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RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW)

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RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/7/2018 9:05:19 PM   

Posts: 41353
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From: England
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Turn 47 - Axis and Allied Turn
25th August 1943

Not much from either side to report. The British dispose of the remnants from the panzergrenadier battalion and push onto Tropea. The 4th Armoured Brigade and a battalion of the 24th British Guards Bde. head inland, making for Pizzo but find bridges blown.

US forces on the east coast have the same problem and run into a wall south of Catanzaro. There aren't enough engineers and the failure rate when repairing is too damn high . Still I have all the engineers available in the vicinity and so can do no more.

I've almost run out of units to bring over to the mainland. However, I don't think no. of units are a problem at this stage due to the narrowness of the front.

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England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to warspite1)
Post #: 121
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/8/2018 5:58:29 AM   

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Turn 48 - Axis and Allied Turn
26th August 1943

Nothing much to report on the Axis side - there appears to be a slight re-positioning north of some of his units.

After a probe by the Reconnaissance battalion of the US 45th Division found no enemy forces around Catanzaro, I move all US forces toward the port. I then get careless. I send a couple of units by sea to the port - and one gets intercepted and sunk en route. There is no time critical reason for that and so was an entirely dumb move on my part (although given the air superiority and interception numbers in my favour I can feel a little aggrieved). I shall continue to use Reggio for the foreseeable future .

As the port is effectively unusable, the key benefit of taking Catanzaro is the airfields it provides - and these are quickly filled up. There are very few units left on Sicily now.

I see where the Germans are making their first stand.

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< Message edited by warspite1 -- 3/8/2018 6:10:24 AM >


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

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Post #: 122
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/8/2018 9:08:57 PM   

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From: England
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Turn 49 - Axis and Allied Turn
27th August 1943

Nothing to report on the Axis front, but plenty to bitch, whine and moan about for the Allies . Where the hell have my supplies gone? The supply numbers overnight have just fallen through the floor. All I can say is its a good job I'm not that close to the enemy.

Anyone know why this would be please?


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

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Post #: 123
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/9/2018 5:12:06 AM   

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Turn 50 - Axis and Allied Turn
28th August 1943

...apparently not.

There is nothing in the briefings that I can see - nor do I understand how devoncop knew of this before I did (maybe he has played this scenario as the Allies before?). Anyway according to the briefing my force supply stockpile is 27 - supply enhancement due to force asset sharing is 89, enemy interdiction reduces our supply by 4% and effective supply capability is 100.

I've never looked at these numbers before so I don't know if that is good or bad (but according to the manual the force supply stockpile is 1-100% so I guess mine is 27% - which sounds bad - I'll just have to keep an eye on it but I've no idea why it suddenly dropped or what I can do about it.

Time to start paying a bit of attention to what is going on at unit level in this scenario.

Air Forces

I have 42 Squadrons. All units not 'dark green' I place to rest.I have started to build a spreadsheet for these so I can keep tabs on the numbers/losses/replacement rates. Suffice to say its a lot more complicated and time consuming than the Desert War!!

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< Message edited by warspite1 -- 3/9/2018 6:32:00 AM >


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

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Post #: 124
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/9/2018 4:44:40 PM   
John B.

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Great AAR. Thanks! All things considered it looks like things went pretty historically in Sicily with you pushing them out but at a cost and it taking more time then one would expect. I guess that the more he defends the toe the less he'll have for your next glorious invasion. :)

(in reply to warspite1)
Post #: 125
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/9/2018 8:52:00 PM   

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From: England
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Turn 51-53 - Axis and Allied Turn
28th - 31st August 1943

There remains not a huge amount happening at the moment. I don't get any appreciable reinforcements for a while so I've decided to take a leisurely stroll up the coastal track - both sides of the peninsular and see what's what.

I now have every engineer on the mainland. Bridge repair is usually successful but rail repair is a total nightmare; I don't know what the ratio of repair to effort is - but its not high!

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< Message edited by warspite1 -- 3/9/2018 8:54:08 PM >


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

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Post #: 126
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/9/2018 8:57:20 PM   

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From: England
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Great AAR. Thanks! All things considered it looks like things went pretty historically in Sicily with you pushing them out but at a cost and it taking more time then one would expect. I guess that the more he defends the toe the less he'll have for your next glorious invasion. :)

Thank-you. Yes I made a bit of a horlicks of the opening phase but I was lucky enough to get a break - albeit at cost as you say.

Not knowing anything about a campaign makes a big difference - in terms of immersion as well as a sense of being completely in the dark - and I know nothing about this campaign! But I'm getting attached to my units and am enjoying the game.


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to John B.)
Post #: 127
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/10/2018 6:24:04 AM   

Posts: 41353
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From: England
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Turn 54
1st September 1943

What a bizarre situation.

So there I am moving my units slowly up the peninsular - and as I may meet some Germans at anytime, I thought right I best get my units in order. Sure enough I have the HQ for the 5th and 50th Infantry... but no infantry. I quickly check my US forces and..... no 2nd Armoured Division either - not even the HQ this time. So these units appear to have just disappeared off the map with no warning.....

Well that is going to be really boring if on every turn I have to check my formations to see if any of them have just decided to exit stage left because they weren't really up for it that morning .

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England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to warspite1)
Post #: 128
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/10/2018 6:46:09 AM   


Posts: 55
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From: London, England
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Wotcha Warspite,

I'm taking on the dastardly Devoncop at this too although we are a bit behind you as I've just cleared Sicily and am waiting to get the mainland invaded.

A couple of things I have noticed: I had a withdrawl notice in my news feed concerning the 5th Infantry Division, and like you all the Infantry Brigades are gone but the HQ and RA are still there - maybe you just missed the news item about the withdrawls?

Also, (and this bit is a bit tedious) check your air units as some that are Light Green are ok to be used. Because you have situations where the unit may be 'filling up' on their second listed aircraft type ('Spitfire - Late' for example) it shows as Light Green but their Readiness and Supply might be really good (sorry if you have already noticed this). I was doing the same as you but stopped as it meant that I was hardly activating any squadrons!

Also I'm really enjoying both this and the North Africa AAR - crackingly presented with the added bonus of Smiths lyrics!

(in reply to warspite1)
Post #: 129
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/10/2018 10:28:58 AM   

Posts: 41353
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From: England
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Wotcha Warspite,

I'm taking on the dastardly Devoncop at this too although we are a bit behind you as I've just cleared Sicily and am waiting to get the mainland invaded.

A couple of things I have noticed: I had a withdrawl notice in my news feed concerning the 5th Infantry Division, and like you all the Infantry Brigades are gone but the HQ and RA are still there - maybe you just missed the news item about the withdrawls?

Also, (and this bit is a bit tedious) check your air units as some that are Light Green are ok to be used. Because you have situations where the unit may be 'filling up' on their second listed aircraft type ('Spitfire - Late' for example) it shows as Light Green but their Readiness and Supply might be really good (sorry if you have already noticed this). I was doing the same as you but stopped as it meant that I was hardly activating any squadrons!

Also I'm really enjoying both this and the North Africa AAR - crackingly presented with the added bonus of Smiths lyrics!


During the Sicily attack I got that message. I have been checking the reinforcements and withdrawals over the last few turns and I am pretty certain I got no message for those units under discussion. However I will be checking on a turn by turn basis now as that is a very serious issue - suppose I was heavily engaged with them narzeyes at the time?

Thanks for the tip on the air units.


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to IainF)
Post #: 130
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/10/2018 10:33:42 AM   

Posts: 41353
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From: England
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Turn 55 - Axis Turn
2nd September 1943

Nothing much from the Germans - just a lot of movement ooop north. When I look at the map on my turn however, either my recon is better or they are moving south with assault guns.....

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England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to warspite1)
Post #: 131
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/10/2018 10:35:10 AM   

Posts: 41353
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From: England
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Turn 55
2nd September 1943

Okay lets get a bit of structure to the turns as there is clearly much to think about.

The US currently have 3 Divisions - one of which is airborne, but the two infantry divisions are up to strength. There are also a limited number of 5th Army and II Corps assets on hand.

The British have the equivalent of 2 divisions - the 1st Canadian and effectively a reinforced armoured division.

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< Message edited by warspite1 -- 3/10/2018 11:09:45 AM >


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

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Post #: 132
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/10/2018 11:16:44 AM   

Posts: 41353
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From: England
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Turn 55
2nd September 1943

Air Forces
Actual vs Authorised Strength

British Mediterranean Air Force Fighter Group **
14 Squadrons*

SAAF - 1 Squadron
Spitfires - 20/20

RCAF - 1 Squadron
Spitfires - 26/40

RAF - 12 Squadrons
Spitfires - 265/340
Hurricanes - 40/42
P-40 - 15/15

* I've included the SAAF 7th Squadron that appears to be included in the Bomber nos.

British Mediterranean Air Force Bomber Group **
4 Squadrons

RAF - 4 Squadrons
Baltimores - 42/42
Bostons - 20/20
Wellingtons - 16/16

United States 12th Fighter Group**
20 Squadrons
Spitfires - 24/32
Mustang - 9/80
Lightning - 143/144
P-39 - 46/48
P-40 - 224/225
Thunderbolt - 133/240

United States 12th Bomber Group **
7 Squadrons
Mitchells - 202/288
Marauders - 115/132
Bostons - 48/48
A-26 Invaders - 46/48

** The numbers are skewed as there are new aircraft coming on line - but there is no easy way to show this so I'll just go with as is.

I've placed all squadrons to air superiority or interception. Let's see what happens as a result.

There are no withdrawals on the Expected Reinforcements table until turn 250!

< Message edited by warspite1 -- 3/10/2018 12:26:43 PM >


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

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Post #: 133
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/10/2018 3:09:52 PM   

Posts: 41353
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From: England
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Turn 56
3rd September 1943

Nothing to report from the Axis side so straight into the Allies.


I receive the 15th Infantry Brigade on Sicily. Because of problems (see below) I can't rail it all the way to Messina and so have to take this in stages.


Nothing official on the report. I still have 44 squadrons and no changes to my ground troops that I can see.


I think it easier if I simply file this under "Waste of Flippin' Space".

At least 9 times 3 engineers have had 3 goes at repairing a railroad and....nothing.

Air Forces

I had all bombers on interdict last turn. I don't know if they hit anything but there is no appreciable change in nos. compared to last turn.

Air Superiority: 23 vs 10
Interdiction level: 19% vs 0%

Air Briefing reports no aircraft lost this turn.

< Message edited by warspite1 -- 3/10/2018 3:25:24 PM >


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

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Post #: 134
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/10/2018 7:45:26 PM   

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Turn 57
4th September 1943

Its all come to a bit of a crashing halt now. The supply situation is not improving and so my units have no supply.


I receive the 15th Infantry Brigade on Sicily. Because of problems (see below) I can't rail it all the way to Messina and so have to take this in stages.


Nothing official on the report. I still have 44 squadrons and no changes to my ground troops that I can see.


Another 5 attempts.... another 5 failures to rebuild a railway line. Okay.

Air Forces

I had all bombers on interdict for the last couple of turns but they don't seem to be interdicting anything.

Air Superiority: 25 vs 10 (improvement of 2 on last turn)
Interdiction level: 19% vs 0%

Air Briefing reports no aircraft lost this turn.

And that is pretty much it. Strange.


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to warspite1)
Post #: 135
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/11/2018 4:04:41 PM   

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Turn 58
5th September 1943

Well that's interesting. Tired of waiting, devoncop headed south with his assault guns - and from great range started bombarding my forces - although nothing came on the Combat Report

So I thought I've got air superiority, lets give him a hard time.

Battle 1.

173 Allied fighters + 20 bombers vs 54 German fighters

1 Me-109 lost (0 destroyed)
31 fighters and bombers lost (8 destroyed)

Battle 2.

342 fighters + 72 bombers vs 122 German fighters

2 Fw-190 lost (1 destroyed)
45 fighters and bombers lost (17 destroyed)

I tried an attack with 3 Armoured brigades and a brigade of infantry against on battalion of infantry and some assault guns.

The Germans lose 3 assault guns, 1 soft-skin and 3 squads
The British lose:

73 rifle squads
13 AT squads
11 machine gun squads
33 engineer squads
10 ferry bridging teams
32 machine guns
14 AT guns
60 mortars
21 tanks
71 trucks
16 half-tracks
36 other vehicles



England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to warspite1)
Post #: 136
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/12/2018 12:27:47 PM   

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Turn 59
6th September 1943

After that total debacle of a turn I obviously have a lot to learn about fighting the Germans in this scenario.

I make a discreet withdrawal with the British and await reinforcements - the 56th Division is on a train in Sicily even as we speak (although as mentioned previously the track does not go all the way to Messina as I needed the engineers on the mainland.....

I have some degree of success with the engineers this time a 40% success rate! at this pace of progress I'll have a rail link up to the front by 1953.


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to warspite1)
Post #: 137
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/12/2018 2:21:31 PM   

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Turn 60
7th September 1943

Nothing to report for the Axis.

Lots of reinforcements pour moi

Sadly the US reinforcements arrive in the south of Sicily and so will take an eternity to get to Messina.

I attempt to repair with my 6 engineers (I got one with the reinforcements this turn) and...... nothing


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to warspite1)
Post #: 138
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/13/2018 7:51:11 AM   
cpt flam

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warspite1, being concern with your problem. I would look unit report for engineers to see their capacity. From my actual game, engineering 60 can fall to a poor 14% after moving. For rail i have other problem.
For reinforcement, you have possibility to move port to port, even from south of Sicily. Will depend of your air superiority & if he have sea interdiction.
Hope this will give you some expectation.


(in reply to warspite1)
Post #: 139
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/13/2018 5:58:12 PM   

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ORIGINAL: cpt flam

warspite1, being concern with your problem. I would look unit report for engineers to see their capacity. From my actual game, engineering 60 can fall to a poor 14% after moving. For rail i have other problem.
For reinforcement, you have possibility to move port to port, even from south of Sicily. Will depend of your air superiority & if he have sea interdiction.
Hope this will give you some expectation.

Hi Capt flam

Because my engineers are so rubbish, they don't move. They just stay in situ and fail to get their hammers out

Not sure what you mean about the ports. There is only one port on Sicily - and that is Messina. So everything that appears in Syracusa (British) or Scoglitti (US) has to be railed on a partially destroyed piece of rail track to that one port.

(btw still love your Avatar )


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to cpt flam)
Post #: 140
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/13/2018 7:43:45 PM   
John B.

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sounds like the code bug "unionized engineers" has slipped into your game. If you're having port engineers to railroad engineer work you need to pay them double time and the railroad engineers who lost the job time and a half for not working. but, first the jurisdictional grievance has to be taken through arbitration. :)

(in reply to warspite1)
Post #: 141
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/13/2018 8:05:32 PM   


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Did Mussolini really make the trains run on time?

(in reply to John B.)
Post #: 142
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/14/2018 10:12:13 PM   

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From: England
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sounds like the code bug "unionized engineers" has slipped into your game. If you're having port engineers to railroad engineer work you need to pay them double time and the railroad engineers who lost the job time and a half for not working. but, first the jurisdictional grievance has to be taken through arbitration. :)


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to John B.)
Post #: 143
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/14/2018 10:15:15 PM   

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Did Mussolini really make the trains run on time?

Why yes, yes he did - but not as well as these mothers (I hope) and I have two arrived this turn

Right lets get those trains moving

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England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to Zorch)
Post #: 144
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/14/2018 11:19:36 PM   
John B.

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Now those are some Rail Repair Engineers!

(in reply to warspite1)
Post #: 145
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/15/2018 7:06:12 AM   

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Turn 61
8th September 1943

Well lets hope that when I can get these rail repair units to the mainland it makes a difference (although it will take a while to get them there) because at the moment I simply have no clue as to what to do.

My units are stuck where they are with supply of 2 (CW) and 1 (US). The only thing I can think of is that the rail lines are down, otherwise I don't know how to fix it.


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to John B.)
Post #: 146
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/15/2018 6:09:33 PM   

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Turn 62 - Axis Turn
9th September 1943

I may have mentioned this before but the air war is a mystery. All my bombers are on interdiction but not a single interdiction attempt made EDIT: But then devoncop says "Less interdiction that turn thankfully"!! So this suggests there is interdiction going on? What the .....?

A big turn for the Axis - well over 2,000 moves as the High Command reacts to the invasion.

< Message edited by warspite1 -- 3/15/2018 6:11:47 PM >


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to warspite1)
Post #: 147
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/15/2018 6:20:25 PM   

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Turn 62
9th September 1943

Some German forces seem to be moving a bit too close for comfort. Time to give them a bit of Canadian lead!

5 bombardment didn't do a heap of damage but took out some AA guns and generally made me feel better....

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< Message edited by warspite1 -- 3/15/2018 6:32:49 PM >


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to warspite1)
Post #: 148
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/15/2018 6:27:11 PM   

Posts: 41353
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From: England
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Turn 62
9th September 1943

I have no confidence in the air game and what is going on or why. I would love to be able to use the ports (red and blue circles) to bring in reinforcements, but I suspect my transports would be blown out of the water despite having every fighter on air superiority - and having crushing air superiority. I therefore continue to rely upon Reggio di Calabria for the present even though there is no rail line once they get there....

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< Message edited by warspite1 -- 3/15/2018 6:35:48 PM >


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to warspite1)
Post #: 149
RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) - 3/15/2018 9:02:56 PM   

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From: England
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Turn 63 - Axis Turn
10th September 1943

Well at least that turn I saw 2-3 airstrikes on the playback and the air briefing states I lost 4 aircraft to the enemy's 7.

But look at this sneaky wotsit!

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England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

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Post #: 150
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