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Very unexpected battle result - any pointers?

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Very unexpected battle result - any pointers? - 9/5/2019 9:05:49 PM   


Posts: 617
Joined: 6/17/2017
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I'm new to this game but I think I've learnt the basics by now. Interesting it is too.

I'm playing Russia versus all other nations on Medium AI. I instigated a quarrel with Turkey and have successfully invaded Bessarabia, Moldovia and Wallachia. Turkey hardly intervened until I reached Bulgaria and gave battle twice.

The first time was straightforward, the Russians had about a 3 to 2 superiority and won the battle of Varna comfortably.

A second Turkish Corps came up and joined the remnants of the first. I was able to concentrate 5 Corps plus Cavalry against them and had a very sizeable advantage. I lost! See screenshot.

What happened? Why did the Russian army break?

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RE: Very unexpected battle result - any pointers? - 9/5/2019 11:19:39 PM   


Posts: 3170
Joined: 3/18/2004
From: Maryland
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Looks like Turkey got in a damn good hit during Round 1, and smacked the Russians with a 3.2 morale loss. Even though it was 40:13, if you made a large outflanking force and didn't leave enough back to defend against a counter attack then this can happen.

I hope you are enjoying the game so far. I assume you are updated to latest version v1.22.02 and found the updated manual (dated 2018). There are sections in the back of the manual for player notes and strategy articles - good stuff!!

Another update, v1.23, is coming soon.


Empires in Arms Development Team

(in reply to Energisteron)
Post #: 2
RE: Very unexpected battle result - any pointers? - 9/6/2019 8:55:41 AM   


Posts: 617
Joined: 6/17/2017
Status: offline
Thanks, pzgndr

That is approximately what I thought had happened - a bad morale hit, resulting in disintegration. But, I read the roll as implying Turkey had taken the morale loss. Yes, I'm confused!

Russia's 5 Corps comprised four of Line Infantry (17 plus 2 organic Cavalry, 13, 10, 8 strength) and a Regular Cavalry Corp (strength 2). The flanking force was 1 Corp (10) and the Cavalry Corp (2). So the main force pinning the enemy was expected to be good enough. Did Turkey just get good die rolls?

Just to clarify, when the message states 'Turkey casualties : 19 infantry, 1 cavalry' it does mean Turkey lost that much and NOT Turkey inflicted that much? I seem to remember I had to remove 1 infantry and 1 cavalry point.

Also, would I have had an opportunity to withdraw due to my low morale, or would that actually have prevented a withdrawal?

I will continue my game, of course, despite this loss; it's instructive! And I have two good Corps, including a full strength Corp of Guards back in Moscow.

(in reply to pzgndr)
Post #: 3
RE: Very unexpected battle result - any pointers? - 9/6/2019 10:56:47 PM   


Posts: 3170
Joined: 3/18/2004
From: Maryland
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ORIGINAL: Energisteron
Just to clarify, when the message states 'Turkey casualties : 19 infantry, 1 cavalry' it does mean Turkey lost that much and NOT Turkey inflicted that much? I seem to remember I had to remove 1 infantry and 1 cavalry point.

Also, would I have had an opportunity to withdraw due to my low morale, or would that actually have prevented a withdrawal?

Correct, I made some updates previously to add starting forces to the log since players have that info in the boardgame. And with the casualties stated, players can see the results and make their own estimates about what's left.

It may be there is a bug in how the casualties are presented, with attacker and defender swapped? I will investigate this.

For withdraw, no. Once a force's morale drops to zero or less, they lose and must retreat - taking a cavalry loss if available. If you survive Day 1 with low morale, you can then choose to not fight another day and the game withdraws your forces. But you cannot choose to withdraw at the end of Round 1 or 2, you're committed to the battle.


Empires in Arms Development Team

(in reply to Energisteron)
Post #: 4
RE: Very unexpected battle result - any pointers? - 9/7/2019 8:49:22 AM   


Posts: 617
Joined: 6/17/2017
Status: offline
Thanks again, pzgndr

I think it is very unlikely the 'rolling news' as pictured above is displaying losses incorrectly. I've had a few battles and the details seem to conform to the battle screen.

In the battle in question, the one with the disastrously unexpected result, I removed 1 Inf and 1 Cav strength point as losses after Day 1 exactly as stated. But I did not appreciate it was my force that had taken the immense morale loss!

It was on Day 2 that my army simply disintegrated and I took catastrophic losses, both in battle and pursuit. I lost 3 Infantry Corps! However, the enemy had little left either and retreated back to Constantinople.

I've been surprised how quickly I've been able to make good my losses, and I've retreated over the Danube but still effectively occupy 'Romania' (Wallachia, Moldovia and Bessarabia). Needless to say though, doubtless brimming with confidence after their victory, Turkey is in no mood to cede territory.

It's all very interesting.

(in reply to pzgndr)
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