Posts: 495
Joined: 7/26/2000 From: Tucson, AZ, USA Status: offline
Nevertheless, I have always admired the Wehrmacht and I guess so has the US Army, when they adopted the Fritz helmets in the late 80s. The black berets of today, ha! Check out the early German Panzer berets. Now who are we emulating as far as dress is concerned? I have no problem with it, and given the US military's overall superiority in the world, it seems only appropriate. Also, don't forget that the best machine gun in the world is simply a copy of the old MG42. The best assault rifle? A mod of the StG44. In technology and appearance in weaponry, the Germans have led the world, and we are now adopting the best of what they had to offer.
Can't resist.
1) The current helmet was part of a whole new, and more functional, uniform transition of the mid-80's. That is when the Army got the cami battle dress uniform almost everyone now wears. The only reason for the long delay in accepting the much more protective helmet was emotional/political due to its being designed rationally and ended up looking like the raionally designed helmet the Germans have been using since WW1. As a humourous aside, in the mid-80's the US Army started wearing a Wehrmacht style helmet, cami battle dress and continued to wear their highly shined black boots (as the intended rough brown boots were rejected by the spit and polish brass). Whom did they now resemble, especially in Germany?
2) Berets, everyone in NATO wears berets. It's just a fashion trend, nothing to do with some secret yearning to emulate the Wehrmacht.
3) You are dead on regarding the M60's ancestory. However, having fired both, I much prefer the modern German adaption to the M60.
4) However, don't forget the major contributions of the Russians. Who designed and fielded the first modern tank? Who first fielded large numbers of automatic small arms? Plus lots of other innovative stuff. And while the Germans made many major contributions, don't forget who developed the modern methods of utilizing artillery, which seriously hurt the Germans.
Just some meanderings.