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Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario

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Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 3/15/2019 1:26:23 PM   


Posts: 48
Joined: 7/13/2008
From: US, central standard time
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The following lists the rankings for each player that has game results, one for the Axis side, one for the Allied side, and the average of both.

1939 World at War Scenario

Axis Rating
zzmzzm (5 wins) 1052
TaffJones (6 wins, 2 losses) 1046
slickandjake (4 wins) 1041
Mercutio (2 wins) 1029
ruskicanuk (2 wins) 1025
eriador08 (2 wins) 1021
Svient (1 win) 1015
LuciusSulla (1 win) 1011
Sapara (1 win) 1011
taveston (1 win) 1011
Ronick (1 win) 1011
smckechnie (2 wins,1 loss) 1011
Hamburgermeat (1 win) 1011
Dave123 (1 win) 1011
Tribun_0815 (1 win,1 loss) 1001
Nelson1962 1000
clausewitzclausewitz 1000
amandkm (2 wins, 2 losses) 1000
CPuncher 1000
Doug Wellman 1000
fireston 1000
larsonny 1000
EarlyDoors 1000
ice_strength 1000
Iwarmonger 1000
calcwerc 1000
ninyure 1000
gwgardner 1000
Helmseye 1000
Runyan99 1000
ElvisJJonesRambo (1 loss) 990
phant0m (1 loss) 990
Kidegan (1 loss) 989
Spartan07 (1 loss) 989
Tidavis (1 loss) 989
tarfman (1 loss) 989
Godriclepreux (1 loss) 989
Sepuku (1 loss) 989
ChrDan (1 loss) 989
aclares (1 loss) 989
Jbezorg (1 loss) 986
Jep (1 loss) 986
Christolos (1 win, 2 losses) 982
Sparcky0565 (2 losses) 980
Trecks (2 losses) 980
danmlynn (2 losses) 979
Thunderlizard11 (2 losses) 978
Rudolf Steiner (4 losses) 960

Allies Rating
eriador08 (5 wins) 1051
ruskicanuk (3 wins) 1039
Mercutio (2 wins) 1029
calcwerc (2 wins) 1029
TaffJones (2 wins) 1024
zzmzzm (3 wins, 1 loss) 1021
taveston (2 wins) 1021
slickandjake (2 wins) 1021
Nelson1962 (1 win) 1011
Doug Wellman (1 win) 1011
Hamburgermeat (1 win) 1011
amandkm (4 wins, 3 losses) 1010
Trecks 1000
tarfman 1000
LuciusSulla 1000
Thunderlizard11 1000
Rudolf Steiner (1 win,1 loss) 1000
Sapara 1000
Sparcky0565 1000
Sepuku 1000
ChrDan 1000
aclares 1000
Ronick 1000
smckechnie (1 win, 1 loss) 1000
phant0m 1000
Dave123 1000
Tribun_0815 (1 win,2 losses) 991
larsonny (1 loss) 990
Kidegan (1 loss) 990
Svient (1 loss) 990
ice_strength (1 loss) 990
Godriclepreux (1 loss) 989
ElvisJJonesRambo (1 loss) 989
Spartan07 (1 loss) 989
Tidavis (1 loss) 989
Cpuncher (1 loss) 989
danmlynn (1 loss) 989
Iwarmonger (1 loss) 989
Jbezorg (1 loss) 986
Runyan99 (1 loss) 986
ninyure (1 loss) 985
Jep (1 loss) 985
Helmseye (1 loss) 985
gwgardner (1 loss) 985
EarlyDoors (1 win, 3 losses) 979
clausewitzclausewitz (2 losses) 979
fireston (2 losses) 978
Christolos (2 losses) 972

Average Rating
zzmzzm (8-1) 1036.5
eriador08 (7-0) 1036
TaffJones (8-2) 1035
ruskicanuk (5-0) 1032
slickandjake (6-0) 1031
Mercutio (4-0) 1029
taveston (3-0) 1016
calcwerc (2-0) 1014.5
Hamburgermeat (2-0) 1011
LuciusSulla (1-0) 1005.5
Nelson1962 (1-0) 1005.5
Sapara (1-0) 1005.5
Doug Wellman (1-0) 1005.5
Ronick (1-0) 1005.5
smckechnie (3-2) 1005.5
Dave123 (1-0) 1005.5
amandkm (6-5) 1005
Svient (1-1) 1002.5
Tribun_0815 (2-3) 996
larsonny (0-1) 995
ice_strength (0-1) 995
phant0m (0-1) 995
tarfman (0-1) 994.5
Cpuncher (0-1) 994.5
Sepuku (0-1) 994.5
ChrDan (0-1) 994.5
aclares (0-1) 994.5
Iwarmonger (0-1) 994.5
Runyan99 (0-1) 993
ninyure (0-1) 992.5
Helmseye (0-1) 992.5
gwgardner (0-1) 992.5
Sparcky0565 (0-2) 990
Trecks (0-2) 990
EarlyDoors (1-3) 989.5
clausewitzclausewitz (0-2) 989.5
Kidegan (0-2) 989.5
ElvisJJonesRambo (0-2) 989.5
fireston (0-2) 989
Thunderlizard11 (0-2) 989
Godriclepreux (0-2) 989
Spartan07 (0-2) 989
Tidavis (0-2) 989
Jbezorg (0-2) 986
Jep (0-2) 985.5
danmlynn (0-3) 984
Rudolf Steiner (1-5) 980
Christolos (1-4) 977

Allied Victories: 33
Axis Victories: 34

Results to date:
March 1: slickandjake Axis major victory over Spartan07, slickandjake Axis rating changed 1000 to 1011, Spartan07 Allied rating changed 1000 to 989
March 10: slickandjake Axis major victory over Tribun_0815, slickandjake Axis rating changed 1011 to 1021, Tribun_0815 Allied rating changed 1000 to 990
April 5: amandkm Axis major victory through concession over Tidavis, amandkm Axis rating changed from 1000 to 1011, Tidavis Allied rating changed from 1000 to 989.
April 5: amandkm Allied major victory through concession over Tidavis, amandkm Allied rating changed from 1000 to 1011, Tidavis Axis rating changed from 1000 to 989.
April 5: slickandjake Axis major victory through concession over clausewitzclausewitz, slickandjake Axis rating changed from 1021 to 1031, clausewitzclausewitz Allied rating changed from 1000 to 990
April 6: zzmzzm Axis major victory through concession over amandkm, zzmzzm Axis rating changed from 1000 to 1011, amandkm Allied rating changed from 1011 to 1000
April 6: eriador08 Allies major victory over tarfman, eriador08 Allied rating 1000 to 1011, tarfman Axis rating 1000 to 989
April 6: eriador08 Allies major victory over Trecks, eriador08 Allied rating 1011 to 1021, Trecks Axis rating 1000 to 990
April 6: slickandjake Allies major victory over Spartan07, slickandjake Allies 1000 to 1011, Spartan07 Axis 1000 to 989
April 7: Rudolf Steiner Allies major victory over amandkm, Rudolf Steiner Allies 1000 to 1011, amandkm Axis 1011 to 1000
April 7: Nelson1962 Allies major victory over amandkm, Nelson1962 Allies 1000 to 1011, amandkm Axis 1000 to 989
April 7: LuciusSulla Axis major victory over zzmzzm, LuciusSulla Allies 1000 to 1011, zzmzzm Allies 1000 to 989
April 7: zzmzzm Allies major victory over Godriclepreux, zzmzzm Allies 989 to 1000, Godriclepreux Axis 1000 to 989
April 7: zzmzzm Allies major victory over Thunderlizard11, zzmzzm Allies 1000 to 1011, Thunderlizard11 Axis 1000 to 989
April 7: zzmzzm Axis major victory over Rudolf Steiner, zzmzzm Axis 1011 to 1022, Rudolf Steiner Allies 1011 to 1000
April 7: zzmzzm Axis major victory over Kidegan, zzmzzm Axis 1022 to 1032, Kidegan Allies 1000 to 990
April 9: eriador08 Allied major victory over ElvisJJonesRambo, eriador08 Allies 1021 to 1031, ElvisJJonesRambo Axis 1000 to 990
April 13: eriador08 Axis major victory over ElvisJJonesRambo, eriador08 Axis 1000 to 1011, ElvisJJonesRambo Allies 1000 to 989
April 13: eriador08 Allies major victory over Trecks, eriador Allies 1031 to 1041, Trecks Axis 990 to 980
April 13: Sapara Axis major victory over amandkm, Sapara Axis 1000 to 1011, amandkm Allies 1000 to 989
April 18: eriador08 Allies major victory over Sparcky0565, eriador08 Allied 1041 to 1051, Sparcky0565 Axis 1000 to 990
April 18: amandkm Axis major victory over CPuncher, amandkm Axis 989 to 1000, CPuncher Allies 1000 to 989
April 18: amandkm Allies major victory over Sepuku, amandkm Allies 989 to 1000, Sepuku Axis 1000 to 989
April 19: amandkm Allies major victory over ChrDan, amandkm Allies 1000 to 1011, ChrDan Axis 1000 to 989
April 24: zzmzzm Axis major victory over larsonny, zzmzzm Axis 1032 to 1042, larsonny Allies 1000 to 990
April 24: zzmzzm Allies major victory over Sparcky0565, zzmzzm Allies 1011 to 1021, Sparcky0565 Axis 990 to 980
April 24: zzmzzm Axis major victory over Svient, zzmzzm Axis 1042 to 1052, Svient Allies 1000 to 990
April 27: ruskicanuk Allies major victory over Rudolf Steiner, ruskicanuk Allies 1000 to 1011, Rudolf Steiner Axis 1000 to 989
May 1: Tribun_0815 Axis (1000 to 1011) major victory over Godriclepreux (1000 to 989)
May 1: Tribun_0815 Allies (990 to 1001) major victory over aclares (1000 to 989)
May 1: eriador08 Axis (1011 to 1021) major victory over Tribun_0815 (1001 to 991)
May 1: Doug Wellman Allies (1000 to 1011) major victory over Tribun_0815 (1011 to 1000)
May 16: taveston Allies (1000 to 1011) major victory over danmlynn (1000 to 989)
May 16: taveston Allies (1011 to 1021) major victory over danmlynn (989 to 979)
May 16: taveston Axis (1000 to 1011) major victory over danmlynn (1000 to 989)
June 1: ruskicanuk Allies (1011 to 1021) major victory over Rudolf Steiner (990 to 980)
June 1: ruskicanuk Axis (1000 to 1011) major victory over fireston(1000 to 989)
December 20: Ronick Axis (1000 to 1011) major victory over EarlyDoors (1000 to 989)
December 20: EarlyDoors Allies (989 to 1000) major victory over Kidegan (1000 to 989)
December 20: TaffJones Axis (1000 to 1011) major victory over EarlyDoors (1000 to 989)
December 29: Hamburgermeat Allies (1000 to 1011) major victory over smckechnie Axis (1000 to 989)
December 29: smckechnie Axis (989 to 1000) major victory over clausewitzclausewitz Allies (990 to 979)
January 1 (2020): slickandjake Axis (1031 to 1041) major victory over ice_strength Allies (1000 to 990)
January 10: slickandjake Allies (1011 to 1021) major victory over phant0m Axis (1000 to 990)
January 11: Hamburgermeat Axis (1000 to 1011) victory over smckechnie Allies (1000 to 989)
January 11: Smckechnie Axis (1000 to 1011) victory over Iwarmonger Allies (1000 to 989)
January 11: smckechnie Allies (989 to 1000) victory over Thunderlizard11 Axis (989 to 978)
January 15: TaffJones Axis (1011 to 1021) major victory over EarlyDoors Allies (989 to 979)
January 15: TaffJones Allies (1000 to 1010) victory over Rudolf Steiner Axis (980 to 970)
January 15: calcwerc Allies (1000 to 1015) decisive victory over TaffJones Axis (1021 to 1006)
January 15: calcwerc Allies (1015 to 1029) decisive victory over TaffJones Axis (1006 to 992)
January 19: TaffJones Allies (1010 to 1024) decisive victory over Jbezorg Axis (1000 to 986)
January 20: Svient Axis (1000 to 1015) decisive victory over ninyure Allies (1000 to 985)
January 28: Mercutio Allies (1000 to 1015) decisive victory over Cristolos Axis (1000 to 985)
January 28: Mercutio Axis (1000 to 1015) decisive victory over Jep Allies (1000 to 985)
January 28: Mercutio Allies (1015 to 1029) decisive victory over Jep Axis (1000 to 986)
January 28: TaffJones Axis (992 to 1003) major victory over Fireston Allies (989 to 978)
February 8: Mercutio Axis (1015 to 1029) decisive victory over Christolos Allies (1000 to 986)
February 11: ruskicanuck Allies (1021 to 1039) decisive victory over Christolos Axis (985 to 967)
February 11: ruskicanuck Axis (1011 to 1025) decisive victory over Christolos Allies (986 to 972)
February 11: Chritolos Axis (967 to 982) decisive victory over gwgardner Allies (1000 to 985)
February 12: amandkm Allies(1011 to 1021) major victory over Rudolf Steiner Axis (970 to 960)
February 12: Dave123 Axis (1000 to 1011) major victory over amandkm Allies (1021 to 1010)
February 14: TaffJones Axis (1003 to 1018) decisive victory over Helmseye Allies (1000 to 985)
February 16: TaffJones Axis (1018 to 1032) decisive victory over Jbezorg Allies (1000 to 986)
February 17: TaffJones Axis (1032 to 1046) decisive victory over Runyan99 Allies (1000 to 986)

< Message edited by slickandjake -- 2/18/2020 6:00:46 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 4/5/2019 6:41:35 PM   


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Elo ranking updated with new results reported.

(in reply to slickandjake)
Post #: 2
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 4/6/2019 3:07:08 PM   


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More scores reported and update to ratings

(in reply to slickandjake)
Post #: 3
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 4/6/2019 11:43:35 PM   


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More results.

amandkm (Axis) resigned to Rudolf Steiner 1939 waw scenario
amandkm (Axis) resigned to Russell White 1939 race to victory
Jaykiller (Allies) resigned to amandkm 1939 race to victory
amandkm (Axis) resigned to Nelson1962 1939 waw scenario

(in reply to slickandjake)
Post #: 4
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 4/7/2019 1:44:06 AM   


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1939 World at War:

zzmzzm(Allies) resigned to LuciusSulla

Godriclepreux(Axis) resigned to zzmzzm
Thunderlizard11(Axis) resigned to zzmzzm
Rudolf Steiner(Allies) resigned to zzmzzm
Kidegan(Allies) resigned to zzmzzm

(in reply to amandkm)
Post #: 5
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 4/8/2019 2:19:46 PM   


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More scores reported and ELO rankings updated

(in reply to zzmzzm)
Post #: 6
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 4/9/2019 2:51:56 PM   


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Another score reported and rankings updated.

(in reply to slickandjake)
Post #: 7
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 4/16/2019 8:11:01 PM   


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New result added and rankings updated.

(in reply to slickandjake)
Post #: 8
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 4/16/2019 8:28:32 PM   


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Is my second game against Trecks rated? Sorry if i wrote it not very understandable.

(in reply to slickandjake)
Post #: 9
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 4/24/2019 3:44:04 PM   


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Updated rankings with several new match results. Sorry for the delay, I have been busy lately!

(in reply to eriador08)
Post #: 10
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 4/24/2019 4:27:27 PM   


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1939 World at War:
larsonney(Allies) resigned to zzmzzm
Sparky0565(Axis) resigned to zzmzzm
Sveint(Allies) resigned to zzmzzm

< Message edited by zzmzzm -- 5/5/2019 3:22:43 AM >

(in reply to slickandjake)
Post #: 11
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 4/27/2019 2:07:31 AM   


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1939 World at War:
Rudolf Steiner(Axis) resigned to ruskicanuk(Allies)

(in reply to zzmzzm)
Post #: 12
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 6/17/2019 12:00:17 AM   


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Anyone keeping this up?

(in reply to ruskicanuk)
Post #: 13
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 12/9/2019 9:30:07 PM   


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Sorry for the long delay, extremely busy personal life has now freed up some again so I will be keeping this up again. Ratings updated based on the two I missed on April 24 and 27. Please post in other thread all results.

I did not get to the May and June results that were reported, so I will do that tomorrow and update the rankings again.

< Message edited by slickandjake -- 12/9/2019 9:33:38 PM >

(in reply to pjg100)
Post #: 14
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 12/10/2019 12:30:23 AM   


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I am a veteran SC3 player, new to WaW, open for ELO games.

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Post #: 15
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 12/10/2019 5:30:10 PM   


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ELO Ratings updated and I think I have included all results posted to date. Submit any new scores on other thread.

Ktonos, just post results of any matches you have and I will include in this rating system.

(in reply to Ktonos)
Post #: 16
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 12/20/2019 4:37:32 PM   


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Updated rankings based on new reported results.

(in reply to slickandjake)
Post #: 17
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 1/2/2020 8:41:09 PM   


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Updated results and rankings

(in reply to slickandjake)
Post #: 18
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 1/10/2020 6:29:35 PM   


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Updated results and rankings

(in reply to slickandjake)
Post #: 19
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 1/12/2020 1:30:37 AM   


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Here are three updated games for me:

1. Hamburgermeat (axis) vs smckechnie (allies)- smckechnie resigned, at least a Major axis victory was on the way.
2. Smckechnie (axis) vs Iwarmonger (allies) - Iwarmonger resigned, but decisive axis victory.
3. smckechnie (allies) vs Thunderlizard11 - Thunderlizard11 resigned, Allies on the way to at least an allied Major victory, if not decisive.

(in reply to slickandjake)
Post #: 20
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 1/14/2020 7:12:13 PM   


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Rankings updated

(in reply to smckechnie)
Post #: 21
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 1/15/2020 6:00:26 PM   

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Another result

EarlyDoors (Allies) lost to TaffJones (Axis) ~ Axis Major Victory
I did last until March 1947 though!
This was our second match

(in reply to slickandjake)
Post #: 22
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 1/15/2020 8:41:22 PM   


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Updated the ratings.

(in reply to EarlyDoors)
Post #: 23
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 1/15/2020 9:00:41 PM   


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Just finished some games

Taffjones (Allies) V Rudolf Steiner (Axis) - Allied victory Axis resigned in early 41

Taffjones (Axis) V calcwerc (Allies) - 2 games each game ended as Decisive Allied victories.

(in reply to slickandjake)
Post #: 24
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 1/15/2020 10:01:57 PM   


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First and foremost many thx for your fantastic work, slickandjake!

If it doesn't mean to much effort, an overview of the results would be nice, like Axis wins : Allis wins.

(in reply to taffjones)
Post #: 25
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 1/20/2020 1:44:24 PM   


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TaffJones: Please clarify the games against calwerc. Are you saying that you played Axis both games and lost both games decisively? Or are you saying you each played as Allies once and the Allies won each time? If so, I appreciate you completed games to a decisive loss. Typically players resign well before this. I am considering treating a resignation from one side or the other any time before January 1943 as a decisive victory. I want to think about it for a day or so but I will start a post and get feedback on the idea.

Sugar: Thanks for the appreciation! I am assuming you are asking how many wins the Allies have in the games played, and how many wins the Axis has won in games played. If so you can easily figure that out adding up the Wins/losses for either side. With that being said it would be easy for me to post it. I just hope I don't miss updating it! Currently the Allied side has won 28, the Axis 25. But it appears to me at this point that player skill level has far more to do with results than a particular side having an advantage. I think the game appears to be well balanced. To determine if there is an advantage, about the best thing to do is if players of equal skill play each other and have a mirror game where they switch sides. If there is enough sample size it could reveal if one side has a slight advantage or not. Or, players with an Axis rating/skill played players with equal Allied rating/skill could also reveal if there is an advantage. Finally, do you have any games to report?

Rankings update has been posted based on the results recently reported (and assuming TaffJones lost both games as Axis from his 1/15 game reporting post).

< Message edited by slickandjake -- 1/20/2020 2:27:34 PM >

(in reply to Sugar)
Post #: 26
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 1/20/2020 5:17:44 PM   


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Hi slickandjake

In both games I played Axis and lost both to Decisive Allied Victories

(in reply to slickandjake)
Post #: 27
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 1/25/2020 3:47:59 AM   


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smckechnie Allies vs Iwarmonger (Axis) smckechnie with decisive allied victory.

(in reply to taffjones)
Post #: 28
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 1/25/2020 4:02:08 AM   


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Sorry for next report being so soon, but I didn't know that another opponent was going to resign.

smckechnie (Allies) vs Calaf (axis) Calaf resigned.

(in reply to smckechnie)
Post #: 29
RE: Official ELO Ranking - 1939 World at War Scenario - 1/26/2020 10:51:45 PM   


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smckechnie (allies) vs Invothea (axis) smckechnie on way to decisive allied victory, took Berlin in the summer of 1943. Allies had taken the entire Pacific except Japan itself. I resigned rather than play it out, as waste of time. Not sure how you would score it, if at all.

(in reply to slickandjake)
Post #: 30
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