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RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download)

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RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 5/22/2020 4:49:12 PM   

Posts: 883
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Hey Crispy, just wanted to ask about a comparison I made:

German Infantry build limits

World Scenario
Garrison 30
Inf Division
Inf Corps 30
Inf Army 20
Mech Corps 3
Special Forces 2
Engineers 1
Paratroops 2
Cav Division 3

Euro Scenario
Garrison 18
Inf Division 12
Mech Division 3
Inf Corps 17
Inf Army 17
Mech Corps 3
Special Forces 2
Engineers 1
Paratroops 1
Mountain Div 2
Cav Division 3

I understand that some corps got broken down into divisions, which is fine. The issue is the larger Euro map, where it is mid '42, and I am quickly running out of infantry to build, with more partisan & Atlantic Wall hexes to cover than in World. [I do have 6 more Armies to buy]

I am willing to play Euro against you, perhaps beginning next Friday. Still would like to have 3 vs. 3 team game on your World scenario.

(in reply to dhucul2011)
Post #: 781
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 5/23/2020 3:06:12 PM   

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The overall unit build limit is lower to represent the limitations of German manpower. Build limits are going to be exceeded at the Axis high points of the war which is from the various scripted units but will never get to that high point again once the tide turns. Many of these units will effectively never be rebuilt once destroyed, such as the French, Dutch, Latvian, Ukrainian volunteer units which are almost assuredly placed on the map in excess of build limits.

You also omitted Tanks which are included at the Division level increasing unit count and can be increased with research in addition to Tank Corps increasing as well. it also encourages the increasing use minors such as Romania on the Eastern Front.

And to David who brought up Romania as a separate major, I had this nation as a major back in previous versions but there were a number of elements that did not feel right. Romania was collecting too much income as they tend to be focused in the more lucrative Southern sector of USSR, even if players could micro manage resource control the Axis were not. When combined with an Italian and Finnish presence on the Eastern Front Germany was constantly ceding income to the other majors. It also made the possibility of Romania switching sides very difficult for me to script.

Having a British Empire HQ start in Egypt would severely weaken the defence of Egypt as the British aircraft and other units would not be attachable

There is only a 25% chance of 1943 D-Day and only if the Allies are prepared. However depending on the success of the Axis capturing Moscow and Stalingrad will increase the chance much higher. So if the Axis make only historical gains the chance is low.

I would be interested to see the scripts for A-Bombs. Is there morale swings as well? I wonder if Germany would have moved Allied POWs to the more fruitful targets to deter this.

I’ve looked at synthetic oil from multiple angles but not sure how to script it properly it just seems like free MPP. Do you have any suggestions?

I added a small supply script in Southern Yugoslavian to deter Greece operating units in Yugoslavia maybe I need to double check it’s working.

For the Auxiliary Cruisers did you make these? I had help with my NATO counters I’m not the most tech savvy to make a new unit bitmap... also would the Dreadnaught unit work appropriately or would the AI try to use this as an offensive unit.

By all means Please share your scripts


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Post #: 782
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 5/23/2020 3:40:33 PM   

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That's what I figured your rationale is.

I wish manpower (and yes oil) was an actual parameter tho; while I can eventually prevail it's frustrating to keep killing the same USSR units, over and over; even if I've killed many in low supply (so full price buyback), next June they're all back on the map again.

Wouldn't there be a cost for building a synth oil plant?

Dreadnought-depends on what you want with it. If you mean super-BB's, in the Pacific it works fine, AI uses them just like regular battlewagons. If you mean the obsolete BB's that Germany had (+ France's, maybe roll Italy's in there too) not sure.

For World I can give you the US builds; I'll have to go and playtest the Japanese ones (haven't made yet), want them to pump out 2 fleet carriers per year.

(in reply to crispy131313)
Post #: 783
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 5/31/2020 5:26:33 PM   

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great mod. I'm playing 6.5 and I have a few questions:

1) I have installed another Mod for counters, but even if I select the active Mod, the counters are still from Fall Weiss, any reason for that?
2) During winter 1939-40, i noticed many units lose strength points, is this because attrition? do they need to stay in cities or road? I didnt notice that in standard version 17.02
3) is the map larger than standard version 17.02?

It really takes more time to conquer France with this Mod :)


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Post #: 784
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 5/31/2020 6:31:48 PM   

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Which units are taking attrition losses? The only place I can think of would be in the barren gaps of northern Finland but you could avoid that by staying on roads.

There are custom counters as there are units not available in custom packs such as Mech Divisions and Mountain Divisions.

The map is same size.

Glad your enjoying, France isn’t too hard, maybe harder if you go all tech in 1939.


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Post #: 785
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/1/2020 3:36:53 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Elessar2

That's what I figured your rationale is.

I wish manpower (and yes oil) was an actual parameter tho; while I can eventually prevail it's frustrating to keep killing the same USSR units, over and over; even if I've killed many in low supply (so full price buyback), next June they're all back on the map again.

Wouldn't there be a cost for building a synth oil plant?

Dreadnought-depends on what you want with it. If you mean super-BB's, in the Pacific it works fine, AI uses them just like regular battlewagons. If you mean the obsolete BB's that Germany had (+ France's, maybe roll Italy's in there too) not sure.

For World I can give you the US builds; I'll have to go and playtest the Japanese ones (haven't made yet), want them to pump out 2 fleet carriers per year.

You could try without the AI 20% bonus maybe it would make a difference in the East with USSR repurchases. I'm playing a few PBEM matches currently (once on both sides) and I think the massive buybacks are going to be an AI only thing. Also slowing Industiral Tech to 1 chit may make a big difference.

I mentioned dreadnoughts as it's the only unit slot not available for the auxiliary cruiser. I seen them in "World in Flames" mod for SC1 Global Conflict and they fit into the game, I'm just concerned the AI won't use them properly.

For the world at war version I think what really is needed is better Allied AI in the Pacific especially with fleets. Better US purchasing for the American navy would certainly help too.


(in reply to Elessar2)
Post #: 786
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/3/2020 9:12:32 PM   


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Hi Crispy:

1. Understood on Romania. I think that some scripts hitting their morale when deep in Russia would be good as they really should be lower quality. Something like you have for late war German units deep in Russia? I would suggest hitting their morale and strength/supply when more than 20 hexes from Bucharest. Have a 10% chance per turn? This would offset the German techs that they have access to. I would actually suggest the same be done for Hungarian and Slovak units as well and also Bulgarian units. Bulgarian units should be when more than 10 hexes from Sofia.

2. I will compile the A-Bomb scripts and send to you when I can. I tried to keep it simple. To do this I keep much of the decisions out of the players hands as it would otherwise require alot of nested DEs. October 1, 1945 a DE to ask the US player if they wish to transfer A-Bombs to Europe as they become available. (Set to one per month) YES costs MPPs and then November 1, 1945 if no units close to Hamburg then supply and strength scripts obliterate the city and continuing supply scripts keep it at zero. On December 1, 1945 if no units close then the bomb drops on Berlin. I have accompanying scripts to hammer NM of Italy and Germany. I also have checks to see if Axis minors withdraw from the war. This really gives a strong Germany until early 1946 to end the war which should be more realistic.

3. In my current game its rather bizarre that Germany has conquered all of the USSR except for Perm in summer 1945, Syria is Axis, Iraq and Persia liberated and Turkey is still moving towards the Allies with diplomacy. I think that if Baku and Jerusalem fall then there should be a 20-30% move towards the Axis. If Moscow, Stalingrad AND Leningrad fall then another 10-20%.

4. Same situation as #3, USSR NM is still at 76%. If the three big cities fall there should be a NM drop. If Kubyshev falls another drop. USSR stuck on the Urals shouldn't be at 76%?

5. Elessar stated that Germany does not have enough manpower. That is good. I still think there are a few too many armies. It should be a real struggle to garrison everything with German units. Maybe remove a few. The Axis need to depend on Slovak, Italian, Hungarian units etc.

(in reply to crispy131313)
Post #: 787
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/8/2020 11:42:19 PM   

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thank you for your reply.

1)unfortunately, i didnt take screenshots, but i guess it was during winter when moving units from Poland to France. (unless it was due to enemy strategic bombing, and if so it was so fast that I did not notice (?).

2)I have another question regarding the implementation of Tank Armies.
What is the purpose/necessity to add them?We had tank divisions and corps, is it realistic to use now masses tanks in the form of tank armies.? It is not a criticism, just an honest question to learn the logic/reasoning.

3)In your opinion, how does this game compare to "WarPlan"? I have played and enjoyed both. Do you feel that the SC game tends to accumulate units in some sectors of the front (specially Russian Front), while having other sectors without any units(?) (see for example your images during your last ARR of SW:WiE FWII in which you lost in 1946 against AI. In contrast, WarPlan keeps a thinner front line which is more or less regular along the front line. (Not sure either historically, how continuous was the Eastern front line in terms of units during war).

The reasons for that "local" unit density/accumulation and uneven distribution is that SC uses rotation attacks rather than combined attacks of 2 or more units like WarPlan(?). And that in Warplan, all German units are corps rather than mixing with Armies, having more flexibility to spread units (?).

I think both games are good and complementary, I would like to hear your comments on that.
Thanks again for great mod.


The most comprehensive website on the IJN Imperial Japanese Navy Y:"Let us enjoy the beauty of the moon (sinking aboard Hiryu)

(in reply to crispy131313)
Post #: 788
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/9/2020 1:09:18 AM   

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ORIGINAL: dhucul2011

Hi Crispy:

1. Understood on Romania. I think that some scripts hitting their morale when deep in Russia would be good as they really should be lower quality. Something like you have for late war German units deep in Russia? I would suggest hitting their morale and strength/supply when more than 20 hexes from Bucharest. Have a 10% chance per turn? This would offset the German techs that they have access to. I would actually suggest the same be done for Hungarian and Slovak units as well and also Bulgarian units. Bulgarian units should be when more than 10 hexes from Sofia.

It may be simpler to make Axis minor's "non-attachable" to German HQs? The problem with strength loses are what are they representing especially if they are not on the front line and could really feel off.

2. I will compile the A-Bomb scripts and send to you when I can. I tried to keep it simple. To do this I keep much of the decisions out of the players hands as it would otherwise require alot of nested DEs. October 1, 1945 a DE to ask the US player if they wish to transfer A-Bombs to Europe as they become available. (Set to one per month) YES costs MPPs and then November 1, 1945 if no units close to Hamburg then supply and strength scripts obliterate the city and continuing supply scripts keep it at zero. On December 1, 1945 if no units close then the bomb drops on Berlin. I have accompanying scripts to hammer NM of Italy and Germany. I also have checks to see if Axis minors withdraw from the war. This really gives a strong Germany until early 1946 to end the war which should be more realistic.

I look forward to seeing these.

3. In my current game its rather bizarre that Germany has conquered all of the USSR except for Perm in summer 1945, Syria is Axis, Iraq and Persia liberated and Turkey is still moving towards the Allies with diplomacy. I think that if Baku and Jerusalem fall then there should be a 20-30% move towards the Axis. If Moscow, Stalingrad AND Leningrad fall then another 10-20%.

It's difficult to counter diplomacy chits, there are already a number of "Turkey swings Axis" scripts based on strong results on the Eastern Front and Middle East. These additional swings may make it too easy for Turkey to just fall into the Axis camp during a Soviet steamroller.

4. Same situation as #3, USSR NM is still at 76%. If the three big cities fall there should be a NM drop. If Kubyshev falls another drop. USSR stuck on the Urals shouldn't be at 76%?

If my memory serves correct once a nation falls below 80% there are no longer any morale bonuses of any kind. So at 76% the Soviets are already in trouble. I assume you are playing AI so there morale is a bit inflated, but then again if you've had that success against the Soviets i'm not sure why they would need to weakened further.

5. Elessar stated that Germany does not have enough manpower. That is good. I still think there are a few too many armies. It should be a real struggle to garrison everything with German units. Maybe remove a few. The Axis need to depend on Slovak, Italian, Hungarian units etc.

I will probably be lowering the German unit counter slightly, most likely German Armies.

Thanks for your continued feedback!


(in reply to dhucul2011)
Post #: 789
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/9/2020 1:37:11 AM   

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ORIGINAL: fulcrum28

thank you for your reply.

1)unfortunately, i didnt take screenshots, but i guess it was during winter when moving units from Poland to France. (unless it was due to enemy strategic bombing, and if so it was so fast that I did not notice (?).

In that case it was definitely some bombing activity their is nothing implemented that would remove strength points from the Germans that early in the war.

2)I have another question regarding the implementation of Tank Armies.
What is the purpose/necessity to add them?We had tank divisions and corps, is it realistic to use now masses tanks in the form of tank armies.? It is not a criticism, just an honest question to learn the logic/reasoning.

They are not necessarily meant to be masses of tanks, (which is why my unit silhouettes were modded to show Tanks/Infantry instead of just Tanks) but rather the Tank Army and Panzer Army units that were on the Eastern Front. Without stacking in the game it allows for both sides to concentrate a hex with a powerful unit, a Soviet Tank Army for example would represent a Tank Corps as well as a Mechanized/Infantry Corps combined. These units are mainly going to prevalent on the Eastern Front. While there were no Tank Armies formed by the Western Allies historically they can still purchase them in 44' or later for balance and/or what "if" similar to how the Germans can build Carriers.

3)In your opinion, how does this game compare to "WarPlan"? I have played and enjoyed both. Do you feel that the SC game tends to accumulate units in some sectors of the front (specially Russian Front), while having other sectors without any units(?) (see for example your images during your last ARR of SW:WiE FWII in which you lost in 1946 against AI. In contrast, WarPlan keeps a thinner front line which is more or less regular along the front line. (Not sure either historically, how continuous was the Eastern front line in terms of units during war).

I have not had a chance to play War Plan yet thought it does look interesting, but because of that I can't readily compare. I will say that the AAR you are referring to was against the AI which creates a huge focus on the Eastern Front because the AI won't risk a half baked amphibious invasion of mainland Europe in many cases so it is not so much necessary to fully guard all fronts. In PBEM you have to be much more careful. As for the continuous front, it is my understanding that the Soviet defensive lines were pretty continuous but in constant retreat and in major sectors had a second line of reserves. I could be mistaken though!

The reasons for that "local" unit density/accumulation and uneven distribution is that SC uses rotation attacks rather than combined attacks of 2 or more units like WarPlan(?). And that in Warplan, all German units are corps rather than mixing with Armies, having more flexibility to spread units (?).

I wish I could comment more on the differences, but i'll have to defer until I try it.

I think both games are good and complementary, I would like to hear your comments on that.
Thanks again for great mod.

Thanks for the feedback!


(in reply to fulcrum28)
Post #: 790
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/9/2020 11:28:11 AM   

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thanks for your replies.

I understand the concept of adding the Panzer Army to reproduce historical OoB. The following comments also apply to the case of infantry Armies.

SC3 uses a mixture of armies and corps armies, they have different strengths. Germany did not have many independent corps in the front line.They were always associated to an Army. This applies to both Infantry and Panzer armies. In my view, or at least the way I RP the game, I represent a full Infantry Army using the Army counter + two corps counters.

Let's say we focus on 6th German Army. This Army is composed by

Main 6th Army counter (typically represent 4 division + 2 reserve divisions attached to Army + HQ army artillery)
two corps:
XXI Inf. corps(3 divisions)
XXII Inf. Corps (3 divisions)

The reason that the main counter is Army and has larger strength is understood by assuming it includes the CORE of the army and it has attached most of the army reserves and artillery etc.
In front line, the main army CORE is always deployed in center, and the other two corps in the two flank, left and right.
I do also change the labels of the units manually so I can always keep them together as far as the operations allow it.

6th Amry -> 6th Army/ XX corps
XXI Corps -> 6th XXI
XXII Corps -> 6th XXII

By dong this, you can really have an acceptable representation of the German OoB and also it helps to cover the front lines similar to the historical version.

A German army can actually be "deployed" in a large areas using the three counters. (o four dependeing the strength).

Now with the Panzer Army, I can imagine similar representation, with main counter as 1st Panzer army (4 divisions+ res. div. + support army artillery/AT etc), and one mobile panzer corps XXX (3 divisions) and one motorised/mechanised PzGrenadier Corps (3 divisions).

This matches my view. Just having panzer or infantry armies, and think they represent the entire army in one hexagon, it may be too much, maybe one army counter with that view would represent more than 10-12 divisions. Only ten Army counters would be Barbarossa (more than 120 divsions) and clearly by summing the corps, we have much more than ten counters in SC when we start Barbarrosa.

Operatively, it does not change anything, but this way allows me to be more immersed and "believe" that the mixture representation of Armies/corps has a solid operational and historical ground.

I love your mod, keep working on that :)

< Message edited by fulcrum28 -- 6/9/2020 11:50:58 AM >


The most comprehensive website on the IJN Imperial Japanese Navy Y:"Let us enjoy the beauty of the moon (sinking aboard Hiryu)

(in reply to crispy131313)
Post #: 791
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/10/2020 4:01:31 AM   

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ORIGINAL: fulcrum28

thanks for your replies.

I understand the concept of adding the Panzer Army to reproduce historical OoB. The following comments also apply to the case of infantry Armies.

SC3 uses a mixture of armies and corps armies, they have different strengths. Germany did not have many independent corps in the front line.They were always associated to an Army. This applies to both Infantry and Panzer armies. In my view, or at least the way I RP the game, I represent a full Infantry Army using the Army counter + two corps counters.

Let's say we focus on 6th German Army. This Army is composed by

Main 6th Army counter (typically represent 4 division + 2 reserve divisions attached to Army + HQ army artillery)
two corps:
XXI Inf. corps(3 divisions)
XXII Inf. Corps (3 divisions)

The reason that the main counter is Army and has larger strength is understood by assuming it includes the CORE of the army and it has attached most of the army reserves and artillery etc.
In front line, the main army CORE is always deployed in center, and the other two corps in the two flank, left and right.
I do also change the labels of the units manually so I can always keep them together as far as the operations allow it.

6th Amry -> 6th Army/ XX corps
XXI Corps -> 6th XXI
XXII Corps -> 6th XXII

By dong this, you can really have an acceptable representation of the German OoB and also it helps to cover the front lines similar to the historical version.

A German army can actually be "deployed" in a large areas using the three counters. (o four dependeing the strength).

Now with the Panzer Army, I can imagine similar representation, with main counter as 1st Panzer army (4 divisions+ res. div. + support army artillery/AT etc), and one mobile panzer corps XXX (3 divisions) and one motorised/mechanised PzGrenadier Corps (3 divisions).

This matches my view. Just having panzer or infantry armies, and think they represent the entire army in one hexagon, it may be too much, maybe one army counter with that view would represent more than 10-12 divisions. Only ten Army counters would be Barbarossa (more than 120 divsions) and clearly by summing the corps, we have much more than ten counters in SC when we start Barbarrosa.

Operatively, it does not change anything, but this way allows me to be more immersed and "believe" that the mixture representation of Armies/corps has a solid operational and historical ground.

I love your mod, keep working on that :)

One of the reasons I included Divisions was to create a more continuous fronts with central army groups which are spearheading the attack or defending primary targets. There are certainly limits to how to represent the different units but I've done what I can. One of the key reasons for keeping these "larger units" is they are key to spearheading attacks, if all units were created equal ala Corps it would end up with WWI attrition like battles in the game I believe.


(in reply to fulcrum28)
Post #: 792
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/10/2020 4:45:45 AM   

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Here's a peak at version 7.0, if any errors or other feedback now is the chance!

- Fixed an error where Germany was only being awarded a decisive victory after the 1944 game end date decision
- The variable event where Vichy France may join the Axis (if certain conditions are met; Spain Axis-USA neutral) will now only fire if none of the Western Powers (USA, UK) recognize Vichy
- Updated Notes of USA decision event regarding Vichy based on the above
- Added UK recommendation pop up regarding Greek Neutrality
- Added UK recommendation pop up regarding Portuguese Neutrality
- New UK decision: Greek Army in exile
- Syria will now only lean Axis each turn during Iraq Coup if the Axis are providing support to Iraq
- Updated Notes of Germany decision event regarding Iraq Coup based on the above
- Added UK recommendation pop up regarding Axis influence in Syria
- Added UK recommendation pop up regarding Greek Neutrality
- Added UK recommendation pop up regarding Portuguese Neutrality
- New German decision: Synthetic Oil
- Updated Axis oil shortage supply events which will half the frequency if Germany invests in Synthetic oil
- Fixed a minor supply event meant to stop the Allied AI from sending Greek units to Yugoslavia in 1941
- Reduced German Infantry Army build limits by 2
- Romania, Hungary, Slovakia & Bulgaria will no longer receive morale boosts from Infantry Warfare, Armoured Warfare, Aerial Warfare & Ballistic Warfare
- New (continuous) USSR national morale scripts to represent the successful defense of the Major Cities; Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad. They will trigger while Axis hold a key cities on the approach (Riga-Leningrad, Smolensk-Moscow, Rostov-Stalingrad) Each will only represent 1/10 of a percent each turn but will aid the Soviets in aggressively defending these victory objectives. Collectively they will represent ~1% every 3 turns so they will not be entirely negligible either.
- Fixed a missing unit script error if the UK occupies Ireland via decision event
- Fixed a missing morale boost to Anti-Tank units from ballistic warfare research category (excluding Romania, Hungary, Slovakia & Bulgaria)
- Added Soviet NM penalties if Perm and Kuybyshev are captured (collectively 15%)

There a few other minor changes on my to do list, but i'll probably have this finalized tomorrow.


(in reply to crispy131313)
Post #: 793
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/10/2020 5:30:24 PM   

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ORIGINAL: crispy131313

One of the reasons I included Divisions was to create a more continuous fronts with central army groups which are spearheading the attack or defending primary targets. There are certainly limits to how to represent the different units but I've done what I can. One of the key reasons for keeping these "larger units" is they are key to spearheading attacks, if all units were created equal ala Corps it would end up with WWI attrition like battles in the game I believe.

As I've indicated elsewhere, I am currently playtesting a mod (yes, based off of your scenario) where all armies were replaced by double the amount of corps, but with higher movement rates for motor/mech units. While the unit density is higher, any breakthroughs can lead to significant encirclements (and vs. the AI in my game huge encirclements, but that's the AI for you). With the lower movement rates your tank moves a space or two to attack, loses an additional movement point to the ZOC (and/or a river), 2 more to their double attacks, such that by the time the hole in the front is actually made they can't take advantage of it. Other nearby units can, if of course the ZOCs/rivers/forests don't eat them all up.

If the AI kept its tanks and shock armies [kept those & the tank armies, mainly so that your tank production tech can be more useful, added some extra Special Forces to represent elite infantry] and such in reserve, a number of my pincers could have been easily snipped off and the tables turned.

(in reply to crispy131313)
Post #: 794
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/10/2020 5:33:49 PM   

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The Minor Allies nerfing is likely a good thing-right now I can pump their tech up and they are almost as good as the German regulars.

(in reply to Elessar2)
Post #: 795
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/10/2020 7:02:07 PM   


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Nerfing minor's units is okay, but pumping up their tech is extremely a-historical, unless the designer is doing it for balance. In which case I still object to it; let the minor units stand on their own without pumped up tech. (in my humble opinion).

(in reply to Elessar2)
Post #: 796
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/11/2020 12:46:34 AM   

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Strengthening the minors was more an oversight than anything. I would also note that denying the minors tech would be akin to making them cannon fodder imo.

I've made some further adjustments to minors, which will should make them feel less an extension of the regular armies of majors and more supportive in nature;

- All minors will no longer benefit from the following tech; Command & Control, Infantry Warfare, Armored Warfare, Aerial Warfare, Naval Warfare, Ballistic Warfare, Tank Production, Aircraft Production (the latter two always being an oversight).

I've also made a few other additions;

- dummy event for free Belgian/Dutch forces (represented by one time MPP boost to UK)
- When Spain joins the Axis the transfer of pacific naval assets (4 units) is no longer AI only
- One time variable event (5% chance per turn) when Spain is 75%+ Axis leaning that Franco will swing away from the Axis 4-8% representing the frustration of German efforts to have Spain join the war


(in reply to ReinerAllen)
Post #: 797
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/11/2020 1:16:57 AM   


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That sounds a lot more realistic. Thanks.

(in reply to crispy131313)
Post #: 798
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/11/2020 3:04:08 AM   

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New version link:

full change list:

- Fixed an error where Germany was only being awarded a decisive victory after the 1944 game end date decision
- The variable event where Vichy France may join the Axis (if certain conditions are met; Spain Axis-USA neutral) will now only fire if none of the Western Powers (USA, UK) recognize Vichy
- Updated Notes of USA decision event regarding Vichy based on the above
- New UK decision: Greek Army in exile
- Syria will now only lean Axis each turn during Iraq Coup if the Axis are providing support to Iraq
- Updated Notes of Germany decision event regarding Iraq Coup based on the above
- Added UK recommendation pop up regarding Axis influence in Syria
- Added UK recommendation pop up regarding Greek Neutrality
- Added UK recommendation pop up regarding Portuguese Neutrality
- New German decision: Synthetic Oil
- Updated Axis oil shortage supply events which will half the frequency if Germany invests in Synthetic oil
- Fixed a minor supply event meant to stop the Allied AI from sending Greek units to Yugoslavia in 1941
- Reduced German Infantry Army build limits by 2
- New (continuous) USSR national morale scripts to represent the successful defense of the Major Cities; Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad. They will trigger while Axis hold a key cities on the approach (Riga-Leningrad, Smolensk-Moscow, Rostov-Stalingrad) Each will only represent 1/10 of a percent each turn but will aid the Soviets in aggressively defending these victory objectives. Collectively they will represent ~1% every 3 turns so they will not be entirely negligible either.
- Fixed a missing unit script error if the UK occupies Ireland via decision event
- Fixed a missing morale boost to Anti-Tank units from ballistic warfare research category
- Added Soviet NM penalties if Perm and Kuybyshev are captured (collectively 15%)
- dummy event for free Belgian/Dutch forces (represented by one time MPP boost to UK)
- When Spain joins the Axis the transfer of pacific naval assets (4 units) is no longer AI only
- One time variable event (5% chance per turn) when Spain is 75%+ Axis leaning that Franco will swing away from the Axis 4-8% representing the frustration of German efforts to have Spain join the war
- All minors will no longer benefit from the following tech; Command & Control, Infantry Warfare, Armored Warfare, Aerial Warfare, Naval Warfare, Ballistic Warfare, Tank Production, Aircraft Production

< Message edited by crispy131313 -- 6/11/2020 2:34:37 PM >


(in reply to ReinerAllen)
Post #: 799
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/11/2020 7:52:17 PM   


Posts: 564
Joined: 9/12/2007
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Nice changes.

1. Turkey still needs some adjusting. Totally surrounded by Axis forces and Axis minors and they are still happy to move towards the Allies every turn. Again, if Baku falls to Axis it should move them quite a distance away from Allies.
2. Finland also needs some changes. If Allied/USSR troops within 5 hexes of Helsinki it should collapse. They are hanging on way too long. Not realistic?
3. The advice to the UK about Portugal appears at the end of the Axis turn and "Invest" needs to be capitalized. :)


< Message edited by dhucul2011 -- 6/11/2020 8:40:08 PM >

(in reply to crispy131313)
Post #: 800
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/12/2020 1:08:08 AM   

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ORIGINAL: dhucul2011

Nice changes.

1. Turkey still needs some adjusting. Totally surrounded by Axis forces and Axis minors and they are still happy to move towards the Allies every turn. Again, if Baku falls to Axis it should move them quite a distance away from Allies.
2. Finland also needs some changes. If Allied/USSR troops within 5 hexes of Helsinki it should collapse. They are hanging on way too long. Not realistic?
3. The advice to the UK about Portugal appears at the end of the Axis turn and "Invest" needs to be capitalized. :)


1. There is already implemented a dummy script that moves Turkey away from the Allies every turn 1% when Cairo and Stalingrad are in Axis hands. It triggers when Turkey is 75% Axis leaning which makes it very difficult for Turkey to actually declare war for the Allies, but not impossible. With consideration of PBEM I don’t want to make it impossible to have the Allies to use Turkey as a significant launching pad.
2. Having units near Helsinki can be exploited with paras in PBEM. Taking the NM objectives can lead to early surrender. Maybe I can look at increasing the NM penalties so Less have to be taken.
3. Damn didn’t realize a UK popup could show up on Axis turn! Thanks


(in reply to dhucul2011)
Post #: 801
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/12/2020 1:58:21 AM   


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Another one. The advice to the UK to overthrow Iraqi Ali pops up at end of Axis turn.

(in reply to crispy131313)
Post #: 802
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/12/2020 2:19:57 AM   

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ORIGINAL: dhucul2011

Another one. The advice to the UK to overthrow Iraqi Ali pops up at end of Axis turn.

Thanks I better review all 3 of those pop ups!


(in reply to dhucul2011)
Post #: 803
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/12/2020 4:03:03 PM   

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Did you delete the East Africa one left over from Global? It was still there in your previous update.

(in reply to crispy131313)
Post #: 804
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/12/2020 4:31:51 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Elessar2

Did you delete the East Africa one left over from Global? It was still there in your previous update.

No it remains, the East Africa campaign is an off map campaign, there are a few decisions tied to it on both sides and it could have a big impact on Egypt if the Allies are defeated there if not properly garrisoned.


(in reply to Elessar2)
Post #: 805
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/12/2020 8:05:26 PM   
David Hansen


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Thinking about giving this mod a spin in SP. Intermediate Axis player here...and with the plain vanilla I give the Allies the 20% boost to MPP. Before I plunge in a couple of questions:

*Are the major differences (Harder) in playing as the Axis with this mod?..should I continue to give the 20% MPP bump to the Allies?

*Are there major strategic factor differences for the of war Soviet Union?...I usually try/plan to kick Barbarrosa off by the first turn in May '41.

Basically, what are the major differences I should expect to experience as an Axis player?


(in reply to crispy131313)
Post #: 806
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 7.1 - (Ready for Download) - 6/12/2020 8:59:25 PM   

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This only fixes a few popup advice for the Allies.


(in reply to crispy131313)
Post #: 807
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/13/2020 12:01:46 AM   

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ORIGINAL: David Hansen

Thinking about giving this mod a spin in SP. Intermediate Axis player here...and with the plain vanilla I give the Allies the 20% boost to MPP. Before I plunge in a couple of questions:

*Are the major differences (Harder) in playing as the Axis with this mod?..should I continue to give the 20% MPP bump to the Allies?

*Are there major strategic factor differences for the of war Soviet Union?...I usually try/plan to kick Barbarrosa off by the first turn in May '41.

Basically, what are the major differences I should expect to experience as an Axis player?


- Naval; reinforcements cost of surface fleet for all countries except France, UK, Britain and Canada are higher. This puts the Axis at disadvantage of trying to win a war of attrition.

- North African Campaign; expect a higher probability of a back and forth campaign vs the AI

- Barbarossa; enhanced importance due to Soviet Infantry Weapons maxing out at II around the first winter, and ability to counter attack earlier.

- Economic warfare; German economy is more fragile, German mines (40 MPP) and Ploesti (50 MPP) are good targets and Strategic Bombers have longer range. If you fail to capture Grozny be end of 42’ the Axis will have MPP problems as well the Allies will attempt to disrupt Axis trade agreements

- Build Limits; German build limits are reduced and will likely be over limit mid war, many lost units will never be replaced

Also keep in mind the changes to victory conditions. The war is not lost if the tide changes, only your strategy for victory must. May/June is a good target date for Barbarossa still.


(in reply to David Hansen)
Post #: 808
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/13/2020 1:16:59 PM   
David Hansen


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TXS Crispy for your feedback! I guess I need to rethink giving the Allies the standard 20% MPP bump.
Your comments indicate playing as the Axis will be much more of a challenge for me.
On the reverse side of things...does your mod make for an "easier" Allied experience vs. vanilla?
Looking forward to starting my first campaign!

(in reply to crispy131313)
Post #: 809
RE: Fall Weiss II - WIE 6.5 - (Ready for Download) - 6/13/2020 2:58:13 PM   

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I’ve only play tested with +1 experience, +20% income, +2 spotting so I would consider that default vs AI.

Also the campaign is harder than vanilla vs AI imo.


(in reply to David Hansen)
Post #: 810
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