to KMCCARTHY)
Post #: 16
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 2:32:48 PM   

Posts: 5244
Joined: 1/20/2011
From: Maryland
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I miss the horses playing football....

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 17
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 3:26:09 PM   


Posts: 394
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Geoff, it isn't so very uncommon in English for adjectives to become nouns for collectives. Biologic is an accepted industry usage as a noun for a category of drugs. It is sort of like 'Republican', originally an adjective which has changed to be used as a noun.

(in reply to zuluhour)
Post #: 18
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 5:39:12 PM   

Posts: 1727
Joined: 2/25/2003
From: The Nutmeg State
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ORIGINAL: wdolson

This would probably be better on the General Discussion thread, but then not all of this crowd visits that forum.


Send this to a real chat room, the general forum already gets too much non-war game stuff.



(in reply to wdolson)
Post #: 19
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 6:10:25 PM   

Posts: 41353
Joined: 2/2/2008
From: England
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ORIGINAL: flipperwasirish


ORIGINAL: wdolson

This would probably be better on the General Discussion thread, but then not all of this crowd visits that forum.


Send this to a real chat room, the general forum already gets too much non-war game stuff.


Maybe that's why its called the General Discussion Forum and not a War Game Discussion Forum.


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to wworld7)
Post #: 20
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 6:24:20 PM   

Posts: 14863
Joined: 12/23/2010
From: St. Louis
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ORIGINAL: danlongman

I don't know... but why is a Gorn watching shampoo commercial?
It seem a little deviant to say the least. Do you know Alex Jones?

I was looking for a mother's day gift

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(in reply to danlongman)
Post #: 21
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 6:36:49 PM   

Posts: 14863
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From: St. Louis
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ORIGINAL: zuluhour

I miss the horses playing football....

Is that monkey smoking a Benson & Hedges?

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(in reply to zuluhour)
Post #: 22
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 6:38:38 PM   

Posts: 14863
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ORIGINAL: darbymcd

Geoff, it isn't so very uncommon in English for adjectives to become nouns for collectives. Biologic is an accepted industry usage as a noun for a category of drugs. It is sort of like 'Republican', originally an adjective which has changed to be used as a noun.

Jargon. If it's not in the OED it doesn't exist. We can't let Madmen run the language.

Republic is Latin. I'm not sure how that works.

< Message edited by geofflambert -- 6/13/2015 7:44:51 PM >

(in reply to darbycmcd)
Post #: 23
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 6:52:28 PM   

Posts: 14863
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From: St. Louis
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This source seems to disagree, unless the Romans did it.

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Post #: 24
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 6:55:57 PM   

Posts: 14863
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From: St. Louis
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ORIGINAL: rustysi


ORIGINAL: wdolson

This would probably be better on the General Discussion thread, but then not all of this crowd visits that forum.


I was there once.

I know, I had to go there for (warspite's?) babes thread.

< Message edited by geofflambert -- 6/13/2015 7:56:19 PM >

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 25
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 7:04:04 PM   

Posts: 14863
Joined: 12/23/2010
From: St. Louis
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For my next rant I'm going to discuss automobile commercials. Maybe tomorrow.

(in reply to geofflambert)
Post #: 26
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 7:43:30 PM   

Posts: 41353
Joined: 2/2/2008
From: England
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: geofflambert


ORIGINAL: rustysi


ORIGINAL: wdolson

This would probably be better on the General Discussion thread, but then not all of this crowd visits that forum.


I was there once.

I know, I had to go there for (warspite's?) babes thread.


You mean Australian Beauties�


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to geofflambert)
Post #: 27
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 8:52:51 PM   

Posts: 11302
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ORIGINAL: geofflambert


ORIGINAL: darbymcd

Geoff, it isn't so very uncommon in English for adjectives to become nouns for collectives. Biologic is an accepted industry usage as a noun for a category of drugs. It is sort of like 'Republican', originally an adjective which has changed to be used as a noun.

Jargon. If it's not in the OED it doesn't exist. We can't let Madmen run the language.

Republic is Latin. I'm not sure how that works.

Biologic IS a term used in the pharma industry and by doctors every day. It is seeping into general use as the distinctions in these types of drugs become more widely known and prices decline. The OED is fine, but it lags reality a great deal.

Republic is not Latin. Res publica is Latin. A phrase itself from a semi-mangled Greek word.


The Moose

(in reply to geofflambert)
Post #: 28
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 10:28:47 PM   

Posts: 14863
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From: St. Louis
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What would we do without know-it-alls? It's still jargon but totally tubular dude. Here's another. The greenies (though I approve of their purpose) could have coined a word to use to represent what they were talking about instead of hijacking "organic" to mean something it totally doesn't mean. Methane is effing organic. Do they only approve of methane from certain cows who only eat rutabaga leaves? Here's another, though it's only about pronunciation, our military pronounces the word cache as cashay. Sounds like pig latin. Cachet is pronounced cashay. Cache is pronounced cash which rhymes with stash, which is the same thing.

(in reply to Bullwinkle58)
Post #: 29
RE: OT Pet Peeves - 6/13/2015 10:28:53 PM   

Posts: 11302
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I don't know if this little page is very complete, but it helped me as a life science layman begin to understand what a biologic is.


The Moose

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Post #: 30
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