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RE: windows 10 test

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RE: windows 10 test - 4/22/2018 11:45:51 AM   

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so not supported in windows 10, as you press Debrief now and it CTD

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 4/22/2018 12:17:17 PM >

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RE: windows 10 test - 4/22/2018 12:19:02 PM   

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Post #: 32
RE: windows 10 test - 4/22/2018 12:26:09 PM   

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Post #: 33
RE: windows 10 test - 4/22/2018 12:26:13 PM   

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Post #: 34
RE: windows 10 test - 4/22/2018 12:26:18 PM   

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 4/22/2018 12:27:12 PM >

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Post #: 35
RE: windows 10 test - 4/22/2018 12:26:23 PM   

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 4/22/2018 12:27:25 PM >

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Post #: 36
RE: windows 10 test - 4/22/2018 12:26:28 PM   

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 4/22/2018 12:27:40 PM >

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Post #: 37
RE: windows 10 test - 4/22/2018 12:31:16 PM   

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so it's working, some slight errors with some txt but minor at best, and tbh playing with settings may help with these a bit further tbh.

so what worked for me is 3d screen smaller,.

and still nothing altered on the shortcut either regarding compatibility settings etc, so none used or altered atm.

not saying it won't be needed, but with testing atm it's working fine for me, so no alt tab, and game works, slight error with some screen txt, but will play with this for a while and see if it can fix that also with some alterations in screen size etc or combo compatibility shortcut altering, but for now, i'd live with it how it is, as it's working 98% fine for me,...

just testing settings more atm, so if everyone follows the guide and alters it to suit there own settings etc, for me it shouldn't be that hard to get some to suit your own screen size, the test i'm on atm is using the smaller of the two shown for both to see if that's better as the game seems to stretch to fit anyway so using smaller than my default for both may work better

test 9, ok, but doesn't look at good as 32 etc, so trying another one now

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 4/22/2018 2:09:22 PM >

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Post #: 38
RE: windows 10 test - 4/22/2018 2:08:37 PM   

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so no matter what i change, i can now get away with no txt errors in game and still play it full screen, with again no short cut alteration, so imo sorted and fixed, with little in the way of real time spent, a few hours at max tbh

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 4/22/2018 2:09:36 PM >

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Post #: 39
RE: windows 10 test - 4/22/2018 2:10:18 PM   

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while much better, for me the blue box is out of size? is that the only error left now?

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 4/22/2018 2:11:18 PM >

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Post #: 40
RE: windows 10 test - 4/22/2018 2:11:35 PM   

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so a few more tries later

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Post #: 41
RE: windows 10 test - 4/22/2018 2:11:56 PM   

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gets this

full screen and looking so much better with all txt correct

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 4/22/2018 2:12:29 PM >

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Post #: 42
RE: windows 10 test - 4/22/2018 2:12:50 PM   

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and menu's almost sorted but plenty good enough to play, but the blue box never ever goes to cover the overlay, so maybe that's a max size and how it is, and never made it larger, no matter what size i put it on, but all buttons and labels work and are in the right place etc now

there, hope that's better?

if you wish to see a certain part, give me a save and i'll load it and show it

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< Message edited by zakblood -- 4/22/2018 2:17:25 PM >

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Post #: 43
RE: windows 10 test - 4/25/2018 1:29:38 AM   


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Thank you for all of your effort. Have you tested campaign battles without a crash? Are you able to exit from battles and save without a crash?

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Post #: 44
RE: windows 10 test - 4/25/2018 4:59:24 AM   

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yes but only for a few turns, i didn't finish a campaign, with saving and loading, there is a pause, so you have to wait for the screen to appear, sometimes i alt tabbed in and out and back in again to see the screen, which was there once i did it, same as the options menu, it's slow some times and you think it hasn't worked, but has, but for some reason there is a slight delay, rest of game is instant, so these 3 things make you think it's faulty or broken, but wait a few seconds or alt tab and then go back and each time it worked as normal for me

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Post #: 45
RE: windows 10 test - 4/25/2018 6:41:03 AM   

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if you got a campaign save, i'll play it for a number of turns and post it back if you like?

just say how many etc and attach the save

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Post #: 46
RE: windows 10 test - 4/25/2018 11:04:07 PM   


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Its not the campaign map that has issues, its when you get into the 3d battles with 100s of planes, the game usually crashes with a text error within a few minutes. Also when in the 3d battles when you try to exit after a big fight and hit alt x, the game usually crashes. That is what I would like you to test. Just load up the first campaign, fast forward the time until enemy squadrons make contact, jump into a 3d battle, and see if you can fight for 10 minutes with out a crash, and then see if you can alt x out of it back to the campaign map. I would really appreciate it if you did those things, to see if we have a miracle break through.

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Post #: 47
RE: windows 10 test - 4/26/2018 4:53:10 AM   

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ok away for a week but back on the 3rd of may so will do a requested and do a follow up and post results

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Post #: 48
RE: windows 10 test - 4/27/2018 8:56:36 PM   


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Thank you zakblood. With the end of the school year as a teacher, tutoring, getting ready to move, and getting married in June, I don't have too much time to keep testing things to see if they work, I rather play with what I know is working like Cliffs of Dover, IL Sturmovik BOS, or Falcon BMS. Good luck and I really hope you found the cure for this awesome game that just won't work in windows 10.

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Post #: 49
RE: windows 10 test - 5/13/2018 2:35:36 AM   


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Any luck zakblood?

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Post #: 50
RE: windows 10 test - 5/13/2018 5:08:30 AM   

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sorry not had time, i could do with a save off someone at a given point and then continue from there, as then i can or could at least get a understanding on what or where it crashes and why etc, instead of having to do it my self and maybe it never happening, this is why all developer like saves from a given point and instructions on what to do and how you got there etc so can replicate it, as for me i'd just end turn for 3 turns or 20 odd and see what happens, so not actually playing it, just a test for a given and known crash

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Post #: 51
RE: windows 10 test - 5/14/2018 1:52:52 AM   


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No save needed. Just start the British campaign on July 10th, fast forward to the first enemy contact, then fly. (This takes a minute.) Save the campaign before flying. Two things cause the crash in 3d. Flying into 100s of enemy planes in the campaign, and then hitting alt x to exit. So first try flying around the 100s of enemy planes for a few minutes, but I doubt that you will make it for more than 5 minutes, most likely it will crash in the first minute. (And just make sure that you have the invulnerability setting, so you don't have to worry about being shot down.) If there is no crash after flying then try to exit back to the campaign hitting "alt x" If you can get the game to work without those things causing a crash, you will have performed a miracle. People have tried for a couple of years.

If you try this I and many others will be very thankful, even if you do not get it to work. But you seem to really know what you are doing, so we have hope.

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Post #: 52
RE: windows 10 test - 7/3/2018 10:11:44 PM   


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Any luck getting it to work with the above parameters?

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Post #: 53
RE: windows 10 test - 7/5/2018 4:21:33 AM   

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sorry again to say, atm not had time to test it, but as soon as i do, i will post the results

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Post #: 54
RE: windows 10 test - 6/10/2019 10:15:49 AM   


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Hello everybody. I bought it a few days ago and it worked fine on my Win 10 64 bit system. But now since yesterday it crashes in the flight missions and I land again on the desktop and it should not crashes and I crash down with my plane and you should leave it with ALT + X crashes there

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Post #: 55
RE: windows 10 test - 7/11/2019 8:36:52 AM   

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hi! I have Bob2 and was having issues with the 2.13 version so i uninstalled everything (i have windows 10 64bit btw) and reinstalled my version - my version is the "Big Bytes" dvd version - the type of one you would get in the bargain bins in the past, so i am not sure what version of BOB2 this even is

in any case, i installed it as admin and havent applied any patches as again i dont kow what version this even is and perhaps this conflicts with the 2.13 version or something, - i did just have the compat setting as winxp sp3 and that is all, - and in game everything is running great! it doesnt even crash if i alt-x out of a mission and i was trying some big histore battles and no crashing so far. i am sure some crashes will come up but so far it might be stable enough to enjoy again at last!
I think i will have to just stay away from the 2.13 version or something, - i would though like to know what version this big bytes GMX Media version is

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Post #: 56
RE: windows 10 test - 11/29/2019 4:02:00 PM   


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thanks for the note. Then I will completely delete the game again and reinstall it and see if it works without patches. Also, Win 10 64 bit.

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Post #: 57
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