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Troubleshooting problems with running the first time

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Troubleshooting problems with running the first time - 11/20/2017 3:54:53 AM   

Posts: 6685
Joined: 7/27/2003
From: Colorado Springs
Status: offline
I plan to flesh this out with more details later when I get time. This is partly a placeholder.

Apparently, Desktop Composition can cause issues. That can be changed in the program properties, see the link at the end for details.

Also, if you installed with a different account, you need to copy (or move) the files from
C:/Users/<Admin>/My Documents/My Games/The Operational Art of War
C:/Users/<Non Admin>/My Documents/My Games/The Operational Art of War
You also may need to click on the bottom left button and then click on the bottom left button on that screen and navigate to Documents/My Games/The Operational Art of War/Scenarios/Tutorials.

I had to make a decision about where to put things like scenarios. Since almost everything can be modified I put them under My Documents so that people could find them easily. Unfortunately, that means that the account that installed the program has to also run the program unless you copy files from the other My Documents directory as described above. While that decision did make it simpler for the majority of the users, it does cause problems for a small minority.

There are some reported issues with Chinese that I'm investigating.

There's more help here.

< Message edited by Tamas -- 11/20/2017 5:30:33 AM >


Ralph Trickey
TOAW IV Programmer
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Post #: 1
RE: [Please Sticky]Troubleshooting problems with runnin... - 11/20/2017 4:11:21 AM   

Posts: 22687
Joined: 10/4/2012
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How to disable Desktop Compositions

To disable this feature: on windows 7, (8 and 10) isn't or shouldn't be a issue,...

Click on Start > Control Panel > System and Security > System.
Click on the "Advanced system settings"
In the System Properties window, go to the Advanced tab and click on the Settings button (Performance section)
Uncheck "Enable desktop composition"

For Game Crashes

Can you also see if it produces a 'crashlog' file in Documents/My Games/The Operational Art of War IV

and open a thread in the Tech support section with you error and as much detail as you can with your DXR report, thanks

How to get a DirectX Diagnostic file:

1. click on "START"
2. click "run"
3. type in "dxdiag" and click "OK"
4. check through the tabs and perform all tests
5. click "Save all Information..." and save the text file to a location of your choice

We prefer that DxDiag files be posted as message attachments rather than pasted into the body of the post.

once the report has been made, just attach it to your post with first adding the file to a zip, which is then permitted to attach to the forum

please do not reply past this post, thank you as this area is for the developer only and may get removed

< Message edited by zakblood -- 11/20/2017 3:48:43 PM >

(in reply to ralphtricky)
Post #: 2
RE: [Please Sticky]Troubleshooting problems with runnin... - 4/15/2019 1:25:33 PM   

Posts: 6668
Joined: 2/23/2009
From: United States
Status: offline
Note to fix the problem with a default Matrix install (I just purchased and installed TheOperationalArtofWar4-SetupRelease-v4.1.0.20) where the Custom scenario folder is not present from within the game as a detectable folder location to play/edit scenarios do the following:

Move all the files from:

C:\<PLACE WHERE YOU INSTALLED THE GAME>Matrix Games\The Operational Art of War IV\Graphics Override


C:\Users\<YOUR-USER-NAME-ON-YOUR-SYSTEM>\Documents\My Games\The Operational Art of War IV\Graphics Override

The default game or install does not read or use the files in: C:\Matrix Games\The Operational Art of War IV\Graphics Override for some reason and you won't have a Custom folder to select files from to play/edit until you move the files from the "Matrix Games Folder" to the "My Document folder"


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(in reply to zakblood)
Post #: 3
RE: Troubleshooting problems with running the first time - 4/30/2020 7:57:19 PM   


Posts: 5
Joined: 4/30/2020
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I just downloaded Operational Art of War IV and am really looking forward to it. However, I seem to have some technical problems.

I have the same problem with the program recognizing the correct directory path for scenarios that others previously posted about. I haven't figured out yet if any of the recommended fixes work.

That's because of my second issue: I open the program, click on the New Game button, and---nothing. It doesn't respond to my mouse click at all. I can sit all afternoon and it never responds.

I have no idea if this is related to the directory path issue or not.

I really would like to get this running so I can start learning the system and some of the scenarios. Who can help with issues like this? Thanks!

(in reply to ralphtricky)
Post #: 4
RE: Troubleshooting problems with running the first time - 1/10/2021 6:14:44 PM   
Mac Linehan


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Joined: 12/19/2004
From: Denver Colorado
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Gents -

I installed Operational Art of War 4 and am experiencing the same difficulty as described in this forum - the game takes up to an hour (or more) to change or refresh screens. Obviously there is a conflict.

I have carefully read all the posts I can find on the subject, and tried each recommendation - still no go.

The game did make it to the opening map of the Korean tutorial - after two plus hours.

I am starting the game using the game executable in the game folder - both the standard and the "slow" executables.

I have not yet changed the sound or the display settings - that would probably be next, but would be another long delay to reach that menu.

I loved OPaW 3; from what I saw of the OPaW 4 tutorial map the graphics are beautiful. There is no doubt in my mind that I will thoroughly enjoy OPaW 4 - once it is up and running.

My Computer:
Graphics: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 3900XT 12 Core Processor
32 Gigs of RAM

There is always a way to reset parameters or a work a round, I just havent found it yet.

I am most grateful for your help.

Edit - the game ran flawlessly on Steam; so it is a matter of figuring out what I am not doing correctly / or needs to be adjusted.

Mac Linehan

< Message edited by Mac Linehan -- 1/10/2021 10:44:18 PM >


LAV-25 2147

(in reply to ralphtricky)
Post #: 5
RE: Troubleshooting problems with running the first time - 1/10/2021 10:57:51 PM   
Curtis Lemay

Posts: 12969
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Have you updated to the latest version?


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(in reply to Mac Linehan)
Post #: 6
RE: Troubleshooting problems with running the first time - 1/29/2021 12:41:06 AM   


Posts: 1
Joined: 1/29/2021
Status: offline

Downloaded Opart 4 from Matrix into a new Dell Windows 10. Everything was fine until I tried to play it: only 3 scenarios available (including tutorial), but clicking on the directory button returns an error message - 'no path available'. I tried updating but it halts on 'unable to open FTP file'. Next?

(in reply to Curtis Lemay)
Post #: 7
RE: Troubleshooting problems with running the first time - 5/20/2021 2:04:13 AM   


Posts: 2
Joined: 5/20/2021
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I had the same trouble as well. Clicking on the "Folder" button causes an error. I was able to get around it by copying all of the Scenario files into the Tutorial folder.

(in reply to davidtex)
Post #: 8
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