Posts: 46
Joined: 12/29/2012 Status: offline
I'm making a total conversion of ATG to represent the warfare before 1920. Currently, the main difference is that offense beats defense by stats alone, and artillery is king. Large formations of infantry control the battle, and casualties by rifle fire are much lower. In this early period of war, guns produced a thick haze, and thus many units fired randomly into the fog. Hand to hand combat was not uncommon as officers ordered people forward. As such, in this mod, there is a low chance for men to die in combat from rifle fire. Canister shot is a different story. Artillery in this time was used at the front of the line spewing shot at the enemy, killing dozens. Cavalry was far from useless in this time as shock and awe routed entire regiments. The horse also doubled as scouts, harassing supply lines and taking out targets of opportunity. However, the charge was still dangerous, as happened often in the Crimean War. A newer nation, the Kingdom of Prussia seeks to unite Germany. They seek to unite the German princes and republics against the French. Louis Napoleon is growing old. It is time for a new empire to seize control and dominate Europe. This is where we are in 1870. We will see who wins the next Great War in Europe. This is the intro to the first phase of my mod, which will portray warfare during the early part of the age of rifles. I already laid out my ideas in another thread, this thread is for what I have now, what I need help with, and so on and so forth. Currently, I have a bunch of units. They are pretty well balanced for what I have in mind for the first phase of the war, but they do not have any upgrades yet. What I am having trouble with is getting troops to be built in cities. I do not know why they are not getting built, but I did set up their items. Currently, cities can only build supply, political points, and recycled ore and oil. As such, when I have the first tier of units done, I'll upload the mod, and see if someone else sees what I did wrong or inform me of what I missed over.