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RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/14/2019 10:30:16 PM   

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ORIGINAL: rkr1958

Turn 6. May/June 1940.

Question. How can the French and British put a major obstacle in the way of Germany's Blitzkrieg attack on France?

Answer: Roll a 1 for weather in May/June.

And that's exactly what happened.

To really foul things up, roll a one on the last weather roll of M/J, and then roll nothing but tens in J/A. I have never seen this happen, but I am sure that someone somewhere has done it. If it happened to me, I would throw the die across the room. If it happened with MWiF, I don't think I would throw the computer across the room, but I would be tempted.


I thought I knew how to play this game....

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Post #: 151
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/14/2019 11:08:33 PM   

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Turn 7. July/August 1940. Axis #2. Start of Impulse France.


ORIGINAL: brian brian

my question would be - what is in the hex with the French 6-4 INF?

I would rather comment after an impulse, for your future use, than before an impulse, for your immediate use. It's your game to play. I just wish I had the time to play as well. My "World in Flames" season of being indoors is here, but nothing much is working on that front, this year.
I'm getting a bit ahead of myself, but this is what the French line looks like after the first allied impulse and at the beginning of the axis impulse.

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< Message edited by rkr1958 -- 1/15/2019 2:32:35 AM >



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Post #: 152
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/14/2019 11:13:54 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Courtenay


ORIGINAL: rkr1958

Turn 6. May/June 1940.

Question. How can the French and British put a major obstacle in the way of Germany's Blitzkrieg attack on France?

Answer: Roll a 1 for weather in May/June.

And that's exactly what happened.

To really foul things up, roll a one on the last weather roll of M/J, and then roll nothing but tens in J/A. I have never seen this happen, but I am sure that someone somewhere has done it. If it happened to me, I would throw the die across the room. If it happened with MWiF, I don't think I would throw the computer across the room, but I would be tempted.
Most definitely. So from a roll of 1 in M/J you'd go from North Temperate=Storm,Med=Rain to a roll of 10+2=12 in J/A, which gives rain in both. Then if you continued to roll 10's, which would increase +2 to 12, you'd have continued rain in both areas. That would indeed bit big time for the Germans in 1940 and for the allies in 1943-1945.



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Post #: 153
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 1:31:24 AM   

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Turn 7. July/August 1940. Axis #2.

Italy declares war on Great Britain, but not France. Mussolini has his Ambassador to the US, Augusto Rosso, make the argument that this DOW is defensive and in response to Great Britain's aggressive naval moves in the Med. US Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, tells Ambassador Rosso that US reaction, which likely will be negative (70% 1-chit added), is independent of why Italy would declare war and also independent on whether or not Italy declares war on one or both Great Britain and France.

However, Ambassador Rosso's arguments of why Italy's DOW against Great Britain was justified must have made it's way to enough people in the US. US entry roll for the DOW is 10 and no chit is added (i.e., there is no US reaction).

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Post #: 154
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 1:38:21 AM   

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Turn 7. July/August 1940. Axis #2. Germany. France.

While Italy attacks Great Britain convoys on the seas, use their submarines to block transport of Wavell and his HQ-A from Malta into France, Germany launches an all out attack against the entire French/British front from Lille to Metz. Germany plays and O-chit w/Guderian to double land combat factors and select three candidate land combat (CLC) hexes.

(1) A successful LC result to take Lille will force Great Britain to expend their 3-land moves of a combine to move Gort and his 1st BEF army back (to the west) 1-hex or risk getting the CW mot and mech division destroyed in a Blitz attack in the next axis impulse.

(2) A successful LC result against the French armor will break France's offensive counterattack power and threaten to split the French in half.

(3) A successful LC result to take Metz will put pressure on France's southern flak and get the Wehrmacht around the Maginot line.

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< Message edited by rkr1958 -- 1/16/2019 1:43:11 AM >



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Post #: 155
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 1:56:59 AM   

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Turn 7. July/August 1940. Axis #2. Italian RM Naval Moves and Objectives.

Italy uses their naval to move ships and subs into five sea areas.

(1) Cape St. Vincent. 2 Italian sub groups to 2 & 3 boxes.

(2) Bay of Biscay. 2 Italian sub groups to 1 & 2 boxes.

(3) West Med. 3 RM BB's, 3 CA's and 12 destroyers to 4 box.

(1-3) Primary objective. Intercept CW transport from moving from Plymouth to the West Med and transporting Wavell from Malta and into Southern France. Secondary objective. Sink/abort as many CW CP's without interfering with primary objective.

(4) East Med. 5 RM CA's, 1 CA w/1st Inf Div and 12 destroyers to 4-box. Primary objective. Sink RN transport. Secondary objectives. Sink/abort as many CW CP's as possible. In a later impulse deliver 1st Inf Div to Balbo and the Italian 2nd army on the Libyan/Egyptian border.

(5) Italian Coast. RM BB, CA, 4 destroyers to 4-box and 2 CA's, destroyers to 0-box. Primary objective. Protect Italian CP and maintain flow of RP back to Italy and supply to Italian forces on Sicily and in Libya.



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Post #: 156
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 2:03:07 AM   

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Turn 7. July/August 1940. Axis #2. Italian RM. Cape St. Vincent. Surprise Impulse.

The two Italian sub groups in Cape St. Vincent fail to find any CW convoys.

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Post #: 157
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 2:19:54 AM   

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Turn 7. July/August 1940. Axis #2. Italian RM. Bay of Biscay. Surprise Impulse.

However, the two Italian sub groups in the Bay of Biscay are more successful. They find the CW convoys operating there and have enough surprise points to shift Italian risk down to no effect and ensure that they remain at sea to interdict the CW transport in Plymouth. In round 1, 2 CW CP's are sunk and another 3 are aborted.

In round two the Italian sub commanders again find the CW CP's but don't have the necessary surprise points to ensure their sub group in the higher box (2-box) remains at sea unless they use 4 SP's to avoid combat. However, in their euphoria at catching CW merchant ships by surprise again, the last thing the Italian sub commanders want to do is to break off combat. They press ahead and manage to sink another 2 CW CP's and aborted another 3. That's a total of 4 CW CP's sunk and 6 aborted, which means 10 of 14 CP's operating in the Bay of Biscay are gone. However, both Italian sub groups are forced to abort and leave the sea.

Though their primary objective not met, the Italian sub group crews return home as hero's.

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Post #: 158
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 2:22:22 AM   

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Turn 7. July/August 1940. Axis #2. Italian RM. West Med. Surprise Impulse.

5 more CW CP's are sunk by the Italians, the RM in this case. This bring the total so far this turn of 9 CW CP's sunk and 6 aborted.

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Post #: 159
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 2:23:39 AM   

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Turn 7. July/August 1940. Axis #2. Italian RM. East Med. Surprise Impulse.

The RM in the East Med, unlike their brethren in the West Med, are unable to find RN CP's.

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Post #: 160
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 2:25:43 AM   

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Turn 7. July/August 1940. Axis #2. Japan. Strategic Bombing Raids. China.

On the other side of the world Japanese bombers achieve very good results from two strategic bombing raids against Chinese factories.

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Post #: 161
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 2:28:56 AM   

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Turn 7. July/August 1940. Axis #2. Italy. Surprise Ground Strike on Malta.

Of all things, it's an Italian flying boat squadron that knocks Great Britain's Operation SPLICE on its butt. Wavell and a RAF ATR unit are disorganized on an 18% chance (any given unit is flipped).

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Post #: 162
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 2:50:53 AM   

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Turn 7. July/August 1940. Axis #2. Luftwaffe Ground Strikes. France.

The Wehrmacht general offensive against France is started off by Luftwaffe ground strikes against three targets, two of which are candidate land combat hexes. To say the least, OKH is disappointed and OKL, especially Goring, is embarrassed by the results. Out of the 8 total units struck, the Luftwaffe only managed to disorganize 2. More critically, the failed to flip France's Chevalier armor corps, one regiment of which is being led by the up and coming Colonel Charles de Gaulle.

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Post #: 163
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 2:51:53 AM   

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Turn 7. July/August 1940. Axis #2. Germany. Land Combat. Lille.

Germany's general offensive starts off well.

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Post #: 164
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 2:54:23 AM   

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Turn 7. July/August 1940. Axis #2. Germany. Land Combat. France [54,21].

But against the French armor stack, the Germans suffer a defeat. Charles de Gualle whose tank regiment was in the lead stopping the Germans is promoted to Brigadier General.

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Post #: 165
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 2:55:40 AM   

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Turn 7. July/August 1940. Axis #2. Germany. Land Combat. Metz.

The assault on Metz goes very well for the Germans, who are still stinging over the loss to the French armor.

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Post #: 166
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 2:57:09 AM   

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Turn 7. July/August 1940. Axis #2. Germany. Reorg.

Germany land and air units are reorganized and are ready to continue their general offensive against the French.

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Post #: 167
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 5:03:08 AM   
brian brian


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AT Gun division more valuable than the MOT corps.

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Post #: 168
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 7:57:45 AM   


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ORIGINAL: brian brian

AT Gun division more valuable than the MOT corps.

I agree with at as well.

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Post #: 169
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 3:20:57 PM   

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Yes. The -2 if there is any armor attacking, is worth far more than one combat point. Also, it's a division, so can add to a stack, and also can in some circumstances give the French the choice of combat table. By far the more valuable unit.


I thought I knew how to play this game....

(in reply to ssiviour)
Post #: 170
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 3:51:16 PM   
brian brian


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(only -1 on 2d10 if armor attacking)

but also double combat factors vs. armor, and counts as full ARM for choice of combat table. (both true on defense but not offense)

overall, anti-tank assets are so valuable that pink/red AA Guns should be considered the same, and rarely if ever used to actually fire at aircraft, at least on the front lines in France. if a stack of 3 French units with an AA or AT takes a "Shatter" result, select the gun for the place-on-production-spiral loss, every time.

a tremendous help to France is for some CW BP loans to help finance construction of their additional AA/AT guns, usually 1 in 1939 and a new one in 1940

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Post #: 171
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/16/2019 10:46:35 PM   

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ORIGINAL: brian brian

AT Gun division more valuable than the MOT corps.

Yes it is but it was disorganized, from a ground strike, and the MOT corps wasn't. For me, and it still was a close call, that was the deciding factor. But, I probably sill made the wrong decision.



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Post #: 172
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/17/2019 3:57:06 AM   

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Turn 7. Jul/Aug 1940. Allied #3. Operation Revenge (1/2).

The RN is looking for the opportunity to avenge their merchant ship losses (9 sunk, 6 aborted) to the surprise attacks to Italian subs and ships. However, because of the need for the BEF to pull back 1-hex in France, the RN will only get two naval moves to exact their revenge.

Italian Coast. The first is two RN sub groups moved into the Italian Coast and looking to sink the Italian supply convoy, thus breaking supply to the Italian desert army in Libya. However, this first naval move doesn't go well for the RN. The Italians get the jump on the sub groups, sinking one and forcing the second to abort.

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Post #: 173
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/17/2019 3:59:32 AM   

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Turn 7. Jul/Aug 1940. Allied #3. Operation Revenge (2/2).

West Med. The second RN naval is a bust too. Neither side finds the other. And, this is the second 10 the RN has rolled for search this impulse. Some are starting to question whether or not the RN's heart was really in this operation?

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Post #: 174
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/17/2019 4:04:22 AM   

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Turn 7. Jul/Aug 1940. Allied #3. USSR.

Baltic States. Stalin says it's time to claim the Baltic States and does so. The result is not nice for the allies. A chit is lost from the US Germany/Italy entry pool and it's a 4-chit. This drops Ge/It entry level from 17 to 11. Ouch ...

Persia Zhukov and his Asian Front capture Tehran and finish off the Persian cavalry corps with an automatic +21 assault.

This turn, the Soviets have cost the US Ge/It entry pool 2-chits, a 2 & 4-value. Also, Italy's DOW on Great Britain produced no chit.

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Post #: 175
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/17/2019 4:09:42 AM   

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Turn 7. Jul/Aug 1940. Axis #4. France. OKH/OKL (Pre) Designated Land Combat & Ground Strike Plans.

(Pre) Designated plans are determined at the beginning of the impulse for that impulse and can change as the impulse unfolds. For this impulse the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe have selected nearly the length of the entire French front line for combat (either land combat or a ground strike).

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Post #: 176
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/17/2019 4:13:32 AM   

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Turn 7. Jul/Aug 1940. Axis #4. France. Luftwaffe Ground Strikes.

In results of the three ground strikes designated by OKL were "average". The expected number of units disorganized, of the 8 attacked, was 3.1. The results achieved were 3. Can't get any more "average" than that. One positive result of the strikes was than the French armor corps was disorganized.

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Post #: 177
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/17/2019 4:15:12 AM   

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Turn 7. Jul/Aug 1940. Axis #4. France. Wehrmacht Land Combat.

Both land combats went very well this impulse for the Germans.

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Post #: 178
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/17/2019 4:17:41 AM   

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Turn 7. Jul/Aug 1940. Axis #4. Egypt.

The Italian desert army led by General Balbo invade Egypt and close on Alexander.

Allied #5. Great Britain.

Great Britain really wanted to take a naval in the upcoming allied impulse, however, the situation in Egypt has definitely ruled that out. They'll have to take another combine.

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Post #: 179
RE: Witness to World War 2. - 1/17/2019 4:20:59 AM   

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Turn 7. Jul/Aug 1940. Allied #5. RN. Operation Revenge. Try 2. West Med.

The RN, again is unable to find the Italians in the West Med. Two upsides though: (1) the Italians didn't find the RN either and (2) RN's search roll is getting better ... it was a 9 this time instead of a 10.

Of course point (2) is a bit of sarcasm, which for some reason PM Churchill didn't find funny.

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