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Check Your 6! - Q&A w/ Scott Fisher & The Devs

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Check Your 6! - Q&A w/ Scott Fisher & The Devs - 2/28/2018 9:43:39 AM   


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Joined: 7/26/2017
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Only two more weeks to go before the release of Check Your 6!'s digital version!
We decided to get in touch with both the creator of the game, Scott Fisher, and the developers team working on the PC version of his masterpiece.

Let's get straight to the point, here's a quick preview of the Q&A (you can find the complete version HERE!):
Q: Why did you choose CY6?
A: Friends of mine, who are passionate airwar- and boardgamers, mentioned that Check Your 6! was one of the best airwar games out there, especially as the game rules and whole game concept are based on actual in combat situations.
I started to look at CY6! and bought the game rulebooks and played the game. Soon I found out that the main designer of the original CY6! board game, Scott Fisher, was being consulted and got help of veteran Navy and Air Force pilots, guys who actually flew missions in WW2, Korea and Vietnam! This topped with the historic well researched scenarios, I contacted Scott Fisher and told him I would love to bring his wonderful game to a digital arena, he loved the idea to and so Check Your 6! the digital version was born.

Q: How different is the digital game from the boardgame?
A: The intention, right from the start, was to stay as close as possible to the original board game. But we know from experience that for gameplay sake, technical reason, practical reasons, etc., we would have to bend the rules and adapt them if necessary to make the digital version fun and nice to play. If we did so, we always consulted with Scott and explained why we thought it was the right decision for the game. Luckily in general these occasions were rare and for both parties clear, obvious and necessary. So I can state we kept as close as we possibly could to the original game rules and at the same time make the game fun to play on digital devices. We opted for an accessible look, but the game play is so deep and fun and the learning curve is challenging, but once you get sucked in, it has that "one more turn" addiction in combination with a high replay value.

Q: How did you get the idea for Check Your 6?
A: For over 20 years I have been playing wargames with a particular group of very smart and talented people. In about 2002, we began playing other air games and decided that none of them met our expectations for representing air combat or allowing us to finish games quickly. It so happened that this group contained two combat-experienced pilots, so we decided to write our own set of rules, with the objective of representing the major aspects of air combat (maneuver, ammunition, pilot skill, aircraft performance) without any unneeded complexities that would make the game take too long to play. Essentially, we wanted the perfect air game for an evening of play (at least for us). Quickly after we started to develop the game, we also had the idea to create scenario books that would allow players to fight whole air campaigns (in the same way we had done so for land-games with our SkirmishCamapaigns series of scenario books). This also became an important driver as we wanted to be able to play a whole mini-campaign (3-4 scenarios) in a day (should we ever be so fortunate to have this kind of time!). Later, after the success of the WWII version of Check Your 6! we started the development of CY6-Jet Age which allowed us to expand the rules to the modern era.

Check Your 6! will be available March the 15th both on our site and on Steam, so stay tuned for more news coming soon!
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RE: Check Your 6! - Q&A w/ Scott Fisher & The Devs - 3/4/2018 8:42:13 PM   


Posts: 470
Joined: 12/30/2012
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Will this game include scenarios where the players control bombers and actually make bombing attacks? Will there be strafing? Or are the players only controlling from threes (or only doing air to air combat)?

< Message edited by fatgreta1066 -- 3/4/2018 8:44:50 PM >

(in reply to Muso)
Post #: 2
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