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Defense - 4/26/2003 11:25:46 AM   

Posts: 12789
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From: You can't get here from there
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Hi, Well I want to avoid the 'Thin strip' defense where every battle resolves into a frontal attack against a defense in depth.

The large maps force the defender into spending some time on deployment (but the turns are real fast since there is no need for a lot of movement.)

Of course the defense will be thick around VH but the axis of attack is not known (like on those real small maps that are just 'corridors of death'

The large maps are not deep (using strategic map) (one page east west, 3 pages north south) (A 2x2 would be fine)

Whets really fun for me are meeting engagements on large maps with smaller size forces (2-4k)

The formula I use for battles are 1k per page for defense (3k on large map) plus 1k reserve. Attacker gets x 1.5-2.0 of defense.
(AI takes x5)

Using ratios you could take 500 points per page plus 500 reserve
(2k) and I would get 3-4k to attack.

The small forces make it much easier to manage. And you get several battles taking place rather then attack being shoved into mouth of meat grinder.

I like battles where the opening stage is searching out enemy locations. Then movement to attack. Enemy reaction followed by committing the reserves. Every battle has then critical periods and locations where the actions and decisions of the players decide the outcome. (rather then simply matching up equipment and fire solutions. I had to drop out of my last WC03 battle because I could not stand to play another meatgrinder battle.
(visibility 1 hex!!!! small map 13 turns.)


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 61
- 4/26/2003 8:33:18 PM   

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From: Erie,Pa. USA
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I do understand where you are coming from, but I submit that an attacker (with any intelligence) is almost guaranteed to win in those scenarios. I would use force concentration, and hit only one or two objectives at a time. Then after trouncing them (because I outnumbered the local defense by 5 to one or more), move to another objective, etc.

Also-I HATE MULTIPAGE MAPS!! The map scrolling and 'little green button' feature in this game really make it a pain...

Also, I understood the AI recieved 3X on an assault, not 5X. Against a human, 1.5X is usually fair, but should depend on the map. Those corridor of death maps should get the attacker a little more.



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Post #: 62
Czech Assault - 4/26/2003 10:02:46 PM   

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Hi, OK you set it up. Czech Assault on Poland.


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 63
Polish Assault - 4/28/2003 4:35:26 AM   

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Hi, Ok you set it up. Polish assault on Czech's.
(set up what ever you want)
Take your Tigers I'll take non E8 M-4's

(Bulge 44 paras versus Panzers)(largest map your happy with)


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 64
Czechoslovakia Counterattacks!! - 4/28/2003 8:52:10 AM   

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We will not be treated as children! You will suffer our wrath!

5250 Czech Assault versus 3500 Polish Defense. Large map, visibility is medium (16 IIRC). Mixed terrain, mostly open:( .

10% max artillery (on or off board) total. No reinforcements. Mogami can use 10% for mines and such, and lay more with engineers (I can too, if I can figure out a reason too...).

We have decided to eliminate the threat of the thug Mogami from the world. Our Pilsner is our own. Your Pilsner will be our Pilsner soon.



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Post #: 65
Battle - 4/28/2003 9:42:44 AM   

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"A million men could not take our Pilsner in a thousand years.
The Czechs have been painting their slogan covered posters in an unventilated room.
Clearly they are led by a madman. After we turn back this attack we will liberate the Czechs."

"It is the duty of those free peoples the world over to record the selfless sacrifice of the Polish people in bringing long denied freedom to those poor oppressed Czechs.
We seek no land or reward. This will be Poland's down payment on the future peace of the world. Someday we will be free to drink our treasured Pilsner without fear from deranged acts of terror sponsored by a tyrannical lunatic."

The Polish border is well defended. We have had our eye on this threat to world peace and stability for a long time. We knew this day would come. We are ready. If the Polish nation should last a thousand years people will look back and say "This was their finest happy hour"

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I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 66
- 4/29/2003 4:38:18 AM   

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Elements of the 7th Czech Cavalry Brigade (The Freedom Lancers) and 20th Harley Davidsonanek Infantry (Goblin's Angels) have engaged and destroyed light border defenses (37mm ATG and AT Rifle Teams), and neutralized three bunkers with smoke grenades. Our troops, spurred on by triple rations of Pilsner just before the battle, plan on beating the villain Mogami with a shoe when they catch him.



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Post #: 67
Turn 1 - 4/29/2003 5:12:09 AM   

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"Czech motorcycle hoodlums cross Polish border, engage in some vandalism but cause no real harm. The Polish defense is well laid and able to withstand such minor raids as a Czech Cav Bde and a few wino's on motorcycles."

"Wheres the beef?"

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I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 68
- 4/29/2003 5:40:55 AM   

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Our opponent has turned civilian hovels into defensive bunkers (lots of them:mad: ), using the poor families as soldiers manning the machineguns!!

We will rid the world of this menace!:mad:

Polish 'Infantry' has been engaged by Czech Elite Forces. There are no survivors.



(in reply to mogami)
Post #: 69
Turn 2 - 4/29/2003 6:23:06 AM   

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"Early on the Czech's are showing what they are made of. Troops will not fight for a tyrant. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose. Already Polish forces are taking the surrender of a large number of Czech troops. They will be well cared for. Poland holds no ill will towards the Czech people. Indeed we are the best friends they have. One day soon...I promise...We will come. You will be free. We ask all Czech units to lay down their arms. Don't sacrifice your self for a google eye'd half wit self styled leader. Goblin brings nothing but misery. Turn your guns on him. end his evil reign of terror. Poland will help you."

"The greatest deed a man can preform for his country is to bring freedom. Goblin is a wacked out fiend dancing on the corpse's of his countrymen. Do one of three things Czech soldiers.
Lay down your arms and go home
Surrender to Polish forces
Kill Goblin"

(Sidenote. In this battle (and the last) there is a Mogami unit deployed on the map)

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I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 70
- 4/29/2003 7:05:40 AM   

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It's true, I almost bagged him last battle, but he got away.

We slapped, smacked, and shoed several criminals during this round of fighting. They wear tattered uniforms, have no food, almost no ammunition, and appear drugged while they are chained to their guns. We will free them, despite their lack of enthusiasm for it.



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Post #: 71
Turn 3 - 4/29/2003 7:27:11 AM   

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"We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival.
We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight on our border, we shall fight in the open and forrests, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the battle, we shall defend our Pilsner, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the mountains, we shall fight in the houses, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.

Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no Pilsner."

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I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 72
- 4/29/2003 9:33:47 AM   

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Poland has ignored our repeated friendly requests for Pilsner trade, and will now have its porter, stout, and wheat beers confiscated also. Do not make us go for your bock.



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Post #: 73
Turn 4 - 4/29/2003 10:42:18 AM   

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"Goblin hear me now. You shall have naught of Poland excepting one tree limb from which to dangle. You naughty days are at an end. Like a colossus I am coming for you. You will be ground into mush and all your statues and portraits tore down.
Prepre your self to met thy doom o bane of Pilsner loving peoples every where.
Dogs howel and infants wail at the sound of your name. But I will put a quietus on you You have over reached yourself and now your judgement has been pronounced and execution in Poland waits."


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 74
file - 4/29/2003 10:43:28 AM   

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opps You cannot feel pain unless I send you this.

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I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 75
- 4/30/2003 6:32:38 AM   

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We see the poor Polish Tankers are being forced to mount a 'counterattack'. Mogami the Devil probably has their families held hostage. We will 'resolve' the issue.

Turn over your Tankards of Mass Intoxication, or face extinction, Mogami.



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Post #: 76
Turn 5 - 4/30/2003 8:11:06 AM   

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"The silly Czech's have attacked right into the 1st Polish Tank Division's deployment area. Horseflesh and motorcycle parts are scattered all over."

"We feel very sorry for these poor sods"

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I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 77
- 4/30/2003 8:44:03 AM   

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Screw the tanks. A mortar routes half a battalion with these stats! I will make you pay, when my troops hit my rear map edge, and have no choice but to turn around!:mad: Then! Then you will suffer!

([SIZE=1]no one ask me to use the 'lesser' armies for awhile[/SIZE] ):mad:



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Post #: 78
- 4/30/2003 8:45:39 AM   

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Post #: 79
- 4/30/2003 8:46:57 AM   

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Goblin
[B([SIZE=1]no one ask me to use the 'lesser' armies for awhile[/SIZE] ):mad:

Goblin [/B][/QUOTE]

Ahhh...most excellent, young apprentice. Now you, too, have come to value the importance of discipline of your troops. :cool:

...what? :p :cool:


Got StuG?

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Post #: 80
Turn 6 - 4/30/2003 9:25:08 PM   

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"Straight leg Czech infantry encountered. So far no Czech tanks spotted. Polish Tanks moving forward supported by infantry to re-establish the line. Polish front line infantry will rally behind these forces and regain their positions. The frontier was a series of box positions connected by infantry and AT. Czech heavy arty succeeded in disrupting these postions but the Tank reserve stationed nearby have moved forward and are wiping out pockets of Czech motorcycle troops and cav behind the Polish defensive line. Reserve infantry supporting the tanks will fill the gaps. Polish arty will shift fire to engage the Czech infantry mass."

"Mogami himself is moving forward to direct the counter attack."


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 81
yeah - 4/30/2003 9:27:21 PM   

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I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 82
- 5/1/2003 6:03:22 AM   

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I am so disappointed in the performance of these troops. This goes beyond 'fun challenge' into 'this F-ing blows'. An single enemy FO with a pistol has, for three rounds, driven off a PLATOON (four squads) of Cavalry troopers. Ping! Ping! 1 Casualty, run. Ping! Ping! 1 Casualty, run. Ping! Ping! 1 Casualty, run. It is worse where there are real weapons faced.

I MEAN IT- I will NOT take any secondary power in the near future.

Goblin:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


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Post #: 83
Turn 7 - 5/1/2003 6:30:48 AM   

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"2nd Lt Kaminsky FO for the 1st Tank Div is awarded a medal for bravery and skill.

The Polish tanks are pushing the Czechs back. The frontier infantry are retreating to meet up with the advancing tanks"

"Still no sign of Czech armor. Czech heavy arty continues to cause discomfort for the Polish troops in the southern sector."

The reserve units are moving up from the 3rd line to replace the troops that left the 2nd line."

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I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 84
- 5/2/2003 9:20:20 AM   

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We have withdrawn back across our border, our point proven.

Password 'russ'

Good game, very nice defense.



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Post #: 85
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