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RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron

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RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/25/2018 8:51:25 PM   


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June 2nd 1915 (Turn 24)

The war of movement has been over for some time but now its settled into a war of stagnation. Outside of Russian Poland most units will now be facing each other with both side fully entrenched. Advances will be measured in single hex at the cost of several attacks or high use of 'special unit' combat. I'm expecting a increase in R&D and Diplomatic chit purchases. And a shifting of units to find areas where there are no or little defenders (Gallipoli ?)

Western Front:

France - German and France trade IC, with France also losing their Marines. A gap of No Mans Land (NML) is opening between Lille and Arras. UK starts to shift several air wings to the area just south of Arras.

Atlantic - Iceland Blockade fully enforced, 2 subs raiding by USA with 4 destroyer groups searching for them. UK is slowly brining damaged ships up to full strength.

Italy - Readiness 100%.... rejoice! The boarder is lightly defended so a full army is sent assault Treaeast.

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< Message edited by IronRanger -- 2/11/2018 2:13:26 PM >

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Post #: 31
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/25/2018 9:01:58 PM   


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Eastern Front:

Poland - Germany assault's Kutno and destroys the Russian IC entrenched within, Russia counter attacks across the river and removes one IC. Outside of Lodz the Germanys dig in, Russia doesn't want to lose another IC, retreats for the city. Between Przemyl and Lemburg AH and Russian armys clash... one AH IC destroyed, one Russian Cav unit routed at strength 2.

Serbia - Unit movements, Montenegro troops pushing AH IC across the boarder.

Adriatic - France continues to blockade the AH ships in port, sinking one light cruiser squadron, one battleship group.

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Post #: 32
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/25/2018 9:04:32 PM   


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Opps wrong SS posted...... I'll try again.

Middle east:

All fronts having minor combat and movement, no real change in the battle lines.

Eastern Front:

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Post #: 33
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/26/2018 2:45:21 PM   


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July 3rd 1915

Shadow Front:

Norway continues to swing to the Entente point of view but still no shipments of ore (+7%, 0MMPs convoy??). Report on investments; total by CP 0 in Diplomacy, 1400 in R&D with a few hits; total by Entente 250 in Diplomacy, 825 in R&D with a few hit. The high investment in R&D means we (the Entente) need to strike now, while there are holes in the line due to a lack units before the Central Powers can bring to bear much better weapons!

Western Front:

France - Raids across NML but no major combat. France puts the finishing touch's on Operation 'Mud' and UK is able to finally bring new units in from the homeland. Gap's are noticed in the German line and its looking like a push should put stress on there defense system. However other fronts are draining the resources.

Italy - Units dig in and wait for HQ support.

Atlantic - Hide and seek over a vast sea of water.

Southern Front:

Quiet all over except the sinking of a few more AH naval squadrons.

Middle east:

Egypt - UK picks at weak Ottoman units in the sand. Minor towns falling to UK DT in Iraq.

Caucasus - Russian HQ reach's the front lines, units move trying to protect the weakest link.

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Post #: 34
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/26/2018 2:47:30 PM   


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Black Sea:

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Post #: 35
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/26/2018 2:56:54 PM   


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Eastern Front:

Prussia/Poland - Lodz falls as Russia has pulled back behind rivers to help reduce losses in defense. Germany responds by advancing but not making contact with Russian units. A lone Russia IC raids into southern Prussia and destroys the German Recon Bombers. Between Prztnyl and Lemburg both AH and Russian units dig in and reinforce... something big is going to happen soon with all those troops in such a small area.

Serbia - Hold the Line is the order of the day.

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< Message edited by IronRanger -- 1/26/2018 2:58:06 PM >

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Post #: 36
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/26/2018 3:17:00 PM   


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<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/0KuBl"><a href="//">WW1 AAR</a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

< Message edited by IronRanger -- 1/26/2018 3:21:05 PM >

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Post #: 37
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/26/2018 3:43:24 PM   

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[text no longer needed].

< Message edited by Philippeatbay -- 1/28/2018 4:04:43 PM >

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Post #: 38
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/28/2018 2:54:41 PM   


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July 17th 1915

Entente adjust their plans and make some late summer advances in the east and west to put stress on the Central Powers war machine, losses are expected to be high but you gain nothing by sitting in a hole.

Western Front:

France - First Battle of Lille finish's with a loss of a GR IC north of Arres. UK is shipping in about 2 units per turn now and will build up for the next phase. France, diversionary move advances on Mulhausen with almost a full army... the counter stroke will be harsh on the Calvary.

Italy - All units now at full strength, HQs str 8... next turn they will be ready! AH digs in more around the border MTs, one GR IC rails in to cover the flank.

Atlantic - One sub found.... 2 still raiding, its a a lot of water to cover. The Destroyer groups active in the Mediterranean start relocating to support.

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< Message edited by IronRanger -- 2/11/2018 2:14:45 PM >

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Post #: 39
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/28/2018 3:01:57 PM   


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Eastern Front:

Prussia - Acting with the French, the Memel army advances to the river line in Prussia..... the counter will be painful but if a few GR units can removed a breakthrough can be achieved. Its a 2 -1 advantage held by Russia on the area.

Poland - Continued retreat behind rivers and digging into the dirt.... more movement around Lemburg but a new AH IC in the area is a threat.

Serbia - Quiet on land and at sea.... where are the Greeks?

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Post #: 40
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/28/2018 3:04:35 PM   


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Middle East:

Egypt - Aruba falls to Ottomans. UK sails in a marine unit and moves troops up to the front line.

Caucuses - Russians reinforce while Ottomans raid the front line units.


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< Message edited by IronRanger -- 1/28/2018 3:08:13 PM >

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Post #: 41
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/29/2018 10:42:39 AM   


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July 31st 1915

Shadow Front:

The Greeks ask for help to join the Entente, 200MMPs... UK and France sign on. No new R&D hits for either side(??), but France and Russia have now invested in all the key areas for their nations. National Moral sits at UK - 95 Fr - 83 It - 100 RE - 84 GR - 83 AH - 83 OE - 83

Western Front:

France - Operation 'Mud' failed, one IC and one Cav destroyed with the other Cav ready to fall... very little damage to the German Units in the area. General Haig take command in France, the BEF is sent to Egypt.

Italy - HQs are now at full strength, all army's shifted to the Insonzio River.

Atlantic - One sub raiding, one sub found.. damaged to str 7 .

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Post #: 42
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/29/2018 10:49:08 AM   


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Middle East:

Egypt/Iraq - Troops for both sides shift. OE moves east out of Aqaba while UK DT takes another town in Iraq.

Libya - Italian troops garrison two locations of local dissent (Use the P key for partisan generation)

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Post #: 43
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/29/2018 10:56:58 AM   


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Southern Front:

Serbia - All quiet, something is going to happen soon.. its in the air. Almost two full army's, one AH one Bulgarian facing two Serbia IC deeply dug into the MTs near the Greek border.

Dardanelles - The Italian fleet search's the OE coastline.... Galippi is not garrisoned..... future raiding site?


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Post #: 44
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/29/2018 11:10:17 AM   


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Easter Front:

Prussia - Russian IC gets routed at half strength from the river line by two GR IC attacks. Russian sends a DT raider south of the line to by time for the troops in Poland. Air fleet scouts the local german city and finds it empty.

Poland - The final units move behind the river line south of Warsaw, but a GR Heavy Arty is spotted in the area so holding the line will be hard. By Lemburg a lot of combat with Russian losing 1 IC, one Cav routed at str 2, several AH IC damaged and one GR DT destroyed.

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Post #: 45
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/29/2018 12:07:36 PM   


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Can you upgrade your artillery? If yes, you can take Lemberg with ease. Even so, I guess. It would hurt A-H moral a lot. You are doing fine, german moral lower then russian moral...

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Post #: 46
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/30/2018 9:49:47 AM   


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August 14th 1915

Shadow Front:

Just over a year of war and for the most part all the fronts are in lockdown mode, achieving a breakthrough will be the goal of every nation for the next 3 (??) years. Entente send diplomats to try and achive moment that way, Italy 1 chit USA... hit on first turn (+8%), Portugal hit as well (=7%). After a year most of the 'free' R&D will be completed, Russia digs deeper holes TW L2, Russia PT L1, France IT L1. Unknown what hits the CP might have received recently.

Western Front:

France - GR finish's off the weak IC and Cav unit along the Swiss border, the French how that losing 4 units for no gain helped somewhere. UK and France reinforce units and continue to build up forces for the second battle of Lille.

Atlantic - One Sub raiding, UK Naval squadrons from the Med are returning to home waters... the High Sea's fleet has been silent for some time.


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< Message edited by IronRanger -- 2/11/2018 2:16:36 PM >

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Post #: 47
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/30/2018 10:02:46 AM   


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Middle East:

Egypt/Iraq - In Egypt the Ottoman Army by Aqaba moves east and out of spotting range.... heading to Iraq? UK reinforces units in the sand. In Iraq UK DT prepares to take another small town.

Caucasus - Russian troops moral is too low to attack, Heavy Arty is sent into the hills and units are brought up to full strength outside of Riza.

Southern Front:

Italy - AH continues to slowly bring more units into the area. Second battle of the Insonzio River leave a AH at str 6 and all Italian army's slightly weakened (8-9).

Serbia - AH Big Guns blow the defending Serbia IC out of the MT pass's.. one destroyed, one str 1. Bulgarian and AH IC advance next to the last capital of the Serbian Kingdom. Serbia, facing elimination, orders forced marches to the Adriatic coast at whatever the cost.

Adriatic - France continues to blockade AH ports, one Destroyer flotilla destroyed.

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Post #: 48
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/30/2018 10:16:51 AM   


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Eastern Front:

Prussia - GR forces back the Russia DT raider, the eastern boarder held against weak Russian generalship.

Poland - In a surprise move, the GR advance shifts north and makes contact with the units around Warsaw. German Heavy Artillery (AT) is in range of the city. Russian units dig in and prepare for hell.

Galicia - With the flanks around fortress Lemburg, Russian unloads on the city. Russian AT, at full strength with full load of shells, pounds the defending German DT. Seven Russian IC follow up and attack the demoralized unit and take this key location with little loss.

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Post #: 49
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/30/2018 1:30:39 PM   


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What a slaughter on both sides! Like in Real Life

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Post #: 50
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/30/2018 4:06:59 PM   


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August 28th 1915 - T34 - Screen Shots will be large overview for the one year mark

Shadow Front:

Using this new invention, the airoplane, diplomats from both sides are traveling all over Europe. Norway shifts to the CP (+9%), France counters by sending 2 (chits) to block further movement. Blood shed for over a year leave the butcher bill at (IC only) UK 4: Fr 7: It 1: Ru 13: Gr 15: AH 5: OE 0

Western Front:

More troops sail in from UK, French troops lick their wounds from operation 'Mud'. The blockade of Germany is broken, a few ships are left on the line but most eather sail to help look for subs or to port for resupply.

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Post #: 51
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/30/2018 4:12:32 PM   


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Eastern Front

Poland - Germany pounds Warsaw and destoryes the defending IC, a weak Cav units used for ditch digging is caught near the front and wiped out as well. Russia counters with raids along the line causing minor damage.

Galicia - Troops dig in and reinforce.

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Post #: 52
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/30/2018 4:19:40 PM   


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Southern Front:

Serbia/Greece - Serbia troops withdrawn behind rivers but lose one DT to advancing CP units. The Greeks enter the war on the side of the Entente but have little to offer and a large boarder to defend. What poor timing! Two turns latter or sooner and this would be a nonissue, but now I think I will lose this whole front quickly. Problems in 1914 (defense of Serbia boarder) is leading to huge problems into 1916.....

Adriatic - Ports continue to get raided, AH is trying to keep one DB (Dreadnaught Battle ship) group from sinking. UK sub heads to port for supply.

Dardanelles - All key ports and city are garrisoned by OE units, the Italian navy still keeps watch as does UK marines.

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Post #: 53
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/30/2018 4:22:40 PM   


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Middle East:

Iraq/Egypt - Two UK DT units march on Bagdad taking all the towns south of the city, one OE IC is trapped out of supply in the desert. All quiet in Egypt.

Caucuses - Russia reinforces all unit up to full strength, OE does the same.... quiet for now.

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Post #: 54
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/31/2018 4:08:10 PM   


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September 11th 1915

Shadow Front:

Several Research advances for the Entente, I assume the same for the Central Powers.

Western & Southern Front:

All quiet, boarder raids and reinforcement.

Middle East:

Caucuses - The Ottoman Empire recruits a new IC near Riza. Russian unleashes their AT and 8 shells to force the issue at Riza and the entreanched DT folds after four attacks by Russia HQ supported IC.

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Post #: 55
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 1/31/2018 4:12:30 PM   


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Eastern Front:

Prussia - Disaster, totally failure by the General in charge of the boarder. Germany spots a open path to break into Latvia and forces an army around the entrenched troops then rails in another army from France. Russia force retreat in haste.

Poland - Units in contact conduct cross trench raid. Other units dig in, whispers of full retreat are in the air.

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Post #: 56
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 2/1/2018 11:54:44 AM   


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September 25 1915

Shadow Front: Reports from the front suggest that Germany has Gas Shells L1, perhaps L2. They also invested heavily (3 chits) in sonar... odd? UK has received Sonar L1, and IT L1; France IW L1, IT L1, HA L1; Italy nothing; Russia IW L1, Heavy Bombers (HB) L1, PT L1. All this in the last few turns, CP must have had a few breakthroughs as well. The report of this being a static war for some time is very wrong... both sides are marching troops through gaps in the line.

Western Front:

France - All quiet on the German side, troops railed off to Russia. UK and France prepare for the second battle of Lille. Note the 3 deep lines of units, this will not be a local attack.... but across most the front.

Italy - AH and Italy raid across the boarder, one Italian IC destroyed.. the L1 IW are telling in the MT battles. Italy exploits the over aggressive AH general and flanks them on the left of the Insanizo River... the line is breached!

Atlantic - German High Seas fleet is battling the Russian Navy and the Grand Fleet shifts to cover the Landings in Belgium. One Sub trapped, one raiding.

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< Message edited by IronRanger -- 2/11/2018 2:18:19 PM >

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Post #: 57
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 2/1/2018 12:02:56 PM   


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Eastern Front:

Baltic States - Germany crush's a railed in Russian IC south of the breach, more troops march to the line opening it alittle more. Russia can do little but entrench and try to stabilize the area. A IC moves up to the German HQ and hits if for one damage.... the counter will be brutal but hopefully it buys time. In the Baltic the Russian and German navy's meet, Russia loses 1 DB, Germany 1 DD 1 CN... but the Russians are spent... more will sink on the counter attack.

Poland - The fighting around Warsaw continues, one Russian IC destroyed, a few German units damaged.

Galicia - AH falls back from Lemburg now that Russia controls the fortress. Russia follows and forces the Jabloniste Pass, AH loses one IC.

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Post #: 58
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 2/1/2018 12:05:24 PM   


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Baltic Fleet Action

With the High Seas fleet in this area, using their aircraft carrier (no supprise contact), and that the SF unit from German has been missing for a few turn..... an amphibious landing is expected on the coast.

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Post #: 59
RE: AAR SC WW1 Breakthrough Steph vs Iron - 2/1/2018 12:14:31 PM   


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Middle East:

Libya/Egypt/Iraq - OE supports revolt on the sands of Libya, UK shells Gaza and reinforces units with elite troops. UK troops in Iraq head back to Basra now that all towns south of Bagdad are taken. The OE army that retook Aquba is missing... marching?

Southern Front:

Balkans - The Greeks dig in and try to establish a front, Salonika IC is reduced to str 1 but reinforced to 7... UK out of MMPs to fully restore. Serbia continues to retreat into the MTs of the coastline.

Adriatic - More shelling of AH ships in port.... the French navy is getting worn out. A new type of war is tested, bombing ships in harbor from the air.... time will tell if this is a good idea.

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