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Repairing units

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Repairing units - 11/8/2019 10:02:21 AM   

Posts: 2840
Joined: 2/20/2008
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Question about repairing units to full strength. I am familiar with SC3, how do you do it with Warplan?
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RE: Repairing units - 11/8/2019 11:42:11 AM   


Posts: 1688
Joined: 9/8/2011
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Unit detail: The Prioritize button routes troops and equipment to the units you have marked for it. They will have a green plus sign on the right side of the counter when it is on.

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< Message edited by marion61 -- 11/8/2019 11:44:56 AM >

(in reply to demyansk)
Post #: 2
RE: Repairing units - 11/8/2019 12:01:13 PM   

Posts: 6668
Joined: 2/23/2009
From: United States
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Units repair automatically but you can use HQs to repair and upgrade units (second icon of the three), and you can also prioritize units on an individual basis as above.


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(in reply to marion61)
Post #: 3
RE: Repairing units - 11/8/2019 12:02:28 PM   


Posts: 13
Joined: 7/9/2014
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I have found that sometimes it is best to disband and reform a unit rather than waiting for repair. Playing as Germany (Vs AI) logistics is more of a limit than manpower or production later in the war and you get all of the logistic points back. By disbanding and reforming you also get the latest tech.

(in reply to marion61)
Post #: 4
RE: Repairing units - 11/8/2019 5:18:10 PM   

Posts: 9927
Joined: 7/29/2013
Status: offline
To clear this up....

Reinforce OFF = no reinforcements or upgrades
Reinforce ON = get 20% of strength restored and upgrades
Priority ON = get 20% of strength restored and upgrades before other units.

You should be running out of PPs to restore units. You need to set the repair amount for units.

Disbanding yields 50% the cost.

WarPlan attempts to make the Germans as they were. So in 1942....

They didn't have the capacity to attack on all fronts. They were limited to the bottom third of Russia. If you set all depleted troops to reinforce yea you will have some that don't. You need to set and pick units strategically to reinforce or not. For example set all the units garrisoning OFF. If you have a damaged corp at 43% strength send it to Brest in 1942 and put reinforcements off. You want to go after Moscow prioritize all the units around there.

WarPlan isn't HOI4 where you can min-max all your units and have a lovely flowing cascading row of trains happily delivering supplies to singing Germany units in the front line with 300% the bullets and shells vs the Russians.

WarPlan is you complaining you don't have enough stuff to do everything you want. Because that is that the Germans had to go through. When an Axis player complains he is short oil for the Italians, I say stop building 10,000 aircraft. When the Allied player can't port supply 8 tanks in France, I say well you should have build more infantry and taken Antwerp shouldn't you have. When the English complain their merchant marines are being sunk, I ask well did you build escorts?


I've been doing this game for 5 years and even I still enjoy the anxiety of not having enough.


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- WarPlan Pacific

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