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- 7/14/2003 8:07:10 PM   
Attack Condor


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From: Chicago
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FWIW, another piece of advice about subs: when I see barges, I stay well away from them. I think they're the evil incarnation of a twisted mentality - whose sole purpose is to draw fire from innocent submarines and cause them harm with the occasional "shell hit" from drunken machinegun operators. And if one obliges you by sinking, you get a whole zero victory points :rolleyes:

My subs would rather face a ASW TF of 9 x DD than a single barge. :D


"Shouldn't we be leading the shark into shore...instead him leading us out to sea?"

(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 151
- 7/15/2003 3:16:08 AM   


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Condor, I so hear you! I was after biger fish but he is screening his more valuable targets beautifully with AG TFs. This was the real reason for sending in lone DDs I wanted to clear away a few of his pesky barges; they clutter up the screen and they tempt my sub drivers!


(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 152
- 7/16/2003 2:29:10 PM   


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Operation Wunpuko continues with the departure of the transport Tf and the arrival of the Wasp.

An Air TF is created around the (now) 5 carriers under Spruance and they head to 60 miles off the west coast of Wunpuko.

A surface group under Lee will be formed tomorrow to head there to provide warship protection.

The recon sub is at Wunpuko this turn and will unload its men tonight.

In other news the supply Tf moving into Luganville arrives tonight - some CAP is raised to defend it - it holds 31000 units of much needed supply. A small surface unit of 4 DDs is created and heads over to Townsville to help the very tired DDs currently doing the FT run to Lea Lea.

2 transport TFs are created in Brisbane, one with the 41st Div engineers - bound for Wunpuko, and another supply mission bound for Cooktown: which is down to 10000 supply units.


Weather: Thunderstorms

Air attack on TF, near Finschhafen at 11,33

Allied aircraft
Hudson x 6

Allied aircraft losses
Hudson x 1 destroyed
Hudson x 5 damaged

Japanese Ships
CL Tama
DD Shigure

Attacking Level Bombers:
4 x Hudson at 6000 feet
1 x Hudson at 6000 feet

Air attack on TF, near Lunga at 38,40

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 14
A6M3 Zero x 2

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 6

no losses

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress x 6 damaged

Japanese Ships
CA Ashigara
BB Nagato

Attacking Level Bombers:
2 x B-17E Fortress at 6000 feet
4 x B-17E Fortress at 6000 feet

Despite thunderstorms 2 sqds of bombers manage to fly out after very longe range targets: the hudsons fly from Cooktown to Finschafen, and a brand new sqd of forts - with default naval attack settings - attacks Lunga harbour (through 16 zeros). A pain to say the least (3 ACs lost).
Ground combat at Lea Lea

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 6850 troops, 84 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 8847 troops, 34 guns, 5 vehicles

More bombardment by Herbie-san, he is probably trying to gauge when I have reduced them enough to allow a successful attack.


(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 153
- 7/17/2003 4:22:24 PM   


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Herbie notices the recon unit at Wunpuko - what to make of this??

The surface unit built around N Carolina under Lee heads to Wunpuko.

Spruance puts more CAP into the air and readies the Naval bombers to attack.

Herbie-san is vigourously transporting something into Lunga and there are currently 3 TFs at Buna.


Weather: Partly Cloudy

Sub attack at 38,37

Japanese Ships
AP Shoan Maru
PC Takunan Maru #2

Allied Ships
SS S-43, Shell hits 3, on fire, heavy damage

I cannot believe this another PC manages to sink one of my subs. Talk about bad luck on the ASW front
Air attack on 11th Aus Engineer Battalion, at 9,39

Japanese aircraft
G3M Nell x 14

no losses

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 11

Attacking Level Bombers:
14 x G3M Nell at 5000 feet

Air attack on 11th Aus Engineer Battalion, at 9,39

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 19
D3A Val x 15
B5N Kate x 18
G3M Nell x 12
G4M1 Betty x 30

no losses

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 95
Vehicles lost 1

Attacking Level Bombers:
12 x G3M Nell at 5000 feet
18 x B5N Kate at 20000 feet
15 x G4M1 Betty at 6000 feet
15 x G4M1 Betty at 6000 feet

The aerial hammering continues - the only way out is to remove the men
Air attack on TF, near Buna at 12,38

Allied aircraft
Hudson x 3

no losses

Japanese Ships
AP Shoho Maru, Bomb hits 3, on fire, heavy damage

Attacking Level Bombers:
3 x Hudson at 6000 feet

I forgot to set these guys back to training - so they fly again - and it pays off - 3 bomb hits for no AC loss.
Air attack on TF, near Buna at 12,38

Allied aircraft
Hudson x 4

no losses

Japanese Ships
AP Tamashima Maru

Attacking Level Bombers:
4 x Hudson at 6000 feet

Air attack on 18th Coastal Gun Battalion, at 55,57

Allied aircraft
F4F-3 Wildcat x 26
F4F-4 Wildcat x 18
SBD Dauntless x 26
Hudson x 9
Beaufort x 11
B-25D Mitchell x 14
B-26B Marauder x 12
A-20B Havoc x 11

no losses

Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 39

Attacking Level Bombers:
3 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
9 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
5 x Beaufort at 6000 feet
3 x Hudson at 6000 feet
5 x A-20B Havoc at 6000 feet
6 x Hudson at 6000 feet
6 x Beaufort at 6000 feet
6 x A-20B Havoc at 6000 feet
9 x B-25D Mitchell at 6000 feet
5 x B-25D Mitchell at 6000 feet

more training - I set these guys back to Naval only.
Air attack on TF, near Buna at 12,38

Allied aircraft
Hudson x 3

no losses

Japanese Ships
AP Nagara Maru

Attacking Level Bombers:
3 x Hudson at 6000 feet

Air attack on TF, near Buna at 12,38

Allied aircraft
Hudson x 3

no losses

Japanese Ships
AP Tamashima Maru, Bomb hits 1

Attacking Level Bombers:
3 x Hudson at 6000 feet

They try again but no luck
Ground combat at Lea Lea

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 6850 troops, 84 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 5988 troops, 19 guns, 4 vehicles



(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 154
- 7/18/2003 5:23:46 AM   


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Oops I overwrote my combat report, so I'll try and remember what happened and what my intentions were.

First stage of "Operation Wunpuko" has been completed: the recon unit find mouldy rice, spent cartridges and demolished facilities; but no Japs. Intelligence had surmised as much but so far in this war "intelligence" has been a bit of an oxymoron (in one word!)

The recon group transmit their findings to the transport TF that pulls into Wunpuko and starts unloading - currently wunpuko is: port 1 airfield 2. The base unit that unloads will have a sqd of wildcats and dauntlesses to look after tomorrow.

Weather is playing its part with more thunderstorms so it is possible that the landings may go uncontested.

Back in Oz the small DD unit sent to replace the worst crocks in the FT groups will arrive in Townsville. During email banter Herbie professed to having missed something - I suspect it was my FT missions. I noticed an increased level of warships below GG so that may have been it.

My subs in the GG strait have not seen hide nor hair of the ships leaving PM or coming from further North - he may now be going around the coral rather than through the straits - unfortunately I have so few subs (most of the more effective SS types are sunk) that I can't cover both.

I have hit a bit of an empass, if I keep retrieving the troops from Lea Lea, their numbers will drop to the point the Jap regiment currently keeping the aussies on their toes will be powerful enough to kill/capture them. I have a portion of every unit out of Lea Lea now so I should get replacements, but lost troops still equals points.


(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 155
- 7/22/2003 3:13:13 AM   


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(I have had a bit of a problem posting my turns - couldn't get to the forum page)
We are still manouevering units into positions to take our next steps. It is difficult to know when the defensive moves over to the offensive.

With operation Wunpuko moving along according to plan - 2 Wildcat sqds have moved there and are now taking up the job of CAP - we can start thinking ahead to the next step. I don't want to run before I can walk, so finish what we start first - the landing troops need to get off the boats and get some supply moved in.

Then I think operation "stepping stone" will start. Currently the plan will be to move 2 Seabees units to Luganville and the FT them and supplies to Gavigmana. Then, when we have an airbase get some air support there, then aircraft and we can actually get the place operational.

Two more FT missions are off to Lea Lea - 4 damaged ships are returning to Noumea and from there probably to PH to get sys damage repaired and AAA upgraded.

I have commissioned some recon of PM - for little other than to make Herbie wonder what I am up to.


Weather: Thunderstorms

Ground combat at Lea Lea

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 6856 troops, 84 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 6044 troops, 18 guns, 4 vehicles



(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 156
Massive shipping activity up north - 7/22/2003 3:16:35 AM   


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Woah - herbie-san is on the move again!!

In Oz a surface unit is scouted in Lea Lea bay (and marauders attempt to hit it - only to damage themselves). This is obviously a welcoming committee for my FT missions - looks like I retrieved the last survivors of the Aussie brigades. The 2 FT missions - instead of moving into Lea Lea - are split into 5 groups:

1 FT TF of 3 AVs an APD and the DMS: they will return to Cairns
3 single DD surface TFs that are going to try and intercept more of his AGs on their way to PM (mid ocean). They are all in their teens for sys damage.
1 surface TF of the most servicable DDs that are going into PM - he has, what is scouted as, a transport TF with APs and a DD in harbour. This unit gets LRCAP (of kittyhawks) from cooktown allocated to its return.

He has also disbanded and docked some ships in GG; these may be the ships that left PM. I set the 3 B-17 sqds in Cairns to night bomb the port.

In the east it appears Wunpuko HAS caused some consternation. A BB led surface unit now stands one sprint from Wunpuko, above it is an Air TF of at least 1 CV and 1 CS; I expect it is actually all his CVs.

This turn he scouted my transport TF in Wunpuko but as yet he has not seen the surface TF or the air TF now 2 hexes west of Wunpuko.
The transport TF in Wunpuko harbour has not completely disembarked all its troops and supplies; I decide the area is just too hot - they undock and leave harbour. They will return once the danger lowers a little. Before they leave however, 2 more of the PTs lashed to the transports decks are unloaded and added to the 3 that are in harbour.

1 sqd of dauntlesses is moved to Wunpuko airfield to be escorted by the 2 marine F4F sqds housed here. Another sqd at Luganville (marines again) is set to LRCAP over Wunpuko. The transport TF that was unloading supplies here is now empty and returning to Noumea post haste.

The plan is simple but workable: his surface fleets may attack Wunpuko and will meet my surface fleet, any cripples from my bunch will retire to their homebase - luganville - 4 hexes away. His will have miles to go and be able to be hit by my Navy air or aircraft from Luganville.
What is likely to happen is my air TF and his will Duke it out - I have 5 carriers now with the best units I can muster, I should do OK. Any LRCAP he is flying will reduce CAP and any injured surface units will be moving slower than the original surface fleet (targeted by LRCAP) and therefore not be covered - this should mean my LBA will hit them.

If he targets Luganville with his surface fleet he will find nothing - it is empty.


Weather: Partly Cloudy

Air attack on TF, near Lea Lea at 9,39

Allied aircraft
B-26B Marauder x 22

Allied aircraft losses
B-26B Marauder x 11 damaged

Japanese Ships
CL Tama
CA Takao
DD Shiratsuyu
DD Yugure

Attacking Level Bombers:
4 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
4 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
4 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
4 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
1 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
1 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
4 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet

Pointless - I set my MLBA to training
Sub attack at 18,43

Japanese Ships
CL Sendai, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
SS S-40

The immortal Sendai meets a sub in the gili straight - will this persude it to take up underwater activities?
P.S. I still don't know if I sunk the Kaga - I am leaning towards no now: that is one tough ship!
Ground combat at Lea Lea

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 6847 troops, 84 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 6065 troops, 17 guns, 4 vehicles

When will this turn to attack?



(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 157
The battle of Nevea - 7/22/2003 9:06:56 AM   


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The battle of Nevea will go down in history as the turning of the tide!

"Early in the morning of August the 15th it became clear to Allied naval planners that the conniving jap was trying something south of the Solomon Sea. With the current invasion and mop up of Wunpuko Island coincidentally taking place, the navy decided the pieces were in place to give the Jap a bloody nose. Strike forces of naval dive bombers and torpedo planes fell like an ancient plague on the Jap carriers smashing bombs and torpedoes into 7 enemy carriers! All are reported to have sunk! Jap replies were beaten off with the allied force suffering no damage."

OK, so this may not be entirely true - in fact I wouldn't be too surprised if none of the CVs have sunk. However, with no damaged ships myself (that's right - completely unscathed) I am going to overwork my naval attack aviators.
All the carrier action occured in the morning, then the weather turned for the worse and I couldn't put afternoon strikes against the CVs. I think my strikes came as a complete surprise to Herbie-san - he knew I had carriers obviously but they had been sitting in the same spot for about 3 turns without being sighted. I think he may have thought he had a little more time - his CAP was minimal or maybe, as hoped, he was LRCAPing?

Afternoon strikes then turned against his surface forces, the most disrupted of which was the one built around BB Nagato. I put enough ordinance into her so that she may actually be in trouble.

So, as stated, the naval aviators are not going to get any rest this turn. He has about 10 TFs on a latitude of Nevea (I am pleased he did not hit Wunpuko, I think my surface force would have been swamped!) and my carriers are going to advance as far as they can go, I expect he will retire without air cover but there will be many wounded ducks that need the chop. In fact I may split my Air TF into two to cover more area. To help matters I move 1 fresh sqd of dauntlesses from Wunpuko and one marine sqd form Luganville to Yorktown and Saratoga.

In Oz all does not go to plan, despite ordering my remaining FT ships to retire to Cairns they disobey orders and continue with their "pick up troops" orders. It appears changing their destination (I changed their homebase and then told them to retire there.... now) gets over-riden by orders to pick up troops. I knew he had a surface unit at Lea Lea but my ships still go there - Bang.
The ships still afloat will regroup at Cairns and we will see whether Herbie-san stays at Lea Lea. I have had 5 APDs released from PH.


Weather: Partly Cloudy

Air attack on Gili Gili , at 17,42

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 3

no losses

Port hits 1

Attacking Level Bombers:
3 x B-17E Fortress at 6000 feet
That was pretty pointless
Night Time Surface Combat at 14,42

Japanese Ships
AG 123, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
AG 352
AG 355
AG 357, Shell hits 16, and is sunk

Allied Ships
DD Mahan

One of my mid ocean intercepts manages to hit pay dirt - they only seem to sink 2 AGs at a time though.
Night Time Surface Combat, near Port Moresby at 10,40

Japanese Ships
DD Tachikaze, Shell hits 7, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
AP Kaiko Maru, Shell hits 10, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
DD Sims, Shell hits 2
DD Conyngham
DD Tucker
DD Hull
DD MacDonough

My other DD force also manages to find his transport TF in PM harbour. The AP looked in dire trouble - that is the first surface launched torp that has managed to detonate for me.
Night Time Surface Combat, near Lea Lea at 9,39

Japanese Ships
CA Takao, Shell hits 2
CL Tama, Shell hits 1
DD Amatsukaze, Shell hits 1
DD Shiratsuyu
DD Shigure
DD Yugure
DD Amagiri, Shell hits 1
DD Minazuki

Allied Ships
APD Colhoun, Shell hits 12, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
AV Ballard
AV McFarland, Shell hits 23, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
AV Thornton, Shell hits 10, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
DMS Hovey

**** **** **** - Thornton follows her sister ships under the waves - they served me well; and it is not as if I "wanted" them to destroy themselves...
Air attack on TF at 48,44

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 16
A6M3 Zero x 5

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 17
SBD Dauntless x 117
TBF Avenger x 12

no losses

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat x 2 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat x 1 damaged
SBD Dauntless x 19 destroyed
SBD Dauntless x 42 damaged
TBF Avenger x 5 damaged

PO2 F.Hanamoto of AI-1 Daitai is credited with kill number 4

Japanese Ships
CV Soryu, Bomb hits 5, on fire, heavy damage
CV Akagi, Bomb hits 7, on fire
CS Nisshin
CV Hiryu, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
CV Junyo, Bomb hits 1, on fire
CS Chiyoda, Bomb hits 1, on fire
CS Chitose, Bomb hits 1, on fire

I really don't think he was ready for me - 21 planes on CAP - they get inundated with targets and invariably the post gets through. Despite taking 7 1000lb bombs I don't think Akagi is going down.
Air attack on TF at 48,44

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 8
A6M3 Zero x 2

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 5
SBD Dauntless x 17
TBF Avenger x 14

no losses

Allied aircraft losses
SBD Dauntless x 1 destroyed
SBD Dauntless x 7 damaged
TBF Avenger x 1 destroyed
TBF Avenger x 16 damaged

Japanese Ships
CV Hiryu, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
CV Junyo, on fire
CA Tone
CV Akagi, on fire

Avengers make a hash of this run
Air attack on TF at 48,44

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 8
A6M3 Zero x 2

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 7
SBD Dauntless x 32
TBF Avenger x 30

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero x 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat x 1 destroyed
SBD Dauntless x 3 destroyed
SBD Dauntless x 3 damaged
TBF Avenger x 1 destroyed
TBF Avenger x 13 damaged

ENS R.Imamura of F2/1st Daitai is credited with kill number 4

Japanese Ships
CV Soryu, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
CV Junyo, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
CV Akagi, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
CV Hiryu, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
CA Tone

Far better strikes from the Avengers and it looks like the Soryo, Hiryo and Junyo are in trouble. Hopefully I can catch them next turn.
Air attack on TF at 50,42

Allied aircraft
B-25D Mitchell x 9

Allied aircraft losses
B-25D Mitchell x 1 destroyed
B-25D Mitchell x 8 damaged

Japanese Ships
CL Naka
DD Yamagumo, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage

Attacking Level Bombers:
3 x B-25D Mitchell at 1000 feet
4 x B-25D Mitchell at 1000 feet
1 x B-25D Mitchell at 1000 feet

at 1000 feet these guys get two hits - they pay for it though. 1 of the planes is lost.
Air attack on TF at 50,51

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 6
D3A Val x 14

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 104

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero x 2 destroyed
D3A Val x 15 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat x 2 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat x 5 damaged

LT R. Hoyle of VF-6 is credited with kill number 7

They were never getting through.
Air attack on TF at 50,51

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 17
B5N Kate x 16

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 102

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero x 11 destroyed
B5N Kate x 17 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat x 5 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat x 5 damaged

LTJG S.Walton of VF-6 is credited with kill number 3

LCDR C. Shands of VF-71 is KILLED

Allied Ships
CV Enterprise

About 30 of the defending F4Fs are at 7000 feet - they are probably amongst the destroyed planes but they also fill their boots with the incoming Kates.
Air attack on TF at 50,51

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 15
B5N Kate x 18

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 97

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero x 3 destroyed
B5N Kate x 15 destroyed
B5N Kate x 4 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat x 5 destroyed

LTJG F. Register of VF-6 is credited with kill number 2

Allied Ships
CV Hornet
CV Enterprise
CV Saratoga

This attack was a bit more worrying but again, with ballet dancer like prowess, the CVs dodge the incoming torps.
Air attack on TF, near Wunpuko at 51,51

Japanese aircraft
E13A1 Jake x 20

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 49

Japanese aircraft losses
E13A1 Jake x 15 destroyed
E13A1 Jake x 7 damaged

1LT E.Scott of VMF-212 is credited with kill number 2

Allied Ships
CA Salt Lake City
CA Northampton
BB North Carolina
DD McCall

Not wanting to take on 100 fighters over the CVs these float planes instead try against the surface TF - there was still 50 fighters in defense, the float planes get slaughtered - they would have had trouble hurting anything other than the McCall anyway.
Air attack on TF at 47,43

Allied aircraft
B-26B Marauder x 3

Allied aircraft losses
B-26B Marauder x 1 destroyed
B-26B Marauder x 2 damaged

Japanese Ships
AP Otori Maru

Attacking Level Bombers:
2 x B-26B Marauder at 1000 feet

Air attack on TF at 48,43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 7
SBD Dauntless x 85
TBF Avenger x 11

Allied aircraft losses
SBD Dauntless x 14 damaged
TBF Avenger x 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
DD Suzukaze
DD Arashi
BB Nagato, Bomb hits 9, on fire, heavy damage
CA Ashigara, Bomb hits 11, on fire, heavy damage
CL Kinu, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
CA Kumano, Bomb hits 1
DD Hibiki

The afternoon strikes have to find a new target (weather has socked in the CVs). The Nagato is reported with Heavy damage - we will see. The Kinu is the only ship reported sunk for the day.
Air attack on TF at 48,43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 8
SBD Dauntless x 11
TBF Avenger x 10

Allied aircraft losses
SBD Dauntless x 1 damaged
TBF Avenger x 6 damaged

Japanese Ships
BB Nagato, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
CL Kinu, on fire, heavy damage
CA Kumano

More for Nagato
Air attack on TF at 48,43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 9
SBD Dauntless x 28
TBF Avenger x 9

Allied aircraft losses
SBD Dauntless x 1 destroyed
SBD Dauntless x 2 damaged
TBF Avenger x 3 damaged

Japanese Ships
CA Ashigara, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
CL Kinu, Bomb hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
BB Nagato, Bomb hits 8, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

And still more - I think she should be slowed down enough for me to catch this next turn.
Air attack on TF at 48,43

Allied aircraft
Beaufort x 7
A-20B Havoc x 9

no losses

Japanese Ships
BB Nagato, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
CL Kinu, Bomb hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
DD Hibiki

Attacking Level Bombers:
4 x A-20B Havoc at 1000 feet
4 x A-20B Havoc at 1000 feet
4 x Beaufort at 6000 feet
3 x Beaufort at 6000 feet
1 x A-20B Havoc at 1000 feet

The Havocs at 1000 ft are devastating - their bombs however are not that effective against the tough hide of the Nagato. These Havocs are my boys - it is funny how you start backing individual ships or squadrons, they are on average exp of 78! They've battled at PM, out of Cooktown and now Luganville.
Air attack on TF, near Wunpuko at 51,51

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 20
A6M3 Zero x 12
D3A Val x 17

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 37

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero x 1 destroyed
D3A Val x 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat x 6 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat x 2 damaged

WO U.Muranaka of AI-1 Daitai is credited with kill number 4

Now this is a funny one - these guys attack from Efate!! Did herbie-san move them here before the attack or did they fly there after the attacks on my carriers? I suspect the second. In either case the North Carolina group is going to bombard them this turn. My marine wildcats take a bit of a beating.
Ground combat at Lea Lea

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 6844 troops, 84 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 5711 troops, 17 guns, 4 vehicles

All in all I lost about 50 ACs - he lost about the same (therefore no CV has sunk yet) my air TF has 370 ACs still on board. Alot of the planes are damaged but I just cannot pass this opportunity by.
I split the CVs into a group of 3 and a group of 2 to try and get differing targets in the strike tomorrow.


(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 158
- 7/22/2003 4:50:37 PM   


Posts: 1095
Joined: 10/16/2002
From: Christchurch, New Zealand
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My split CV fleets manage to find about a dozen targets to attack and promptly only attack one - again and again and again (the first 2 attacks kill both ships in the TF). Very disappointing as this was the reason I split my forces - I wanted to have more than one target.
The larger TF moved into range of his LBA and they launch 2 major strikes, unfortunately for Herbie their escorts decide to visit Luganville...?? Either way I do suffer my 2nd CV hit of the game - but the damage I caused is worth it!
In Oz a 7 ship convoy of supplies arrives in cooktown to feed the MRBs there. I have substantial CAP up over them (and I know I just devastated a sizable quantity of his LBA) so they should be safe from the skies. However I have not seen his surface force in Lea Lea this turn so I will set my MRBs to a higher percentage of search to try and offset a nasty surprise.
I have 4 base units in Brisbane now and nowhere to really put them - I can imagine another one going into Cooktown for a future invasion of PM - but they will suffer malaria so that can wait.


Weather: Partly Cloudy

Air attack on Gili Gili , at 17,42

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 3

no losses

Attacking Level Bombers:
3 x B-17E Fortress at 6000 feet

I think I will halt this - no effect.
Naval bombardment of Efate Port Vila, at 55,57

Allied Ships
DD Blue, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Wilson, Shell hits 1
DD Drayton, Shell hits 3

Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 9

Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 14
Port hits 9
Port supply hits 3

Doh - forgot about adding DDs to the bombardment force - I knew there was a CD at Efate!
Air attack on TF at 47,43

Allied aircraft
SBD Dauntless x 13
TBF Avenger x 8

no losses

Japanese Ships
CV Soryu, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
CV Junyo, Bomb hits 4, on fire, heavy damage

Even this little strike would have sufficed!
Air attack on TF at 47,43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 7
SBD Dauntless x 9
TBF Avenger x 8

no losses

Japanese Ships
CV Soryu, on fire, heavy damage
CV Junyo, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage

But just to make sure
Air attack on TF at 47,43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 7
SBD Dauntless x 29

no losses

Air attack on TF at 47,43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 5
SBD Dauntless x 21
TBF Avenger x 12

no losses

Air attack on TF at 47,43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 7
SBD Dauntless x 36

no losses

Air attack on TF at 47,43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 6
SBD Dauntless x 13
TBF Avenger x 12

no losses

Air attack on TF at 47,43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 8
SBD Dauntless x 15

no losses

Bah - how rubbish is that - the sea was crawling with other targets - including another wounded carrier.
Air attack on TF at 45,46

Japanese aircraft
G4M1 Betty x 15

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 72

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M1 Betty x 14 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat x 1 damaged

LT R. Hoyle of VF-6 is credited with kill number 8

Attacking Level Bombers:
0 x G4M1 Betty at 200 feet

Air attack on TF at 45,46

Japanese aircraft
G3M Nell x 27
G4M1 Betty x 36

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 72

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M Nell x 19 destroyed
G3M Nell x 7 damaged
G4M1 Betty x 32 destroyed
G4M1 Betty x 6 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat x 6 damaged

ENS J. Schell of VF-3 is credited with kill number 4

Allied Ships
CV Saratoga
CV Enterprise
CV Yorktown, Torpedo hits 1 (Sys 25 float 5 fire 4) Always gets me how torps can do more sys than float damage

Attacking Level Bombers:
1 x G3M Nell at 200 feet
3 x G3M Nell at 200 feet
1 x G4M1 Betty at 200 feet
0 x G3M Nell at 200 feet
1 x G4M1 Betty at 200 feet
2 x G3M Nell at 200 feet
1 x G4M1 Betty at 200 feet

Can't fault their tenacity - it isn't without reward this time though.
Air attack on Efate Port Vila , at 55,57

Allied aircraft
SBD Dauntless x 14
Hudson x 12
Beaufort x 14
P-39D Airacobra x 24
B-26B Marauder x 11
A-20B Havoc x 16

no losses

Airbase hits 6
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 19

Attacking Level Bombers:
6 x A-20B Havoc at 6000 feet
8 x Beaufort at 6000 feet
3 x Beaufort at 6000 feet
3 x A-20B Havoc at 6000 feet
7 x A-20B Havoc at 6000 feet
3 x Beaufort at 6000 feet
3 x Hudson at 6000 feet
8 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
3 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
6 x Hudson at 6000 feet
3 x Hudson at 6000 feet

He still has an "AC are present" icon at Efate.
Air attack on TF at 47,43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 11
SBD Dauntless x 31
TBF Avenger x 7

no losses

So, the afternoon rolls around and what do the CV planes do? They all go to the same bit of empty ocean rather than strike something else.
Air attack on TF at 47,43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 3
SBD Dauntless x 15

no losses

Air attack on TF at 47,43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 5
SBD Dauntless x 11
TBF Avenger x 10

no losses

Air attack on TF at 47,43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 26
SBD Dauntless x 48
TBF Avenger x 20

no losses

Air attack on TF at 47,43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 3
SBD Dauntless x 29

no losses

That is just crap!
Ground combat at Lea Lea

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 6844 troops, 84 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 5747 troops, 17 guns, 4 vehicles

He is a spent force air attack wise so my CVs are king of the field (76 zeros were reported lost last turn, none were lost attacking Luganville so they must have been on the carriers) while they are I am going to ram home the advantage as far as I can:
Despite her injuries Yorktown can still conduct flight ops - she is reduced in speed to about 26 knots but that should not impact to heavily.
To get away from the same problems we had in the last turn I am going to separate the 2 TFs so they both can't hit the same targets. The larger TF (Yorktown, Saratoga and Enterprise) will target ships around Lunga. The TF built around Wasp and Hornet - Bee force :) will travel north but stay west of the Solomons - they are still looking for cripples.
With his carriers sunk or damaged and his LRBs hurt I can advance "Operation Stepping Stone" and use APs rather than FTing the troops in.


(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 159
- 7/22/2003 11:00:21 PM   
Mike Wood

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Just wanted you to know how much I am enjoying your AAR. I catch up ever day, before I continue programming on WIP.

Thanks Again...

Michael Wood

(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 160
Damage - 7/22/2003 11:47:19 PM   

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"CV Yorktown, Torpedo hits 1 (Sys 25 float 5 fire 4) Always gets me how torps can do more sys than float damage"

Hi, There are a lot of systems down there below the water line.
5 float damage means many engineering spaces/ tanks/voids required to run the ship have flooding.


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 161
- 7/23/2003 12:12:49 AM   


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'Sys 25 float 5 fire 4' after torpedo hit may have several explanations:

_ the torpedo hole has been closed but the ship can not go above a given speed or it will reopen and sink the ship.

_ no danger of sinking but an engine room has been flooded and is no more usable.

_ rudder hit and damaged, ship not able to manoeuver at high speed.

(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 162
- 7/23/2003 3:16:35 AM   
Attack Condor


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Well done, sir, on the attack against the IJN CVs! If you have some subs in the area (you [I]knew[/I] I had to get a sub reference in here, didn't ya?), see if they can catch the cripples if your pilots need a break :) If the CVs are split due to damage, they should be easy targets with only one or two destroyers in escort.


"Shouldn't we be leading the shark into shore...instead him leading us out to sea?"

(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 163
- 7/23/2003 4:18:13 AM   


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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mike Wood

Just wanted you to know how much I am enjoying your AAR. I catch up ever day, before I continue programming on WIP.

Thanks Again...

Michael Wood [/B][/QUOTE]

Thanks Michael - a bit of support llike yours makes all the difference when writing these things.

Herbie has classes on tuesdays so no turn last night.

Condor - 4 subs in the area - however he seems to be evading me nicely, I must admit I am relying on my carrier aircraft to deliver the coup de grace. I really don't want my planes to attack through Lunga though - he must be moving in zeroes in plague proportions there.


(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 164
- 7/23/2003 9:29:30 AM   

Posts: 6520
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From: Melb. Australia
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Congrats Wobbly ! Well played!


Never argue with an idiot, he will only drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 165
Adios Akagi - 7/23/2003 4:58:50 PM   


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Another Carrier slips beneath the waves, this time it is the combined fleet flagship Akagi. She managed to hide in a rain squall yesterday but today a late seagull float plane sent in an unlikely direction - behind us - finds her trying to make way back to safe waters.
Unfortunately my good work separating my TFs is again undone - 1 hex react puts both TFs in range of the Akagi and they hammer her. So much shipping is just slipping away while my targeting stays one-eyed. I suppose it is making sure of my score.
Weather heavily effects the chance to fly in the afternoon.


Weather: Thunderstorms

Sub attack at 19,40

Japanese Ships
MSW Rokko Maru

Allied Ships
SS S-38

The MSW was the target - although his invasion days are numbered, would be nice to make sure.
Air attack on TF at 46,41

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 4
SBD Dauntless x 28
TBF Avenger x 12

no losses

Japanese Ships
CV Akagi, Bomb hits 10, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Air attack on TF at 46,41

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 14
SBD Dauntless x 31
TBF Avenger x 11

no losses

Japanese Ships
CV Akagi, Bomb hits 6, on fire, heavy damage
DD Akigumo, Torpedo hits 1, on fire

Revenge for Pearl Harbour is sweet
Air attack on TF at 45,37

Japanese aircraft
D3A Val x 15

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 39

Japanese aircraft losses
D3A Val x 17 destroyed
D3A Val x 1 damaged

LT B.Black of VF-71 is credited with kill number 5

Oops, Herbie-san admits he has had his zeros pointing at Luganville with escort orders. Again his bombers attack unexcorted and they fail - in a big way.
Air attack on TF at 45,37

Japanese aircraft
D3A Val x 16

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 39

Japanese aircraft losses
D3A Val x 5 destroyed
D3A Val x 2 damaged

ENS R.Lawson of VF-71 is credited with kill number 5

No getting through the wall of defensive fire
Ground combat at Lea Lea

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 13756 troops, 168 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 5753 troops, 16 guns, 4 vehicles

Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 3)

Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0

Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 66

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 27

This is ominous news. Herbie has moved an extra inf Brigade to Lea Lea and the instantly get 3-1 odds. I put 2 FT missions to sea but they may be too late.

I have decided to retire my carrier forces - they are going to move out of range of Lunga. However, Carrier force Bee will stay in range of Irau and the main carrier force will stay in range of Rennel Island - there are 2 transport TFs (1 at each location) that have not been touched. I also put a surface fleet, under Lee, to sea aiming at the mid point between the 2 islands. If the air Tfs leave anything hopefully the surface units can clean them up.

Thanks Dave - plenty of great advice - and a few hairbrained schemes that I was gungho enough to give a go.
Herbie is not giving up - this battle continues!


(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 166
- 7/25/2003 4:56:56 AM   


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My carriers begin their retreat back to Luganville (and Noumea for the Yorktown). On the way they give a parting shot to the transports surrounding Rennel Island. Unfortunately Bee Force does not launch as they were supposed to hit the transports at Irau.
2 transports sunk during the night and another 2 join them during the day - considering the damage the Rennel Island force has suffered that is likely to be added to.
The troops at Lea Lea managed to repulse the Jap attacks - I don't understand the difference from last turns results - then they managed to get 3-1 odds, this time was only 0-1??? Did he only attack with one brigade again?
Either way another FT TF is pulling in tonight so I should get some more of the men out - he has reconned my FT mission though - hope there is no ambush waiting for them.


Weather: Partly Cloudy

Air attack on TF, near Rennell Island at 38,45

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 5

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 39
SBD Dauntless x 94
TBF Avenger x 23

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero x 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
F4F-4 Wildcat x 3 destroyed
SBD Dauntless x 1 damaged
TBF Avenger x 2 damaged

Japanese Ships
AP Kimishima Maru, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
AP Sanko Maru, Bomb hits 1
AP Tatsuwa Maru, Bomb hits 7, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
DD Minekaze
AP Cuba Maru, Bomb hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
AP Kano Maru, Bomb hits 2, on fire
AP Keisho Maru, Bomb hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
AP Hirokawa Maru, Bomb hits 1, on fire
AP Azuma Maru, Bomb hits 4, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
APD 38, Bomb hits 1
AP Tatsuho Maru, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
AP Shinnan Maru

Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 480
Guns lost 4

The reduction of his transport carrying potential continues.
Air attack on Efate Port Vila , at 55,57

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 18
SBD Dauntless x 14
Hudson x 12
Beaufort x 15
P-39D Airacobra x 24
B-26B Marauder x 14
A-20B Havoc x 15

Allied aircraft losses
SBD Dauntless x 1 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 83
Guns lost 1

Airbase hits 3
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 23

Attacking Level Bombers:
3 x Hudson at 6000 feet
12 x A-20B Havoc at 6000 feet
3 x Beaufort at 6000 feet
3 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
3 x Hudson at 6000 feet
3 x Beaufort at 6000 feet
8 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
3 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
6 x Hudson at 6000 feet
9 x Beaufort at 6000 feet
3 x A-20B Havoc at 6000 feet

A bit more training - and I am also trying to keep the aircraft that were damaged here grounded.
Air attack on TF, near Rennell Island at 38,45

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 8

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 20
SBD Dauntless x 31
TBF Avenger x 22

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero x 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
SBD Dauntless x 1 destroyed

LTJG N.Powell of VF-3 is credited with kill number 3

Japanese Ships
AP Kimishima Maru, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
DD Minekaze, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
AP Shinnan Maru
AP Keisho Maru, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
AP Azuma Maru, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
AP Tatsuho Maru, Bomb hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
AP Sanko Maru, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
AP Hirokawa Maru, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 126
Guns lost 2

Afternoon attacks continue the carnage
Ground combat at Lea Lea

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 13715 troops, 168 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 5720 troops, 12 guns, 4 vehicles

Japanese assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 2)

Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 33

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 79
Guns lost 1

Very strange after the beating I took yesterday.
My carriers will retire out of range of their naval bombers this turn. This unexpected series of battles can be considered a decisive, even war turning, victory. Operation Wunpuko which was the reason for the carriers being where they were has finished and it too can be considered completely successful.

Lee's Surface group is now in position to attack the forces at Irau - I am going to split off a sub unit of 1 Cl and 4 DDs to attack the remnants at Rennel Island. The TF has been found by his air search so it is possible that he will have warships there waiting for me. This is unlikely as I think most of them have run with their tails between their legs - more likely he will pull up the anchor and sail out of harbour. This is the beauty of having the Carriers around though - he wont want the transports, full of men, to be hit at sea: so who knows it may still work.

The transport TF with the construction crews for Operation Stepping Stone have left Noumea on their way to Gavigmana.
With the large quantities of troops being dropped at Irau and Rennel it will be more difficult than I first thought to take this route up the Solomons chain. So a new plan is emerging...

"Operation CentrePunch"
Operation CentrePunch revolves around the fact Herbie-san has not taken Woodlark Island. The plan involves the invasion of Gili Gili and the FT of Seabee units into Woodlark. Once Woodlark becomes a base I FT in a base unit and but fighters there to allow greater expansion. Although the number of Jap bases surrounding Woodlark will ring it in - it will also be able to interdict shipping all around the area he currently controls.
At present - while the plan is in its embryonic stage - the Aussies are slated to take Gili Gili and and RCT or 2 to defend Woodlark. This way I can leave Irau, Rennel and even Lunga out to dry while moving on the more important bases higher up the chain.


(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 167
- 7/26/2003 4:22:53 AM   


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As I surmised Herbie-san orders the retreat of the APs at Irau and Lee finds an empty harbour. As he pulls out though a force of enemy DDs pulls in.
The small force under the Kiwi CL Leander does find the damaged ships at Rennel and sends 4 more to the bottom.
Irau is again socked in by weather so Bee force's Naval bombers stay on their carriers.

In Oz the 2 FT missions get into Lea Lea and remove more of the troops there. This reduces my numbers to about 4,500. These guys are up against the 2 regiments of Japs and will surely now seccumb. In case they don't the APD sent from Noumea will pull into Townsville on this turn and be added to further attempts to rescue the Aussies.

The heavily damaged CA Astoria, who suffered at the hands of the PM invasions and a sub torpedo, managed to make it back to Noumea today. It is promptly returned to Pearl and will not be repaired for 197 days. That essentially is out of the battle, I am just pleased she made it!

The Enterprise and Saratoga will pull into Luganville this turn. Their fighter groups can rest before they take up defencive duties over the Gavigmana convoy.
Another of the Devastator squadrons at Koumac converts to Avengers and they are moved up to Luganville.


Weather: Thunderstorms

Night Time Surface Combat, near Rennell Island at 38,45

Japanese Ships
DD Minekaze, Shell hits 23, and is sunk
APD 38, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
AP Cuba Maru, Shell hits 29, and is sunk
AP Hirokawa Maru, on fire, heavy damage
AP Kano Maru, Shell hits 6, on fire, heavy damage
AP Kimishima Maru, Shell hits 13, and is sunk
AP Sanko Maru, on fire, heavy damage
AP Shinnan Maru
AP Tatsuho Maru, on fire, heavy damage
AP Teiyo Maru

Allied Ships
CL Leander, Shell hits 2
DD Laffey
DD Hughes
DD McCall
DD Smith

Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 70
Guns lost 3

The beleagured transport TF at Rennel takes more pounding with the plucky APD 38 putting 2 4.7 inch shells into the Leander - both bounce off. In a fit of fury the Leander replies and does much of the damage to the, now sunken, ships.
Air attack on Efate Port Vila , at 55,57

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 24
SBD Dauntless x 14
Hudson x 7
P-39D Airacobra x 21
B-26B Marauder x 9
A-20B Havoc x 9

no losses

Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 19

Airbase hits 5
Runway hits 24

Attacking Level Bombers:
6 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
4 x Hudson at 6000 feet
3 x Hudson at 6000 feet
9 x A-20B Havoc at 6000 feet
3 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet

More training flights to Efate.
Bee force will stay within striking distance of Irau and Rennel. I doubt he will be keeping too many ships around as targets - the happy hunting time is nearly over.
Lee turns his ships around and has another try at Irau - DDs can fire back so this may be trouble.


(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 168
- 7/27/2003 11:14:55 AM   


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The battle of Nevea - in all its forms is spluttering to a close. Naval ACs from Bee force attack a solitary DD at Irau and sink it. Drum, in the shallow water around rennel, sinks an as yet untouched Maru - taking a AAA round in the process.

Lee, who again tried to sweep into Irau looking for prey has been foiled: no-one home. He will return to Luganville to refuel and get ready for the landings in Gavigmana which are a couple of days away now.

Bee Force is dissolved, the surface ships formed in to a surface unit that will sweep into Rennel again. The 2 unescorted CVs will return to Luganville for replacement aircraft and a rest before helping cover the Gavigmana landings.


Weather: Partly Cloudy

Sub attack near Rennell Island at 38,45

Japanese Ships
AP Kanayamasan Maru, Shell hits 22, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
SS Drum, Shell hits 1

Drum stays on station to hit anymore cripples
Air attack on TF, near Irau at 42,43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 29
SBD Dauntless x 57
TBF Avenger x 21

Allied aircraft losses
SBD Dauntless x 2 damaged

Japanese Ships
DD Kagero, Bomb hits 5, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage

Kagero slips beneath the waves - Herbie-san persists in leaving his ships in the firing line; I persist in sinking them.
Air attack on Efate Port Vila , at 55,57

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 16
Hudson x 9
P-39D Airacobra x 3
B-26B Marauder x 6
A-20B Havoc x 8

no losses

Runway hits 14

Attacking Level Bombers:
3 x A-20B Havoc at 6000 feet
3 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
3 x Hudson at 6000 feet
3 x Hudson at 6000 feet
3 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
3 x Hudson at 6000 feet
5 x A-20B Havoc at 6000 feet

These training attacks are called off to give the crews a bit of RnR
Air attack on TF, near Irau at 42,43

Allied aircraft
F4F-4 Wildcat x 9
SBD Dauntless x 38
TBF Avenger x 22

no losses

No target at the expected location.


(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 169
The boneyard of Rennel - 7/28/2003 4:42:48 PM   


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A lull descends upon the South Pacific, serenaded by the sounds of burning Japanese ships...
My small surface unit of escorts that made up Bee Force cruise into Rennel - the killing fields for the Japs - and again find targets. Along with the SS drum they sink them all.

The gavigmana force arrives in its harbour and will begin unloading this turn. It is a large TF so it will need to be defended for some time. The weather has turned bad so the defensive forces slated to look after Gavigmana force stay at Luganville to reduce system damage.

Ships at Wunpuko continue to unload - 1 TF of fuel carriers and one of supplies.

Yorktown makes it to Noumea and unloads her air groups. She is 26 sys damage. I am uncertain as to whether to send her back to Pearl or leave her here. The next Carriers are not due for more than 100 days. I have the ascendency in this regard and it seems silly to waste it. The other hand of course says 4 should be adequate (although Hornet is now at 10 SYS damage).

In other news I notice BBs at shortland and a CA at russel Island - he may be taking this also - hope he doesn't notice Woodlark.


Weather: Partly Cloudy

Sub attack near Rennell Island at 38,45

Japanese Ships
AP Teiyo Maru, on fire

Allied Ships
SS Drum

First salvos miss
Night Time Surface Combat, near Rennell Island at 38,45

Japanese Ships
AP Sanko Maru, on fire, heavy damage
AP Shinnan Maru, Shell hits 31, and is sunk
AP Teiyo Maru, Shell hits 13, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
CLAA Juneau
CL Phoenix
DD Buchanan
DD Porter

Some valuable night experience for these ships
Sub attack near Rennell Island at 38,45

Japanese Ships
AP Teiyo Maru, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
SS Drum

Then drum comes back more effectively, Teiyo Maru sinks
Sub attack near Rennell Island at 38,45

Japanese Ships
AP Sanko Maru, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
SS Drum

Sanko Maru follows her cousin
Ground combat at Lea Lea

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 13688 troops, 168 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 4050 troops, 7 guns, 4 vehicles

Lea Lea force is looking desperately short of troops - I can take heart in the fact I have managed to rescue as many as I have.

A transport Tf returning from delivering supplies to Luganville makes its home Brisbane and heads there in order to pick up men for the Gili Gili mission. I notice that the gili airbase is still unbuilt, I also up recon levels to get more info.

The 2 FT TFs in Townsville harbour will again try their luck at Lea Lea, I have thought they were wishful thinking before, they may get away with it again (although the bombardment by the japs points at our obvious lack of defence).


(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 170
Consolidation - 7/31/2003 6:43:50 AM   


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Not alot to report from the turn. Weather was the winner on the day, cancelling most flying ops. A deliberate attack on Lea Lea is repulsed and it is the fort that makes the difference. 2 TFs of Fast transports are destined for Lea Lea again tonight and the remnants of the aussie invasion is likely in the bag - no fort will be enough to save them.

Gavigmana begins unloading their engineering and AAA squads; they are still unknown to the enemy. Another Tf from Oz with a RCT and base force is due to arrive at gavigmana tonight.

Wunpuko has more than 10K of fuel now and the TKs continue the very slow job of adding to the hastily constructed underground bladders at the rudimentary port.


Weather: Thunderstorms

Ground combat at Lea Lea

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 13685 troops, 168 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 4028 troops, 5 guns, 4 vehicles

Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 2)

Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0

Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 29

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 58

This time of bad weather will be used to consolidate and get ready for Operation Centre Punch.

Here is the plan of my first invasion (the PM invasion was a Dieppe affair and is going to be denied hotly).

First what are our likely obstacles (in order of importance):
Surface ships

That may be wrong but I think his LBA took a nasty hit attacking my carriers without escorts, there are of course carrier based ACs that will be at land bases now but they also will be hurting. It is his surface groups that worry me. they are still very powerful where mine are still weak from my overuse (and abuse at times) early in this encounter. Mines will require sweepers and I have lost a few of those so I am a little incapable in that department. Subs we will take as they come - I have only sunk 2 so he has plenty to spare (he really hasn't used them so it is likely that they come out to play).

Phase 1: Preparations
Fortresses and 2E bombers with range in the East will relocate back over to Oz. Forts to Cairns and 2Es to Cooktown. This will take time and I want it to go slowly as I don't want to loose too many to accidents.

Move DC-3s to Townsville

Move Charter Towers air base unit to townsville.

Subs will retire, refuel and rearm and then make their way to the South east coast of NG and in between Rabaul, shortland and Gili.

The Long Island will load a sqd of P39s at Brisbane and take them to the east - they are to replace marine wildcat sqds that are destined for LRCAP duty (more on that in a minute).

Phase 2: Load up
Transport units - currently retiring to Brisbane, and delivering units and supplies to the east - will load up troops and supplies.
My plan here is to make a transport TF of APs only and load them with troops, then when units are allocated to ships add AKs to the mix - having them load up on supplies only. This means the faster troop unloading APs will get the men off and then separate to retire from the battle zone while the faster supply unloading AKs get rid of their cargos too, of course all ships benefit from being in a single TF for ease of control on the way to Gili. It is likely another transport TF will be required - this will hold HQs, CDs and engineers - there is no airfield at Gili and I will need one RAPIDLY so engineers are a must.
Form a refueler TF in Noumea and have them meet the other TFs in mid ocean between New Caledonia and Oz.
On defence will be a surface TF built around the BB North Carolina.
2 Air combat TFs: one with the Saratoga, Enterprise and Hornet, with normal loadout.
The other with Yorktown, Wasp and maybe Long Island (I am unsure here as I think the Long Island can launch CAP and LRCAP missions). The Yorktown and the Wasp will remove one sqd of dauntlesses each and replace them with a marine F4F sqd; this should not break AC limit for the Carriers, the LI will also have a marine F4F sqd (I have 3).
2 FT TFs with a Seabee unit and supplies (I have 4 APDs about to arrive).
1 fast minesweeping TF (DMSs)
1 Minelaying TF
All of these TFs will meet in mid ocean below Gili.

Phase 3 - attack
Here is the plan: The fueler TF will stay below Gili, it may not be required with the size of allied bunkers but hate to get that wrong.
The fast minesweeping TF will move into GG and patrol 1 turn before the transports arrive.
The surface TF will move into Gili and patrol - defending against bombardment and surface attack.
The Air TF of Hornet, Saratoga and Enterprise will position themselves just south of woodlark. They will be set to hit naval ships; any surface units lining up to attack the landings will sit 11 or so hexes out from Gili the turn before - I want to hit them here!
The other TF, heavy with fighters, will LRCAP the landings and CAP itself, it will sit 2 or 3 hexes south of Gili.
The minelaying TF will lay at basilaki Island, while I still own it, I should be able to pass safely - unso his surface units!
The FT missions will unload at woodlark and hopefully escape without him knowing I had visited!

Phase 4 Capture
Once Gili is captured an airfield is the priority. Once we have one the DC-3s at Townsville will bring in the base unit and from there I will move some fighters to Gili. I will then look to move the paras to gili and drop them on woodlark.

Reasonable plan - lets see how completely it goes to the dogs!!


(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 171
- 7/31/2003 8:16:40 AM   
Attack Condor


Posts: 425
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From: Chicago
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One suggestion for you: Send the FT TF in [I]with[/I] the DMS TF. You can do that by having a DMS join the FT TF before it slips in under cover of darkness. By having the FT TF come in 1 turn [I]after[/I] the DMS TF, there is still a chance that some mines may still be in the area waiting for your transports.

Just a suggestion - your plan is very well thought out. Good luck!


"Shouldn't we be leading the shark into shore...instead him leading us out to sea?"

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Post #: 172
- 7/31/2003 9:51:16 AM   


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I did a few experiments with Long Island and it is useless for active ops, (Devastators were 70% damaged after a week of ASW, seems the LI has no ground crews) so may be unsuitable for CAP.
Also, bear in mind max 17.6 aircraft will fly.
A devastator squad on naval attack might work as they are generally toast after one attack anyway:)


Never give up, never surrender

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Post #: 173
- 7/31/2003 10:09:05 AM   


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The FT missions are aimed at Woodlark as opposed to Gili where the main missions are going in. I wanted the faster DMSs to sprint 1 turn ahead and clear, then the transport TFs (with MSWs included) would join them.
It may indeed be worth joining a DMS to the FT missions and I ummed and arred about this. I came to the conclusion that it was possible that my FT missions could get in without hitting mines even if there were some; where the DMS would give "I am sweeping mines" information to Herbie, this is supposed to be a secret ;)
Really I am just hoping he hasn't mined it....

Cheers Mike, I had heard you could fly CAP and LRCAP missions safely, just not attack missions; I may have to test it.


(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 174
- 7/31/2003 9:35:03 PM   


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Long Island has certainly not its place in a combat fleet. It will slow it and any valuable unit outside those arriving later with CVE is too big to be operated.

On the other hand it is valuable to ferry planes from SOPAC to SWPAC.

If you bring it to the combat zone, it can be useful as decoy only.

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Post #: 175
- 8/1/2003 2:58:07 AM   


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Thanks admiral - scatch that idea then. I was hoping to be able to send the Yorktown back to Pearl - at 26 SYS damage it really shouldn't be going into the combat zone.
I suppose if I strip the wasp of all attack sqds and load it with wildcats I will have enough air defence...


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Post #: 176
- 8/1/2003 4:27:44 AM   


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Lea Lea falls.
The plight of the aussies in Lea Lea is now with the Japanese. After withholding for an incredible amount of time the Japanese have finally taken the last bastion of democracy on New Guinea. 1700 sick and debilitated troops go into captivity with little chance of seeing their homes again.
Night raids fly into PM and hit the supply dumps there. I was hoping to get a few aircraft and maybe persuade herbie-san to pull them back, I'll need to do a bit more damage than I have to make this happen.
An AP and a cruiser were sighted at Irau - he is likely to be trying to pull some of the troops he had earmarked for assaults back to locations where they can have a better influence on events. At present I am more worried about my own moves rather than replying to his. Having had to run FT missions to get most of the aussies out of NG I know how long these rescues can take.
The landings at Gavigmana are finally sighted. I send Lee to Gavigmana and also the small TF of PT boats that was guarding Wunpuko.


Weather: Rain

Air attack on Port Moresby , at 10,40

Allied aircraft
Hudson x 3
B-26B Marauder x 13

Allied aircraft losses
B-26B Marauder x 1 destroyed

Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 20

Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 3

Attacking Level Bombers:
8 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet
3 x Hudson at 6000 feet
4 x B-26B Marauder at 6000 feet

Ground combat at Lea Lea

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 13655 troops, 168 guns, 0 vehicles

Defending force 1879 troops, 1 guns, 4 vehicles

Japanese assault odds: 11 to 1 (fort level 0)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Lea Lea base !!!

Japanese ground losses:
Men lost 2

Allied ground losses:
Men lost 1729
Guns lost 1

All shipping in the north of Oz is returning to Brisbane - this includes the cruiser Canberra that was repairing damage caused by FT missions.
Many of the bomber sqds are at Rockhampton now, they will reduce their fatigue to zero before again moving forward to take up positions.
Another TF of fuel begins loading in Brisbane - this time headed to Cairns - it will be an important location in the up and coming invasions.


(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 177
We read each others AARs - 8/2/2003 7:14:45 AM   


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Planning continues as does the movement of forces into position to bring those plans about.

FT missions are sighted at both Rennell and Irau. The temptation to unleash some more hurt on them is high but it is my time to worry about invasion now and I want to make sure I give myself every chance to pull those plans off - units stay put.

I recon Irau, PM and of course Gili Gili - it appears GG is almost empty of enemy troops.

Gavigmana has become an airfield - the seebees aren't even half way off their ships yet and they already have an airfield built! I send some P-39s there for CAP.

All 2e bombers and forts in Oz now - lost about 6 planes in the transfers...

The Wasp puts to sea to return to Noumea - there it will unload its dauntlesses and load up on marine f4Fs which will then rest to get their morale up.
THe Yorktown has had all its planes removed and returned to Pearl - 97 days for repair.
The DD Case which you may remember get the rivets smashed off it in attacks on PM umpteen turns ago has just made it into Noumea and is further sent to Pearl - back in 100 days.


Weather: Thunderstorms

Sub attack at 34,40

Japanese Ships
DD Minazuki
CA Takao
CL Tama
DD Yugure

Allied Ships
SS S-45, Shell hits 1, on fire

Hells bells - he's hit another one - I knew that paint scheme looked more like a target than an underwater anomaly. It hasn't sunk yet but will - 86 floatation dam.
Sub attack at 37,42

Japanese Ships
AP Aiyo Maru, Shell hits 13, Torpedo hits 1, on fire

Allied Ships
SS Grenadier


Poor Herbie-san, in a fit of hurry-curry depression ;) has allowed me to read his AAR up to the post which he heads "the war is lost".
He has put forward that he will continue the game but this does look like he does it under duress - most specifically from his conscience - and maybe his wife :)
I am pleased to note I was only 'wearing sheeps clothing' and hiding a better capacity for playing the game. It also seems my CVs, constantly running but hitting other targets, caused him all sorts of consternation.
The thoughts we both had of our opponents thinking were at times bang on and at others way off target. I never thought he was aiming at Rockhampton - although it does hold 2 regiments and isn't far from 2 or so divisions in Brisbane and even more at Townsville.
I have allowed him to read my AAR up to the bottom of the 10th page, within that I think I comment on the fact he has not taken Woodlark - this may turn around to shoot me!

We both go back into writing incognito again, I recommend Herbie try some Kiwi beer to wash the awful taste of what the Aussie beer has left in his mouth.


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Post #: 178
- 8/3/2003 7:11:11 AM   


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Weather: Partly Cloudy

No combat this turn, however recon flights still go ahead and it looks like Herbie-san may actually be pulling out of Gili Gili!

Two naval searches provide cause for worry:

1 is a TF of DDs and a couple of CAs North of Gavigmana.

The other is a TF of APs north of Woodlark.

The surface unit causes some panic at SOPAC headquarters in Noumea. This eventuality had been planned for however and the decision is made to leave harbour. Our Surface units could be bolstered by units from Luganville but we have our own plans now and the damaged ships would be sorely missed in the coming invasion; Lee pulls out.
The transport TF's both pull up anchor. One, which has unloaded all of its troops will return to Noumea - it still has a third of its supplies left on board but Gavigmana now has 23K on the island - plenty for what it requires. The other transport TF gets patrol orders and moves 3 hexes W-N-W of Gavigmana (she has not unloaded all her troops yet) - more about that in a sec.
Only the force of 6 PT boats stays to discourage bombardment.

Gavigmana air is bolstered by a sqd of marine dauntlesses and a sqd of navy Avengers - they may get a crack at any cripples - long odds but a PT torp may slow one down.

Spruance boards a catalina in Noumea and heads to Luganville to command an Air TF centred around the Enterprise and Saratoga (Hornet will stay in harbour while she sits at 10 SYS damage).
Spruance has orders to patrol in the same hex as the transport TF providing air cover and may be in range of the retreating surface unit - we will see.

The transport TF north of Woodlark is another thing entirely. If he is moving to take the place there is nothing I can do about it. I still think taking Gili is the best move but the extra benefit of taking woodlark will not be realised without more of a fight - time will tell.

All bombers are in position now bar 3 sqds of Forts which will rest one more turn. I have also been allocated a sqd of Beaufighter VICs these, with their longer legs, can escort my twin engine bomber raids.


(in reply to wobbly)
Post #: 179
- 8/3/2003 2:36:10 PM   


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Don't hold your breath waiting for that 10 sys damage on Hornet to be fixed.

In my experience, large capitol ships take a looong time to fix sys damage (BB's are the worst, sc 17 could be over before those things drop a few points).

The sys fix rate seems to scale, ie the smaller the vessel the faster it's fixed.

You may get lucky however.:D


Never give up, never surrender

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Post #: 180
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