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RE: TOAW IV USER INTERFACE - 12/24/2017 1:35:49 PM   

Posts: 19
Joined: 1/16/2012
From: Italy
Status: offline
Great guide! I think TOAW is a really very well documented game. Just what I need.


(in reply to DanNeely)
Post #: 121
RE: TOAW IV USER INTERFACE - 11/16/2021 11:21:16 PM   

Posts: 4430
Joined: 1/5/2001
From: Wollondilly, Sydney
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay


This shot shows the cumulative AP and DF strengths in each stack.

This question relates to the thread "The State of digital Wargaming".

Is there anything on the game screen that tells me I am currently looking at cumulative AP and DF strengths?

< Message edited by Fred98 -- 11/16/2021 11:23:05 PM >

(in reply to Curtis Lemay)
Post #: 122
RE: TOAW IV USER INTERFACE - 11/17/2021 2:59:15 PM   
Curtis Lemay

Posts: 12969
Joined: 9/17/2004
From: Houston, TX
Status: offline



This question relates to the thread "The State of digital Wargaming".

Is there anything on the game screen that tells me I am currently looking at cumulative AP and DF strengths?

Put your cursor over the button circled and see the display mode in the info panel:

Attachment (1)


My TOAW web site:

Bob Cross's TOAW Site

(in reply to Fred98)
Post #: 123
RE: TOAW IV USER INTERFACE - 11/17/2021 4:51:59 PM   

Posts: 5104
Joined: 8/8/2013
From: Third rock from the Sun.
Status: offline


Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I’m not sure about the universe-Einstein

Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back?
A: A stick.

(in reply to Curtis Lemay)
Post #: 124
RE: TOAW IV USER INTERFACE - 11/19/2021 4:47:38 AM   

Posts: 4430
Joined: 1/5/2001
From: Wollondilly, Sydney
Status: offline
So, I can see that my comment was correct in that I cannot see any values for a stack.

So I set my Edit Counter Values like this:

Stack Anti Armour..........Stack Armour Defense
Stack Anti Personnell......Stack Defense
Remaining movement allowance
Unit Time Stamp

Before I continue, discussing the same issue that I noticed 4 years ago, I cannot install the latest patch, which means the words at the bottom of my screen are different to the words at the bottom of the screen 2 posts above.
It seems the issue has been solved!

< Message edited by Fred98 -- 11/19/2021 4:48:29 AM >

(in reply to Lobster)
Post #: 125
RE: TOAW IV USER INTERFACE - 11/21/2021 10:09:21 PM   

Posts: 4430
Joined: 1/5/2001
From: Wollondilly, Sydney
Status: offline
I have now confirmed that the issue was corrected in the last patch thank you.

(in reply to Fred98)
Post #: 126
RE: TOAW IV USER INTERFACE - 11/22/2021 2:56:18 PM   

Posts: 5104
Joined: 8/8/2013
From: Third rock from the Sun.
Status: offline
Ah...good to see you got it working correctly.


Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I’m not sure about the universe-Einstein

Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back?
A: A stick.

(in reply to Fred98)
Post #: 127
RE: TOAW IV USER INTERFACE - 2/8/2022 11:18:23 PM   

Posts: 4430
Joined: 1/5/2001
From: Wollondilly, Sydney
Status: offline



Ah...good to see you got it working correctly.

Well no I did not. I bought the game from Matrix back in 2017. I recently picked up the game again and could not install the last patch.

My solution was to buy the game a second time through Steam and obviously it is patched.

(in reply to Lobster)
Post #: 128
RE: TOAW IV USER INTERFACE - 2/8/2022 11:22:09 PM   

Posts: 5104
Joined: 8/8/2013
From: Third rock from the Sun.
Status: offline
Ouch. Could have just requested a Steam key. It's free.


Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I’m not sure about the universe-Einstein

Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back?
A: A stick.

(in reply to Fred98)
Post #: 129
RE: TOAW IV USER INTERFACE - 2/9/2022 6:10:55 AM   

Posts: 9511
Joined: 5/3/2007
From: east coast, usa
Status: offline
Yeah, steam is great [not]. How come steam can patch it but Matrix can't ? Why doesn't Matrix offer the majic key to unlock the mystery ? What can Matrix learn from steam?

(in reply to Lobster)
Post #: 130
RE: TOAW IV USER INTERFACE - 2/9/2022 1:24:48 PM   

Posts: 5104
Joined: 8/8/2013
From: Third rock from the Sun.
Status: offline
There was a patch snafu. Then that got sorted out but it complicated the patch process. Then that got sorted out. But there are still headscratchers that catch people not in the know like files and where they can be found. And there's the button on the Launch screen that says "Check for Update" that just screws things up if you click on it. Not sure if it's been fixed because I don't want to click on it and go through the hassle of the damned thing screwing things up.

Some really basic things go unfixed and noobs are constantly asking the same questions over and over and over. Easier to just get a Steam key and that takes care of much of the hassle. But even at that there are still things that result in wtf moments that shouldn't be there. Learn to live with them I guess.


Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I’m not sure about the universe-Einstein

Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back?
A: A stick.

(in reply to sPzAbt653)
Post #: 131
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