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- 4/21/2001 3:51:00 PM   


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From: Elk Grove, CA (near Sacramento)
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Um, what is a binary editor?


Don "Sapper" Llewellyn

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 31
- 4/21/2001 4:20:00 PM   


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Very Good programmer please tell us which is that binary editor.. Your crazyness is only a superior skill :) And you know that foolishness is always contagious Is that program : the WAWEDitor/TOOLS/DUMB FILE section that you used to do that ? I suppose it goes deep into the binary structure of the saved game file..but now I am still too a novice to understand it at all..maybe later..I am trying to study Chlanda magic power... Maybe working directly with bytes will let me finally set NONE weapons like I need..


Italian Soldier,German Discipline!

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 32
- 4/21/2001 5:24:00 PM   
Don Doom

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I quess I do my mays the old fashion way, by using Fred's wawmap editor. You can make any size map you can think of. I am hopeing someone could tell me how to post maps to forum, oe how they add those banners to their signature. Keep up the good Classes Mr Wild Bill. Have been reading the lessions faithfully. But do to a prior commitment to Matrix I do not have the time to do the lessions. I have used psrts of the lessions in what I am doing. Keep up the Good Work.


Vet of the Russian General Winter
For death is only the begining

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 33
- 4/21/2001 10:57:00 PM   


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Don: A binary editor is something that allows you to edit any kind of file. Normally, you'd use a program designed specifically to handle certain types of files. For example, to work with Microsoft .DOC files, you'd typically use either Word or Wordpad. Similarly, to work with SP:WAW .DAT files, you use something like SP:WAW, WAWMap or SpWaWEd. These programs work by taking the raw data in the files, interpretting it and presenting it in such a way that the user can manipulate it without having to know how it's stored. These programs can only handle their own files - Wordpad can't display SP:WAW maps, and WAWMap can't edit Word documents. A binary editor is different, because it allows you to edit any file. It doesn't try to decode the contents of the file, it simply displays it as it's stored - a great big list of numbers. If you know how the numbers are arranged and what they mean, you can change them. And this is why it can be dangerous to use these things: even if you don't know what anything means, you can still change it. If you change the wrong number you can damage the data, making it unusable. For exmaple, you could change the width of a map to 170 - SP:WAW wouldn't expect this (the maximum width is 100), and might say that the file is corrupt, or might even try to use it and thus cause a blue screen. Hopefully I've shown that if you know what you're doing, this can be quick and easy, but if you don't, you really shouldn't try it. ruxius: The editor I use is called "XVI32". This isn't a SP:WAW tool - it's a general purpose utility. There are many different binary editors, I just happen to like this one. You can get it from here. But if you do try this, backup first. And read the help to find out how to search for things and change them. And backup first. :eek: Don Doom: Yeah, I tried WAWMap but couldn't figure it out easily, so I resorted to the method I knew would work - using hard-earned knowledge from the development of Map Thing :) To add pictures to your messages, you'll need to put them on a web server, and add something like the following to your posts: [ img][/img ] Note that the [ img] and [/img ] don't actually contain spaces (they were needed to stop the forum from trying to display the picture). Note also that if you use a free web hosting service (like Geocities) they may not let you do this.


ectizen's SP:WaW Tools - Map Thing (1.0a), Scenario W

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 34
- 4/21/2001 11:32:00 PM   

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I guess I will go down to Triple AAA and get my map editor... They have a sale on new Binary Models for those that are technically challenged.... :rolleyes:


(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 35
- 4/22/2001 12:24:00 AM   

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Hey, Don says, changing map size in Freds WaWMap Ed is easiest! Open inspection window, type map size in "size" field, press "retain" button...done. To see the changes, save the map and reload it..... BTW: Don´t confuse with the offset! A 40x60 map (or whatever) is shown as simply starts with 0, not with 1! :eek: :) _________ Harry


RockinHarry in the web:

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 36
- 4/22/2001 2:46:00 AM   


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Ahh... so that was my problem! I didn't realise you had to save and reload to see the changes. That does seem pretty easy!


ectizen's SP:WaW Tools - Map Thing (1.0a), Scenario W

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 37
- 4/22/2001 4:03:00 AM   


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Thanks Ectizen , this thread is one of the most advanced..I will look at that binary editor..the problem will be only that you should recognize from number showed their possible meaning and what's more you have also to pay attention to some range limits..I understand a triple backup is necessary ..have you got any scheme about SPWAW files ? and because I see you very prepared I would ask one thing more..where can I found a screen capture which works with SPWAW ? I have looked for some one in page but that one I downloaded is active only when the application bar is visible..


Italian Soldier,German Discipline!

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 38
- 4/22/2001 4:28:00 AM   


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I've recently started compiling some documention on the file format, based on my discoveries, and some other info. I'll make it available when it contains enough to be useful. At the moment, the only useful info in it has been covered in the above messages. A utility for screen capturing? I'm afraid I wouldn't have a clue. Mine was done with a digital camera :)


ectizen's SP:WaW Tools - Map Thing (1.0a), Scenario W

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 39
- 4/22/2001 5:36:00 AM   


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Ruxius, Go to and look in the downloads section for version 3. They offer free licenses - it will work without the license but you get a big hypersnap logo in every capture. This program is easy to use, and also works on DVD capture.


Don "Sapper" Llewellyn

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 40
- 4/22/2001 9:23:00 AM   

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Yeah,...Hypersnap is just fine. ..would look like this: ________ Harry


RockinHarry in the web:

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 41
- 4/22/2001 1:27:00 PM   
Wild Bill


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Sorry BChapman. Just saw your request. They are on the way. Yes, we'll post this package where folks can download it. You can of course, make your own very easily with Fred Chlanda's map editor (which comes with the game now). Start the program. Click on load SPWAW map Double click your choice clear_Map_1.dat (or something like that) Next, Under "file" click on Set Shp directory. Click on it, then find the Shp directory under your SPWAW directory. Double click on it and then open. Now click on that scroll bar to the right. Your blue screen suddenly becomes green. Next, click on Options - Inspection Mode Look down at the bottom of that list. See where it shows map size? The first number is horizontal, second is vertical. If you want a 60x60 map, type it in. Then click retain. Then click save as and save it. Now if you save it in your Maps directory of SPWAW there will not be a cmt file to identify it, so notice where you put it when you save it...say pzmap200.dat. Now I know it is in the 20th slot for SPWAW. I start the game, go to editor, click on load map, click on that slot and there is my 60x60 map. And that is the extent of my knowledge of the Map editor program :rolleyes: Wild Bill


In Arduis Fidelis
Wild Bill Wilder
Independent Game Consultant

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Post #: 42
- 4/22/2001 1:52:00 PM   

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Originally posted by Banjo: Hello all, A few months ago, I downloaded a freeware program from another wargame site that's called HEXGRID.
I had downloaded that at one time also, Don't remember where I got it either but I think I still have it on zip. Right now I am using a utility called "Cyberboard" for my operational maps. Works pretty well. If anyone wants to look at it I could try posting it to my website for download. Might take a little time though as I am still kinda new to some web programming.


(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 43
- 4/24/2001 6:08:00 AM   
Wild Bill


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On the way, part 3 of Mapmaking...WB


In Arduis Fidelis
Wild Bill Wilder
Independent Game Consultant

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 44
- 4/24/2001 6:52:00 AM   


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Mister Don Here is the practical proof of your good advicing ...special thanks to you by me : Screen Capturing YEEEEEEAH !!


Italian Soldier,German Discipline!

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 45
- 4/24/2001 6:56:00 AM   


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:D :D :D :D :D :D :D Sorry for my first time Megalomania.. I was very happy and now I am showing that !


Italian Soldier,German Discipline!

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 46
- 4/24/2001 11:05:00 AM   


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We've created a monster! AHHH! :D Good job!


Don "Sapper" Llewellyn

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 47
- 4/24/2001 6:13:00 PM   


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Originally posted by Don: We've created a monster! AHHH! :D Good job!
Uargh Uargh Uargh !!! I will try to moderate myself...anyway Uargh ! Uaaaaargh ! Uar ! This forum makes me always laugh and be happy..


Italian Soldier,German Discipline!

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 48
- 5/25/2001 7:04:00 PM   
Wild Bill


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In Arduis Fidelis
Wild Bill Wilder
Independent Game Consultant

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 49
- 6/27/2001 5:29:00 PM   
Don Doom

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Vet of the Russian General Winter
For death is only the begining

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 50
- 6/27/2001 10:37:00 PM   
Wild Bill


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In Arduis Fidelis
Wild Bill Wilder
Independent Game Consultant

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 51
- 12/6/2001 4:06:00 AM   
Don Doom

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Vet of the Russian General Winter
For death is only the begining

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Post #: 52
- 12/6/2001 4:21:00 AM   


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¡Bravo Maestro!


Desperta ferro!
Miquel Guasch Aparicio

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Post #: 53
- 12/6/2001 4:22:00 AM   


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Definitly move all Wild Bill's Scenario Design threads to the Hall of Fame.


Jason E. Otto
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