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Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga

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Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 8/25/2019 11:05:55 PM   

Posts: 2527
Joined: 6/2/2010
From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
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A Work in Progress...

A variable scale game system...

Regimental/Battalion System Parameters:

* Ground Scale: 2500 meters per hex

* All units in-scenario are regiments/brigades except the following:
- Machine-gun Battalions (Division/Corps/Army)
- Assault gun Battalions
- Bridging Engineers Companies (Corps/Army; not divisional)
- Assault Engineers Battalions (Corps/Army; not divisional)
- Antiaircraft Battalions (Corps/Army; not divisional)
- Antitank Battalions (Division/Corps/Army)
- Reconnaissance Battalions (Division/Corps/Army)

Battalion/Company/Battery System Parameters:'

* Ground Scale: ~500 meters per hex

* There are no platoon-sized units: limited company-sized units (engineers, AT, AA, recce, etc.).


* Players assign supplies by division, corps, army or army group/front.

* Organizational counter colors will be assigned by corps/army with divisional counter names.

* There will be 3-5 turns per day (2-4 day/1 night). Night capable units are introduced.

* Movement Factors:

- Infantry - 8
- Cavalry - 10
- Motorized/Mech/Armor - 16
- Recon - 18


The Sacred War - Alexandrov Red Army Choir:


Part I:
Part II:
Part III:
Part IV:

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< Message edited by bcgames -- 1/19/2021 4:49:51 AM >


Post #: 1
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 8/26/2019 3:41:36 PM   

Posts: 173
Joined: 8/28/2014
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Oh Yeah, Here we go....Quiet Flows the Don

Looking forward to future screenshots to see the two scales. Thanks for the update!!!

< Message edited by Okayrun3254 -- 8/26/2019 3:42:15 PM >

(in reply to bcgames)
Post #: 2
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 8/29/2019 5:34:31 AM   

Posts: 2527
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From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
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This game will be the second entry in our WEGO game system. The topic of Stalingrad is very similar to the War in the Desert. Hot summers, vast open expanses with limited water sources, limited ready-to-eat food, and flat, rolling terrain with balkas (wadis). However, fall and winter in a temperate zone add new dimensions to game play--mud and snow. Stalingrad: Nightmare of the Volga introduces these ground conditions to the game system. More to follow...


(in reply to Okayrun3254)
Post #: 3
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 8/30/2019 2:09:56 AM   

Posts: 2527
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From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
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The three ground conditions represented in Stalingrad: Night mare on the Volga are Good, Mud, and Frozen. Each condition has its own graphical representation...

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Post #: 4
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 8/30/2019 8:13:31 AM   

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Love it


(in reply to bcgames)
Post #: 5
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 8/30/2019 9:03:22 PM   

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Love it

A big plus one!


So we're at war with the Russkies eh?? I suppose we really ought to invade or something. (Lonnnng pause while studying the map)
Hmmmm... big place ain't it??
- Sir Harry Flashman (1854)

(in reply to wodin)
Post #: 6
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 8/31/2019 12:32:25 AM   

Posts: 2527
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From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
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More about terrain...

Desert War 1940 had one water obstacle type called "River". I think there were only three hexsides that fit into this category in whole operational area. Stalingrad is a much different story. Lots of water barriers in this area of operations.

As such, we have re-looked the whole water obstacle thing and coded three solutions/hexside types--Stream, River and Major River. Streams can be crossed just about anywhere for the price of a few Movement Points (MPs). Rivers and Major Rivers require a bridge to get across--that bridge can be a permanent structure...or a temporary structure (short-term repair or pontoons). Solutions for all this has already been coded...bridges--and the folks required to fix 'em, blow 'em up, or pontoon 'em.

More to follow...


(in reply to Deathtreader)
Post #: 7
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/1/2019 3:58:53 AM   

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Bridging Engineers can destroy bridges, repair bridges, and create pontoon bridges. If in a hex beside a bridge, a bridging engineer has the option to destroy it. If in a hex beside a destroyed bridge, a bridging engineer has the option to repair it. If in a hex beside a major/minor river, a bridging engineer has the option to create a pontoon bridge. They can only do one of these actions in a hex. For example, you can't create a pontoon in a game hex that already has a bridge hexside. The right click button will only be present if the hex is valid (i.e. only get the choice to repair bridge if there's a destroyed bridge present). Note: Combat engineers cannot perform any bridging tasks.

When applicable, the hexside on the map will display an icon that indicates which of these engineer actions applies (destroy bridge, repair bridge, create pontoon, clear mines).

The probabilities to repair / destroy / create bridges:
• Repair/Destroy a Major bridge = 20% / 40% respectively.
• Repair/Destroy a Minor bridge = 40% / 80% respectively.
• Create a pontoon bridge = Major River: 30% / Minor River: 60%

Pontoon Bridges. When ordered (a button on the right click pop up unit menu), a pontoon engineer unit that is adjacent to a river creates a pontoon that crosses every adjacent river hexside that does not contain enemy units. The pontoon remains in place until the pontoon engineer unit moves. A pontoon bridge is removed if unit moves/enemy moves adjacent.

Designer’s Note: The pontoons and support boats are equipment. They travel with the pontoon engineer unit. The pontoon engineer unit will remain with the bridge to maintain it; add/subtract pontoons as the river rises and falls due to rain, etc. They assist units in crossing safely and repair any damage caused by the crossing units.

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(in reply to bcgames)
Post #: 8
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/3/2019 6:13:31 AM   

Posts: 2527
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From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
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It sure is dark out there...

One of the items Brian wanted to get right in Stalingrad was "proper night turns". What this translates into is night-capable and non-night capable units and assets and the rules to deal with them. One of the fundamental differences between Desert War and Stalingrad is the number of turns in a day.

Every third, fourth or fifth turn of a scenario is considered a night turn depending on the time of year:

• Jul-Aug 1942: 5 turns per day (four day, one night)
• Sep-Oct 1942: 4 turns per day (three day, one night)
• Nov 1942-Feb 1943: 3 turns per day (two day, one night)

As was the case in Desert War, the map is darkened to indicate to the Player that a night turn is in effect.

More to follow...


(in reply to bcgames)
Post #: 9
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/4/2019 12:30:17 AM   

Posts: 2527
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From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
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Night time continued...

I'm still working the data computations for Stalingrad area of operations--but in the end--not all nights are the same amount of dark. Mr. Moon determines when combat operations can reasonably/effectively take place. If you can't see your hand in front of your's not a good time to make your "big play" IRL. So...what to do?

For Air Ops, use the reinforcement/withdrawal capability to cycle night-capable air units in and out of the game based on the cycles of the moon. 50% illum plus? -- Night air ops are a GO! 49% illum or less? -- Night air ops are a NO-GO.

Ground Ops? We can't withdraw ground units and then bring them back like air units...but we can have a Good Moon Ground Asset that comes and goes depending on illumination available.

Naval/Riverine Ops? I think we're good with "as is". The darker, the better. They are shuttling units, civilians, casualties and supplies back and forth, or firing artillery support from an FDC-calculated call for fire.


(in reply to bcgames)
Post #: 10
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/15/2019 5:12:39 AM   

Posts: 2527
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From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
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ORIGINAL: bcgames

The three ground conditions represented in Stalingrad: Night mare on the Volga are Good, Mud, and Frozen. Each condition has its own graphical representation...

In Stalingrad: Night mare on the Volga each ground condition has its own ambient battle sound file.

Good = Battle sound file similar to Desert War
Mud = Battle sound file plus rain and occasional thunder
Frozen = Battle sound files with cold, bitter wind


(in reply to bcgames)
Post #: 11
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/16/2019 11:18:45 PM   

Posts: 1039
Joined: 4/22/2003
From: Vancouver, Canada.
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I realize its probably too late for potential inclusion in Stalingrad (if at all) but I do have a few suggestions for developing the game:

1/ Add a new attack option called Probe. This is the best way to test enemy resistance without going into a full blown type of attack. I've tried to emulate this by using weak units with with low levels of Quality in an effort to keep the battle intensity at the lowest possible level. After all, I'm only testing the enemy and gathering some more intel prior to going ahead with an Attack or Assualt (or not). However, it has not worked well. Usually results in the prober being vaporized with a miniscule increase in intel.

2/ Allow the player to set the battle intensity DOWNWARDS (only)if desired. This could accomplish the same as #1 above without needing a new command. It would allow a more survivable unit to conduct a low intensity attack without going into the full blown attack or assault, and would probably have other uses as well (such as diversionary attacks).

3/ Make the stacking point values more reflective of actual unit size as opposed to TOE size. If the hex contains two companies both at half strength in terms of personnel/equipment losses (ie strength not readiness) then the stacking value should be reflective of those redued actual numbers of people and equipment. Use percentages in the same fashion as used in all the other multipliers. In my example instead of the SP total being 4 (2x2) it would be 2 (2x.50 plus 2x.50). If a hex will only hold so much then the numbers used should be dynamic.

4/ Allow players the abilty to conduct multiple set piece attacks against a specific hex to reflect diversions and/or second or third echelon attacks soviet style. These attacks could be simultaneous or occur at different points in time during a turn using an expanded WAIT function that would allow players to set more than a single 1 SP delay for units. After all we are trying to get to the "green fields beyond" the enemy MLR. This would also mean that a mix of some attack types would need to be allowed for units in different hexes conducting operations agains the same hex. It could also mean that set piece attacks might necessitate the plotting of of attack/assaults beyond that of an immediately adjacent hex time and MPs permitting.

5/ Or you could consider using other types of markers ala MAIN EFFORT markers with built in mission protocals such as a SECONDARY EFFORT marker and a DIVERSIONARY EFFORT marker etc. in order to achieve the same things as in #4 above.

Just some ideas.....hope most of us like them.

What do others think??



So we're at war with the Russkies eh?? I suppose we really ought to invade or something. (Lonnnng pause while studying the map)
Hmmmm... big place ain't it??
- Sir Harry Flashman (1854)

(in reply to bcgames)
Post #: 12
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/17/2019 6:20:43 AM   

Posts: 2527
Joined: 6/2/2010
From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
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Thanks for your thoughts and feedback.


ORIGINAL: Deathtreader
1/ Add a new attack option called Probe. This is the best way to test enemy resistance without going into a full blown type of attack. I've tried to emulate this by using weak units with with low levels of Quality in an effort to keep the battle intensity at the lowest possible level. After all, I'm only testing the enemy and gathering some more intel prior to going ahead with an Attack or Assault (or not). However, it has not worked well. Usually results in the prober being vaporized with a minuscule increase in intel.

I need to think about this one. It seems to me the game engine as-is should be able replicate a "probe" right now. If it doesn't, then maybe there is a fix to the existing engine while maintaining the current set of attack options. More to follow...


ORIGINAL: Deathtreader
2/ Allow the player to set the battle intensity DOWNWARDS (only)if desired. This could accomplish the same as #1 above without needing a new command. It would allow a more survivable unit to conduct a low intensity attack without going into the full blown attack or assault, and would probably have other uses as well (such as diversionary attacks).

Battle intensity is set automatically by the program based on the various combinations of Player and Enemy actions--the Player does not directly set battle intensity. If I understand your suggestion, the Player would have the ability to adjust the battle intensity setting of his units downward from the default calculation. Correct?


ORIGINAL: Deathtreader
3/ Make the stacking point values more reflective of actual unit size as opposed to TOE size. If the hex contains two companies both at half strength in terms of personnel/equipment losses (i.e. strength not readiness) then the stacking value should be reflective of those reduced actual numbers of people and equipment. Use percentages in the same fashion as used in all the other multipliers. In my example instead of the SP total being 4 (2x2) it would be 2 (2x.50 plus 2x.50). If a hex will only hold so much then the numbers used should be dynamic.

Agree. I would like to see this capability as well.


ORIGINAL: Deathtreader
4/ Allow players the ability to conduct multiple set piece attacks against a specific hex to reflect diversions and/or second or third echelon attacks soviet style. These attacks could be simultaneous or occur at different points in time during a turn using an expanded WAIT function that would allow players to set more than a single 1 SP delay for units. After all we are trying to get to the "green fields beyond" the enemy MLR. This would also mean that a mix of some attack types would need to be allowed for units in different hexes conducting operations against the same hex. It could also mean that set piece attacks might necessitate the plotting of of attack/assaults beyond that of an immediately adjacent hex time and MPs permitting.

I would like to see the effect of a Soviet-style echeloned attack added to the game engine. How to get there will require a bit of thought to keep it simple/easy to comprehend what to do and understand what is happening.


ORIGINAL: Deathtreader
5/ Or you could consider using other types of markers ala MAIN EFFORT markers with built in mission protocols such as a SECONDARY EFFORT marker and a DIVERSIONARY EFFORT marker etc. in order to achieve the same things as in #4 above.

I like this idea. A solution to 1/ might be found here. Got to think about the best method to implement.


ORIGINAL: Deathtreader
Just some ideas.....hope most of us like them.

Good and interesting ideas. Thanks.


ORIGINAL: Deathtreader
What do others think??

And I ask as well, what do others think??


(in reply to Deathtreader)
Post #: 13
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/17/2019 2:37:57 PM   
Saint Ruth

Posts: 1070
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1/ Add a new attack option called Probe. This is the best way to test enemy resistance without going into a full blown type of attack. I've tried to emulate this by using weak units with with low levels of Quality in an effort to keep the battle intensity at the lowest possible level. After all, I'm only testing the enemy and gathering some more intel prior to going ahead with an Attack or Assualt (or not). However, it has not worked well. Usually results in the prober being vaporized with a miniscule increase in intel.

2/ Allow the player to set the battle intensity DOWNWARDS (only)if desired. This could accomplish the same as #1 above without needing a new command. It would allow a more survivable unit to conduct a low intensity attack without going into the full blown attack or assault, and would probably have other uses as well (such as diversionary attacks).

I suppose one could combine these with a Probe attack. Assault increases intensity by 1, so Probe could reduce intensity by 1.
Then if some tired conscripts try to probe an large Elite unit, the intensity might reduce from Extreme to High and they'd still get annihilated.

(in reply to Deathtreader)
Post #: 14
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/17/2019 10:02:45 PM   

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From: Vancouver, Canada.
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"Battle intensity is set automatically by the program based on the various combinations of Player and Enemy actions--the Player does not directly set battle intensity. If I understand your suggestion, the Player would have the ability to adjust the battle intensity setting of his units downward from the default calculation. Correct?"

Yes that is correct. Probes should not be more than Low intensity.



So we're at war with the Russkies eh?? I suppose we really ought to invade or something. (Lonnnng pause while studying the map)
Hmmmm... big place ain't it??
- Sir Harry Flashman (1854)

(in reply to bcgames)
Post #: 15
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/17/2019 10:12:38 PM   

Posts: 1039
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From: Vancouver, Canada.
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ORIGINAL: Saint Ruth


1/ Add a new attack option called Probe. This is the best way to test enemy resistance without going into a full blown type of attack. I've tried to emulate this by using weak units with with low levels of Quality in an effort to keep the battle intensity at the lowest possible level. After all, I'm only testing the enemy and gathering some more intel prior to going ahead with an Attack or Assualt (or not). However, it has not worked well. Usually results in the prober being vaporized with a miniscule increase in intel.

2/ Allow the player to set the battle intensity DOWNWARDS (only)if desired. This could accomplish the same as #1 above without needing a new command. It would allow a more survivable unit to conduct a low intensity attack without going into the full blown attack or assault, and would probably have other uses as well (such as diversionary attacks).

I suppose one could combine these with a Probe attack. Assault increases intensity by 1, so Probe could reduce intensity by 1.
Then if some tired conscripts try to probe an large Elite unit, the intensity might reduce from Extreme to High and they'd still get annihilated.


Your comment regarding annihilation anyways strikes me as mildly hilarious! Thanks

Seriously though, I believe that players should be able to dial a probe all the way down -- not just by one level. Or probes could be fixed at low intensity levels, but then would not be so great in the diversionary attack role.

Just a thought.... but right now I don't think the engine truly accommodates probe style operations.



So we're at war with the Russkies eh?? I suppose we really ought to invade or something. (Lonnnng pause while studying the map)
Hmmmm... big place ain't it??
- Sir Harry Flashman (1854)

(in reply to Saint Ruth)
Post #: 16
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/18/2019 1:30:18 AM   

Posts: 2527
Joined: 6/2/2010
From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
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On Probe Attack. I think this requirement boils down to how the Attack/No Advance command works. It is the foundation for something called a "probe attack". I think the discussion should proceed by detailing how the Attack/No Advance command currently works and then see what if anything needs to change.

But first...the doctrinal deep dive. More to follow...


(in reply to Deathtreader)
Post #: 17
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/18/2019 1:36:01 AM   

Posts: 2527
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From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
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ORIGINAL: Saint Ruth

...Then if some tired conscripts try to probe an large Elite unit, the intensity might reduce from Extreme to High and they'd still get annihilated.

Patient: Doc, it hurts when I do this.

Doctor: Well then don't do that...


(in reply to Saint Ruth)
Post #: 18
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/21/2019 6:20:19 AM   

Posts: 2527
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From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
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On Probes. A probe is an intention of the commander/player--it is not a tactical or operational task. The purpose of a "probe" is to develop the situation. Where is the enemy? What size? What is their disposition? (Moving, stationary, attacking, defending, withdrawing, etc.). Where are the flanks/gaps in the line? If friendlies are in contact (in a hex adjacent to the enemy) then this type of information is revealed automatically but restricted somewhat based on the intelligence range and strength of the observing friendly unit(s). Being adjacent to the enemy is a probe. Get there and see what you can find out. More to follow...


(in reply to bcgames)
Post #: 19
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/23/2019 10:11:12 AM   
Saint Ruth

Posts: 1070
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ORIGINAL: bcgames

On Probes. A probe is an intention of the commander/player--it is not a tactical or operational task. The purpose of a "probe" is to develop the situation. Where is the enemy? What size? What is their disposition? (Moving, stationary, attacking, defending, withdrawing, etc.). Where are the flanks/gaps in the line? If friendlies are in contact (in a hex adjacent to the enemy) then this type of information is revealed automatically but restricted somewhat based on the intelligence range and strength of the observing friendly unit(s). Being adjacent to the enemy is a probe. Get there and see what you can find out. More to follow...

That makes sense now I think about it, if a probe is gathering intel, then in teh game already, the intel is gathered automatically.

(in reply to bcgames)
Post #: 20
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/23/2019 11:30:22 PM   

Posts: 2527
Joined: 6/2/2010
From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
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ORIGINAL: Deathtreader
1/ Add a new attack option called Probe. This is the best way to test enemy resistance without going into a full blown type of attack. I've tried to emulate this by using weak units with with low levels of Quality in an effort to keep the battle intensity at the lowest possible level. After all, I'm only testing the enemy and gathering some more intel prior to going ahead with an Attack or Assault (or not). However, it has not worked well. Usually results in the prober being vaporized with a minuscule increase in intel.


I think we've addressed the "definition of a probe"--but I don't know that we've addressed/understand your capability requirement. If in your view we don't get your point--would you care to take another swing at it? Open ears.


(in reply to Deathtreader)
Post #: 21
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/24/2019 12:20:47 AM   

Posts: 1039
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From: Vancouver, Canada.
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Like Saint Ruth I hadn't been looking at it in quite that way. Good enough though. Thanks for taking the time to work thru it.



So we're at war with the Russkies eh?? I suppose we really ought to invade or something. (Lonnnng pause while studying the map)
Hmmmm... big place ain't it??
- Sir Harry Flashman (1854)

(in reply to bcgames)
Post #: 22
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/24/2019 2:46:11 AM   

Posts: 2527
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From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
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OK then. Keep poking at the system please.


(in reply to Deathtreader)
Post #: 23
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 9/24/2019 10:33:25 PM   

Posts: 2527
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From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
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So I'm playing the Sidi Bou Zid scenario with Okayrun3254 and he sez (paraphrasing), "I can send you some map shots from Atomic Games Stalingrad game." I said, "Sure." The only Atomic Game I owned and played was "Operation Crusader" I was expecting more of the same. Oh no! Atomic Games Stalingrad has three ground scales:

400 meters/hex
1000 meters/hex
3000 meters/hex

So here I thought I was going to be all innovative by having two ground scales in Stalingrad: Nightmare on the Volga. UUURRRRRRR!!! (airhorn!). That game has been plowed already. I'm going to stick to two ground scales 500 meters/hex and 2500 meters/hex. But it is good to know that someone else looked at the same situation and came up with multiple scales solution.



(in reply to bcgames)
Post #: 24
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 10/2/2019 3:46:53 AM   

Posts: 173
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ORIGINAL: bcgames

So I'm playing the Sidi Bou Zid scenario with Okayrun3254 and he sez (paraphrasing), "I can send you some map shots from Atomic Games Stalingrad game." I said, "Sure." The only Atomic Game I owned and played was "Operation Crusader" I was expecting more of the same. Oh no! Atomic Games Stalingrad has three ground scales:

400 meters/hex
1000 meters/hex
3000 meters/hex

So here I thought I was going to be all innovative by having two ground scales in Stalingrad: Nightmare on the Volga. UUURRRRRRR!!! (airhorn!). That game has been plowed already. I'm going to stick to two ground scales 500 meters/hex and 2500 meters/hex. But it is good to know that someone else looked at the same situation and came up with multiple scales solution.


Avalon Hill/ Atomic Games really put out some great games in the day. The Stalingrad one was my favorite. I think they were ahead of there time back in the 90's, but they also had substantial resources to draw upon. IMHO, the two scales, 500 meters/hex, and 2500 meters/hex will cover all the requirements for scenario development and then some. Really looking forward to this one.

< Message edited by Okayrun3254 -- 10/2/2019 3:47:39 AM >

(in reply to bcgames)
Post #: 25
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 10/2/2019 3:09:16 PM   
Saint Ruth

Posts: 1070
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ORIGINAL: Okayrun3254
Avalon Hill/ Atomic Games really put out some great games in the day. The Stalingrad one was my favorite. I think they were ahead of there time back in the 90's, but they also had substantial resources to draw upon. IMHO, the two scales, 500 meters/hex, and 2500 meters/hex will cover all the requirements for scenario development and then some. Really looking forward to this one.

Yeah, those games were great, and imagine, they were sold on the highstreet. I bought my versions of Stalingrad / Crusader in Virgin Megastore way back in the day...

(in reply to Okayrun3254)
Post #: 26
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 10/3/2019 5:16:33 AM   

Posts: 2527
Joined: 6/2/2010
From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
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I am currently working on the Stalingrad City map build at 500 meters per hex. In the process, I'm starting to see how well the current campaign engine design can bounce between game/scenario time/ground scales. "Carryover" can take your "target unit/organization" from regiment to battalion-level and back to regiment-level (if required). The bottom-line is this--the campaign capability in the game will allow battle outside the city of Stalingrad at regimental level. Inside the city? Battalion/Company level is possible. Set-up areas are the key to transitioning units/organizations from one campaign scenario to the next.


(in reply to Saint Ruth)
Post #: 27
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 10/3/2019 5:57:20 PM   

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One of my favorite boardgames, MMP's Panzer Battles - 11 Panzer on the Chir River, uses 500 meters per hex scale with mostly company and battalion level units, and some Soviet regiments. I like this scale for specific battles because of the company level of units. What is interesting is each turn is 2-3 days long. I guess the number of turns is reflected in the units movement points and other factors.

(in reply to bcgames)
Post #: 28
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 10/4/2019 5:14:35 AM   

Posts: 2527
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From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
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ORIGINAL: Okayrun3254

One of my favorite boardgames, MMP's Panzer Battles - 11 Panzer on the Chir River, uses 500 meters per hex scale with mostly company and battalion level units, and some Soviet regiments. I like this scale for specific battles because of the company level of units. What is interesting is each turn is 2-3 days long. I guess the number of turns is reflected in the units movement points and other factors.

I have this game but have never played it. It's always interesting to see how other game designers address time/spatial/organizational issues.


(in reply to Okayrun3254)
Post #: 29
RE: Stalingrad: Nightmare on The Volga - 10/10/2019 1:51:00 AM   

Posts: 2527
Joined: 6/2/2010
From: Bramble Rose Farm, KS
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: bcgames

I am currently working on the Stalingrad City map build at 500 meters per hex. In the process, I'm starting to see how well the current campaign engine design can bounce between game/scenario time/ground scales. "Carryover" can take your "target unit/organization" from regiment to battalion-level and back to regiment-level (if required). The bottom-line is this--the campaign capability in the game will allow battle outside the city of Stalingrad at regimental level. Inside the city? Battalion/Company level is possible. Set-up areas are the key to transitioning units/organizations from one campaign scenario to the next.

Having looked at Avalon Hill's/Atomic Games' version of Stalingrad, I'm considering the inclusion of another map scale to get the full 6.Armee experience--Operation Heron (Stalingrad to Astrakhan) in Stalingrad: Nightmare on the Volga. Two scales under consideration are 5K and 10K per hex. Unit scale remains the same--regiments with battalion breakdowns. Time period is the same and the area of operation is expanded to include Astrakhan and part of the Caspian Sea. The Caucasus is out; and so are the units that operated there. The game remains centered on Stalingrad and the units that fought there.

Blame this new idea on TIK. Thinking--Not deciding. The Germans really don't have a chance in Hell of getting to Astrakhan. Maybe that's why we never see Antwerp as an objective in Battle of the Bulge games.


(in reply to bcgames)
Post #: 30
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