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Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and the ones I can't bear

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Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and the on... - 5/31/2018 4:24:04 PM   


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He doesn't mention TMTSNBN.

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RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 5/31/2018 4:38:26 PM   

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Maybe because that isn't a war movie.


Have a bit more patience with newbies. Of course some of them act dumb -- they're often students, for heaven's sake. - Terry Pratchett

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RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 5/31/2018 4:43:14 PM   

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Interesting read, thanks. For Beevor, whom I admire and have read several of his books, its all about realism and historical accuracy.

Any deviation from that for the sake of story telling or 'artistic license' devalues the movie in his eyes. I understand his viewpoint but do not agree. Movies are about entertainment first, unless its a documentary. Story tellers have always played loose with the facts whether its Spielberg or Homer. Some things are changed or exaggerated for effect to improve the story line and that's OK IMO.

Beevor's book on Stalingrad is one of the best I have ever read and it is highly recommended.


My shrink says I have anger management and conflict resolution issues....and I'LL FIGHT ANYBODY THAT DISAGREES!

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Post #: 3
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 5/31/2018 4:51:10 PM   

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Thank you for sharing, Zorch. That was a fun read.


Have a bit more patience with newbies. Of course some of them act dumb -- they're often students, for heaven's sake. - Terry Pratchett

(in reply to Orm)
Post #: 4
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 5/31/2018 8:20:56 PM   

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Nice read.

As a Canadian, yeah, sometimes Hollywood irritates the hell out of me. But what I can't understand, is why more Americans are not offended at the blatant assumption they are too stupid to know, or care, how horrendously inaccurate the films are.


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RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 5/31/2018 8:38:04 PM   


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War movies are a major source of continuing Allied propaganda on WWII. It has never stopped. And never been corrected. I share Beevor's view of these movies and mainly enjoy European entries in this genre.

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RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/1/2018 9:33:04 AM   


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ORIGINAL: MrsWargamer

Nice read.

As a Canadian, yeah, sometimes Hollywood irritates the hell out of me. But what I can't understand, is why more Americans are not offended at the blatant assumption they are too stupid to know, or care, how horrendously inaccurate the films are.

When I was living in the US, my mom asked one of my friends who used to come over and play or have lunch with me etc. She once asked him why the americans always won in there war/indian war movies. He simply said, "because we are the ones who make them"! We were about ten years old then. We still laugh about this nowday´s when we remember about it.


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Post #: 7
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/1/2018 12:24:03 PM   
Saint Ruth

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Anyone who wants to see a good WWII film should see Come And See.
It's a Russian film, though it's about as far as one can get from that recent Russian Stalingrad film.

(in reply to Red2112)
Post #: 8
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/1/2018 3:56:34 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Capitaine

War movies are a major source of continuing Allied propaganda on WWII. It has never stopped. And never been corrected. I share Beevor's view of these movies and mainly enjoy European entries in this genre.

Have you watched this one about El Alamein from the Italian point of view? It is very true to the real events (they interviewed dozens of veterans and basically weaved their histories into a single plot)


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RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/1/2018 4:02:05 PM   


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No I haven't, but I will now. Thank you!

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RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/1/2018 5:17:32 PM   
Curtis Lemay

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Hollywood can get it right when it wants to:

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The Pacific


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Post #: 11
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/1/2018 5:37:09 PM   

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Spielberg said at the time that he sees the second world war as the “defining moment” in history. One also suspects that he wanted this film to be seen as the defining movie of the war. If so, it is a uniquely American definition of history, with no reference to the British let alone the Soviet role.

Sophistry at its finest.

Spielberg makes a film about one narrow story in a much larger war, and he is somehow supposed to make "reference" to the British and Soviet role. And the Canadian? The Polish? The Chinese? The Australian? And who else?

Do Russian films (or Chinese? or ...?) universally or more than infrequently make "reference" to the American role? Or the British? Or? I somehow doubt it.

I hate Hollywood just as much as the next guy. I bemoan American cultural imperialism and our dominance of the world's cinema. But c'mon, when we bash America, let's at least be a little fair, please.


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(in reply to Curtis Lemay)
Post #: 12
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/1/2018 7:49:26 PM   


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Spielberg said at the time that he sees the second world war as the “defining moment” in history. One also suspects that he wanted this film to be seen as the defining movie of the war. If so, it is a uniquely American definition of history, with no reference to the British let alone the Soviet role.

Sophistry at its finest.

Spielberg makes a film about one narrow story in a much larger war, and he is somehow supposed to make "reference" to the British and Soviet role. And the Canadian? The Polish? The Chinese? The Australian? And who else?

Do Russian films (or Chinese? or ...?) universally or more than infrequently make "reference" to the American role? Or the British? Or? I somehow doubt it.

I hate Hollywood just as much as the next guy. I bemoan American cultural imperialism and our dominance of the world's cinema. But c'mon, when we bash America, let's at least be a little fair, please.

Ooh, that is an excellent point! Many Finnish made war movies what I have seen focus on Finland and Soviet Union without any reference to other countries.


You know what they say, don't you? About how us MechWarriors are the modern knights, how warfare has become civilized now that we have to abide by conventions and rules of war. Don't believe it.


(in reply to berto)
Post #: 13
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/1/2018 8:04:57 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Kuokkanen




Spielberg said at the time that he sees the second world war as the “defining moment” in history. One also suspects that he wanted this film to be seen as the defining movie of the war. If so, it is a uniquely American definition of history, with no reference to the British let alone the Soviet role.

Sophistry at its finest.

Spielberg makes a film about one narrow story in a much larger war, and he is somehow supposed to make "reference" to the British and Soviet role. And the Canadian? The Polish? The Chinese? The Australian? And who else?

Do Russian films (or Chinese? or ...?) universally or more than infrequently make "reference" to the American role? Or the British? Or? I somehow doubt it.

I hate Hollywood just as much as the next guy. I bemoan American cultural imperialism and our dominance of the world's cinema. But c'mon, when we bash America, let's at least be a little fair, please.

Ooh, that is an excellent point! Many Finnish made war movies what I have seen focus on Finland and Soviet Union without any reference to other countries.

Remind me again, which country should be included that helped Finland, or the Soviet Union.

Edit: for clarification, I do not think that the volunteer foreign support classify as other countries helping out. And that, I think, only applied to the winter war. There are some movies about the continuation war as well...

< Message edited by Orm -- 6/1/2018 8:09:07 PM >


Have a bit more patience with newbies. Of course some of them act dumb -- they're often students, for heaven's sake. - Terry Pratchett

(in reply to Kuokkanen)
Post #: 14
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/1/2018 8:22:46 PM   

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Spielberg said at the time that he sees the second world war as the “defining moment” in history. One also suspects that he wanted this film to be seen as the defining movie of the war. If so, it is a uniquely American definition of history, with no reference to the British let alone the Soviet role.

Sophistry at its finest.

Spielberg makes a film about one narrow story in a much larger war, and he is somehow supposed to make "reference" to the British and Soviet role. And the Canadian? The Polish? The Chinese? The Australian? And who else?

Do Russian films (or Chinese? or ...?) universally or more than infrequently make "reference" to the American role? Or the British? Or? I somehow doubt it.

I hate Hollywood just as much as the next guy. I bemoan American cultural imperialism and our dominance of the world's cinema. But c'mon, when we bash America, let's at least be a little fair, please.

I do not agree at all.

Hollywood is a international film making centre. Hollywood is internationally financed. Hollywood make movies for a worldwide market. So, in my humble opinion, the reason that it is a US film just isn't good enough. If they cut out other nationalities for other reasons then I might accept it. But not because it is a 'US film'.

I always thought that US counted itself better than Russia, or China, but I stand corrected.


Have a bit more patience with newbies. Of course some of them act dumb -- they're often students, for heaven's sake. - Terry Pratchett

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Post #: 15
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/1/2018 11:39:36 PM   


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I always thought that US counted itself better than Russia, or China

Where did you got that idea from?


You know what they say, don't you? About how us MechWarriors are the modern knights, how warfare has become civilized now that we have to abide by conventions and rules of war. Don't believe it.


(in reply to Orm)
Post #: 16
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/2/2018 6:36:28 PM   


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If one wants the kind of accuracy Beevor appears to want there are going to be few movies of any sort (not just war movies) that one can enjoy. Seems that the constraints that come with presenting an entertaining movie are going to almost always lead to some distortion of reality. One easy example is Hitchcock's Vertigo: without the addition of the non-existent tower at San Juan Bautista the climactic scene could not have been filmed.

A recent war movie enjoyed by myself and my wife (who generally hates all war movies) was Battle for Sevastopol about the WW2 Russion sniper Lyudmila Pavličenko.

(in reply to Kuokkanen)
Post #: 17
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/2/2018 9:40:15 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Saint Ruth

Anyone who wants to see a good WWII film should see Come And See.
It's a Russian film, though it's about as far as one can get from that recent Russian Stalingrad film.

Checked it out from Netflix. Will be watching it tonight.


(in reply to Saint Ruth)
Post #: 18
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/2/2018 10:13:51 PM   

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Spielberg said at the time that he sees the second world war as the “defining moment” in history. One also suspects that he wanted this film to be seen as the defining movie of the war. If so, it is a uniquely American definition of history, with no reference to the British let alone the Soviet role.

Sophistry at its finest.

Spielberg makes a film about one narrow story in a much larger war, and he is somehow supposed to make "reference" to the British and Soviet role. And the Canadian? The Polish? The Chinese? The Australian? And who else?

Do Russian films (or Chinese? or ...?) universally or more than infrequently make "reference" to the American role? Or the British? Or? I somehow doubt it.

I hate Hollywood just as much as the next guy. I bemoan American cultural imperialism and our dominance of the world's cinema. But c'mon, when we bash America, let's at least be a little fair, please.

I do not agree at all.

Hollywood is a international film making centre. Hollywood is internationally financed. Hollywood make movies for a worldwide market. So, in my humble opinion, the reason that it is a US film just isn't good enough. If they cut out other nationalities for other reasons then I might accept it. But not because it is a 'US film'.

I always thought that US counted itself better than Russia, or China, but I stand corrected.

Hollywood distributes its films internationally, as do many other 'movie houses'. But the financing and leadership at the corporate level are predominantly American. Period. Full stop. In recent years, particularly with the growing influence of the Chinese at the box office, Hollywood has gone out of its way to cowtow/pander to Chinese sensibilities with recent fare. All in pursuit of the box office dollar. When this formula no longer works for Hollywood, then they'll change. But it's worked pretty well for them thus far.

If British or French or German or Polish or Bulgarian or Turks want to supply the deep pockets to start their own national film institute they certainly can-and some have. These films primarily focus on their domestic audience consumption and sensibilities. They're every bit as nationalistic and self-centered in their own way as American films are in theirs. Because they're playing to their audience.

If the last sentence sought to compare our domestic box office production with State Media from Communist China or Post-Communist Russia, then it's waay off the mark. In fact, it's a ridiculous assertion.


(in reply to Orm)
Post #: 19
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/2/2018 10:19:50 PM   

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Spielberg makes a film about one narrow story in a much larger war, and he is somehow supposed to make "reference" to the British and Soviet role.

Hey Berto-Saving Private Ryan did make reference to the British role in the Normandy landings.

Remember the discussion between Captain Miller and Captain Hammill in that bombed out French Burg, where they're talking strategy? They make reference to Field Marshall Montgomery's stalled efforts to take Caen. Captain Hammill opines that "That guy is totally overrated." Captain Miller responds with, "No argument here."


(in reply to berto)
Post #: 20
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/2/2018 10:42:48 PM   

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ORIGINAL: whalus
A recent war movie enjoyed by myself and my wife (who generally hates all war movies) was Battle for Sevastopol about the WW2 Russion sniper Lyudmila Pavličenko.

Saw this one too. Nice film. An interesting part was when she was in the US on some kind of public relations type thing and Eleanor Roosevelt asked her how many Nazis she had killed and she replied with a number over 300 kills, can't forget the exact figure. The First Lady was rather shocked by the fact a woman was in combat and had so many.

Always wondered if that moment really happened. Where's Beevor when ya need him!


My shrink says I have anger management and conflict resolution issues....and I'LL FIGHT ANYBODY THAT DISAGREES!

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Post #: 21
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/2/2018 11:48:36 PM   

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Spielberg makes a film about one narrow story in a much larger war, and he is somehow supposed to make "reference" to the British and Soviet role.

Hey Berto-Saving Private Ryan did make reference to the British role in the Normandy landings.

Remember the discussion between Captain Miller and Captain Hammill in that bombed out French Burg, where they're talking strategy? They make reference to Field Marshall Montgomery's stalled efforts to take Caen. Captain Hammill opines that "That guy is totally overrated." Captain Miller responds with, "No argument here."

But seriously, the British take their Montgomery fanboyism seriously. It's not cool to dis Monty.

Like I've learned, the hard way, never to dis football to a Brit. Especially from an American, they will take mighty offense at that.


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(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 22
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/3/2018 12:57:48 AM   

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Thats funny, because its FROM Beevor that Ive learned that Montgomery was a credit-grabbing, over-promise/under-deliver roll-eyes kind of guy.
Now thats in no way to diminish his role in the desert or the Brits conduct in the war.
Actually come to think of it Beevor also comfirmed my belief that Ernest Hemmingway was a class A dick. Such a pompous ass.

(in reply to berto)
Post #: 23
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/3/2018 4:02:15 AM   


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Very interesting article. Thanks for sharing it. A couple of comments.

Despite that fact that the majority of the movie tells a fictional story that is unrealistic in many ways, I think the opening combat scene, praised by Beevor, redeems the entire movie. I can't imagine anyone wanting to sit through 2-3 hours that goes on and on just like that opening scene of the D-Day landing.

I also think he is wrong to be critical of what he called the "arc of character." The character development he describes is a standard and traditional part of world fiction. We all understand it and expect it in some form. A reference would be Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces. As Campbell wrote: "A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder. Fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won." So Spielberg was simply using a pattern that has been with us since humans first started telling stories. Beevor writes history, outstanding history. But Spielberg tells stories of heroes. These are two different things.

I would also say Hollywood owes no debt to the world or even America to tell stories that are accurate. Hollywood is first and foremost in the business of making money, though sometimes something truly artistically great comes through in the process. To do that, Hollywood must first make movie that people will watch. And historically accurate war movies aren't high on the list of movies that people will watch and that will make money. Compare this to the world's great literature. How many of the world's greatest books are accurate histories or extremely accurate historical fiction? And, yes, I know Hollywood lies about the accuracy of its movies, but I think we all know and understand that.

But back to the article. Fun to read. Thanks for posting it.

(in reply to Blond_Knight)
Post #: 24
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/3/2018 5:48:27 AM   

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From: Sweden
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ORIGINAL: Chickenboy






Spielberg said at the time that he sees the second world war as the “defining moment” in history. One also suspects that he wanted this film to be seen as the defining movie of the war. If so, it is a uniquely American definition of history, with no reference to the British let alone the Soviet role.

Sophistry at its finest.

Spielberg makes a film about one narrow story in a much larger war, and he is somehow supposed to make "reference" to the British and Soviet role. And the Canadian? The Polish? The Chinese? The Australian? And who else?

Do Russian films (or Chinese? or ...?) universally or more than infrequently make "reference" to the American role? Or the British? Or? I somehow doubt it.

I hate Hollywood just as much as the next guy. I bemoan American cultural imperialism and our dominance of the world's cinema. But c'mon, when we bash America, let's at least be a little fair, please.

I do not agree at all.

Hollywood is a international film making centre. Hollywood is internationally financed. Hollywood make movies for a worldwide market. So, in my humble opinion, the reason that it is a US film just isn't good enough. If they cut out other nationalities for other reasons then I might accept it. But not because it is a 'US film'.

I always thought that US counted itself better than Russia, or China, but I stand corrected.

Hollywood distributes its films internationally, as do many other 'movie houses'. But the financing and leadership at the corporate level are predominantly American. Period. Full stop. In recent years, particularly with the growing influence of the Chinese at the box office, Hollywood has gone out of its way to cowtow/pander to Chinese sensibilities with recent fare. All in pursuit of the box office dollar. When this formula no longer works for Hollywood, then they'll change. But it's worked pretty well for them thus far.

If British or French or German or Polish or Bulgarian or Turks want to supply the deep pockets to start their own national film institute they certainly can-and some have. These films primarily focus on their domestic audience consumption and sensibilities. They're every bit as nationalistic and self-centered in their own way as American films are in theirs. Because they're playing to their audience.

If the last sentence sought to compare our domestic box office production with State Media from Communist China or Post-Communist Russia, then it's waay off the mark. In fact, it's a ridiculous assertion.

Yes, I thought so. That is why I made that statement.


Have a bit more patience with newbies. Of course some of them act dumb -- they're often students, for heaven's sake. - Terry Pratchett

(in reply to Chickenboy)
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RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/3/2018 3:33:00 PM   


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Like I've learned, the hard way, never to dis football to a Brit. Especially from an American, they will take mighty offense at that.

Didn't know Brits are so ... fanatical(?) about football. I thought they're more of soccer types.


You know what they say, don't you? About how us MechWarriors are the modern knights, how warfare has become civilized now that we have to abide by conventions and rules of war. Don't believe it.


(in reply to berto)
Post #: 26
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/3/2018 3:44:05 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


Spielberg makes a film about one narrow story in a much larger war, and he is somehow supposed to make "reference" to the British and Soviet role.

Hey Berto-Saving Private Ryan did make reference to the British role in the Normandy landings.

Remember the discussion between Captain Miller and Captain Hammill in that bombed out French Burg, where they're talking strategy? They make reference to Field Marshall Montgomery's stalled efforts to take Caen. Captain Hammill opines that "That guy is totally overrated." Captain Miller responds with, "No argument here."

But seriously, the British take their Montgomery fanboyism seriously. It's not cool to dis Monty.

Like I've learned, the hard way, never to dis football to a Brit. Especially from an American, they will take mighty offense at that.

Oh, perish the thought! I was merely pointing out the reference to the British effort as portrayed in the movie Saving Private Ryan.

There's also plenty of references to the British war effort in the movie Gallipoli. I know this is one of Warspite1's favs.


(in reply to berto)
Post #: 27
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/3/2018 4:12:10 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

There's also plenty of references to the British war effort in the movie Gallipoli. I know this is one of Warspite1's favs.

Indeed. But I know that he likes Braveheart, and The Patriot, even more due to the strong English characters.

I think that Unbreakable Spirit might not be such a hit, because the inclusion of Japanese and Chinese in the flick might exclude the presence of a heroic Englishman.


Have a bit more patience with newbies. Of course some of them act dumb -- they're often students, for heaven's sake. - Terry Pratchett

(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 28
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/3/2018 4:21:49 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Kuokkanen



Like I've learned, the hard way, never to dis football to a Brit. Especially from an American, they will take mighty offense at that.

Didn't know Brits are so ... fanatical(?) about football. I thought they're more of soccer types.

By "football" I meant what we American provincials call "soccer", of course.

I call the game by its proper international name, football, because I don't want people to think I'm chauvinistic.


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(in reply to Kuokkanen)
Post #: 29
RE: Antony Beevor: the greatest war movie ever – and th... - 6/3/2018 4:36:52 PM   

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Time for an oldie to make an appearance.

John Cleese - Soccer vs Football


Have a bit more patience with newbies. Of course some of them act dumb -- they're often students, for heaven's sake. - Terry Pratchett

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