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win10/1920x1080, blurry font

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win10/1920x1080, blurry font - 2/28/2016 12:51:20 PM   


Posts: 6
Joined: 2/28/2016
From: Finland
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Just bought the game on steam and noticed how blurry/unreadable the font is the tutorial messages and ship information (bottom left).

All other text like the text in the option menu is great and easily readable.

Is this normal? Text looks out of focus/little bit blurry. I'm using windows 10, geforce gtx 970, 120% DPI, 1920x1080.

< Message edited by urpokarhu -- 2/28/2016 6:58:14 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: win10/1920x1080, blurry font - 2/28/2016 1:54:30 PM   


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It is my resolution, and I never had that issue. That being said, what is perceived as blurry can be individual.

I can't remember what is there, but look in the settings if you run a lower resolution that is scaled up. If you find nothing useful, you can look at startup.ini that should be in the game folder, where you can remove a comment tag and set resolution manually.

(in reply to urpokarhu)
Post #: 2
RE: win10/1920x1080, blurry font - 2/28/2016 5:32:37 PM   


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Please see attached screenshot about the blurriness. Especially the first line in the tutorial windows is scrambled (Welcome to the Distant Worlds tutorial in this tutorial you) + ship type information.

There are not resolution settings inside the game and startup.ini forces screen to windowed mode (which didn't change the blurry font in the tutorial section of the game)

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by urpokarhu -- 2/28/2016 5:39:38 PM >

(in reply to Bingeling)
Post #: 3
RE: win10/1920x1080, blurry font - 2/28/2016 6:53:27 PM   


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Actually I'm using 120DPI in Win10 (just checked) but changing it to 100DPI didn't change anything. You can find video of the problem here (please watch the video on 1080p):

< Message edited by urpokarhu -- 2/28/2016 6:58:44 PM >

(in reply to urpokarhu)
Post #: 4
RE: win10/1920x1080, blurry font - 2/28/2016 7:45:07 PM   


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That's how I also see it. There's always some blurry text for me as well, at least with 1920x1080 and my monitor.
I believe this was already discussed in several threads. Some people seem to have it other don't.
There was a never solution for this.

(in reply to urpokarhu)
Post #: 5
RE: win10/1920x1080, blurry font - 2/28/2016 8:23:23 PM   


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Some random images from an old AAR.

And the oh so elusive selection panel shot.

The selection panel does not look fantastic.

Result from random searching:

Cleartype should be a nice term to search for.

(in reply to VPaulus)
Post #: 6
RE: win10/1920x1080, blurry font - 2/28/2016 9:57:42 PM   


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I've two different system, the only thing they have in common is the monitor a 23' HP monitor (1920x1080).
One has an ATI graphic card and is running Windows 8.1 and the other is running a Nvidia with < Windows 10 partition and a Windows 7 one.
I have the blurry font issue in both Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. I don't have it Windows 7.
I have already tried messing with ClearType settings and didn't had any impact on DW fonts.

(in reply to Bingeling)
Post #: 7
RE: win10/1920x1080, blurry font - 2/29/2016 3:50:14 PM   


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I have disabled DPI scaling the game exe-file and I also have disabled Cleartype fonts, this doesn't help.

I have also discovered that windows 10 uses different scaling "engine" than 8.1 and tried to change back to 8.1's engine with this program called "XPExplorer - windows 10 DPI fix" and it doesn't help neither.

Too bad, I think I could have enjoyed this game immensively :(

(in reply to VPaulus)
Post #: 8
RE: win10/1920x1080, blurry font - 2/29/2016 4:40:09 PM   


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Even changing resolution to 1024x768 and disabling scaling in Nvidia settings doesn't help but with lower resolution the text is a tiny bit better. It's weird that the first row of the text is the worst allways

(in reply to urpokarhu)
Post #: 9
RE: win10/1920x1080, blurry font - 2/29/2016 9:02:30 PM   


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The issue is not on the Nvidia settings. My Nvidia settings are the same in Windows 7 and Windows 10.

< Message edited by VPaulus -- 2/29/2016 9:03:07 PM >

(in reply to urpokarhu)
Post #: 10
RE: win10/1920x1080, blurry font - 11/8/2016 5:37:57 AM   


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I've the same problem here with my new PC (GTX 970 ans W10). I had an ATI 5850 before, with Windows 7, and the text was fine...

I tried many things, without any success... :(

Did you find any solution since your posts ?

(in reply to VPaulus)
Post #: 11
RE: win10/1920x1080, blurry font - 11/10/2016 2:19:26 PM   


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I'm afraid not.

(in reply to Rem)
Post #: 12
RE: win10/1920x1080, blurry font - 11/12/2016 3:59:48 PM   


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Thank you for your answer.

I'm investigating the problem since a few days, maybe it could be an incompatibility between the font and Windows 10 ?

Do we know the exact name of that font ?

(in reply to VPaulus)
Post #: 13
RE: win10/1920x1080, blurry font - 9/7/2017 3:51:52 PM   


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An ages old thread, but I found the same problem suddendly when playing WitE. Solution was to force FXAA off from Nvidia Control Panel. I think I meddled with those settings when fooling around with some Skyrim mods :)

Anyway, hope this helps someone who's still suffering from blurry text on Matrix produced games!

(in reply to Rem)
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