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Apparent Error with Control of Gibraltar

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Apparent Error with Control of Gibraltar - 8/25/2018 9:31:47 AM   


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Hi Everyone

In one of my PBEM games I have not been doing very well as the Allies. Britain fell to a cut-throat Sealion, transferred its Capital to Alexandria only to succumb in the Middle East also. The Axis thus control almost all of Europe and the Middle East except for Ireland, Sweden, Spain, Portugal and Syria.

I failed to get a unit into Gibraltar, which was surrendered to the Axis when Britain fell, before the Axis got in an Italian Garrison. However, with my US financed 'Free British' Navy and a freshly raised Canadian Infantry Corps I have succeeded in reoccupying Gibraltar and chased off the Italian Navy which tried to prevent my incursion into the Mediterranean.

Now the apparent error is that only one of the Gibraltar docks has transferred to my control (see screenshot), and this after 3 consecutive turns of no enemy unit being adjacent. On one previous turn (4 turns ago) an Italian Cruiser remained adjacent to that dock and seemingly prevented my land unit taking control but that is no longer the case.

What is going on here? Will it eventually return to my control.

Another thing: I can only pass through that 'Axis' dock if, as shown, it is at zero strength, otherwise I am still prevented from passing through the Straits, whereas the Axis have always had the 'transfer boxes' to 'slide past' Gibraltar even when I fully controlled the straits. It seems unreasonable that even if Gibraltar is genuinely Axis occupied, that the Allies cannot also 'slip through'.

So, as an aside I'd like to see the transfer boxes utilised by both sides, and with a chance that any unit using those boxes is either damaged or even totally destroyed by Gibraltar when occupied by an enemy unit.

So, in summary:-

1. There seems to be an error in transferring sovereignty of the southerly Gibraltar dock after Allied liberation

2. It seems unreasonable Axis units can try to slip by Gibraltar but the Allies cannot.

Thanks in advance

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RE: Apparent Error with Control of Gibraltar - 8/25/2018 9:33:28 AM   


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Forgot to say, this is with the French version of version 1.14 so I've no idea if the same applies to the English version though I suspect it will.

(in reply to Energisteron)
Post #: 2
RE: Apparent Error with Control of Gibraltar - 8/25/2018 1:47:32 PM   


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A couple of turns further on and my opponent has hit on the idea of blocking the straits by parking a U-boat (it passed under my blockading fleet using 'silent mode', hence the red dot) in the 'disputed Gibraltar dock.

It seems it is never going to be liberated and controlled by the Allies even when empty of any enemy vessels.

I've a sneaking suspicion too that he is still using the transit boxes (before I occupied them) to transfer U-boats 'running red' between the Atlantic and the Med.

Fair enough, it is to be hoped that the Allies do not find themselves in this predicament often, but if they do, then it's a major impediment which prevents them fighting back.

I do think this needs to be changed.

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(in reply to Energisteron)
Post #: 3
RE: Apparent Error with Control of Gibraltar - 8/25/2018 9:35:25 PM   


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I would have thought the Allied land unit in Gibraltar would be able to attack the U-boat in port, silent mode or no?

(in reply to Energisteron)
Post #: 4
RE: Apparent Error with Control of Gibraltar - 8/26/2018 9:30:13 AM   


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Well, yes, of course, it halves the U-boat's strength and the U-boat leaves, but the port stubbornly remains Axis. See the first screenshot. That port had been unoccupied for three turns and yet was still Axis controlled.

The main issue is that this error blocks (or partially blocks) the Gibraltar straits for the Allies but not for the Axis (subs anyway).

(in reply to elxaime)
Post #: 5
RE: Apparent Error with Control of Gibraltar - 8/27/2018 6:42:32 PM   


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I too have had similar experiences with other locations on the map where ports don't change ownership when a unit is present in the hex when the town/city is taken over.

The work around solution was to enter the port.

Have you tried to enter that port hex from the Mediterranean side?

Just a thought the might help.

(in reply to Energisteron)
Post #: 6
RE: Apparent Error with Control of Gibraltar - 8/27/2018 7:12:40 PM   


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Yes, I tried to enter the port, but it is Axis controlled so I cannot.

I can pass through it, but not stop there, and then ONLY if the port strength is down to zero.

So if I don't bombard it every turn with a BB then it recovers to >0 every turn and the straits become impassible. If an enemy naval unit is in Gibraltar dock south then, sure, I can hit the ship/sub, but a port itself can only be attacked by artillery type weapons (including naval) and by air, so once the enemy naval unit was killed (and the dock should have been liberated by the Corps in Gibraltar), then that Corps cannot inflict damage to keep the straits open.

When I went east to attack Italy the 'enemy dock' recovered and the straits were impassible to reinforcements.


(in reply to sschnar1)
Post #: 7
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