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RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS

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RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/11/2019 6:49:43 AM   

Posts: 9869
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John failed to mention that Mr George is about to appear on the scene. That should be rude surprise to the Allies.

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Post #: 361
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/12/2019 3:11:18 AM   
John 3rd

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From: La Salle, Colorado
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Got in two turns today and the days were were pretty darned good the Imperial cause.

If I can stay awake, I shall Post on those developments and then get into aircraft and engine production as well as research. That is the THE PLAN. Custer had a plan too...


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 362
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/12/2019 6:26:25 AM   
John 3rd

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April 20, 1943
Aircraft Production and Research

A6M5 220 Will convert 1 Factory of 60 to George May 1st.
A6M5a 40 Fighter-Bomber
Jack 185
George 118 (17) Just started production on April 1st.

Fighter Research
Jack M3 119 Due 7-43
Jack M3a 52 (66) Due 4-44 and is CV-Capable
George K2a 142 (5) Due 9-44 and is CV-Capable
J7W1 Shinden is my Navy late-war fighter choice.

Jill 130
Judy 95 with 60 more coming May 1st as we upgrade to the Y2 Model
Nell M3 20
Nell M4-Q 50
Liz 50

Air Search/Recon
Judy-R 16
Jake 27
Glen 9
Kai Nell 15
Emily 40
Irving 7

All Transports
Tina 20
Tabby 16
Topsy 24

Tojo 290
Tony 80
Oscar 25
Nick 1a 26

Fighter Research
Frank 146 (34) 3-44 This plane--thankfully--just started advancing forward.
Ki-83 is the advanced Fighter for the late-war.

Sally IIb 36
Lily IIb 54
Helen 120

Dinah 25

One big correction that Michael and I made prior to this match was to move the CV-Capable Jack and George farther back. The M5 comes in early but it the mainstay of the Fleet until late-43/early-44. We'll see how that works out. Can we keep everything high in experience and convert over to the advanced Fighters quick enough? Hmmm...

I am building both Jack and George for the CVs due to choice and size. The CVLs and CVEs are too small for my big George. I will base Jack on the smaller carriers while George will deploy on Fleet Carriers.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 363
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/12/2019 6:58:20 AM   
John 3rd

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From: La Salle, Colorado
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April 19-20, 1943
Indian Ocean

The crushing of Allied carriers in the IO has an immediate impact. Certainly--at a minimum--it bolsters Japanese morale. We'll see as to Operational work. The goal is to knock out Colombo and crush the Allied army present there. Prior to the fight west of India this looked iffy at best. Now, however, there is some hope. We shall see...

Kido Butai Operations
The Kido Butai-2 moves SW 120 miles to make it look like the TF is retiring. Fuel is a big deal but we hope for several days of operations.

The 19th sees, for some reason, the Allies scattering TFs out along the coast and in deeper water. Goa is in range and two strikes fly against a CAP of 22 P-38. The strikes are 69 Z, 26 DB, and 13 TB followed by 49 Z, 24 DB, and 27 TB. Losses are light dealing with the P-38s and the carriers tally the loss of 4 Zero, 3 Judy, and 3 TB for 11 P-38. Not bad at all. A PG and 7 AK are sunk with 4 more AKs damaged.

The TF turns at sunset and makes for Bombay to attack the shipping there.

April 20th sees Allied TFs moving everywhere. Morning strikes of 28 Z, 13 DB, and 6 TB (targeting TF at sea) followed by a large 118 Z, 25 DB, and 73 TB strike hits Bombay. No CAP over the TF at sea and a respectable 36 Fighters (24 Corsairs) rise up out of Bombay. The Bombay CAP does not penetrate the Japanese Fighter Screen leading to a massed assault upon the TFs present there. Losses for the day are 16 Z and 7 Kate. In return 3 AMc and 10 AK are sunk with another dozen or so hit. Weather closes off afternoon strikes: CRAP!

Fuel critical. Moving at cruise speed to Addu making sure to stay 8-9 hexes from the coastline. Strike Aircraft set to a range of 7 hexes. Three AOs (24,000 Fuel) will arrive at Addu in two days and then meet the CTF.

Three Days of OPs: 1 CV, 2 CVL, 17 AK, 1 PG, and 3 AMc for 20 Z, 3 DB, and 10 TB.

Action off Ceylon
The enemy bombarded Colombo with six BBs when he landed. We are now keeping track. Prince of Wales and Revenge are crippled in Colombo Harbor. WE need four more dealt with and then this plan to re-take Colombo just might work.

April 19th
Prepare to send in two STF and a powerful BB TF to hit the AF. Draw to two hexes from Koggala and receive a series of strikes from Colombo. A CAP 86 Fighters (74 M5 and 12 Rex) meet (in succession) 11 SBD, 21 F4F 24 DB, 11 A-24, and 9 A-24. The bombers are CRUSHED. The Wild Kittens lose half their number and 13 of 24 SBDs but 11 get through. I start fervent prayers. They all--thankfully--miss and we shoot down 4 of them with AA fire. VERY NICE! We gut the Allied DB units prior to major action.

April 20th
My TF of 3 CL and 4 DDs manage to balk at going in and do nothing: CRAP!

The second STF of two CB (Command Cruisers) and 5 DD run into a powerful STF of USS Arizona, BB Ramilles, 2 CL, 1 DD, and 4 DE. The fight STARTS at 1,000 Yards for three straight rounds! Knife fight!!! CB Fuji is crushed under 14" and 15" shells. She sinks. The Allies totally focus on this vessel while the rest of the STF POUNDS the Allies. The Arizona take 35 Shell Hits and SIX TTs. Scratch one BB!!! Ramilles takes several hits and one TT. Good but not great. This is a long fight where all the Allied ships takes hit but the Japanese--minus Fuji--come out in great shape.

The main action now occurs as BatDiv1 comes into action for the first time in a year. BB Tosa, Mutsu, and Nagato, 2 CL, and 6 DD get into the TFs present in the harbor. A series of short, one-sided actions occur that witness 3 KV, 1 KV and 2 PC, and then 6 YMS sunk for no damage in return. Though ammo is expended, the TF still wallops the AF at Colombo doing 345 Cas, destroying 13 planes, damaging 50+ planes, 69 Runway Hits, and a host of other damage. The formation peels away from Colombo and makes for Georgetown for re-provisioning and fuel.

No Allied aircraft interfere with the withdrawal. No SS spotted. GOOD PAIR OF DAYS. We have now sunk 1 BB, seriously damaged 2 more and moderately damaged a fourth. This leaves two.

Plans for the 21st are to concentrate another pair of STF (BCs and CAs) to make another run in on the 22nd. The 3 BBs that started all this a week ago (Fuso, Yamashiro, and Ise) will then run in the days after that. Barring a HUGE change, things look really good right now.

Am paranoid about the American Carrier Fleet. Move an Emily and Kai Nell squadron (26 planes) to Diego Garcia and set them to look east and south. We want no surprises. Emily also fly out of Christmas Isle and Sabang.

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 7/12/2019 7:02:04 AM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 364
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/12/2019 2:23:00 PM   

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"Knowledge is Good" - Emil Faber

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Post #: 365
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/12/2019 2:57:36 PM   
John 3rd

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From: La Salle, Colorado
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April 21, 1943
Another Day, Another...

The attrition to the Allied Fleet at Colombo is getting serious.

A STF of 3 CL and 2 DD enters the contested waters to find BB Ramilles (again), CLAA Dido, CLAA Van Heems, and 4 DE. It would appear that they haven't reloaded ammo. Just three gunnery rounds occurs on a dark and stormy night. Ramilles takes 6 Shells and a Long Lance. NO major damage to anyone else on either side.

The Main Event tonight focuses on three CAs and four DDs. In a seven round battle (3--2--4--2--2--5--7,000 Yards) the Knife Fighters whops some serious butt! CA Chikuma and DD Hatsushima put FOUR Long Lances into Ramilles on the 2nd round. DOWN SHE GOES! On the 5th Round DD Umikaze plants two Long Lances into Dido and DOWN SHE GOES. The Japanese take superficial damage and sink the BB, CLAA, and 2 DE.


The bombardment then occurs with 6 planes destroyed, 75 damaged, 94 Cas, 11 Airbase Hits, and 35 Runway hits. Solid work for a TF that just fought a battle.

NO air strikes occur as the units move away so, therefore, no serious damage to any Japanese warship this day.

Kido Butai
Fuel state CRITICAL. The carriers move SW towards Addu (2 days away) and find a host of Allied TFs to strike. Range is limited to five hexes so we don't tangle with CAP ashore. Morning Strikes: 65 Zero, 24 DB, 14 TB and 28 Z, 20 TB. Afternoon Strikes are 40 Z, 19 DB and 28 TB. Results are a solid 14 AK and an AGP. Losses are 0 Z, 2 DB, and 1 TB. All are Ops losses.

Day Total: BB Ramillies, CLAA Dido, 2 DE, 14 AK, and an AGP.

Tomorrow will see a STF clearing the way for a Bombardment TF of a BC, CL, and 5 DD hitting Colombo. Will we see another BB?

My opponent must have supply problems. His BBs are not reloading. The Port is now repaired but no 15" shells flew in the fights today. That piece of info is HUGE. Little-to-no supply at Colombo. Can we take advantage of that quickly?


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 366
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/13/2019 11:10:15 PM   
John 3rd

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From: La Salle, Colorado
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April 22-25, 1943
Indian Ocean and Ceylon

Busy set of turns over the last two days. We'll divide this between Ceylon and Kido Butai:

Bombardments go in each night hitting the AF and catching some shipping.

STF of 3 CL and 2 DD catch and sink 3 YMS and an AKL.
Bombardment TF of BC Kongo and 5 DD do 274 Casualties and damage 18 aircraft.

STF of BC Kongo, a CL, and 4 DD sink two large AKs and then bombard the AF. Better results show 1 Plane destroyed, 11 Planes damaged, 41 Cas, 2 AB HIts, and the Run is hit 6 times.

STF of 3 old BBs (Yamashiro, Fuso, and Ise) and 6 DDs blast the AF doing 8 Planes Destroyed, 53 Damaged, 342 Cas, 21 Guns, 5 Vehicles, AB HIts 5, Run 29.

The Japanese Infantry arrives and the Allies attack. A 1-2 result occurs with the combat showing Japan 2152 Cas, 32 Guns, and 7 Vehicles while the Allies lose 1951 Cas, 14 Guns, and 84 Vehicles.

Liz Night Raids the Port and hits CL Belfast with two bombs.

The enemy suddenly remembers that he has 4EB and other Bombers that might actually work. Seriously...haven't seen either for nearly 7-9 days of action around Ceylon. Trincomalee is plastered by 67 4EB and 30 2EB. They are met by 119 Fighters so some serious aerial action occurs but, after five Fighters Sweeps, only 55 Fighters get into the bombers. Things are good with planes shot down or damaged but not enough!

The 3 BBs come back for a 2nd Night and destroy 6 Planes, damage 52, hit a DD in Port, 359 Cas, 18 Guns, 10 Vehicles, AB Hits 5, Base Supply 5, and Runway 16.

Jaffna gets the enemy's attention this day. 57 Fighters deal with five sweeps and then 38 4EB and 44 2EB hit the AF causing serious but OK damage.

Ground Situation
He has two IDs present (27th and 43rd US), two LLRP, and a Canadian Brigade. AV is near 1200 but he hasn't been able to do serious Fort construction yet.

Japan has two full strength ID, an SNLF Assault Brigade, and an Army Infantry Group (280 AV). WE are about even in strength. I have two more full strength ID and 3 Heavy Art units on the way.

As stated Fuel state is critical for the Carriers of this TF. They are ordered back to Addu to meet three AOs coming up. problem is that fuel is so low, we can only move about 4-5 hexes.

No issues.

The enemy lunges at the TF with all sorts of Surface TFs. Five DDs attack the Carrier TF. The carriers get a solid scare but no serious damage. DD Maikaze interposes and is sunk but takes the DDs's attention for nearly 3 gunnery rounds. The French DDs LaCasque and Lafayette are sunk with the other three seriously damaged.

Dawn comes and finds the seas swarming for Allied Forces. The carrier GO TO WORK! CA Frobisher is sunk by 1 Bomb and 6 TT. DD's Norman, Paladin, Nepal, and Pakenham are also sunk.

Soryu runs OUT of Fuel at the end of this day. The fight leads everyone to maneuver. Ummmmm...OK...we're screwed I think.

The enemy blinks and pulls back his STF's. Thank Gawd. SS are a major issue and all DB-TB shift to 40% ASW. They score 5 hits this day.

My 3 AOs arrive at Addu. Though there are SS everywhere, I order them out to fuel ships.

Got to do something. In desperation, I separate the CTF into three TFs. The most fueled ships go to Addu, the middle move about five hexes, and Soryu moves ONE.

Two of three TF get enough fuel to be able to move. Surprisingly, enemy SS don't get a single shot off. BC Kongo and 4 DDs join the hapless Soryu and fuel is transferred around. Not much but, hopefully, enough.

ASW hits Allied SS 7 times.

Ship Losses
Allies CA Frobisher, 6 DD, 2 AK, 1 AKL, and 3 YMS.
Japanese DD Maikaze

The TF's will join back up and make towards Ceylon leaving the scene with some SYS Damage but not much else. This could have been FAR WORSE! My stupidity to make the Full Speed jump, fight the enemy CVs, and then push my luck for two more days. STUPID Grand Admiral!

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 7/13/2019 11:11:39 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 367
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/13/2019 11:34:43 PM   

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Post #: 368
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/14/2019 4:05:35 AM   
John 3rd

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From: La Salle, Colorado
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Thanks Michael...


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Post #: 369
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/14/2019 4:09:35 AM   
John 3rd

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Have entirely focused on the IO. LOTS of stuff happening elsewhere. My remaining CV/CVLs have all been upgrading at home and are beginning to congregate at Saipan.

Am in full scale deployment mode for the targets I think Sean will come after in the Pacific. Have got a decent defense-in-depth together covering the arc of Milne Bay--Port Moresby--Horn Isle--Merauke--Gove and so forth. Troops moving into prepared positions at Ambon, Boela, the other little oil port near there, Kendari, and all of Timor.

While my opponent has been focused elsewhere, I have been evacuating the far flung bases in the SE Pacific: Canton, Baker, Tabitueau, etc...


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 370
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/16/2019 6:06:42 AM   
John 3rd

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April 29, 1943
'Enemy Sighted'

As if on cue, the Allied Navy appears on April 26th coming up from Melbourne and Brisbane. Long-Range air search and recon alerts the High Command and the TFs are tracked for two days to get a baseline on their possible targets. KNOWING Sean was coming up from the South (as mentioned here and to Michael ages ago) allowed me to repair and pre-position a large number of I'Boats at Tagula Isle. Immediately order 12-14 out stir up trouble.

Think this surprises Sean as he is noticed very early and on the 28th he runs into a number of my I-Boats:
1. I-171 is damaged as is I-170. They both glean a lot of info based on the TFs that did the ASW work.
2. Ro-61 plants two TTs into French AV Commandante Teste near Bundaberg.
3. I-170 SINKS AK Idomeneus off Rockhampton.

Nearly 500 aircraft are moving and positioning themselves for a probable attack on Tagula (only AV 91) and then points NE and NW of there. Bets would be for Munda, Buin, Gasmata at a minimum.

It is nearly May 43 and I really don't care too much about these possible targets. Tagula, Munda, and Buin have small garrisons designed to keep the enemy honest for his assaults. Lunga, Rabaul, Gasmata, Lae, Milne Bay, and Kavieng all have at least Brigade strength AV for defenses with Forts 4-6 at the moment. Luckily just had a major supply TF unload reinforcements and supplies at Lae, Rabaul, Gasmata as well as Port Moresby (right now).

I want the enemy to swing east and NOT west towards PM and Horn Isle. The DEI must be kept safe. This is my priority.

Two strong TFs depart Singapore and Saipan heading for Kendari. They contain 2 CV, 3 CVL, and about 30 other warships. Have four CV finishing their April 43 upgrade in the Home Islands so they are unavailable. The Fleet will not engage unless opportunity presents itself. WE shall strike with LBA however.

Figure three days to get ready prior to the landing. Figure May 1st or 2nd for Tagula.

Major troop components will be the 2nd and 3rd Marine IDs as well as 2-3 Army ID. Saw the 3rd Marines in Australia 6-8 weeks ago so they are certain to be ready. My bet would be all the pre-war CVs except the sunken Ranger. Figure Lex, Sara, Yorktown, Hornet, Enterprise, Wasp, Essex, and some CVLs and CVEs. It will be a massive force that I cannot and will fight in a toe-to-toe battle YET. Need to finish Ceylon first...

We shall see how good or how bad this forecast is pretty quick!

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< Message edited by John 3rd -- 7/16/2019 6:07:05 AM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 371
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/18/2019 12:20:39 PM   
John 3rd

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May 1, 1943
The Coral Sea

The enemy storms ashore at four points in the Coral Sea. Two are undefended (Rossel and Deboyne Isles), the 3rd is slightly defended (Tagula AV 90) and the last is heaviest in garrison (Milne Bay AV 200).

The amount of Allied seapower is quite impressive. Six Allied Capital ships are used in the bombardments (Massachusetts, Indiana, S. Dakota, BC Renown, the lovely Georgia (named for Mr. Roper's home state), and North Carolina.

None of these bases is vital to the cause but the enemy does need to be felt out. Since he has only used on major Infantry unit (2nd Marine ID), one must assume he has at least 3-4 more loaded looking for a second tier of targets.

From Rabaul and Truk fly in 150 FIghters and 150 Judy DB to Lae and Buna. They have their ranges set to Milne Bay in the hopes of massing an attack their without hitting the major concentration of Allied Carrier CAP. We shall see how that goes...

Japanese SS have made their presence well known hitting the following:
AV Commandant Teste, sinking AK Idomeneus, CL Tromp, and sinking LST-24. They now move south to, hopefully, catch shipping retiring from the target area.


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< Message edited by John 3rd -- 7/18/2019 12:21:01 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 372
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/21/2019 2:14:01 AM   
John 3rd

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Haven't been able to get a turn done yesterday or today due to my Best Friend getting re-married. In the middle of the ceremonies has been LaSalle Days which generate the busiest couple of days of the year. NEAT! Am home and drop-dead tired. Will get to a turn tonight or tomorrow morning.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 373
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/21/2019 7:04:19 PM   
John 3rd

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SCRATCH another British Battleship! HMS Resolution takes 4 Long Lances and joins at least two other BBs outside of Colombo Harbor.

Details after I run the next turn...


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 374
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/21/2019 8:38:46 PM   

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I fixed your post for you John!


ORIGINAL: John 3rd


SCRATCH another British Battleship! HMS Resolution takes 4 Long Lances and joins at least two other BBs outside of Colombo Harbor.

Details after I run the next turn...

Keep up the good fight, friend. As I posted last week in Anachro's AAR, you are a fun opponent to play against. :)

< Message edited by Canoerebel -- 7/21/2019 8:39:18 PM >

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 375
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/21/2019 8:56:20 PM   
John 3rd

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Funny. I have been trying to tone it down and not give anything away in my emails to Sean and I have ATTEMPTED to keep it a bit more mellow here.

He has finally stuck his neck out and I am doing some serious whittlin'!


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to Canoerebel)
Post #: 376
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/21/2019 9:21:05 PM   
John 3rd

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May 2-5, 1943

I am certain my opponent THINKS I am totally fixated on Ceylon. Truth is...the Fleet has been slowly drawn down and it preparing to deal with the Allies in the Coral Sea. Only problem here is that I must CONVINCE Sean that I am still coming at him here with the entire sink.

Have really tried to stay away from an attritional battle and, so far, it seems to really be working out pretty well for Japan. The game is about Victory Points (whether you love em or HATE them!) and I am trying to do some serious work to help Japan's score.

On May 1st, the orders go out to key forces in Ceylon to pull back to Trincomalee for eventual evacuation. Two ID, an Air Fleet, a large Base Force, two engineer units, and two CD units are included in the recall.

The 1st also sees 2 CV and 5 CVL arrive at Singapore for repairs and R&R. The carriers facing Sean right now are just Akagi, Amagi, a CVL, and 4 CVE. They have LOTS of Zeros and their DB/TB are just hunting Allied SS.

To keep up appearances that we are not done AT ALL, the Combined Fleet orders a series of STF to sweep into Colombo and raise some HELL. This job is quite well done. Let us look:

May 2nd
5 CA and 6 DD sweep into Colombo and find BB's Queen Elizabeth, Valiant, and Warspite. YIKES! A total of seven gunnery rounds are fought at 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 6, and 8,000 yards. The Japanese lose DD's Umikaze and Shigure while sinking the Dutch CL Estradt and lots of smalls arms hits on the 3 BBs. No luck with torps except the the Dutch CL. Three CAs take lite-to-moderate damage.

That fight could have been a lot worse considering the massive number of 15" guns shooting at CAs. Decide to change tactics a bit for the next two nights.

May 3rd
Japan ripples in a DD Division of 4 DDs. As normal, Allied gunnery focuses on one ship while the other launch their Long Lances. KNIFE FIGHTERS BABY! The fight starts at 1,000 yards and only lasts 4 rounds. The range is a killer for the Brits. BB Resolution is sunk by 4 Long Lances and SINKS! A Brit CL takes another Torp in the last round. In exchange we lose DD Samidare with no damage done to her three sisters.

May 4th
Another Division of 4 DDs enter these wreck-filled waters and encounter 3 BB, a CA, 3 CL, 5 DD, and 1 DE. KIFE FIGHTING AGAIN! Lose DD Yukikaze but sink DD Woodbury, plant a Long Lance into a CL, and damned near sink Queen Elizabeth with 17 Shells and 3 Long Lances. She was hit by what would have been a fatal 4th Long Lance but it was a dud. CRAP! Small chance of her sinking but she is crippled at a minimum.

Everyone pulls back a few hexes for a small break on the 5th-6th.

Results for three days of fighting:

Japan loses 4 DDs. Damage taken by 3 CAs and 3 DDs. They head back to Singapore for repairs.

The Brits lose BB Resolution, CL Endract, DD Woodbury, and suffer crippling damage to Queen Elizabeth as well as about another 6-8 ships.

Don't like four DDs sunk but their sacrifice keeps the Allies focused on Ceylon as the relief fleet prepares to leave Port Blair. It will bring in 10-15,000 supplies and lift out the forces already mentioned above.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 377
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/21/2019 9:33:42 PM   

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As my Japanese opponent in Dec '44 is learning, the changes in DDs production and classes is helpful. John and I reduced the number of the sub-30 knot DDs that were historically built after Midway and produce more of the frontline class DDs that are out in '42. If you haven't followed the recent changes in this mod, keep this in mind as things go on.

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 378
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/21/2019 10:15:32 PM   
John 3rd

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Just went through my notes and totaled up the CERTAIN ship losses on each side sine Mid-April to May 4th.

Japanese losses are CB Fuji and 6 DDs.

Allied losses are:
CV Ranger
CVL 3 sunk (Hermes, Melbourne and, hopefully, Wellington)
BB Ramilles, Arizona, and Resolution with another 3 seriously damaged
CA 1
DD 6
DE 2
33 AK
1 PG
3 AMc
4 KV
2 PC

Pretty solid work gutting the Royal Navy and ships in the IO.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 379
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/22/2019 1:04:23 AM   

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From: Northwestern Georgia, USA
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An interesting comparisons in losses. The Allies haven't managed to sink even a single xAKL, ML, SC or such during that same interval? Usually there's some blind dumb-luck sinkings every turn or three.

< Message edited by Canoerebel -- 7/22/2019 1:14:33 AM >

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 380
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/22/2019 3:23:44 AM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
Joined: 9/8/2005
From: La Salle, Colorado
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Those were losses in the IO. I would need to go thru my notes as to losses throughout the Empire during the same time.

The enemy has taken Milne Bay, Tagula, Rossel, and Deboyne Isle. The Coral Sea is fully in play. Have lost several SS. Will Post on this theatre tomorrow morning.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to Canoerebel)
Post #: 381
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/24/2019 11:29:07 AM   


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From: Zichron Yaaqov, Israel; Before, Treviso, Italy
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ORIGINAL: John 3rd
I am certain my opponent THINKS I am totally fixated on Ceylon. Truth is...the Fleet has been slowly drawn down and it preparing to deal with the Allies in the Coral Sea. Only problem here is that I must CONVINCE Sean that I am still coming at him here with the entire sink.

On May 1st, the orders go out to key forces in Ceylon to pull back to Trincomalee for eventual evacuation. Two ID, an Air Fleet, a large Base Force, two engineer units, and two CD units are included in the recall.

Thought you would not abandon the decision to destroy your enemy's invasion army at Ceylon, now that you may have the opportunity to do so.

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 382
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/24/2019 1:52:32 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
Joined: 9/8/2005
From: La Salle, Colorado
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I really WANT to but in allowing no House Rules for this match, I have allowed for 4EB to create absolute havoc in clear, open hexes. No altitude restriction. No bombing troops restriction. My big-time mistake. Two days of raids by 70-90 4EB came in at 5,000Ft and LAID WASTE to my troops waiting for reinforcements. Three AA units in the hex, a little CAP from my bombed out AF, and it made little difference. I mean 2,000-2,500 troops each day. Stupid...

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 7/24/2019 2:12:28 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to adarbrauner)
Post #: 383
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/24/2019 2:07:46 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
Joined: 9/8/2005
From: La Salle, Colorado
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May 6, 1943

The last set of Japanese Surface Task Forces enter the waters of this area and find the Royal Navy and its Allies full of fight. Three STF are entering the waters this day:

1. 4 DD
2. CB Okuhotaka, CL, and 4 DD
3. BBs Ise, Fuso, Yamashiro, CA and 5 DD

These TFs encounter a number of Allied STF patrolling:

1. BB Valiant, 5 DD, and 2 DE
2. 3 CL and 6 DD
3. CA, 2 CL, CLAA, and 6 DD

A wild set of engagements take place with no fewer then SEVEN fights occurring between these units during the night AND day.

I could describe the action but it would take over an hour to detail and write.

For once in this set of fights, Allies TT work and score several times. The Japanese do OK but cannot deliver a massed, knockout punch like in previous night fights. Frustrating but understandable I guess.

Results of the battles:
Japan loses BB Fuso and DD Okikaze with BB Ise (total of 31 Shell hits and a Torp) and CB Okuhotaka (11 Shell Hits and 2 Torps) seriously damaged.

Allies have nearly every ships CL-Sized and larger seriously damaged. The Valiant (38 Shell Hits and 1 TT), Shropshire, CLAA Van Heemskerck, and another CL might/could sink. Two Allied DDs are sunk outright.

Japan gathers it's ships to protect the two cripples and begins to draw away. Must look out for enemy SS! The true state of this fight will be decided over the next couple of turns pending on ships going down...

The relief Task Forces at Port Blair and Sabang depart. They are prepared to lift off 2 ID, an Air Flotilla, two Base Forces, two Engineer Regiments, and 2 CD units. This will leave three Brigades and other units to hold and slow the Allied advance. A separate TF sails with the Evac TF and it carries 20,000 supply to help the good guys hold the bases a bit longer.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 7/24/2019 2:09:28 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 384
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/24/2019 2:11:18 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
Joined: 9/8/2005
From: La Salle, Colorado
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Life got crazy at the store on Mon--Tues. Have got a gal on vacation and another went into the hospital (luckily nothing really serious) so I worked a crap ton of hours. Got this turn Sunday night but wasn't able to run it until yesterday and just finished orders this morning. Real life can be so inconsiderate---RIGHT!!??


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 385
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/25/2019 3:32:07 AM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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Like to introduce you to a new, personal friend of mine...MISTER GEORGE makes his combat debut over Horn Isle on May 7, 1943!

Attachment (1)


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 386
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/25/2019 3:40:04 AM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
Joined: 9/8/2005
From: La Salle, Colorado
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Here is the ATA breakdown with two major fights:

1. The enemy tried to go after my cripples (lose NONE this turn and their damage does not get worse) near Colombo. The Hurricanes, SBD, and A-24s are slaughtered by 65 Zeros on CAP.

2. Horn Isle is assaulted by P-40, P-38, and Corsairs. THey are crushed by the George and Jack.

Attachment (1)


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 387
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/25/2019 4:28:33 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
Joined: 9/8/2005
From: La Salle, Colorado
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May 8, 1943

The cripples continue to limp south and the enemy attempts to cause trouble. Luckily I moved a few fresh DDs over to help screen. The Leander and a DD try to break in. They manage to hit CB Okuhotaka with 14 Shells and a TT. Thankfully the damage is hardly anything: 5-7 SYS 21, FLT 48, ENG 34 goes up to SYS 21, FLT 53, ENG 35.

CA Nachi comes in and plasters Leander with 8 8" shells and SINKS her.

Here is the screenshot:

Attachment (1)


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 388
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/25/2019 4:54:18 PM   

Posts: 13450
Joined: 11/16/2015
From: My Mother, although my Father had some small part.
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As some people would say, payback is a female canid.. .


Seek peace but keep your gun handy.

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

“Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).”
― Julia Child

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 389
RE: The Shattered Sword: John 3rd vs. Anachro--BTS - 7/31/2019 6:39:42 AM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
Joined: 9/8/2005
From: La Salle, Colorado
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May 13, 1943

The Japanese evacuation force is a turn away from making port. KNOWING that my noble opponent would want to hit the AF at Trincomalee, we scoot the CV TF in to bushwhack Allied bombers. Sure enough the bombers--without escort--come in and run into 90+ Japanese high experience pilots flying M5 and Rex FP. They are CRUSHED!

Here are the numbers from the game as well as Tracker:

Attachment (1)


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 390
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