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RE: RHS Level II Update 2.78 (reissued)

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RE: RHS Level II Update 2.78 (reissued) - 11/16/2017 9:39:04 PM   

Posts: 5521
Joined: 4/1/2004
From: The Zone™
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ORIGINAL: el cid again
Seems we have finally become concerned about China (in the real world).

Thanks for your patience. Well, I'm sure we can live without the resources of Recife (I use a TF with a cargo capacity of 20k to harvest them; I'll send them elsewhere). As for the Gulf Coast, IIRC a few naval units appear there. You simply change the pwhex file and get them out of there and poof, change pwhex again on next turn. And voilà. I mean, it's not the end of the world

Re the Chinese, it's a bit too late methinks. I understand there has to be (in the US) a massive work to do. It's not only Chinese ascendancy (I'm afraid China is here and she's going to stay), the US [in full decline mode] are clearly withdrawing ie there's going to be a massive strategic redeployment. Had they thought, elaborated such plans (in a pre 2008 world) or they never saw that coming? Therefore assorted specialists should be put to good use

I, for one, bow to our new Chinese overlords


a nu cheeki breeki iv damke

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 421
RE: RHS Level II Update 2.78 (reissued) - 12/13/2017 8:38:38 AM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
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I have not yet looked at this issue. It is probably a pwlink.dat issue. I am addressing pwhexe.dat issues first - and
any location file issues I notice en passing.


ORIGINAL: TulliusDetritus


ORIGINAL: el cid again
Seems we have finally become concerned about China (in the real world).

Thanks for your patience. Well, I'm sure we can live without the resources of Recife (I use a TF with a cargo capacity of 20k to harvest them; I'll send them elsewhere). As for the Gulf Coast, IIRC a few naval units appear there. You simply change the pwhex file and get them out of there and poof, change pwhex again on next turn. And voilà. I mean, it's not the end of the world

Re the Chinese, it's a bit too late methinks. I understand there has to be (in the US) a massive work to do. It's not only Chinese ascendancy (I'm afraid China is here and she's going to stay), the US [in full decline mode] are clearly withdrawing ie there's going to be a massive strategic redeployment. Had they thought, elaborated such plans (in a pre 2008 world) or they never saw that coming? Therefore assorted specialists should be put to good use

I, for one, bow to our new Chinese overlords

(in reply to TulliusDetritus)
Post #: 422
RE: RHS Level II Update 2.78 (reissued) - 12/13/2017 8:44:44 AM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
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RHS Level II v 2.90 update link!Ap7XOIkiBuUwhPxFuII1ZkrVQefJBQ

< Message edited by el cid again -- 1/5/2018 4:21:06 AM >

(in reply to TulliusDetritus)
Post #: 423
RE: RHS Level II Update 2.78 (reissued) - 12/13/2017 2:32:33 PM   


Posts: 572
Joined: 4/26/2002
From: Switzerland
Status: offline

I have seen that some play against AI, but only against Japan AI? Somebody against Allied AI? If yes which scenario?

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 424
RE: Recife Working (Player Instructions) - 12/14/2017 11:36:05 AM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
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RHS Level II v 2.90 update link!Ap7XOIkiBuUwhPxFuII1ZkrVQefJBQ

Using Recife is constrained because it is an ATLANTIC OCEAN PORT.
It offers a quicker passage between NORTH ATLANTIC ports and SOUTH
ATLANTIC ports in some cases - e.g. from US Ports to Capetown, or
from UK to Port Stanley - than using the direct link does. This
is why it is a common port of call.

Only a few ports - and NO entry exit zones - are associated with
Recife on the link table.

Basically you must go to Recife from an Atlantic Ocean port. This
INCLUDES Capetown, Panama ports and Port Stanley. From those AND ONLY
from those may you transit to certain entry exit zones permitting
entry onto the main WITP map. EVERY OTHER CASE will show up in red,
meaning "something is wrong, you can't get there from here." Because
you cannot sail THROUGH North America, South America or Africa.

This confused me as I have not been playing for a year. But NO FIX
is required. Just player use of the right ports.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 1/5/2018 4:21:21 AM >

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 425
RE: RHS Level II Update 2.78 (reissued) - 12/14/2017 11:46:04 AM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: morphin

I have seen that some play against AI, but only against Japan AI? Somebody against Allied AI? If yes which scenario?

This is a VERY GOOD QUESTION. The answer lies in the AE design scripts.
They are written for AI as Japan for testing purposes. Mifune was a tester
and for many years my co-worker on RHS - so this comes from him - and also
from a programmer. The Allied scripts are apparently very simple and, in
any case, not designed to work with the RHS map system. It would take years
to write such a script.

Note that AI is not very wise (a more common expression is it is an idiot).
However, for the first few months of the war, it mimics Japanese historical moves
moderately well - which is suitable for a short game as Allies - kind of.

A DIFFERENT problem is that RHS has ONLY ONE scenario for AI. It is called AIO
(AI Oriented) and it is SCENARIO number 122 for Level II RHS. (102 for Level I).
Many RHS features require intelligent player understanding to work. ALL OF THESE
are absent in Scenario 122. [Many but not all are also missing from other even
numbered scenarios - 124 and - if it is ever finished - the 1945 Scenario 126. That
will take years to finish FYI. EVERYTHING must be reworked in terms of where things
are at start.] But ONLY 122 is optimized for the "expectation" of AI that the game
is like stock. Those elements of RHS which are different in ways that confuse AI
are missing. For example, closed interior river systems confuse it - so NO movement
in interior waterways that lack access to the sea is permitted and there are no naval
units or ports on them.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 12/17/2017 10:23:16 AM >

(in reply to morphin)
Post #: 426
RE: RHS Level II Update 2.78 (reissued) - 12/14/2017 1:21:19 PM   


Posts: 572
Joined: 4/26/2002
From: Switzerland
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: el cid again


ORIGINAL: morphin

I have seen that some play against AI, but only against Japan AI? Somebody against Allied AI? If yes which scenario?

This is a VERY GOOD QUESTION. The answer lies in the AE design scripts.
They are written for AI as Japan for testing purposes. Mifune was a tester
and for many years my co-worker on RHS - so this comes from him - and also
from a programmer. The Allied scripts are apparently very simple and, in
any case, not designed to work with the RHS map system. It would take years
to write such a script.

Note that AI is not very wise (a more common expression is it is an idiot).
However, for the first few months of the war, it mimics Japanese historical moves
moderately well - which is suitable for a short game as Allies - kind of.

A DIFFERENT problem is that RHS has ONLY ONE scenario for AI. It is called AIO
(AI Oriented) and it is SCENARIO number 132 for Level II RHS. (122 for Level I).
Many RHS features require intelligent player understanding to work. ALL OF THESE
are absent in Scenario 132. [Many but not all are also missing from other even
numbered scenarios - 134 and - if it is ever finished - the 1945 Scenario 136. That
will take years to finish FYI. EVERYTHING must be reworked in terms of where things
are at start.] But ONLY 132 is optimized for the "expectation" of AI that the game
is like stock. Those elements of RHS which are different in ways that confuse AI
are missing. For example, closed interior river systems confuse it - so NO movement
in interior waterways that lack access to the sea is permitted and there are no naval
units or ports on them.


require intelligent player understanding

Thank you very much for this comprehensive answer

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 427
RE: RHS Level II Update Link 2.81 - 12/15/2017 1:19:52 PM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
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RHS Level II v 2.90 update link!Ap7XOIkiBuUwhPxFuII1ZkrVQefJBQ

This update corrects ALL WINTER pwhexe.dat files for all years for
normal RHS. It also adds ALL Japan Enhanced Scenario pwhexe.dat
files for all years - which for some reason were not included in the
installer. JES scenarios are 125 and 129.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 1/5/2018 4:21:38 AM >

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 428
RE: RHS Level II Spring Workarounds & Plan - 12/16/2017 8:13:22 PM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
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The Japan enhanced scenarios (125 - Empire of the Sun - by me, and 129 -
Total War Option - by Mifune) - have pwhexe files prefixed by JES (AFTER
game start). ALL work fine.

Strictly historical scenarios - 121, 122, 123, 124 (and maybe someday 126)
all use pwhexe files prefixed by II (AFTER game start).

ALL scenarios use the same file to start (II41WINTERpwhexe.dat and also the
default pwhexe.dat file). ALL II WINTER files also work.

To have Spring in a historical file, use the JES42SPRINGpwhexe.dat file (renamed).
There are almost no differences (one quarter of road/railroad construction and

My plan is to modify the JES42SPRING file to II42SPRING today. Then I will build
the later years II4xSPRING files on it - about one every day or two.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 12/17/2017 10:21:58 AM >

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 429
RE: RHS Level II Construction Documentation - 12/17/2017 10:14:07 AM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
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This document - much more readable in MS Word - is part of an update which will issue today. It actually changes
NOTHING - but simply better presents the information. I found the original confusing at points, and needed to
better understand what it says to understand pwhexe.dat files - of which there are dozens in RHS. This (and all
other documents) are in the RHS Documentation folder the installer puts on your drive.

Part I: House Rules and Special Cases related to pwhexe.dat files

House Rule: In historical scenarios 121 to 124 & 126 do not repair the oil wells and refinery at Whitehorse, Yukon until May, 1944. In historical scenarios Norman Wells may NOT expand oil or refinery production (forcing the historical choices). Historical scenarios have the suffix CANOL after Whitehorse as well as a base victory point value of 3 (= important minor location for any reason). [The oilfield at Whitehorse is really at Norman Wells, but we simulate the CANOL pipeline to Whitehorse with oil at Whitehorse. The refinery was moved from Texas to Whitehorse and it took until May (i.e., Spring), 1944 to get them fully operational.] In Japan Enhanced Scenarios (JES) Scenarios 125 & 129 players have an option to repair (expand from zero) the oilfields and oil refinery at Kenai, Alaska from May (i.e. SPRING), 1942. Also, in JES scenarios Norman Wells MAY expand oil and/or refinery production (reflecting greater Allied priority in the greater threat context present) but hauling in the supplies required will be very difficult. JES scenarios have the suffix AKOIL after Kenai and it has a base victory point value of 3. In all scenarios, NWT and Alaska oilfield or refinery Construction is not feasible in Winter (how could you move enough supplies to even begin?), which is why it may only occur in SPRING (or later) of the designated year. Both JES options are more practical than the CANOL project, which barely worked at all: thick NWT oil in a small pipe in a cold climate was very difficult to keep moving. However, while Kenai is much easier to supply it is also much more at risk to capture or damage by the enemy (which is why it was not developed during the war).

Special Case: The Copper River RR is present in ALL versions of the pwhex files. It runs from Cordova, Alaska to Kennicot, a wholly undeveloped dot location. This RR was abandoned in 1938 when the copper mines were closed due to low copper prices. Other copper mines were reopened in WWII (for example in Michigan and in Montana). This copper mine can be reopened IF an Allied player moves engineer to the dot location along with lots of supplies – in which case the RR will function. The Million Dollar Bridge remained in-tact until the 1964 earthquake. This location and RR may be ignored by any player who does not want to use them – and NOTHING will happen in that case – since there will be no production unless the damaged resources are repaired.

Special Case: The RR tunnel to Whittier Alaska is considered completed if you repair the port (it starts at zero). Because there is no way to have the rail line incomplete and still run its route (from Anchorage to Seward) we simply have the Whittier hex not function as a port unless you fix it. Fixing it completes the almost completed tunnel to it. There is an engineer unit in the hex to do that.

Part II: Strictly Historical Scenario pwhexe.dat Construction [121 to 124 & 126)

Spring 1942

Partial Deconstruction of the BAM: 114/27 E, 115/27 W/NE, 116/26 SW/E; 117/26 W/NW/SE (Tynda); Also 101/10 E, 102 to 104/10 E/W; 105/10 W/SE; 105/11 NW/SE; 106/12 NW/E; 107/12 W (Ust Kut).

Page 2

Monsoon 1942

Reactivation of minor RR on New Caledonia (1 hex NW from Noumea) by the US Army. 114/159 SE; 115/160 NW.

Start of Akyab Road: Major Road: 55/41 SE; 56/42 NW,SW.

Fall 1942

Start of Dimapur-Imphal Road: Major Road: 62/38 SW (Dimapur); 61/39 NE/W (Kohima).

Winter 1942

Completion of the Kanmon RR Tunnel between Honshu and Kyushu. Upgrades the RR from a secondary RR (simulating RR ferries) to a primary RR (because there are two tunnels, making it a double track line): 104/58 NE (Yukuhashi); 105/57 (Shimonoseki) SW.

Completion of ALCAN highway as pioneer road (trail): 182/30 E; 183/30 W/E; 184/30 W/SE; 184/31 NW/SE; 185/32 NW; 200/31 SE; 201/32 NW/E; 202/32 W/SE; 194/31 SW/E, 195/31 E/W, 196/31 E/W, 197/31 E/W; 198/31 W; 186/32 E/W, 187/32 E/W, 188/32 E/W, 189/32 E/W; 190/32 W, 192/33 E/W, 193/33 W/NE, 194/32 SW/NE & 199/31 E/W. Secondary Road 190/33 E,NW; 191/33 E/W, 190/32 SE, 198/31 E, 199/31 E/W, 200/31 W, 202/33 NW, 181/30 E, 182/30 W. Primary Road: 202/33 SE.

Deconstruction of the Eastern Malaya RR 51/76 SW; 50/77 NE/SW; 50/78 NE/SE; 50/79 NW/SW; 50/80 NE/SW & 49/81 NE.

Continuation of Akyab Road: Major Road: 54/43 E,SE; 55/43 W/NE.

Continuation of Dimapur-Imphal Road to Imhal: Major road: 60/39 SW/E; 60/40 NE (Imphal).

Spring 1943

Upgrading of Whitehorse & Yukon RR to main line completed: 191/35 NW; 191/34 NW/SE; 190/33 SE.

Upgrading of ALCAN to Secondary Road: 182/30 E; 183/30 E/W; 184/30 W/SE; 184/31 NW; 185/32 E; 186/32 E; 187/32 E/W; 186/32 E/W; 187/32 E/W; 188/32 E; 189/32 E/W; 190/32 W; 192/33 E/W; 193/33 W/NE; 194/32 SW/NE; 194/31 SW/E; 195/31 E/W; 196/31 E/W; 197/31 E/W & 198/31 W; 200/31 E; 201/31 SE/W; 202/32 NW/SE;. Primary Road: 181/30 E; 182/30 W; 184/31 SE; 185/32 E/NW; 186/32 W; 190/32 SE; 190/33 E/NW; 191/33 W; 198/31 E; 199/31 E/W; 200/31 W 202/33 NW/SE.

Completion of Akyab Road: Major Road: 54/45 NE, 55/44 NW,SW.

Extension of Dimapur-Imphal Road: Primary Road 60/40 SW (Imphal); 59/41 NE (Tamu); Secondary Road: 59/41 SW (Tamu); 59/42 NE/W (Karlyemo); 58/42 E (Falam).

Page 3

Spring 1943 (Continued):

Timor Road Section 1: Primary Road: 71/115 E/W; 72/115 W; 70/115 E

Monsoon 1943

Secondary Road along Burma-Siam RR line completed: 55/57 NW/SW; 55/59 NW/SW; 55/56 SE; 55/58 NE/SE; 55/60 NE. [55/57 NW/SW, 55/60 NE & 55/58 NE/SE Spring 1943]

Hunan-Guanzi RR: Major Railroad: 73/55 E/W Monsoon 1943.

Timor Road Section 2: Primary Road: 69/116 NE; 69/115 SW/E; 70/115 W

Fall 1943

The Haines "Highway" or "Haines Cutoff" is hardly worth having! The highway was built by the U.S. Army in 1943 as an alternate route from the Pacific Ocean to the Alaska Highway, in case the White Pass and Yukon Route railway from Skagway should be blocked. The total cost of the construction was US $13 million. From Fall 1943 in RHS Scenarios 101-104&106 it is a secondary road in Spring and Fall, and a trail (due to frequent mudslides) during Monsoon. It does not exist in Winter (due to avalanche closure). It is not build in JES scenarios. Secondary Road in Spring and Fall. Trail in Monsoon. Never exists in Winter: 191/36 W; 190/36 E/NW; 189/35 SE/NW; 189/34 SE/NW; 188/33 NW/SE; Always SRd: 188/32 SE.

Winter 1943

Completion of Burma-Siam RR: 55/56 SE; 55/57 NW/SW; 55/59 NW/SW; 55/56 SE; 55/58 NE/SE; 55/60 NE/SE; 55/61 NW. [55/56 SE Spring 1943; 55/57, 55/60 & 55/61 Monsoon 1943]

Completion of Kra RR: Kra RR 51/66 E & 52/66 W.

Timor Road Section 3: Primary Road: 68/116 E, 69/116 W.

Spring 1944

Completion of the CANOL road from Camp Canol, Northwest Territory to Whitehorse, Yukon: 188/23 NE/SE; trail Fall 42, SRD Winter 42; 189/24 NW/SE trail Winter 42, SRD Spring 43; 189/25 NW/SE trail Spring 43, SRD Monsoon 43; 190/26 NW/SE trail Spring 43, SRD Fall 43; 190/27 NW/W trail Monsoon 43, SRD Winter 43; 189/27 SW/E, 189/28 SE/NE trail Winter 43, SRD Spring 44; 189/29 NW/SE trail Monsoon 43, SRD Spring 44; 190/30 NW/SE trail Monsoon 43, SRD Fall 43; 190/31 NW/SE trail Winter/42, SRD Spring 43; 191/32 SW/NW trail Fall 42; SRD Spring 43; 190/33 NE SRD Winter 1942. DO NOT “REPAIR” OILWELLS & REFINERIES at Whitehorse until May 1944. 189/22 SW is a “minor ferry” (i.e. trail) in Monsoon and Fall, an “ice road” (secondary road) in Winter, and neither in Spring (due to “breakup” of ice preventing water or land passage). 

Page 4

Monsoon 1944

Upgrading of Bengal & Assam RR to main line completed (15 hexes from existing line near Gaibandha to Ledo including major river bridging; 8 hex spur to Chittagong) [Takeover 1 March 1944; 59/34 & 59/35 washout in Monsoon in 1942 & 1943; Entire line upgrades during Spring 1944! Before this year, 59/34 SE & 59/35 are destroyed every Monsoon season by flooding from the Himalayas!] Major RR: 55/36 E, 56/36 W/NE, 60/36 NW/SE, 56/35 SW/NE, 59/35 NW/SE, 57/34 SW/E, 58/34 W/E, 59/34 W/SE, 60/37 NW/SE, 55/41 NE, 56/40 SW/NE, 56/39 SW/E, 57/39 W/E, 58/39 W/E, 59/39 W/NE, 60/38 SW/E, 61/38 W/NW/E, 60/37 NW/SE, 62/38 W/E, 63/38 W/E, 64/38 W/E, 65/38 W. [55/36 E & 56/36 W = First Bridge across the Bhramaputra River]

Ledo Road completed to Myitkyina [Upgrading 4 trail hexes to minor road): Hex 64/39 NE/SW Winter 1943; 64/40 NE/SW Spring 1944; 63/41 NE; 63/41 SE (already exists) & 64/42 (already exists) NW Monsoon 1944.

Winter 1944

Completion of the Yellowhead Highway to Prince Rupert (as a Minor Road): 199/43 NE; 200/42 SW/NE; 200/41 SW.

Completion of the Mergui Road: Secondary Road 53/62 SE; 53/63 NW/SE; 54/64 NW.

Ledo Road completed to a spur of the existing Burma Road near Bhamo: 63/43 NE/SW Fall 1944; 63/44 NE Winter 1944.

Spring 1945

Completion of the Longhai Railway to Tanshui: Major RR: 82/38 SE Fall 1943; 82/38 W Winter 1944; 81/38 E Spring 1945. Trail 82/38 W, 81/38 E Fall 1944.

Fall 1945

Completion of Paken Baroe RR (aka 'the second death railway') South Section: Trail: 46/83 W & 45/84 NE Monsoon 1944; 45/83 E/SW Fall 1944. SRD 46/83 W & 45/84 NE Winter 1944; 45/83 E/SW Spring 1945. Minor RR: 46/83 W & 45/84 NE Spring 1945; 45/83 E/SW Monsoon 1945.

Paken Baroe Railroad North Section: Trail: 46/80 SE; 46/82 NE Spring 44; 46/81 NW/SW Monsoon 44; Minor Road: 46/80 SE; 46/82 NE Monsoon 44; 46/81 NW/SW Fall 44. Minor RR: 46/83 NW; 46/79 SW Fall 44; 46/80 NE/SE; 46/82 NE/SE Winter 44; 46/81 NW/SW Spring 45.

Page 5

Partial Completion of the BAM: The Baikal Amur Mainline was not completed until 1991. The first two segments are on the map (from Taishet to Bratsk and then to Ust Kut). The Eastern segment is added in 1944-45 (from Komsomolsk to Sovietskaya-Gavan). But MOST of the work on the rest was done in 1944-1946 - just not rendered usable in that era. This was a classic "death railway" - about 90% of the 150,000 German and Japanese POWs working on it (until 1954) died. This option shows the historical impact in terms of useful infrastructure during the war:

Ust Kut Crew: Trail: 107/12 SE Winter 41 (Ust Kut); 107/13 NW Spring 42; 107/13 SE Monsoon 42; 108/14 NW Fall 42; 108/14 SW Winter 42; 107/15 NE Spring 43; 107/15 SE Monsoon 43; 108/16 NW (Sverobaikalsk) Winter 43; 108/16 SE Monsoon 44; 108/17 NW Spring 45; 108/17 SE Monsoon 45; 109/18 NW (Novyy Ulun) Spring 46.

Tynda North Crew: 117/26 NW Winter 41 (Tynda); 116/25 SE Spring 42; 116/25 NW Monsoon 42; 116/24 SE Fall 42; 116/24 NW Winter 42; 115/23 SE Spring 43 (Olekma); 115/23 NW Monsoon 43; 115/22 SE Fall 43; 115/22 W Winter 43; 114/22 E (Chara) Spring 44; 114/22 NW Monsoon 44; 113/21 SE Winter 44; 113/21 W Monsoon 45; 112/21 E Winter 45; 112/21 W Monsoon 46.

Tynda South Crew: 117/26 SE Winter 41 (Tynda); 117/27 NW Spring 42; 117/27 SE* Monsoon 42; 118/28 NW* Fall 42; 118/28 SE Winter 42; 118/29 NW/SE Spring 43; 119/30 NW Monsoon 43; 119/30 SE* Fall 43; 119/31 NW* Winter 43; 119/31 SE Spring 44; 120/32 NW Monsoon 44; 120/32 SE Fall 44; 120/33 NW Winter 44 (Tokui); 120/33 SE* Spring 45, 121/34 NW* Monsoon 45, 121/34 SW* Winter 45; 120/35 NE* Spring 46; 120/35 SE* Monsoon 46 (Meeting Komsomolsk Crew Trail).

Komsomolsk Crew: 121/39 NE Winter 41 (Komsomolsk); 122/38 SW Spring 42; 122/38 NE Monsoon 42; 122/37 SW Fall 42; 122/37 NW Winter 42; 122/36 SE Spring 43 (Sofijsk); 122/36 W* Monsoon 43; 121/36 E* Fall 43; 121/36 NW* Winter 43. Major RR: 121/39 SE* Spring 1944; 122/40 NW*/E* Monsoon 1944; 123/40 W*/SE* Fall 1944; 123/41 NW*/SE* Winter 1944; 124/42 NW* Spring 1945.

* This is already a road hex but crew builds foundation for RR in this hex in this month.

Mackenzie Highway: Begun in 1938 at Grimshaw, Alberta (hex 206/33), the project was suspended when the war began in 1939. It was restarted in 1940, but not completed until 1949 historically. Major Road: 205/32 NW/SE Fall 1942; 204/31 SE/W Fall 1943; 203/31 NW/E Fall 1944; 203/30 SE/W Fall 1945.

Road of Bones: This was a project to build a road LOC from the Alden Road to the Kolema Road across very cold central Siberia. Since the area is always frozen, it was not considered worthwhile to dig graves, so the dead were buried in the road foundation. Begun in 1932, it was not completed until 1953, and it was rerouted in 2008. Pioneer Road (Trail) one year (four seasons) before Military Road (Secondary Road): 132/22 W Spring 42; 132/22 E Monsoon 42; 133/22 W Spring 43; 133/22 E Monsoon 43; 134/22 W Spring 44; 134/22 E Monsoon 44; 135/22 W Spring 45; 135/22 SE Monsoon 45; 138/24 W Spring 42; 137/24 E Monsoon 42; 137/24 W Spring 43; 136/24 E Monsoon 43; 136/24 NW Spring 44; 135/23 SE Monsoon 44; 135/23 NW Spring 45; 135/22 SE Monsoon 45. 

Page 6

Part III: Japan Enhanced Scenario pwhexe.dat Construction [125 & 129]

CANOL Road and Haines Highway are CANCELLED. Mergui Road cancelled. Kra RR cancelled.

Eastern Malaya RR: Not deconstructed from Winter 1942. Instead, the Burma Siam RR is built with new rails.

Indochina-Siam RR: Minor RR: 60/70 SE/NW; 59/69 SE/W; 58/69 E Entire Line Winter 1942.

Laos-Siam RR "Extension" (Bridge): Minor RR 62/57 SW, 62/58 NE Entire extension Winter 1942. [Eventually built by Australia half a century later].

North Borneo Railway & Road Extensions: Trail: 69/90 NW/NE & 67/91 NW/SE & 68/92 NW Winter 1942; 67/90 SE & 68/89 SE Spring 1943; 68/90 NE & 67/90 E & 68/89 SW Monsoon 1943; 68/90 W Fall 1943. Secondary road: 66/87 W/E & 65/87 E/W & 64/87 E Winter 1942; 67/87 W/NE; 69/90 W/NE; 67/90 SE; 67/91 NW/SE & 68/92 NW Spring 1943; 68/89 SE, 69/86 SE & 70/88 NW/SW Monsoon 1943; & 69/87 NW/SE Fall 1943; 68/90 NE & 67/90 E & 68/89 SW Winter 1943; 68/90 W & 69/89 NE/SW Spring 1944. Minor RR: 66/87 W & 65/87 E/W; 64/87 E & 68/86 E Spring 1943; 69/86 W/NE & 70/88 NW/SW Monsoon 1943; 69/85 SW, 69/86 SE; Fall 1943; 69/87 NW/SE 69/90 NW/NE, 67/91 NW/SE & 68/92 NW Winter 1943; 68/89 SE Spring 1944 69/89 NE/SW & 67/90 SE Monsoon 1944; 67/90 E & 68/89 SW Fall 1944; 68/90 W/NE Spring 1945.

Laos-Annam Link Railway: Minor RR: 62/57 E, 63/57 W Spring 1943; 63/57 SE, 64/58 NW Monsoon 1943; 64/58 SE, 64/59 NW Fall 1943; 64/59 SW, 64/60 NE Winter 1943; 64/60 E, 65/60 W Spring 1944.

Siam-Malay Link Road: Major Road: 49/73 SE, 50/74 NW Spring 1943; 50/74 E; 51/75 NW Monsoon 1943.

South Sumatra RR West Extension: Minor RR 45/91 E; 46/91 W Entire extension Spring 1943.

South Samatra RR North Extension: Minor RR 48/91 NW; 48/88 SW Winter 1943; 48/90 NW/SE; 47/89 NE/SE Spring 1944.

Completion of Nanning-Liuchow RR: Major RR 73/55 E/W Winter 1942.

Huangchow-Ningpo RR: Major RR 91/56 E/W; 92/56 W Spring 1943.

Ichang RR: Minor RR: 84/49 NW, 84/48 SE Spring 1944, 84/48 W, 83/48 E Monsoon 1944, 83/48 NW, 82/47 SE Winter 1944.

Early Completion of the Paken Baroe RR (aka 'the second death railway') South Section: Trail: 46/83 W & 45/84 NE Monsoon 1943; 45/83 E/SW Fall 1943. SRD 46/83 W & 45/84 NE Fall 1943; 45/83 E/SW Winter 1943. Minor RR: 46/83 W & 45/84 NE Winter 1943; 45/83 E/SW Spring 1944.

Page 7

Paken Baroe Railroad North Section: Trail: 46/80 SE; 46/82 NE Monsoon 43; 46/81 NW/SW Fall 43; Minor Road: 46/80 SE; 46/82 NE Fall 43; 46/81 NW/SW Winter 43. Minor RR: 46/79 SW Monsoon 43; 46/80 NE Fall 43; 46/80 SE; 46/83 NW Winter 43; 46/82 NE/SE; 46/81 NW/SW Spring 44.

Paken Baroe Railroad South Sumatra Link: Minor RR: 48/88 W; 45/85 SE Monsoon 44; 47/88 E/NW; 46/86 NW/SE Fall 44; 46/87 NW/SE Winter 44.

Shou-Hsein RR: Minor RR: 88/49 SW, 88/50 NE Fall 1943.

Nanping RR: Minor RR: 87/56 SW, 86/57 NE Winter 1943.

Nanyang RR: Minor RR: 85/45 E; 86/45 E/W; 87/45 W Fall 1944

Bohei Gulf RR: Minor RR 95/46 E, 96/46 W/NE Spring 1945; 96/45 SW/E; 97/45 W Monsoon 1945; 97/45 SE; 98/46 NW Fall 1945.

Early Completion of the Longhai Railway to Tanshui: 82/38 SE, 81/38 E Monsoon 1943; 82/38 W Winter 1943. Trail 81/38 E, 82/38 W Monsoon 43.

Formosa RR: Minor RR & Secondary Road: 87/64 NE, 87/63 SW Winter 1942.

Hainan RR: 69/61 E, 70/61 E/W, 71/61 W Spring 1943.

Kaiyang Road: Major Road: 82/60 E, 83/60 W Spring 1943.

Haichow Road: Major Road 93/48 W, 92/48 E Monsoon 1943.

Sakhalin Road: Major Road 126/43 W; 125/43 E/SW; 124/46 NE; 124/45 NE/SW Winter 1942; 125/44 NE/SW Spring 1943.

Hokkaido Road: Major Road 122/50 SW/NE Winter 1942; 122/49 NW/SW, 122/48 SE Spring 1943.

Yinkow Road: Major Road 101/43 E, 102/43 W Winter 1942.

Fushun Road: Major Road 104/42 E, 105/42 E/W; 106/42 W Spring 1943.

Harbin Road: Major Road 107/41 NE, 108/40 SW,E, 109/40 W Monsoon 1943.

Taonan Road Link: Major Road 107/39 SE, 108/40 NW Fall 1943.

Konan Road: Major Road 105/47 NW, 105/46 NE/SE Winter 1943; 105/45 NE/SW; 106/44 SW Spring 1944.

Tsitsihar Road Link: Major Road 109/38 NW, 108/37 SE Monsoon 1944.

Kuching Road: Minor Road 58/88 SW, 57/89 NE Winter 1943.

Page 8

Burma-Siam Highway: Upgrading to primary road along Burma-Siam RR: Spring 1944: 55/56 SE; 55/57 NW/SW; 55/59 NW,SW; 55/61 NW; 55/56 SE; 55/58 NE,SE; 55/60 NE.

Early Completion of Glenn Highway: Major Road 181/35 NE, 182/34 SW Winter 1942.

Trans Canada Alaska RR Eastern Section: Trail 204/40 NE, 204/39 SW/NE, 205/38 NE/SW, 205/37 NW/SW, 205/36 NE/SE, 205/35 SW; 191/33 W Fall 1942. Major RR: 204/40 NE, 190/33 E/NW, 203/34 NW/SE, 204/35 W, 205/35 SW, 203/35 E/NW Fall 1942; 205/36 SE/NE, 191/33 E/W, 204/39 SW/NE Winter 1942; 190/32 W/SE, 192/33 E/W, 205/38 NE/SW, 202/33 SE/NW Spring 1943; 189/32 E/W, 193/33 W/NE, 202/32 NW/SE, 205/37 NW/SW, Monsoon 1943; 194/32 NE/SW, 201/31 SE/W Fall 1943; 200/31 W/E; 199/31 W/E Winter 1943; 198/31 W/E, 197/31 W/E Fall 1944; 196/31 W/E 195/31 W/E Winter 1944; 194/31 E/SW Spring 1945.

Trans Canada Alaska RR Glenallen Section: Major RR: 183/34 E/W Fall 1942; 182/34 E/SW, 184/34 W Winter 1942; 181/35 NE Spring 1943.

Trans Canada Alaska RR Northway Section: Trail 186/34 NE, 186/33 SW/NW, 186/32 SE Fall 1942; 189/32 E/W Winter 1942; Major RR 186/34 NE, 190/32 W/SE Fall 1942; 186/33 SW, 189/32 E/W Winter 1942; 186/33 NW Monsoon 1943; 186/32 E/SE, 187/32 W/E Fall 1943; 188/32 E/W Spring 1944.

Trans Canada Alaska RR Nome Section: Trail: 170/31 E, 171/31 W/NE, 172/30 E/SW; 179/30 W, 178/30 E/W Monsoon 1942; 173/30 to 177/30 E/W Fall 1942; Major RR: 179/30 W, 178/30 E/W Monsoon 1943; 176/30 E/W, 177/30 E/W Fall 1943; 174/30 E/W, 175/30 E/W Winter 1943; 172/30 E/SW, 173/30 E/W, 169/32 NE, 169/31 SW/E, 170/31 W Spring 1944; 170/31 E, 171/31 W/NE Monsoon 1944; 168/30 E, 169/30 W/SE & 169/31 NW Fall 1944.

Teller Highway: Major Road: 169/32 NE, 169/31 SW, 168/30 E, 169/30 W Monsoon 1945; 169/30 SE; 169/31 NW Winter 1945.

Seward Highway: Secondary Road 181/36 E, 182/36 W Winter 1942; 182/36 SW; 181/37 NE/SE Spring 1943; 182/38 NW Monsoon 1943. Primary Road 181/36 E; 182/36 W Spring 1943; 182/36 SW; 181/37 NE/SE Monsoon 1943; 182/38 NW Fall 1943.

Kenai Highway: Secondary Road 181/37 W Monsoon, 1943; 180/37 E Fall 1943; Primary Road 181/37 W Winter, 1943; Primary Road 180/37 E Monsoon 1944.

Kenai RR: Major RR 181/37 W Winter 1943 1943; 180/37 E Spring 1944.

Upgrading ALCAN to primary road (25 minor road hexes upgraded IF construction not suspended as IRL): 182/30, 183/30, 184/30, 190/32 W, 191/33 E, 192/33, 197/31, 198/31, 199/31 W, 200/31, 201/31, 202/32 Monsoon 1944; 184/31, 185/32 NW, 188/32, 189/32, 193/33, 195/31, 196/31 Winter 1944; 186/32 E/W, 187/32 E/W, 194/32 NE/SW, 194/31 E/SW Spring 1945.

Page 9

Completion of the Yellowhead Highway to Prince Rupert: Secondary Road 200/41 SW; 200/42 NE/SW; 199/43 NE Winter 1942. Primary Road Monsoon 1944.

Restoration of Anyox Tramway: Minor RR 198/41 SE; 199/42 NW/SE; 199/43 NW Winter, 1942. Note: This unusual “railroad” has NO trail or road along its route. It is overhead and there is no trail.

Completion of the Alice Springs to Birdum RR. This was surveyed from 1939 to 1942 by the Australian Army but never built. Entire line completes Winter 1942. 76/130 SE, 76/131 NW/SW, 76/132 NE/SE, 76/133 NW/SW, 76/134 NE/SE, 76/135 NW/SW, 76/136 NE/SE, 76/137 NW/SW, 76/138 NE/SW, 75/139 NE/SW, 75/140 SW/NE, 74/141 NE/SE, 75/142 NW/SW, 74/143 NE.

Completion of the Mt Isa to Tenant Creek RR. This was surveyed in 1942 by the Australian Army but never built. Entire line completes by Spring 1943. Tenant Creek is on the Alice Springs to Birdum RR listed immediately above. 76/137 E, 77/137 E/W, 78/137 W/SE, 79/138, NW/E, 80/138 W/SE, 80/139 NW/E, 81/139 W/SE, 82/140 NW/SE, 82/141 NW/SE, 83/142 NW.

Early upgrading of Bengal & Assam RR to main line completed (15 hexes from existing line near Gaibandha to Ledo including major river bridging; 8 hex spur to Chittagong) [Takeover 1 March 1943; 59/34 SE & 59/35 NW,SE washout in Monsoon 1942; Entire line upgrades during Spring 1943! In 1941, 59/34 SE & 59/35 are destroyed during Monsoon season!] Major RR: 55/36 E, 56/36 W/NE, 60/36 NW/SE, 56/35 SW/NE, 59/35 NW/SE, 57/34 SW/E, 58/34 W/E, 59/34 W/SE, 60/37 NW/SE, 55/41 NE, 56/40 SW/NE, 56/39 SW/E, 57/39 W/E, 58/39 W/E, 59/39 W/NE, 60/38 SW/E, 61/38 W/NW/E, 62/38 W/E, 63/38 W/E, 64/38 W/E, 65/38 W. [55/36 E & 56/36 W = First Bridge across the Bhramaputra River]

Ledo Road upgraded to major road to Myitkyina: Winter 1944: 65/38 SW; 64/39 NE/SW; 64/40 NE/SW; 63/41 NE/SE & 64/42 NW.

Ledo Road upgraded to major road to Lashio: Spring 1945: 64/42 SW; 63/43 NE/SW & 63/44 NE/SW; 62/45 NE/SE; 63/46 NW/W; 62/46 E.

Ledo Road extension: Major Road: Monsoon 1945: Lao Wing Section: 63/46 NE; 63/45 SW; Tsuyung Section: 66/44 SW/E; 67/44 W/SE; 67/45 NW/SE.

Ledo Road extension to Paoshan: Major Road: Fall 1945: 63/45 E; 64/45 E/W; 65/45 W/NE.

Dimapur-Ledo Road: Major Road: Spring 1945: 62/38 E; 63/38 E/W; 64/38 E/W; 65/38 W.

Early Completion of the Mackenzie Highway: Begun in 1938 at Grimshaw, Alberta (hex 206/33), the project was suspended when the war began in 1939. It was restarted in 1940, but not completed until 1949 historically. Instead of being built to primary road standards, it is built as a military road in JES Scenarios. PRD: 205/32 NW/SE. SRD: 204/31 SE/W Fall 1942; 203/31 NW/E; 203/30 SE/W Winter 1942; 202/30 E/NW; 201/29 NW/SE Fall 1943; 201/28 NE/SE; 201/27 NW/SW Winter 1943; 201/26 NW/SE; 200/25 NE/NW/SE SRd, W existing trail Fall 1944, 200/24 SE; 201/24 SW Winter 1944.

Page 10

Burma Yunnan RR Minor RR: Fall 1945: Lao Wing Section: 62/46 E; 63/46 W/NE; 63/45 SW; Tsuyung Section: 66/44 SW/E; 67/44 W/SE; 67/45 NW/SE & 68/46 NW.

Burma Yunnan RR Minor RR: Winter 1945: Paoshan Section: 63/45 E; 64/45 E/W; 65/45 W/NE

Part IV: The Tea and Horse Caravan Road:

Upgrade 1: Upgrading the Northern Branch of the Tea Road: Monsoon 42: The ROC plan to upgrade the peculiar (hard surface but often narrow) Tea and Horse Caravan Road was born because the Burma Road was rendered moot by the fall of Rangoon late in February 1942. Construction of the Eastern end was only practical until the start of the Monsoon; construction at the Western end could theoretically start at the same time and continue through the Monsoon. IRL Tibetan border officials refused to permit crews at the Western end, killing the project. In JES scenarios, pressure from UK and China changes this. By Monsoon 1942 the upgraded road includes: 58/33 NE, 59/32 SW/NE, 59/31 SW/E, 60/31 W/E, 61/31 W/E, 62/31 W/E, 63/31 (Lhasa, already primary road) W/SE, 64/32 NW/E; 65/32 W/E.

From the Chengdu end, the upgraded road includes 75/41 W, 74/41 SW/E, 73/42 E/W (all technically approaches to the Tea Road before it begins), 72/42 NW/E (Ya An, the official beginning of the Tea Road), as well as 74/42 W/NE/SE, 71/41 W/SE, 70/41 NW/E, 70/40 NW/SE and 69/39 NW/SE - where the road reverts to trail status for the duration of the Monsoon of 1942.

Upgrade 2: Winter, 1942 (upgraded during the Fall): 69/38 NW/SE, 68/37 NW/SE, 68/36 NW/SE, 67/35 NW/SE/Srd SW, 67/34 NW/SE, 66/33 NW/SE & 66/32 W/SE. Note: In JES Scenarios, the 1st and 2nd ROC Engineer Regiments are not available until completion of this project, because they are upgrading the road. They appear at locations along it, not at Chunking, on 1 November, 1942.

Part V: The Baikal Amur Mainline

Modified Completion of the BAM 1: The Baikal Amur Mainline was not completed until 1991. The first two segments are on the map (from Taishet to Bratsk and then to Ust Kut). This option assumes a modified plan and maximum effort to work on the Northern segments of the line due to increased concerns about the Japanese in the Far East. Trail: [Ignore if already road, defines RR]. Major RR one season after given trail date.

Modified Completion of the BAM 2: Ust Kut Crew: Trail: 107/12 SE Winter 41 (Ust Kut); 107/13 NW Spring 42; 107/13 SE Monsoon 42; 108/14 NW Fall 42; 108/14 SW Winter 42; 107/15 NE Spring 43; 107/15 SE Monsoon 43; 108/16 NW (Sverobaikalsk) Winter 43; 108/16 SE Monsoon 44; 108/17 NW Winter 44; 108/17 SE Monsoon 45 (Meeting Irkutsk Crew); 124/41 SW*/NE* Fall 45; 125/40 SW*/NE* Winter 45.

Page 11

Modified Completion of the BAM 3: Tynda North Crew: 117/26 NW Winter 41 (Tynda); 116/25 SE Spring 42; 116/25 NW Monsoon 42; 116/24 SE Fall 42; 116/24 NW Winter 42; 115/23 SE Spring 43 (Olekma); 115/23 NW Monsoon 43; 115/22 SE Fall 43; 115/22 W Winter 43; 114/22 E (Chara) Spring 44; 114/22 NW Monsoon 44; 113/21 SE Winter 44 (Meeting Chita Crew). 109/18 NW Monsoon 45 (Meeting Chita Crew); 125/29 SW*/E Spring 46 (Meeting Ust Kut Crew & Tartar Crew). **

Modified Completion of the BAM 4: Tynda South Crew: 117/26 SE Winter 41; 117/27 NW Spring 42; 117/27 SE* Monsoon 42; 118/28 NW* Fall 42; 118/28 SE Winter 42; 118/29 NW/SE Spring 43; 119/30 NW Monsoon 43; 119/30 SE* Fall 43; 119/31 NW* Winter 43; 119/31 SE Spring 44; 120/32 NW Monsoon 44; 120/32 SE Fall 44; 120/33 NW Winter 44; 120/33 W* Spring 45 (Meeting Komsomolsk Crew). Major RR: 124/42 NW*/NE* Monsoon 45; 123/41 SE*; 123/41 NW*/SE* Fall 45 (Meeting Komsomolsk Crew); 119/33 E*/W*; 118/33 E*/W* Winter 45.

Modified Completion of the BAM 5: Komsomolsk Crew: 121/39 NE Winter 41; 122/38 SW Spring 42; 122/38 NE Monsoon 42; 122/37 SW Fall 42; 122/37 NW Winter 42; 122/36 SE Spring 43; 122/36 W* Monsoon 43; 121/36 E* Fall 43; 121/36 NW* Winter 43; 120/35 SE* Spring 44; 120/35 NE* Monsoon 44; 121/34 SW* Fall 44; 121/34 NW* Winter 44; 120/33 SE* Spring 45 (Meeting Tynda South Crew). Major RR: 121/39 SE*; 122/40 NW* Monsoon 45; 122/40 E*; 123/40 W*/SE* Fall 45 (Meeting Tynda South Crew); 115/33 E*; 116/33 W*/E*; 117/33 W*/E* Winter 45.

Modified Completion of the BAM 6: Irkutsk Crew: Trail: 111/20 (Ust Muya) W Spring 43; 110/20 E Monsoon 43; 110/20 NW Fall 43; 109/19 SE Spring 44; 109/19 NW* Fall 44; 109/18 NW Spring 45; Minor RR: 126/41 SE*; 127/42 NW* Fall 45; 127/42 SW*; 126/43 NE* Winter 45 (meeting Sakhalin RR).

Modified Completion of the BAM 7: Chita Crew: 111/20 SE (Ust Muya) Spring 43; 111/21 NW Monsoon 43; 111/21 E Fall 43; 112/21 W Winter 43; 112/21 E Monsoon 44; 113/21 W Winter 44 (Meeting Tynda North Crew). 109/18 SE* (Novyy Ulun) Monsoon 45 (Meeting Tynda North Crew); 125/29 SW*/E Spring 46 (Meeting Ust Kut Crew & Tartar Crew). **

Modified Completion of the BAM 8: Tartar Strait Crew: 126/41 NE* PRR/SE*SRR Monsoon 45; 127/40 SW*/NW* SRR Winter 45; 126/39 W/SE Spring 46. (Meeting Tynda North Crew).

* This is already a road hex but crew builds foundation for RR in this hex in this month.

** Most of this work is on 125/29 E which has no road and needs a long undersea tunnel. These two crews spend 8 months in a single hex.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 12/17/2017 1:41:44 PM >

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 430
RE: RHS Level II 2.82 update link - 12/17/2017 3:46:26 PM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
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RHS Level II v 2.90 update link!Ap7XOIkiBuUwhPxFuII1ZkrVQefJBQ

This update includes a new II42SPRINGpwhexe.dat file
for historical scenarios (121-124) and a new
JES42SPRINGpwhexe.dat file for Japan Enhanced
Scenarios (125 & 129).

As well RHS Seasonal Construction documentation is updated
(found in the RHS Documentation folder).

Also, all WINTER pwhexe.dat files for JES scenarios are
updated to fix a minor issue in road/railroad routing in

Note that ALL OTHER pwhexe.dat files for historical scenarios
need updating. Finally, all MONSOON and FALL JES pwhexe.dat
files and all SPRING JES pwhexe.dat files EXCEPT SPRING
have an error in the Road of Bones which needs to be corrected.
This obscure minor road in Siberia probably is not used in most
games, but I will fix it.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 1/5/2018 4:21:56 AM >

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 431
RE: RHS Level II 2.82 update link - 12/17/2017 11:16:13 PM   

Posts: 9973
Joined: 1/23/2010
From: Mass. USA. now in Lancaster, OHIO
Status: offline
Sid, The above link doesn't work....GP


Intel i7 4.3GHz 10th Gen,16GB Ram,Nvidia GeForce MX330

AKA General Patton

WPO,WITP,WITPAE-Mod Designer/Tester
DWU-Beta Tester
TOAW4-Alpha/Beta Tester

"Do everything you ask of those you command"....Gen. George S. Patton

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 432
RE: RHS Level II 2.84 update link - 12/18/2017 9:48:25 AM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
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RHS Level II v 2.90 update link!Ap7XOIkiBuUwhPxFuII1ZkrVQefJBQ

This update corrects mismatches between map art and pwhexe.dat
files, and the supporting Seasonal Construction documentation file.

ONLY the start of game pwhexe.dat file (= 41WINTERpwhexe.dat)
and the II42SPRING and JES42SPRING pwhexe.dat files are corrected.
ALL other pwhexe.dat files need major or minor changes. The
errata is in Eastern Siberia at both ends of the Road of Bones,
and in Canada, near the end of the railway system. [In Canada,
there is a one hex re-route of the trails and roads. In the USSR,
missing roads and trails were added in the Eastern end of the
Road of Bones and the connecting road from the uranium mines to
Magadan on the coast.] These are not important in most campaigns,
but are placed here because these features are really there, and
mattered, in particular to support airfields used for importing
Lend-Lease aircraft.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 1/5/2018 4:22:09 AM >

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 433
RE: RHS Level II 2.82 update link - 12/18/2017 9:49:56 AM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
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Send me your address. PM it or look in your inbox for my address.



Sid, The above link doesn't work....GP

(in reply to btd64)
Post #: 434
RE: RHS Level II later seasons pwhexe files - 12/20/2017 5:41:27 AM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
Status: offline
I am working on the (nearly identical) standard and "Japan enhanced scenario"
forms of the Spring pwhexe.dat files. [They differ in that the Eastern Malaya
RR is deconstructed in the strictly historical version]. These files are
presently based on RHS Level I and had three issues in the forms issued:

1) They did not perfectly match ice art (already corrected).

2) Some trails added (in the start of game Winter file) need to be added.
(This is documented, but needs to be entered). A few trails and the Tea
and Horse Caravan Road where it actually is a road (near Lhasa) got rerouted
slightly. This is in process.

3) The NW map area now includes all of Andrew Brown's extended map hexes -
and a few more - but that is a change from Level I RHS - and I still need to
do that. I began documenting how to do it today (stuck waiting for my wife
while shopping). I will implement this in the next few days.

In addition, I added one Canadian minor patrol vessel (which set several
records), and found and corrected a tanker which had no class data defined.
I time delayed a Russian base force which cannot get supplies (or reach the
area) until 1944. I am reviewing the vast database to find more eratta -
a never ending quest.

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 435
RE: RHS Level II 2.82 update link - 12/20/2017 5:43:10 AM   
el cid again


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Anyone needing a link that works, send me an email address.

Anyone wanting a hard CD - once I issue all the pwhexe.dat files - I will
burn one for you - provided you send a physical mailing address. Using
media mail it should not be expensive to send.



Sid, The above link doesn't work....GP

(in reply to btd64)
Post #: 436
RE: RHS Level II Update Link 2.85 - 12/20/2017 9:13:57 PM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
Status: offline
RHS Level II v 2.90 update link!Ap7XOIkiBuUwhPxFuII1ZkrVQefJBQ

This update includes fully functional historical
and Japan enhanced Spring pwhexe.dat files. There
will be one more version of these - to bring trails
fully into sync with map art.

There is some new map art.

There is one new ship: RCM Police St. Roch (spelling
from the side of the ship)

There is one corrected ship which had wrong data - tanker
Robert H Barnes - which was still using stock WW2 data instead
of her WWI correct data.

There is one corrected LCU - the date a Russian base force appears
is now in sync with the date a road reaches the location. The base
itself starts as a 0 in 1941.

The pwhexe.dat files add the RHS extended map area in the NW. This is
similar to Andrew Brown's Extended Map System, only with slightly different
roads, railroads and locations - and a few more hexes. It corrects most
road/trail omissions or errors in Tibet, China, NE India, Nepal, Bhutan,
Indochina, Malaya, and Sumatra.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 1/5/2018 4:22:21 AM >

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 437
RE: RHS Level II Update Link 2.85 - 12/21/2017 2:48:12 PM   

Posts: 9973
Joined: 1/23/2010
From: Mass. USA. now in Lancaster, OHIO
Status: offline
Sid, On the Download link, which file/s do we download? There are about 8 files, if I remember right. Or do we download all of them?....GP


Intel i7 4.3GHz 10th Gen,16GB Ram,Nvidia GeForce MX330

AKA General Patton

WPO,WITP,WITPAE-Mod Designer/Tester
DWU-Beta Tester
TOAW4-Alpha/Beta Tester

"Do everything you ask of those you command"....Gen. George S. Patton

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 438
RE: RHS Level II Update Link 2.86 - 12/22/2017 11:09:15 PM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
Status: offline
RHS Level II v 2.90 update link!Ap7XOIkiBuUwhPxFuII1ZkrVQefJBQ

This update includes fully functional historical and Japan enhanced Spring pwhexe.dat files. This is the final edition of these files. Later year SPRING files will be based on them. The process involved in syncing these files with the start of game WINTER file and with map art was unusually (and painfully) thorough. A year's worth of terrain research was folded in. There is a bit of new map art - adding two trail links between other roads or places.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 1/5/2018 4:22:34 AM >

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 439
RE: RHS Level II Update Link 2.85 - 12/22/2017 11:14:19 PM   
el cid again


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Sid, On the Download link, which file/s do we download? There are about 8 files, if I remember right. Or do we download all of them?....GP

It depends on what you need.

IF it is a new install, copy everything.

IF it is an update, ONLY what is updated is needed: in the present case only map art in the top level ART folder
and pwhexe.dat files in the PWHEXE & PWZLINK folder is needed.

(in reply to btd64)
Post #: 440
RE: RHS Level II Update Link 2.87 - 12/23/2017 1:45:59 PM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
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RHS Level II v 2.90 update link!Ap7XOIkiBuUwhPxFuII1ZkrVQefJBQ

This update only involves pwhexe.dat files and map art files. But ALL map art folders are updated. I reviewed the spring maps and found omissions in the extreme NE map area. Although present in the start of game Winter map, the RR NW from Fort McMurray Canada to Embarras was missing from the Spring panels. This RR extension does not exist today, but did in the WW2 era to service a coal mine at Embarras (Alberta). The name reflects a problem navigating the river, so a river craft transit is "embarrassed" at that point. From then on, navigation is possible in Monsoon and Fall seasons. So this point is the extreme rail head of the region, and a possible airfield location - not just a source of resources (coal). It might matter if Japan invades in the fall season - when navigation into the region is possible via the MacKenzie River. Anyway - it should be on the map - on all AE maps - because the RR goes there. Doing this, I noticed that the map art for Spring files (there are two - historical called II42SPRINGpwhexe.dat and enhanced scenario called JES42SPRINGpwhexe.dat)did not have the short road West from Yellowknife - so I added it to the map art. I also noticed that none of the map art shows the short road at Fort Nelson and the most NW hex of the road from Fort St John (which is a compound case - half hex of major road - half hex of minor road). So I corrected this art for ALL seasons. Now I shall proceed to update the Monsoon pwhexe.dat files (again, two cases, historical and enhanced scenario). The difference - in 1942 - is that historical pwhexe.dat files have deconstructed the Eastern Malaya RR and two Eastward spur lines of the Baikal Amur Mainline (BAM). This is because it is what was historically done.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 1/5/2018 4:22:47 AM >

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 441
RE: RHS Level II Update Link 2.88 - 12/26/2017 3:59:06 PM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
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RHS Level II v 2.89 update link!Ap7XOIkiBuUwhPxFuII1ZkrVQefJBQ

Testing revealed some issues. Research - all the way back to
Andrew Brown's original pwhexe.dat files (which more or less
correspond to RHS Level II in that they deal with an extended
map area) found a number of obscure fields which need to be
in sync with various files - including PWZONE.dat and PWZLINK.dat
files, and the game program itself. It also revealed that there
was originally a plan to have an RHS Level III - to include
more off map movement options. To that end, a new pwzlink.dat
editor was created permitting more links. Level II uses (almost)
every "slot" in the file, but RHS might provide more links in a
future edition. To set that up, the locations (bases) potentially
involved are now all defined. This process revealed some technical
problems and duplications, and differences of opinion about what
nation code to use for a given location. A number of unused codes
are now used by RHS, and more sub-maps are defined. These probably
improve a number of behaviors. Testing reveals all but one link
work. [For some reason, moving from Capetown to Stanley does not -
although the reverse link works. The link looks good at the
machine level. It remains unresolved.]

Here all the early pwhexe.dat files are reissued. The JES42MONSOON
file is substantially reworked, but is not yet complete - mainly with
respect to nation codes, submap codes and base codes, and a few terrain
types for "offmap" locations and similar peculiar special cases. Next
time I will issue both historical and JES 42 Monsoon versions.

Originally I planned to base everything on the start of game pwhexe.dat
file. But years of work to get seasons right would have to be redone. So
I am reworking all the files instead. Once we have the 1942 files, I will
simply add roads and railroads as they get built for later years.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 1/1/2018 3:34:27 PM >

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 442
RE: RHS Level II Update Link 2.88 - 12/28/2017 1:30:59 PM   

Posts: 8622
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
Status: offline
Sid...Thank you very much for this detailed work on RHS.......


(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 443
RE: RHS Level II pwhex report and plan - 12/31/2017 6:32:15 AM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
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I have finally come to terms with the "electronic map" of WITP/AE. As well, I have finally understood
the requirements of RHS Level II pwhexe.dat files.

Level II was an ambitious venture expanding the useful map area. This required extensive reworking of
thousands of fields. It was never completed. RHS Level I was more or less based on stock AE - and so
things worked because they used stock values in pwhexe.dat files, pwzone.dat files, and pwzlink.dat files.
Level II required reworking many things. At the same time, a new editor was written permitting still more
links, and "hooks" for these are included in Level II files. Level II preserved some of the simplifications
used with Level I in terms of routing. For example, Winter Ice Trails along rivers were "too strait" and do
not reflect the difficulty of movement along these frozen routes. RHS Level I also used assumed trail routes
instead of researched ones - except where they were famous and known.

Level II is being implemented after massive research - not assumptions. This removed a surprising number of
trails, and added a few unexpected ones. Note that Ice Roads were also researched. An Ice Road is something
different from an Ice Trail. It is suitable for use by very heavy trucks, but it isn't exactly a paved, primary
road. So it is a secondary road - generally a very direct and efficiently routed one. I have decided to fully
model all the research done.

At the same time, problems with the implementation of Level II have been detected. These are very technical matters.
Old codes must be removed from various hexes so as not to confuse the program. And not all the new places needing
special codes (say Zone numbers or Submap Numbers) got them. As well, I found the entire SW area of the map
is improperly coded as SE map area!

I have reworked the start of game pwhexe.dat file. All WINTER files for later years will be based on this - but
will get more roads and railroads as they are built. It won't take long to make those later year files.

But it is more important to have spring, monsoon and fall files for 1942 as soon as possible. I have found this
work was incomplete. The SW map area needs a lot of hexes reworked. The NE map area needs a few hexes reworked.
I have brought the Spring files up to the new standard used in the start of game pwhexe.dat file - but need to
finish adding NW and SW hexes and recoding them. I also have begun converting the Monsoon file - but in the
process of doing that I found Spring needed still more work. So I am finishing Spring files (historical and
Japan Enhanced Scenario versions) - and will then issue an update. Then I will do Fall files. Then I will issue
1943, 1944 and 1945 files for each season - but at a faster pace since these are based on the early war files and
only have to add construction.

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 444
RE: RHS Level II pwhex report and plan - 12/31/2017 2:37:14 PM   

Posts: 8622
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
Status: offline
Sounds great!..Stay warm and Happy New Year.


(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 445
RHS Level ii Comprehensive Update 2.89 - 1/1/2018 3:33:16 PM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
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Status: offline
RHS Level II v 2.90 update link!Ap7XOIkiBuUwhPxFuII1ZkrVQefJBQ

This update only involves pwhexe.dat files and map art files.

Testing revealed some issues. Research - all the way back to
Andrew Brown's original pwhexe.dat files (which more or less
correspond to RHS Level II in that they deal with an extended
map area) found a number of obscure fields which need to be
in sync with various files - including PWZONE.dat and PWZLINK.dat
files, and the game program itself. It also revealed that there
was originally a plan to have an RHS Level III - to include
more off map movement options. To that end, a new pwzlink.dat
editor was created permitting more links. Level II uses (almost)
every "slot" in the file, but RHS might provide more links in a
future edition. To set that up, the locations (bases) potentially
involved are now all defined. This process revealed some technical
problems and duplications, and differences of opinion about what
nation code to use for a given location. A number of unused codes
are now used by RHS, and more sub-maps are defined. These probably
improve a number of behaviors. Testing reveals all but one link
work. [For some reason, moving from Capetown to Stanley does not -
although the reverse link works. The link looks good at the
machine level. It remains unresolved.]

Here all the early pwhexe.dat files are reissued. The JES42MONSOON
file is substantially reworked, but is not yet complete - mainly with
respect to nation codes, submap codes and base codes, and a few terrain
types for "offmap" locations and similar peculiar special cases. Next
time I will issue both historical and JES 42 Monsoon versions.

Originally I planned to base everything on the start of game pwhexe.dat
file. But years of work to get seasons right would have to be redone. So
I am reworking all the files instead. Once we have the 1942 files, I will
simply add roads and railroads as they get built for later years.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 1/5/2018 4:23:03 AM >

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 446
RE: RHS Level II comprehensive update 2.90 - 1/5/2018 4:20:44 AM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
Status: offline
RHS Level II v 2.90 update link!Ap7XOIkiBuUwhPxFuII1ZkrVQefJBQ

This update only involves pwhexe.dat files and map art files.

Testing revealed some issues. Research - all the way back to
Andrew Brown's original pwhexe.dat files (which more or less
correspond to RHS Level II in that they deal with an extended
map area) found a number of obscure fields which need to be
in sync with various files - including PWZONE.dat and PWZLINK.dat
files, and the game program itself. It also revealed that there
was originally a plan to have an RHS Level III - to include
more off map movement options. To that end, a new pwzlink.dat
editor was created permitting more links. Level II uses (almost)
every "slot" in the file, but RHS might provide more links in a
future edition. To set that up, the locations (bases) potentially
involved are now all defined. This process revealed some technical
problems and duplications, and differences of opinion about what
nation code to use for a given location. A number of unused codes
are now used by RHS, and more sub-maps are defined. These probably
improve a number of behaviors. Testing reveals all but one link
work. [For some reason, moving from Capetown to Stanley does not -
although the reverse link works. The link looks good at the
machine level. It remains unresolved.]

Here all the early pwhexe.dat files are reissued. The JES42MONSOON
file is substantially reworked, but is not yet complete - mainly with
respect to nation codes, submap codes and base codes, and a few terrain
types for "offmap" locations and similar peculiar special cases. Next
time I will issue both historical and JES 42 Monsoon versions.

Originally I planned to base everything on the start of game pwhexe.dat
file. But years of work to get seasons right would have to be redone. So
I am reworking all the files instead. Once we have the 1942 files, I will
simply add roads and railroads as they get built for later years.

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 447
RE: RHS Level II comprehensive update 2.90 - 1/7/2018 4:30:18 PM   

Posts: 8622
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
Status: offline
I notice your RHS 2 files include "installers"..Does this mean the seasons install themselves over time...or do we still add the seasons manually?


(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 448
RE: RHS Level II comprehensive update 2.90 - 1/11/2018 3:41:39 PM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
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No - the installer assumes you want to start in December, 1941 (although Scenario 126 assumes
you want to start in February, 1945 - if memory serves - it is not done and likely never will
be done; but I keep chipping away at it. Almost everything must be redefined for 1945).

WHEN I finish all the pwhexe.dat and related files ( and have a complete set of seasonal map art
for out years ) I might look at this. Someone did this for RHS in WITP days - creating a "Switcher"
program that lets you decide what you want. I would do this in the form of specify year and season,
and it installs the supporting technical and art files for that. I also am thinking about a
script that reads the date (there is ONE place the program can see it) and AUTOMATICALLY changing
these. But I don't understand how to write such a script and would need to learn, absent a volunteer
as came forward in the original WITP version of RHS. Getting all of the pwhexe.dat files for all
seasons completely in sync for the entire war has priority. I did that for AE RHS Level I - but
found so many improvements I did a Level II - and it is not in all respects finished - although
first pass files are done. I am now going through - having reached Fall 1942 - after which it will speed
up - since I build later files on the early ones for each season. While fall 1942 exists, it is not
yet fully functional with RHS Level II - in the NW and SW corners in particular. This will change in
a few days. It will take maybe a month to then do all the out year files. There are something like 26
different pwhexe.dat files - two sets - for strictly historical and for Japan enhanced scenarios -
for every season from Winter 1942 to Fall 1946. It is more work than it sounds like. Particularly as I
keep finding errors in stock coding and have to fix it in every hex in every seasonal file (twice -
one for historical and one for JES scenarios). Very tedious work. But the new pwhexe.dat files are
more functional than ever. Something about tell the engine the truth and it works better.


ORIGINAL: m10bob

I notice your RHS 2 files include "installers"..Does this mean the seasons install themselves over time...or do we still add the seasons manually?

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 449
RE: RHS Level II comprehensive update 2.90 - 1/12/2018 2:11:56 PM   

Posts: 8622
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
Status: offline
Sid, thank you for the detail.
I have liked RHS since before it was called that, (forgot what we used to call it).
Appreciate the historical details and inclusion of many units and ships which were missing in WITP, (including the "battleship" in Bombay in Dec 1941.)

While some of your weapons editor theories have proven controversial, we still appreciate your detailed explanations of why you did some of the changes in your mod and how you expect those changes to work, and the intent.

(In the days od SPWAW, I modded things like the German robot guided "Goliath", and the Piper J-3 obs plane.)
I too got some criticism at the time for some of my mods....but I am still here at Matrix forums, lol.


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Post #: 450
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