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RE: New Units for PC

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RE: New Units for PC - 12/11/2016 6:43:33 PM   


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Type 91 10 cm howitzer
H.Balck wrote: R35 next wished unit !!!

QF 3.7inch
H.Balck wrote: Note - I will produce also an exactly QF 3inch - than we have 3 heavy british AA.

< Message edited by Brazenman -- 12/11/2016 6:44:28 PM >

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Post #: 1051
RE: New Units for PC - 12/12/2016 10:01:07 AM   


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I have a bit of a problem implementing the Bridge engineers units.

First of, I can`t locate the renders for the German Bridge Engineers in the new style. I can only find the pontoon and transport. If someone has them please post them here.

Secondly, do we even have Bridge engineer units for Romania and Hungary? I can only find pontoons and transports again, but not the renders with the infantrymen.

For compatibility with the scenarios of the original PzC and PG we need to have the cards with the infantrymen too.

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Post #: 1052
RE: New Units for PC - 12/12/2016 10:32:23 AM   


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Post #: 1053
RE: New Units for PC - 12/12/2016 10:40:36 AM   


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There are a few units (mainly transports and subvariants) for which I`m struggling to find enough data to get them into game. It`s also possible that with such large numbers of reworked and re-reworked units posted I may miss a few of the latest version graphics. These aside, I am hoping that by the middle of next week I will have the mod updated with all the new unit graphics and it will be ready for release as soon as you post those 30 units you`ve promised. Any existing units that might have slipped through can always be added later with a patch.

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Post #: 1054
RE: New Units for PC - 12/12/2016 11:16:46 AM   


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< Message edited by R35 -- 12/20/2016 10:32:12 PM >

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Post #: 1055
RE: New Units for PC - 12/12/2016 8:31:23 PM   


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US Ship Packet 1-2

USN BB New-York

USN BB North Carolina

USN CL Atlanta

USN CV Yorktown

USN CVE Casablanca

USN DD Buckley

USN Landing ship

USN Landing ship Tank

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Post #: 1056
RE: New Units for PC - 12/13/2016 6:42:00 AM   


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Churchill Mk.I

H.Balck wrote:
R35 75mm 1897 French gun question:
I can`t find any mention of a 1933 upgrade for the 75mm 1897 French gun. Does anyone have any data on this?
Its only the modernized version !!! 1933 or 1938 I dont know it...

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Post #: 1057
RE: New Units for PC - 12/13/2016 9:57:47 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Brazenman
H.Balck wrote:
R35 75mm 1897 French gun question:
I can`t find any mention of a 1933 upgrade for the 75mm 1897 French gun. Does anyone have any data on this?
Its only the modernized version !!! 1933 or 1938 I dont know it...

I think I found it after all:

Some French guns were modernized between the wars, in part to adapt them for anti-tank fire, resulting in the Canon de 75 Mle 1897/33 which fired a high-explosive anti-tank shell.
The thing with implementing new units, even modernized versions, is that I actually need to know how they differ from the others in their class or else I can`t put any consideration into their unit stats. Transports are even more problematic to find. I lost half an hour until I found a site detailing the speed of the Latil TAR H2 and what it was used for in the French army.


I think you`ve made a slight mistake regarding the Canon de 105 L mle 1936 Schneider:
You`ve just put rubber tyres on the Canon de 105 mle 1913 Schneider, but actually, the 1936 gun also had a split trail like this:
It`s basically the same gun you gave Romania. If you make the correction I`ll be more than happy to include it.

< Message edited by R35 -- 12/13/2016 10:12:34 AM >

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Post #: 1058
RE: New Units for PC - 12/14/2016 7:22:03 AM   


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Churchill Mk.III

Soviet Churchill Mk.III

Churchill Mk.IV

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Post #: 1059
RE: New Units for PC - 12/14/2016 7:24:11 AM   


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H.Balck wrote:
I start with the soviet fleet !
I give you some informations for all ships in your nativ language.
No I have also all finnish ships - alltogether 12 different and over 30 soviet ships.

Эсминец «Гневный» (проект 7)
(28 единиц 1936-42 гг.: «Гневный», «Грозный», «Громкий», «Грозящий», «Гордый», «Гремящий», «Стерегущий», «Стремительный», «Сокрушительный», «Сметливый», «Резвый», «Расторопный», «Разящий», «Бодрый», «Рьяный», «Резкий», «Быстрый», «Бойкий», «Беспощадный», «Решительный», «Ревностный», «Разъяренный», «Рекордный», «Редкий», «Безупречный», «Бдительный», «Разумный»)
Водоизмещение: 1525/1670 тонн; Размерения: 112,5x10,2x3,1 м;
Силовая установка: 2 ПТУ, 4 котла, 48000 л.с.; Дальность хода: 2200 мор. миль (на 20 узлах);
Скорость хода: 37,3 узлов; Экипаж: 250 чел.;
Вооружение: 4х1 – 130-мм, 2 – 76-мм, 2 – 45-мм, 2 – 12,7-мм, 2х3 – 533-мм ТА, до 95 мин, ГБ.

Эскадренные миноносцы проекта 7, также известные как тип «Гневный», - тип эскадренных миноносцев так называемой «сталинской серии». Самые массовые советские эскадренные миноносцы 1920-х - 1930-х годов. Разработка эсминцев нового проекта, предназначавшихся для усиления ВМС РККА, велась с конца 1933 года коллективом Центрального конструкторского бюро спецсудостроения (ЦКБС-1) под руководством В. А. Никитина и П. О. Трахтенберга.
Всего было заложено 53 единицы. Из них 28 были достроены по первоначальному проекту. 18 были достроены по проекту 7У. 6 были разобраны на стапеле. Один («Решительный») затонул при буксировке в шторм после спуска на воду (кораблем командовал будущий главком ВМФ СССР С. Г. Горшков) и не был достроен.

(in reply to Brazenman)
Post #: 1060
RE: New Units for PC - 12/14/2016 3:33:53 PM   


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Are you planning to add ships for all the factions that had navies during ww2 (including Poland, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Greece and Romania) or just the big ones?

(in reply to Brazenman)
Post #: 1061
RE: New Units for PC - 12/15/2016 6:09:59 AM   


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Post #: 1062
RE: New Units for PC - 12/15/2016 6:16:32 AM   


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NBB P Kommuna

Линкор «Парижская Коммуна»
(до 31.03.1921 г. «Севастополь», с 31.05.1943 г. «Севастополь»)
Водоизмещение: 25500/30395 тонн; Размерения: 184,8x32,5x9,65 м;
Силовая установка: 4 винта, 4 ПТУ, 61000 л.с.; Дальность хода: 2160 мор. миль (на 14 узлах)
Скорость хода: 21,5 узлов; Броня: борт 125-225 мм, палуба 25-75 мм, башни 152-305 мм, рубка 70-250 мм, казематы средней артиллерии 37,5-125 мм; Экипаж: 1546 чел.;
Вооружение (на 1944 год): 12 - 305-мм, 16 - 120-мм, 6 - 76-мм, 16- 37-мм, 2х4 – 12,7-мм пулемета Виккерса, 12 - 12,7-мм пулемета ДШК.

3.06.1909 года заложен на Балтийском заводе в Санкт-Петербурге 17.11.1914 года «Севастополь» вступил в строй и был зачислен в состав Балтийского флота.
Во время первой мировой войны участия в боевых действиях практически не принимал. Во время гражданской войны участвовал в обороне Петрограда. В марте 1921 года переименован в «Парижскую коммуну». В 1929 году переведен в Черноморский флот.
В период 1928 - 1939 годов корабль неоднократно модернизировался.
1.11.1941 года, ночью, ушел в Поти из-за угрозы ударов авиации противника.
8.11.1941 года линкор принял участие в боевых действиях под Севастополем. А в декабре линкор подошел к Севастополю и открыл огонь по позициям противника.
5.01.1942 года линкор «Парижская Коммуна» вышел из Новороссийска и в охранении эсминца «Бойкий» направился к крымскому побережью для огневой поддержки 44-й армии.
В ночь на 21 и 22 марта 1942 года, зайдя в Керченский пролив в охранении лидера «Ташкент», эсминцев «Железняков» и «Бойкий», произвел два артиллерийских обстрела укреплений противника на Керченском полуострове. Возвратившись в Поти стал на ремонт. 12.09.1942 года его перевели в Батуми, но после начала успешного наступления под Сталинградом 25.11.1943 года вернули обратно в Поти. 31.05.1943 года линкору было восстановлено наименование «Севастополь». 8.07.1945 года корабль был награжден орденом Красного Знамени.
С 24.07.1954 года использовался как учебный корабль. В 1956 исключен из состава ВМФ. В 1956 - 1957 разобран в Севастополе на металл.

3d present

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Post #: 1063
RE: New Units for PC - 12/15/2016 5:12:35 PM   


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I have to say the ships look very good and it`s nice to have variety in this regard since vanilla pretty much had the same thing for all factions.

Since the UK-Germany pack you`ve posted 19 new ships and since there`s little activity currently on other fronts I thought to ask: if I assemble and release these now together with the redone Italian ships (25 cards in all) will you make another aircraft? It should be easy enough I think. A Romanian Hurricane Mk.I:
You can use the exact same model as for the British Hurricane Mk.I and the same camouflage that the RAF has. The only changes needed:
- remove the British RAF markings
- add the Romanian markings (yellow crosses, Romanian tricolor on the tail rudder, yellow band on the fuselage and make the front/nose of the plane yellow too)

< Message edited by R35 -- 12/15/2016 5:14:14 PM >

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Post #: 1064
RE: New Units for PC - 12/16/2016 7:02:06 PM   


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Isuzu Type 94
This new model replace my old Isuzu Type 97 ! Use to tow 75mm Guns and 47mm ATGs and others.
The long typ Isuzu model with Infantry is the Isuzu Type 97 yet !

Isuzu Type 94 with Type 98 20mm AA

Type 98 Shi-Ke Prime Mover

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Post #: 1065
RE: New Units for PC - 12/17/2016 10:22:07 AM   


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H.Balck wrote:

There are the most infos about Japan units:

BTW - I think my old long Infantry carry Isuzu is an Isuzu Type 1 6-Wheeled Truck - I read now.

The new one is an Isuzu Type 97 4-Wheeled Truck

Type 98 4t Prime Mover "Shi-Ke"

Do we need also all other tractors ? DMC Pazific Corps have also an Type 92 5t Prime Mover "I-Ke" - so we need also a new model - my old one is wrong.

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Post #: 1066
RE: New Units for PC - 12/17/2016 10:22:19 AM   


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Type 92 Osaka Armored Car

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Post #: 1067
RE: New Units for PC - 12/17/2016 10:22:45 AM   


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Type 4 Chi-So Heavy Prime Mover

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Post #: 1068
RE: New Units for PC - 12/17/2016 11:58:54 AM   


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French MG Bunker (switch to MG Infantry, same attack like MG))

French ATG Bunker (same attack parameters from 25mm ATG)

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Post #: 1069
RE: New Units for PC - 12/17/2016 11:59:29 AM   


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Type 5 Na-To

< Message edited by Brazenman -- 12/18/2016 4:59:34 AM >

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Post #: 1070
RE: New Units for PC - 12/17/2016 5:57:54 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Brazenman

H.Balck wrote:

Is this a riddle?

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Post #: 1071
RE: New Units for PC - 12/19/2016 11:12:11 AM   


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Type 88 75 mm AA

Type 99 88 mm AA

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Post #: 1072
RE: New Units for PC - 12/20/2016 4:16:02 PM   


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If I assemble 20 cards of the latest units (mainly the Japanese) will you make a Hungarian CR.42?
If not, modding wise, I`ll just start my Holidays break now.

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Post #: 1073
RE: New Units for PC - 12/20/2016 9:13:07 PM   


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Type 95 Ho-Fu Heavy Prime Mover

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Post #: 1074
RE: New Units for PC - 12/20/2016 9:15:38 PM   


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H.Balck wrote:
R35 told us - that his vanilla mod is ready on the middle of this week - thats tommorow for me.
If he dont upload anything - I have no more interest on this ****ing PC engine.
I play OOB with my own units now...its 300% better and with Erics new Panzer Corps DLC campaigns for OOB I can play more easy there.

Also we discuss yet some new features and bigger maps with the founder of OOB. Coming soon !
So I think PC coming to his end. The PC features are to boring.

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Post #: 1075
RE: New Units for PC - 12/20/2016 10:52:02 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Brazenman

H.Balck wrote:

R35 - you can write a list of this 30 units and I will make them quickly.

Perhaps we interpret the word "quickly" differently considering that 2 and a half weeks later only two units from my list have been posted. At that rate we need 8 months. Besides, by my count, you`ve posted 44 other units (not listed by me) since then so clearly you could have made mine if you wanted to keep your word.

Anyway, if you have finished the first batch of 15 units let me know and I`ll post the other half of the list you promised to do in exchange for me updating my mod with all your reworked units. In any case, I have not spent two weeks implementing in my mod units that I wasn`t really interested in just for the sport of it so let me know when you`re ready to fulfill your end of the bargain.


So I think PC coming to his end. The PC features are to boring.

You`ve stated that several times during the past 5 years and you came back each time. What if the next time you come back Brazenman will not be here to post your units and messages and there won`t be anyone to assemble them into cards and implement them into the game?

< Message edited by R35 -- 12/20/2016 11:12:46 PM >

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Post #: 1076
RE: New Units for PC - 1/9/2017 1:33:24 PM   


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All sendspace links are dead
I would like to have the French planes (in particular the Breguet 693)

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Post #: 1077
RE: New Units for PC - 1/11/2017 2:57:17 PM   


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When I started assembling the cards for the new aircraft I had very little experience with aircraft having mostly assembled land units previously. So I took the cards assembled by T2_2112 has a guide, but I now realize that wasn`t the best course of action.
The cards for the aircraft are bigger because they also have at the bottom the images of the aircraft, without the shadows. These are used when the aircraft is in the same hex with a land unit and airmode is selected. The thing with aircraft cards is that on one hand you need to place the images high up on the card so that they don`t interfere too much with the land units graphics if they`re in the same hex in game, but you should also make sure that you don`t overstep the boundaries of the three sections of the card. Since H.Balck made his aircraft to scale this has resulted in some huge bombers and transports that made placing them all the more difficult. T2_2112 did not take this into account it seems and I followed the same mistake. I`m mentioning this just to explain the situation. Basically the main problem was that in a few instances concerning very large aircraft (bombers and transport), the upper wing of the no-shadows images at the bottom of the card was placed too high and appeared clipped in game.

As a short guide for anyone wanting to assemble cards for aircraft:
I - from 0 to 148 is where you place the main images with the shadows.
II - from 148 to 296 you place the small image that appear when the aircraft is in the same hex with a land unit and the airmode is not selected (land unit appears big and aircraft small). It is best to place these small images as high up as you can in their third of the card so that their graphics do not overlap too much the graphics of the land units.
III - from 296 to 444 you place the large images without shadows. These are used when airmode is selected and the aircraft is in the same hex with a land unit (aircraft is big, land units is small). I think it is best to remember at what pixel the main aircraft image starts (in the first third of the card) and then apply math to have the aircraft from the third part of the card start at the corresponding pixel line.

I have now adjusted all the aircraft cards previously assembled by me and now the images at the bottom of the card are at a corresponding height to the ones at the top. This means no more clipped wings and it should result in better matches for the animation offsets (which are normally set by using the set of images from the top of the card). You can find them bellow. Inside there is a sub-folder called "newer versions" that contain the cards with graphics that have been reworked by H.Balck (I wanted to include both versions). Apart from the mentioned edits, the pack does not include anything new.

< Message edited by R35 -- 2/7/2017 10:02:01 PM >

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Post #: 1078
RE: New Units for PC - 1/11/2017 5:14:51 PM   


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Thank you R35!

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Post #: 1079
RE: New Units for PC - 1/15/2017 11:43:03 AM   

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I see that H.Balck went to regular sabbatical leave
It's a pity
I'll miss his wonderful units

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