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France under Communist threat!

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France under Communist threat! - 4/19/2016 3:51:20 PM   

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From: Rapid City SD
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The Soviet player goes after France with his Headline. It removes 2 US influence and adds 1 Soviet influence there. In addition it cancels NATO out of France.

After that plays out, my spy's get to see what the Kremlin's up to!

Again it seems like I got a better draw than the Soviets, their hand isn't very good either. I know he's going to after Europe so I can now plan accordingly. Since I have the Middle East Scoring Card and I know he has the Nasser card, I can plan ahead for any attempts on Egypt.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/19/2016 6:51:37 PM >


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Post #: 31
World SITREP before Round 2 actions - 4/19/2016 3:54:44 PM   

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With my CIA headline I get to use the 1 Ops point for something. Since its only 1 point and no countries are easily coup'd by it I decided to dump 1 influence point in Egypt to counter the Nasser card.

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Post #: 32
Soviets move in Europe - 4/19/2016 4:00:56 PM   

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Since I know the Soviets have the Europe Scoring Card, I expected this move. Italy and France were just to ripe for the taking. Italy falls first, the battle for Western Europe has begun!

I can take comfort in knowing NATO is now in effect. This means no Soviet direct actions (coup's and realignments) against any US aligned countries in Europe for the rest of the game!

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/19/2016 6:53:38 PM >


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Post #: 33
Moves and Counter Moves in Europe - 4/19/2016 4:12:38 PM   

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I decide to play 'chicken' with the Soviet moves in Europe. I will counter what ever moves he makes there. I believe with cards in the Soviet's hand, he'll blink first.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/19/2016 6:54:58 PM >


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Post #: 34
Bold move in Italy by Soviets! - 4/19/2016 4:28:33 PM   

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Note that even though NATO is in effect, Italy is not aligned with anyone at this time. Soviets go for a bold move to completely cancel out US influence in the country. If it worked it would of been a brilliant move, 5 Soviet influence points would of been extremely difficult to cancel out. In fact I probably would have to write off Italy, it would take 2-3 turns to get Italy back to the state it was before the coup attempt.

I believe it would of been wiser to spend the Ops Points on taking control of Italy. That is just my opinion, when I play this game I usually go for the safer plays. Failed attempts like these, in my eyes, just passes the initiative to the other player. Only in extreme desperation or if Yugoslavia/Austria were under my control would I attempt this move.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/19/2016 6:56:27 PM >


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Post #: 35
World SITREP middle of Round 2 - 4/19/2016 4:36:01 PM   

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This turn I use 'The China Card' outside of Asia. This is a special card that bounces back and forth between the 2 players. Once a side uses it, it goes to the other player and then can be used the next round by them. Its the only card in the deck that will give you 5 action points, however you have to use all those points in Asia. Otherwise it's just a normal 4 point card.

Note that I marked Egypt with an action symbol, this was a mistake on my part, that action came on my Headline turn with the CIA card. I place 1 influence point there.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/19/2016 6:58:08 PM >


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Post #: 36
Another failed Soviet coup! - 4/19/2016 4:39:09 PM   

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Lady luck is so on my side in this game! WOW, I can't believe how many failures the Soviets are racking up in this game. To be honest, this is not a very fair representation of prior games I've had! Thanks Ivan for making me look good in front of everyone!

I know at this time the Soviet failure in Italy has probably forced them to move on to other areas of the world. This is a good thing for the AI or any other player to do. It's like butting your head up against a brick wall at this point. The big gamble didn't pay off, so its time to write off your losses and move on to strengthen your hold on in other regions.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/19/2016 6:59:43 PM >


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Post #: 37
US gaining the upper hand in Middle East - 4/19/2016 4:56:07 PM   

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Since I've been fortunate with so many Soviet failures so far, I'm able to straighten my position in other areas of the world. I've laid the foundation in the Middle East to nullify a few cards coming up.

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Post #: 38
3 failed Soviet coup's in a row!!! - 4/19/2016 4:57:35 PM   

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So far this is the worst move the Soviet AI has made in the game. It just blows my mind on why it made this poor choice of action. I have control over Iran next door, Pakistan has 1 extra influence point to prevent low level coups and the Soviet player has no countries bordering Pakistan to nullify my Iran bonus.

This was an extremely low probability action, and a waste of the 1 point. I think that point would of been better spent in several different areas. You could strengthen N. Korea for future conflicts or put a point of influence in either Burma/Algeria/Cameroon/Syria/Lebanon. Even using the card's event would of been a better option than what it did!

Using 1 point to reinforce your positions is not a bad idea, sure the opposition can still over come your additional point but forces them to use a higher point value card to do so or makes the odds very poor.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/19/2016 7:03:22 PM >


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Post #: 39
Solidifying my hold in the Middle East - 4/19/2016 5:09:02 PM   

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Now is the time to gain control over the Middle East. Next turn the Soviet player has to use the Europe Scoring Card and I have to use the Middle East Scoring Card. I'm choosing to eliminate any Soviet presence in the ME by using the realignment option. I have a 58.3% chance of doing some sort of damage to the Soviet influence in Iraq.

I can see it now, my ambassador talking with Iraqi head of state, pointing out all the failures the Soviet system has brought upon itself. "Now Mr. Prime Minister, you don't want to hang out with those losers do you?"

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Post #: 40
Success in Iraq! - 4/19/2016 5:11:31 PM   

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WooT! My first roll nets some results! This is perfect, the other roll will be gravy!

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Post #: 41
Hammering in the nail in Iraq - 4/19/2016 5:13:39 PM   

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I decide to completely eliminate all Soviet influence in Iraq and get the roll I desired. Now the only influence in the region is 1 point in Syria and Israel.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/19/2016 7:10:43 PM >


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Post #: 42
Middle East SITREP at the end of Round 2 - 4/19/2016 5:16:54 PM   

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Complete domination of the Middle East. Democracy has a chance to grow in the ME!

I'll take these 8 points with great joy knowing I can contribute my current situation in the game on all those Soviet gambles that didn't pan out for them! Suck it Ivan!

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Post #: 43
Why I didn't play my other 2 cards - 4/19/2016 5:23:23 PM   

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Here is a peak at the other 2 cards in my hand. Note that the Fidel card is not the only card in the deck that allows the Soviets access to Central America. Once the Mid War rounds start, cards pop up that allow access to Central and South America for the Soviets. I'm just trying to make it harder for them.

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Post #: 44
End of Round 2 scoring - 4/19/2016 5:29:39 PM   

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I should note that I've said before that realignments in key battlegrounds trigger DEFCON levels. That was incorrect. You can't do realignments in certain areas of the world due to DEFCON levels. Level 4 locks out Europe, Level 3 Asia, and Level 2 the Middle East.

The last turn was the Soviets and the US playing their Scoring Cards. Europe was a tie and I gained 8 points from the Middle East but lost 3 to my lack of military actions. My net score will be 3 after I move on from this screen.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/19/2016 5:31:03 PM >


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Post #: 45
The Reshuffle - 4/19/2016 5:35:28 PM   

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I've stated before, in rounds 3 and 7 the reshuffle occurs. After the round 3 reshuffle, it is wise to orbit dangerous cards you don't want your opponent to have access to. They wont' come back to the deck till the round 7 reshuffle. If you have orbited a card prior to the round 3 reshuffle, its now back in the deck. In my opinion, its a waste of a turn to orbit a card in rounds 1 and 2, there is no long term benefit to it. The only time I would do so if it was a completely dire situation that would cost you a lot of point or the game.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/19/2016 7:09:09 PM >


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Post #: 46
World SITREP before Round 3 - 4/19/2016 5:48:57 PM   

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Here is the list of cards removed and the SITREP on the world before any actions happen in Round 3.

Of the cards discarded, NATO is the only card event that will stay with the US the rest of the game. The 'Formosan Resolution' is currently in effect but will go away once I use 'The China Card'.
For the Soviets, the 'De Gaulle Leads France' card will stay with them the rest of the game. If you have firm control of the surround countries, then its a limited threat. For this game, Soviet control over the Spanish peninsula creates a more dangerous situation for France. I'll need to get Britain back under control to complete nullify any threat to France.

Since the 'Asia Scoring Card' hasn't appeared yet, we know now it will this round. In addition, the other Scoring cards are also back in play and might be seen again.

Here are my thoughts on the current situation. I feel that the European situation is under my control. I'm okay with an even status there and I'll do anything in my power to keep it that way. Asia is in the balance IMO. I think I'll be able to firm up my control over India before the Soviets. South Korea concerns me, as does the situation in South East Asia. That scoring card becomes active in rounds 4+. I'll need to work on my influence in that region before then. As for the Middle East, I will also do everything in my power to stomp out any Communist scourge that tries to take root. Africa is another area that activates on rounds 4+. I still have a small glimmer of hope since I still have influence in S. Africa to help me start my assault on the Red influence there.

I need to start thinking about my actions in Central and South America. As the US player, you must tread cautiously here. If I take control of Panama, I open it up to a coup attempt. If the Soviets succeed then I'm screwed, having no easy access to the middle of the region, similar to what happened in SE Asia the last few turns. I would have to wait till I drew a card to allow me access back into the region. If I expand into any non battleground countries such as Columbia I risk an easy coup for the Soviets again.

If your going for control over any portion of either area, do so with as much influence points as possible for at least 2 consecutive turns. Really pile on the points in one country to make it difficult for the Soviets to counter. Once you establish a network of supporting countries, like I did in the Middle East, maintaining control of the region will be a lot easier.

I'll leave Round 3 for this evening or tomorrow.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/19/2016 7:19:39 PM >


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Post #: 47
Headlines for Round 3 - 4/20/2016 4:53:07 PM   

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Here's a look at the Space Race along with a list of the cards in my hand, minus my Headline card which was 'Middle East Scoring' Card. I used that card as my Headline because I had full control of the situation in the ME and it was 8 easy points so long has the Soviet play didn't play an event card that changed the conditions in the region.

When you orbit a card, it's event will not trigger. Its a safe way to rid yourself of dangerous cards. For each card you orbit you'll get a die roll. If you succeed you'll advance in the Space Race by one box. If you fail the roll you'll still get to orbit the card till the next reshuffle.

Certain cards when played as events will advance your progress in the space race, such as the one the Soviets used this Headline.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/20/2016 7:20:55 PM >


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Post #: 48
Soviets move Turn 1 Round 3 - 4/20/2016 5:01:40 PM   

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Soviets AI goes bold again in the first turn. The coup attempt in Pakistan is a partial Soviet success, removing my control over the country. I'm on the fence about the use of 'The China Card' this way. The AI could of used the 5 points in Asia to strengthen its hold in key battlegrounds and expand into Burma.

To counter my criticism of the AI, the 'Asia Scoring Card' is in his hand this round so the AI is trying to unbalance the situation in Asia to his favor. Also the coup in a key battleground will trigger DEFCON 3 and prevents realignments and coups in Asia the rest of the round.

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Post #: 49
Asian Scoring SITREP - 4/20/2016 5:04:09 PM   

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Here are the points for Asia after the coup. As stated in the slide, before it was even. It only takes the loss of one battleground country to unbalance the scoring.

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Post #: 50
Asian Political SITREP - 4/20/2016 5:12:03 PM   

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The situation in Asia is not that bad for the US. With the cards in my hand I can mitigate the damage 'Korean War' and 'Arab-Israeli War' does against me. 'Vietnam Revolts' is a dangerous card for me to play this round due to its event conditions. It will give the Soviets +1 to any actions taken in SE Asia for the round. I can play it late in the game to limits the effects of it. I will hold onto 'Fidel' as long as possible in the hopes of orbiting it.

Side note, the crosshairs on the ME bar indicates the Scoring Card for that region has been played this round.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/20/2016 7:23:08 PM >


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Post #: 51
US securing it position in Asia - 4/20/2016 5:21:48 PM   

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With my 4 point card I use it to great effect on my turn. The conditions of DEFCON 3 protect my position in South West Asia. I don't over stack them with influence because of the DEFCON level and the Soviet's have no neighboring influence to move against them. I'll use 1 point in Taiwan to help with a bonus roll on 'Korean War' card.

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Post #: 52
The points swing in Asia - 4/20/2016 5:31:28 PM   

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As you see, I'm sitting well for the 'Asia Scoring Card'. This is why I find the AI's use of 'The China Card' a poor decision. Yes Pakistan was a success for him but I was still able to counter and now the DEFCON level prevents any follow up. As a Soviet player I would of put a point in Burma or S. Korea. Used 2 points to break US control of Japan and follow up with 2 more points there to make the US player spend a 3+ point card just to again control of Japan back. I could then follow up by securing Burma or S. Korea the following turn.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/20/2016 7:25:30 PM >


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Post #: 53
Soviet take over Algeria - 4/20/2016 5:37:23 PM   

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Soviet player secures Algeria, making any future moves against France easier. The point in Austria is similar in nature, its setting up for creating a dangerous situation for Italy. I'll need to keep one eye on the region.

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Post #: 54
Arab-Israeli War! - 4/20/2016 5:44:25 PM   

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This is the perfect time to use this card! Had the Soviets taken over Lebanon it would of made this card a risk to use. As you will see in the following slides, its not.

In my hurry to complete these slides, I've made quite a few spelling errors! In the slide below, 'even' should read 'event,'.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/20/2016 7:29:27 PM >


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Post #: 55
Israel AUTO WINS!!! - 4/20/2016 5:45:34 PM   

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With my preplanning, I've created an auto win situation!

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Post #: 56
Truman Doctrine - 4/20/2016 7:33:40 PM   

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The Soviets use this card, allowing me to rid Austria of all Communist influence. This helps me stabilize my situation around Italy for now.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/20/2016 7:35:25 PM >


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Post #: 57
Soviet Coup in Lebanon! - 4/20/2016 7:38:20 PM   

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Lebanon falls to the Soviets but their timing was off. We had played the 'Arab-Israeli War' card a turn earlier and the 'Middle East Scoring' card has also been played, so this has little impact upon US strategy for the rest of the round.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/20/2016 7:40:11 PM >


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Post #: 58
Korean War! - 4/20/2016 7:43:59 PM   

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As with the 'Arab-Israeli War' card, now is the perfect time to use the 'Korean War' card. I can limit the damage the card will do against me. Its the best situation you can have when using this card, a -2 to the die roll.

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Post #: 59
Communist forces win the Korean War!!! - 4/20/2016 7:47:25 PM   

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Lady Luck has finally left me That dirty commie bastard rolled a 6!

Until the 'Korean War' card is played, it is very unwise for the US player to put any points into S. Korea so long as the Soviets are not. This is a great example of why, if the influence in S. Korea was 3 or more, the Soviets would now be in firm control of the country.

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< Message edited by CarnageINC -- 4/20/2016 7:51:56 PM >


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