Posts: 303
Joined: 12/19/2014 From: Germany Status: offline
"Game Play Info: Leader check example: Let's say a German combat unit is attached to a Corps HQ unit with a leader initiative rating of 6 and the corps HQ unit has 11 command points (CP) worth of units attached to it and as a Corps HQ unit it has a command capacity of 8 CP. So the first test for the unit making an initiative rating check is to see if random (10+ (11-8))<6. If random (13)<6 the leader rating check for the combat unit passes. If the leader fails the check, then the leader in the next HQ unit up the chain of command conducts an initiative rating check. Let's say that it is an Army HQ unit that is 10 hexes from the combat unit, has 22 command points worth of units attached and as an Army HQ unit it has a command capacity of 24 CP, and a leader with an initiative of 7. The check would be to see if random (20 + 0 {due to command capacity not being exceeded} + (11/2) {because army HQ units have a range modifier value of 2}) < 7. Or random(25) <7. (Values are rounded down). As you go up the chain of command, the base value of 10 doubles each time you go up a HQ level. If the Army HQ unit leader rating check failed, then the Army Group HQ unit leader would try and the base would be 40, although since it is a higher level HQ, the range effect divisor will be 3 instead of 2. If the Army Group check fails, then OKH makes a check. As you go up the chain, the chance to make the check goes down a lot due to the doubling. Also, note that if the unit reported to an Army instead of a corps, then the first check would still be made using a base of 10 and no range modification. If it failed, then the Army Group would check with a base of 20 (10 doubled). Clearly with each HQ up the chain, the chance of the HQ passing the test goes down. The advantage of having a unit attached at the lowest level is that the unit has more HQ units in the chain, only one of which must pass the check. 11.4." From the manual. I underline the important things. So if your corps as max 8 (not important if this means 2,4,6,7 or 8) you had random(10)<6 instead of random(13)<6. Random(10) means a random number 0-9 (x-1) so you had a chance 6/9 = 66,66% to get the check. With random(13) you had 6/12=50% to get the check. Please check the supply details from you units. Write it down and than atach more units to that corps and look at the changed numbers.
< Message edited by VigaBrand -- 8/30/2015 7:46:05 PM >