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RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 1:35:46 AM   


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While he started the thread, I detected a sense of urgency from others. I can start a new thread and ask for volunteers. I'll start a new thread and load the word docs in the first post and ask for volunteers. If Apache is doing something that is more creative or more professional, this project can move forward should be done pretty quickly if we get 6-7 people on it. And looking at the comments in this and other threads, there seems to be a real demand to get something up as quickly as possible.

When I get back home on Wed., I'll put up the word docs and we can assign volunteers to different chapters.

(in reply to guanotwozero)
Post #: 91
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 1:43:32 AM   


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I'd still say hold fire - even if there is some urgency, any plan should be agreed by the devs. It has to be their call.

But do keep that enthusiasm!

(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 92
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 1:47:59 AM   


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As I said, the devs read the forums. I dropped a PM, so should get a response about it. I work with publishing as part of my day job and can make sure all rights are reserved to publishers.

Unless I hear differently, I'll move forward. I am assuming as I move forward, without an issue with the devs, I can expect a couple of you guys to help. So if we just get a couple more, that should be enough.

(in reply to guanotwozero)
Post #: 93
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 1:57:41 AM   


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Bear in mind there may already be a plan with resources committed, and they want feedback to finesse/detail it further.

Any effort made outwith that could be wasted, or even worse, a distraction from where they want to take it.

I intend to wait for their direction; suggest you do too.

(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 94
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 2:00:48 AM   

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with all due respect, I think this endeavor should be lead by the Developers not by the Community. Command is Warfaresim's product. It's their baby. It's their commercial product. Sure we can all chip in as beta testers always do. But Warfaresims has to define the project and decide what the new learning format is supposed to look like. Copy and pasting existing text and throwing links to tutorials and youtube videos into a PDF is not what I think they are looking for. I think they are looking for a major overhaul to the learning process. All the existing learning material is critical, but it will only make a big difference in the hands of someone skilled in technical writing and digital publishing. When you define a project and contract it out with timing, the project will get done. Our Community has real life priorities that will get in the way of finishing anything in a timely manner. I think Apache is trying to define the project and let's see what comes out of this discussion. For the Community to to run off on its own might be a waste of time right now.

(in reply to guanotwozero)
Post #: 95
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 3:03:50 AM   


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Early in the Beta I PM'ed one of the devs and offered to "clean up" the manual gramatically as it was a bit rough around the edges and this is my area of expertise. They were quite interested in the idea for a while but it petered out. There's no doubt at all that an updated manual and a coordinated push to organise and enhance the game's training materials would be welcome, from either the devs or the community. I can still proofread and correct but I am not nearly competent enough in the game to have any more expert a role in the proceedings.

< Message edited by $trummer -- 3/27/2018 3:05:31 AM >

(in reply to kevinkins)
Post #: 96
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 3:27:24 AM   
Rory Noonan


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Hey guys,

Thanks for all the responses!

It seems like the consensus is tutorial scenarios > manual > videos, which is interesting (and somewhat relieving) because I expected it would be videos > tutorials > manual.

I've got another 4 submarine scenarios just in the final stages of testing which should be out in the next day or two; beyond that there's another 4 in production (bringing the total to 12).

Personally the idea of re-writing the manual, or expanding it significantly, is quite daunting. I'm much more comfortable with writing tutorial scenarios and perhaps making some quick videos (although no firm plans for that as of yet).

Gunner98 has the strike side of things well covered with his excellent Strike Tutorial set, submarines are getting a proper treatment with 12 tutorials, what other topics are of interest? I was thinking perhaps air-to-air warfare, and I saw some mention of confusion over the cargo model so that is likely to get a tutorial.

Any other requests?

I am doing this as a personal project, just to clarify.


(in reply to guanotwozero)
Post #: 97
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 3:30:29 AM   


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Tutorials. More tutorials. Like the sub tutorials that came with Silent Service. More tutorials on more aspects of the game. Tutorials for Dummies. I put myself in the Dummy category with this game, but I love playing the small scenarios. In that respect, more small scenarios with tutorial-like guidance.

(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 98
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 4:35:51 AM   

Posts: 911
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From: California, United States
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Well this thread certainly got quite large very quickly. I've not read all of it at this time, but I wanted to put down some thoughts on OP and some of the early comments.

But before I go there, what does RTFM stand for? I literally have no idea, and I don't know if any of the posts in this thread explain it, so forgive me for my apparent ignorance on that acronym.


For starters, I think a major overhaul of the basic manual is in order, it should be updated to account for the major changes to CMANO since it's last printing, which was quite a while ago. This includes explaining the CoW features and how to access them. F

An updated manual should also strive to make it perfectly clear that new features may be added and give a link to the Manual Addendum page.

The addition of the Strike and Submarine tutorials are great, and more tutorials like them would be very helpful in the future.

I think that basically overall, there is no type of learning resource that should NOT be created, be it by the developers or the community.

But to put down something more specific, I think a sort of open source glossary on CMANO relevant acronyms and terms would be pretty helpful, something much larger than the glossary in the main manual, to include things like BARCAP, CIWS, CVBG and hull type designations (SSBN,CG,AGI etc)

Think of it as a sort of universal 'dictionary' for terms and acronyms. I know it would be a major undertaking, but it's all about short explanations for things, not long paragraphs, such as:

SSBN: Ballistic Missile Submarine that is Nuclear powered

CIWS: Close In Weapon System; a rapid fire cannon mainly used against incoming missiles

BARCAP: Barrier Combat Air Patrol; a CAP that is generally placed between a Carrier group and a likely approach direction of enemy aircraft.

Goblin: An unidentified underwater contact

Skunk: An unidentified surface contact

And it would be divided into categories instead of a long alphabetical list of everything.

Now i'd like to comment on Wood's statement in this thread, post #16:


And now we come to my main point.

"Impatient players"

This is the problem. When people come in and ask about the game, they will get an almost universal response that the game isn't for everyone. If you want to jump right in and start playing complicated scenarios, you will be disappointed and frustrated. In the old 1-10 Avalon Hill game complexity rating system, this is a 12. Even the most simple scenario is more complicated than 95% of the PC games out there.

I remember one of the first reviewers panned Command because the screen was so cluttered when he played. He started out with a large scenario and didn't know about the map options. He never read the manual, played a tutorial, or even played around with the options. He just plowed in and then panned the game.

Experienced players will help, but at some point, even the most charitable player will eventually throw their hands up in the air in their own frustration if the new player isn't willing to do some basic work to understand naval warfare and the game. The results of those encounters are scattered over the five year history of this forum. I came to the conclusion a few years ago its better to confront that issue early and upfront. Sometimes its painful and not pretty, but it keeps the forum from degenerating like it has several times in the past.

I don't think its the devs responsibility or duty to spend an inordinate amount of time with "impatient players". I don't want them spending their time that way. I want them adding features and developing DLC. The documentation is actually, in its raw form, very good and complete. It definitely could be organized and consolidated, but its there. There are probably close to 20 tutorials in the game and on the forums. There are dozens of videos. No matter how many you build, the player still has to have the ambition to use them.

I mean, we still have players to this day that bring problems to the forum without a save. There is an entire thread on new players and asking for help. No one gets hammered for asking a question. But asking a question and then not taking advantage of the lesson learned does cause frustration. The people I like helping are people with a question that takes what you say and goes and tries it and does some research on it. This is a game that requires learning, training, patience, and a good understanding of the resources that are at hand to help.

Good tutorials and documentation are always welcome, but still only help to a point. And keeping them up to date and organized is a lot of work. There was a discussion about a year after release about the devs spending time on manuals. The general consensus was that as long as we know where to look, the players would rather time be spent on development. I would like to see the community, with help from the devs, tale all the existing docs and get them into shape for new users. We can solve this is we want to have a little ambition.

There will always be some players that will never get CMANO at any level. That has to be accepted. This is by no means a game for everyone, or even the majority. In fact, I almost consider playing Command to be a hobby in of itself, and that's without any scenario creation (based on my experience).

I think that in terms of introducing new players, the most paramount task is to effectively convey to them exactly what Command is, and what one has to understand before entering it's world, and it is by no means a simple task.

That is the core purpose behind my Steam Guide which I will link here for those who have not seen it:

Section 3 even explicitly states that one needs patience to play CMANO.

The intention of this is not to directly teach you how to play, but to more fully understand what it is you are getting into. A sort of bridge between the product page and everything else. I determined that myself in the time before I got CMANO by studying the manual and watching Let's plays as well as Baloogan's videos. And upon getting CMANO, I fully understood that I needed to work within my limited knowledge and build up my own capabilities at my own pace.

I do share Wood's frustration at players who with this, as well as other games, who fail to do much if any research on games before buying them. To me that is just lunacy. There is practically unlimited information available for free for many games out there, CMANO included, and there is simply no excuse in this day and age, in my opinion, for complaining about not understanding a game you just bought on a whim without any research on your own part.

< Message edited by HalfLifeExpert -- 3/27/2018 4:51:53 AM >

(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 99
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 4:53:17 AM   
Rory Noonan


Posts: 2816
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From: Brooklyn, NY
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ORIGINAL: HalfLifeExpert

Well this thread certainly got quite large very quickly. I've not read all of it at this time, but I wanted to put down some thoughts on OP and some of the early comments.

But before I go there, what does RTFM stand for? I literally have no idea, and I don't know if any of the posts in this thread explain it, so forgive me for my apparent ignorance on that acronym.

Read The Full Manual

Or something close to that but perhaps one word substituted so as to be not quite so polite. It's often said in a dismissive or rhetorical sense; but it's also something that most people would expect that one would do before declaring something broken.

As for your Steam Guide I just read through that and it is brilliant, excellent work. I'll definitely be linking people to that in the future!


(in reply to HalfLifeExpert)
Post #: 100
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 5:01:36 AM   

Posts: 911
Joined: 7/20/2015
From: California, United States
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Thank you so much for answering that Apache! I was at a complete loss as to what that meant.

And thank you for the complement on my guide. I created it after seeing on more than a few occasions things like let's play videos and reviews, while mostly fine, failing to effectively convey at a fundamental level just what CMANO is.

(in reply to Rory Noonan)
Post #: 101
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 5:58:47 AM   


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ORIGINAL: HalfLifeExpert
And it would be divided into categories instead of a long alphabetical list of everything.

Agreed. That way we can find what we need instead of having to do a full search. For a game like CMANO, the challenge is to get to grips with the concepts and related details, not memorise the terms. Clever category arrangement is the key to that.


That is the core purpose behind my Steam Guide which I will link here for those who have not seen it:

Oh, this is very useful, many thanks for doing this!


I do share Wood's frustration at players who with this, as well as other games, who fail to do much if any research on games before buying them. To me that is just lunacy.

Disagree. Well, it's their money. It's not up to us judge how they choose to spend their own money, even if we'd do differently. If anything, it's more money going to WarfareSims, which will help them develop CMANO further - that can only be a good thing. I've bought more than a few games on impulse, myself, and rarely regretted it.


There is practically unlimited information available for free for many games out there, CMANO included, and there is simply no excuse in this day and age, in my opinion, for complaining about not understanding a game you just bought on a whim without any research on your own part.

Agree. Whether you've bought a game after deep research or on impulse, any valid complaint should be based on sufficient knowledge and understanding of the problem. In other words, learn the game enough to judge if there's a real problem.

Oh, and isn't it Read The Fabulous Manual?

(in reply to HalfLifeExpert)
Post #: 102
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 6:42:17 AM   


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I've got another 4 submarine scenarios just in the final stages of testing which should be out in the next day or two; beyond that there's another 4 in production (bringing the total to 12).

This is very good news, thank you!

(in reply to jwarrenw13)
Post #: 103
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 7:56:20 AM   
Andrea G

Posts: 325
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From: Genoa, Italy
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ORIGINAL: apache85

Gunner98 has the strike side of things well covered with his excellent Strike Tutorial set, submarines are getting a proper treatment with 12 tutorials, what other topics are of interest? I was thinking perhaps air-to-air warfare, and I saw some mention of confusion over the cargo model so that is likely to get a tutorial.

Any other requests?

I am doing this as a personal project, just to clarify.

Thank you for your endeavour, as I already mentioned, cargo is the fuzziest area for me now and any tutorial would be a great starting point to delve into it.


(in reply to Rory Noonan)
Post #: 104
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 8:14:02 AM   


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"There will always be some players that will never get CMANO at any level. That has to be accepted. This is by no means a game for everyone, or even the majority. In fact, I almost consider playing Command to be a hobby in of itself, and that's without any scenario creation (based on my experience). "

And finally, someone gets my point. This is exactly what I have been saying. You can typically see these people a mile away. You either need to convince them that Command is a little different than Order of Battle or tell them the hard truth that they just don't have what it takes to play a game. Building your documentation plan around these guys is going to be a lot of wasted effort because no matter what you build, they will not use it and just get pissed that aren't helping them.

And you are better off doing that early rather than having them hang around and getting frustrated and mad. The War Room is a great example of that type of person.

(in reply to Andrea G)
Post #: 105
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 10:30:18 AM   


Posts: 21
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Late to the party here but I think what would be of real benefit to both beginners and veterans is a CMANO 'Strategy Guide' that not only explains HOW to do it, but WHY.

I'm thinking of the old Total Air War, Tornado or flightsim manuals which gave you an overview of how the basics of how to plan/organise an air campaign - what targets to prioritise, etc.

If you had it broken down into a series of mini-AARs - each one dedicated to a different role (interdiction, SEAD, air superiority, ASW, mines,) with screenshots and playing hints that i think would enable it to act a resource for new players and old...

Just my 2penneth!

(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 106
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 11:02:13 AM   


Posts: 369
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There are far too many "how do I.." questions which pop up in this forum. I'm a Newb. I haven't asked ANY of those questions because I'm still trying to grapple with some basic concepts. (The friggin' RTB options are...interesting.)

Just recently, someone posted a question about "how do I dedicate one aircraft to a target and repeat that for all 16 in a strike package?" (Attempting to get 16x 1v1 air-ground strikes. Instead, the game gave him 1x 16v1 air-ground strike, then shifted to the next target...16 times.) Now, thewood1 showed that HE could do it...but as a newb, I didn't see the difference. (He mentioned checking a box in "the second column". Shrug.) Okay. There's a checkbox somewhere which needs to be checked. When a question like that pops up, a PDF would be far easier to find and read than trying to watch a bunch of videos until you find the video which covers the EXACT question you have...and then you actually SEE how to do it. (Imagine fast forwarding past the relevant part in the relevant video? Grrrr.)

A searchable PDF would allow a quick hit in just few minutes.

Tutorials have their place, but they cannot answer every question. A PDF document should be able to do that. A few paragraphs given to explain EVERY checkbox? That would be very helpful.

(in reply to LordFlashheart)
Post #: 107
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 11:29:45 AM   


Posts: 180
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There are far too many "how do I.." questions which pop up in this forum. I'm a Newb. I haven't asked ANY of those questions because I'm still trying to grapple with some basic concepts. (The friggin' RTB options are...interesting.)

Just recently, someone posted a question about "how do I dedicate one aircraft to a target and repeat that for all 16 in a strike package?" (Attempting to get 16x 1v1 air-ground strikes. Instead, the game gave him 1x 16v1 air-ground strike, then shifted to the next target...16 times.) Now, thewood1 showed that HE could do it...but as a newb, I didn't see the difference. (He mentioned checking a box in "the second column". Shrug.) Okay. There's a checkbox somewhere which needs to be checked. When a question like that pops up, a PDF would be far easier to find and read than trying to watch a bunch of videos until you find the video which covers the EXACT question you have...and then you actually SEE how to do it. (Imagine fast forwarding past the relevant part in the relevant video? Grrrr.)

A searchable PDF would allow a quick hit in just few minutes.

Tutorials have their place, but they cannot answer every question. A PDF document should be able to do that. A few paragraphs given to explain EVERY checkbox? That would be very helpful.

edit: that wasn't me

< Message edited by Grazyn -- 3/27/2018 11:54:12 AM >

(in reply to c3k)
Post #: 108
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 12:53:00 PM   


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thewood1 < Your inbox is full, please delete some messages. Thanks!


(in reply to Grazyn)
Post #: 109
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 2:25:18 PM   


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(in reply to Dimitris)
Post #: 110
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 5:15:35 PM   


Posts: 78
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Hello everyone!
About Apache's request...I've started some time ago (when I first saw this thread ) to create a few air-ops tutorials following and improving Dimitris' guidelines (for example I added a few tutorials with Air Damage and tutorials for NATO and WP weapons and so on) and also a Cargo tutorial, as I am really interested in that part of the game.
The first 4 AAW tutorials are ready and the others are well on their way, I hope to release all of them in the next days/weeks.
So if you then think they are OK, that may solve the need for AAW and Cargo tutorials.
That will leave only the Naval tutorials ("Maritime Ops" in that thread) to be done...

< Message edited by SirAndrew -- 3/27/2018 5:16:05 PM >

(in reply to Rory Noonan)
Post #: 111
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 9:56:37 PM   


Posts: 87
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Tutorials are perhaps the best medium for Command. The more I get into the "nuts and bolts" of the game engine, the database, etc. it becomes apparent there's a lot of untapped customization available.

I've been in the IT business (FedGov) for 30 years and played Harpoon, then Command since about 1987. I'm selfish in that I get more out of the "learning by doing" than by RTFM.


- schweggy -

Montani Semper Liberi - Mountaineers are always free

(in reply to SirAndrew)
Post #: 112
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 11:20:37 PM   

Posts: 911
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From: California, United States
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ORIGINAL: thewood1

"There will always be some players that will never get CMANO at any level. That has to be accepted. This is by no means a game for everyone, or even the majority. In fact, I almost consider playing Command to be a hobby in of itself, and that's without any scenario creation (based on my experience). "

And finally, someone gets my point. This is exactly what I have been saying. You can typically see these people a mile away. You either need to convince them that Command is a little different than Order of Battle or tell them the hard truth that they just don't have what it takes to play a game. Building your documentation plan around these guys is going to be a lot of wasted effort because no matter what you build, they will not use it and just get pissed that aren't helping them.

And you are better off doing that early rather than having them hang around and getting frustrated and mad. The War Room is a great example of that type of person.

I basically agree, but I think it would be good to be more welcoming to potential players, as your approach can at times come off as a bit too firm. It isn't without some real basis, as there are no doubt players that are as you say they are, but I don't see it in the exact same way as you do.

In my paragraph you quote, I meant that we should be welcoming to all potential players at first, and through their initial process of being explained CMANO, and initial support (answering questions etc) then one can tell whether Command is for them.

It's the express reason for my guide, and while I am proud of it, I do know that it is not a perfect, one stop, solution.

(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 113
RE: RTFM? - 3/27/2018 11:48:27 PM   


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Again, I'll point out, I don't jump on any player for the first questions they might ask. Its after repeated attempts get them to help themselves and pointing out where they can find resources. I can't think of a single person I jumped on for asking some simple beginner questions.

(in reply to HalfLifeExpert)
Post #: 114
RE: RTFM? - 3/28/2018 2:31:39 AM   
Rory Noonan


Posts: 2816
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From: Brooklyn, NY
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More submarine tutorials released today:


(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 115
RE: RTFM? - 3/28/2018 7:44:34 AM   
Andrea G

Posts: 325
Joined: 10/9/2017
From: Genoa, Italy
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ORIGINAL: apache85

More submarine tutorials released today:



(in reply to Rory Noonan)
Post #: 116
RE: RTFM? - 3/28/2018 4:35:38 PM   


Posts: 248
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ORIGINAL: thewood1

Again, I'll point out, I don't jump on any player for the first questions they might ask. Its after repeated attempts get them to help themselves and pointing out where they can find resources. I can't think of a single person I jumped on for asking some simple beginner questions.

Oh, you jumped on me for just about the first question I asked in four years, about the process of updating older scenarios. You were bad tempered and patronising and your lectures were way out of proportion with the crime of laziness you were accusing me of committing. The sheer length of the posts you dedicate to attacking questions vs. actually answering them — or ignoring them, which is your right — makes me wonder how much time you must have on your hands that would be better spent getting some fresh air. I will be asking more questions, probably, as well as reading the manual and other materials I have had printed and bound; however, despite your being, in between lectures, a useful and valuable resource, I hope to get my answers from someone else who will spare me the forum-cop lecture.

(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 117
RE: RTFM? - 3/28/2018 4:46:25 PM   


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I sure hope you aren't using this post as your example...

Because that right there is a good example of someone who has had the game for a while coming in and not only not even taking a quick look at the manual, but even reading the posts in the threads. So you didn't just pop a question into the forum, you jumped into the middle of an existing thread and didn't seem to have enough ambition to even look at the info provided in that same thread.

(in reply to $trummer)
Post #: 118
RE: RTFM? - 3/28/2018 5:03:31 PM   


Posts: 248
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ORIGINAL: thewood1

I sure hope you aren't using this post as your example...

Because that right there is a good example of someone who has had the game for a while coming in and not only not even taking a quick look at the manual, but even reading the posts in the threads. So you didn't just pop a question into the forum, you jumped into the middle of an existing thread and didn't seem to have enough ambition to even look at the info provided in that same thread.

My god you are a pompous ass. That troll of yours is right.

(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 119
RE: RTFM? - 3/28/2018 5:07:23 PM   


Posts: 1824
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From: Miami, Florida
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So, now you are going to try and throw me under the bus? You are a pathetic, worthless piece of crap.

Please do everyone a favor, and stop responding to EVERYONE. Stay away from EVERYONE, and EVERYONE will be just fine. You must have a screw loose. You have some nerve trying to drag me into your pathetic defense. NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, wants YOUR ADVICE or HELP on anything. Just leave EVERYONE alone.

I, and many others, will be glad to help them with whatever they want.

I AM PUTTING YOU ON OFFICIAL NOTICE....DON'T EVER RESPOND TO ANYTHING THAT I EVER WRITE AGAIN. Additionally, don't ever mention my posts, or put them out as an example of anything. I will report your actions and it won't be pretty.


I am starting a new thread that members can add their name to it that will serve as official notice that these listed members no longer desire to have you respond to anything that they write.


(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 120
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