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Caesar's Civil War AAR

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Caesar's Civil War AAR - 7/13/2018 2:34:24 PM   


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Joined: 6/21/2017
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Currently in the middle of my second play through of the campaign. My first campaign is in 45, and the outcome has been more or less decide for awhile now.

Game Settings:
Version 1.05
Use Fog of War
Small delay on commitment
Foreign Entry: Disabled
Historical Attrition: standard
Activation Rule: Standard (will prob use the "harsher" rule in the future)
Randomized Generals: off
Naval Boxes: standard
Extended Pool: historical

AI Settings:
Activate AI: On
AI Ranking: Consul
Use all Behaviors: On
AI Activation: Normal
AI Detect Bonus: None
Aggressiveness: Balanced (optimal AI behavior)
Give AI More Time: On
Post #: 1
RE: Caesar's Civil War AAR - 7/13/2018 3:05:27 PM   


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Joined: 6/21/2017
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Turn 1 50 Dec (Pompey on the move)
Not much to say, Moved Pompey to Rome along w/Laelius
Recruited One legion in Rome
Bought the Merc

Turn 2 49 Jan (Mobilizing for War)

Player Events:
Successfully Applied:
5x Merchants
5x Requisitions (Reqs from now on)

Merchant Shipping: 29 Denarii
Upkeep: 48 Denarii

Recruited One Italian Legion

Caesar Captures Ariminum, however, I can only see Caius S. Curio sitting on it.

1)Massalia declares for the senate, will leave it along for now. The long term plan it to pull the Roman generals and fleet out, and let the rest hold out as long as possible.
2)Various Forces in Spain unlocked:
None of the unlocked general's are activated. Most of Spain is covered in winter weather. We will be looking to make short moves to avoid exposure with the near future goal being a concentration around Emporiae, and a move onto Narbo Martius, and possibly a reliving of Massalia (unlikely).
Refer to attachment 1*
3)Navies in Tarentum and Syracuse unlocked, objective is to move into the Mare Ionium and concentrate while hunting some evil enemy merchant shipping.
The navy in Smyrna will stay put to ferry troops at a later date.
4) We will concentrate our forces in Utica before heading to Rome, that is if we don't get the BOOT first. See what I did there? Har har.....

End Turn Events:
Recruit the merc at Gades
Caesar raised more money
Pestilence strikes our two legions at Corfinium

Epidemics in Olisippo
Imperial Fervor in Macedonia and Greece (From now on IF, Mac, Gre)
Economic Development Progress in Mac & Gre (From now on EDP)
Ahenobarbus Joins the Fray

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Lovetolaugh -- 7/14/2018 2:09:04 PM >

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Post #: 2
RE: Caesar's Civil War AAR - 7/13/2018 3:28:53 PM   


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Joined: 6/21/2017
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Turn 3 49 Feb (I Spy)

Player Events:
5x Reqs

Merchant Shipping: 29
Upkeep: 48

Recruit One Legion In Syracuse

Ionium Shipping found, 6 merchants sunk, 6 EPs gained
Casear takes Faesulae
Pisae is under siege
You guessed it, guess who I spied with my little eye, Caesar sitting in Ariminum, it appears if the noose is closing

1) Keep the fleet in Ionum to try and sink the rest of the merchant shipping
2) The weather in Spain has cleared and Petreius is active, we will make as much of a concentrating movement towards Emporae as possible except for Octavius, he is active in Ilerda with 3 legions plus auxiliaries. He will move to Narbo Martius in assault posture, fingers crossed
3) Move the forces in Utica to Sicily, I would have them go to Rome, put there are a number of storm zones that look unfriendly, Pompey is on his own this turn
4) Move the unlocked navy from Rhodus to Smyrna
5) ????
6) Profit!!!!

No EOT Events
Octavius Joins the Fray
Rufus Joins the Fray

PS: Apparently I can only upload one picture per post, is there anyway around this?

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Lovetolaugh -- 7/14/2018 2:11:14 PM >

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Post #: 3
RE: Caesar's Civil War AAR - 7/14/2018 2:41:25 PM   


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Turn 4 49 March (Payday)

Player Events:
5x Reqs
2x Enslave and Plunder

1x Triumph

Merchant Shipping: 29
Upkeep: 50

Recruitment:*Screenshot 80
1 Legion Syracuse (Syr from now on)
2 Cavalry in Roma
1 Legion Appolonia
1 Legion Utica
1 Legion Ilerda
2 Legions Colophon (Asia Minor, AM from now on)

Caesar takes Pisae, Perusia, and Ancona!*Screenshot 77 However, he is nowhere to be seen. The good news is Pompey is safe for now and is growing in strength.
Our fleet in the Ionium sinks 11 more merchant ships, 11 EPs gained.
Octavius wins the battle of Narbo Martius.*Screenshot 78

1) The weather in Spain has cleared, and all forces are unlocked, it is a race to concentrate my hold on Narbo Martius. *Screenshot 79
2) It is also a race to reinforce Pompey before Caesar gets too frisky, the African force and one legion from Corfinium should reach him this turn.*Screenshot 81 So far all my Reqs and enslavements have come from Italy, Sardina, Corsica, and Sicily. The longer I hold, the more of these I get.
3) My fleet in the Ionium is quickly running out of cohesion, I need to get those boys home.*Screenshot 83
4) Massalia is under siege. Time to evacuate the ship and two Roman Generals, the others will be left to their fate.

Octavius' New Seniority 1
Afranius' New Seniority 3

Holy Crap I got lucky:
Game Events:
Roman provinces controlled (prov, from now on) (20 Engagement points (EP from now on), 20 Victory Points (VP from now on), 13 Light Infantry, and 7 Skirmisher replacements (LI and Skirm from now on respectively)
Roman Civilization Progress in AM (RCP from now on)
RCP in Africa (Afr from now on)
RCP in Oriens (Ori from now on)
EDP in Afr
Supply of grain to Rome
Ahenobarbus Joins the Fray
Marcellus Joins the Fray

PS: looks like I can upload more than one picture in a ZIP. I'll just leave references in the post to refer to them. If anybody has any advice on how I can improve things let me know. I've never done anything like this before.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Lovetolaugh -- 7/14/2018 4:22:07 PM >

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Post #: 4
RE: Caesar's Civil War AAR - 7/14/2018 5:25:56 PM   


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Joined: 6/21/2017
Status: offline
Turn 5 49 Apr (Blood in the Water)

Player Events:
5x Regs
1x Enslave

3x Reforms (loyalty too high)

Caesar's Events:
Bought a traitor inside Massalia
Has convinced some of the besieged troops to surrender

Merchant Shipping: 29
Upkeep: 57

Caesar's minion wipes out Massalia in a series of three battles*Screenshots (SSH from now on) 84,85,86
The ship safely carries the two Roman Generals to Narbo Martius
Dyrrachium is under siege*SSH 87
Caesar is now in Narnia, it seems a clash for Roma is imminent*SSH 88
We are attempting to set up some picket lines in Spain, Narbo Martius is strengthened by reinforcements*SSH 89 and 90
Our fleet made it home safely, but needs to rest*SSH 91

1) Hold the line in Roma as long as possible
2) Continue to consolidate in Spain to enable us to launch aggressive action in Gaul, hold Narbo Martius
3) Wait for further forces to unlock and legions to build

Archer's recruited in Salamantica
We have organized large games
We have Sold prisoners into slavery

Various commercial ports produce denarii or ship replacements
Our Lord and Savior has come, praise be!!!*SSH 92
*SSH 93 is an update on what I am building and replacement purchases

Attachment (1)

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Post #: 5
RE: Caesar's Civil War AAR - 7/14/2018 5:56:07 PM   


Posts: 6
Joined: 6/21/2017
Status: offline
Turn 6 49 May (Caesar Marches on Rome)

Player Events:
5x Reqs
3x Enslave

1x Triumph

Casear's Event:
Subversion in Corcyra

Merchant Shipping: 29
Upkeep: 56

Other Events:
Slaves capture:

Day 3, Caesar moves on Roma in the rain. It is a close fought battle, but Pompey is victorious.*SSH 94
Capua is under siege*SSH 95
Continuing our consolidation/movements in Spain, Caesar makes no action towards Narbo Mrtius*SSH 96
Dyrrachium is still under siege, no breaches.*SSH 97

Crus is unlocked and active, time to go relieve Dyrrachium*SSH 98
Some rearranging of our forces with the destination of Ephesus, eventually ferrying them West.*SSH 99

Labienus' New Seniority 4

Game Events:
Control of Hispania (+2 VPs)
Control of Mac and Gre
Control of Ori
Control of Aegyptus (Aeg from now on)
Control of Afr
Various Naval bases produce replacements

Recruit Archers in Salamantica
Recruit Cantabrian Mercs in Salamantica
Minor Propaganda Campaign
*SSH 100, update to production and replacements

Attachment (1)

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