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Best use of mines

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Best use of mines - 12/16/2019 12:11:59 AM   
Peter Hugo


Posts: 48
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As Allies or CP, where are the best places for mines?
Post #: 1
RE: Best use of mines - 12/18/2019 2:09:44 AM   
Peter Hugo


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Well, one strategy I've found as the Allies is that since the German fleet inevitably sails north to battle the British blockade, that placing 3 British and 1 French mines in a row a few hexes south of the blockade hexes closest to the Norwegian convoy line (but not in or next to) helps interdict the initial German ships, which become damaged before they even fire a shot.

As far as the 1 Russian mine goes, I place it in the hex between Helsinki and Tallin to let me know if any German ships try to sneak in close to the St. Petersburg ports.

(in reply to Peter Hugo)
Post #: 2
RE: Best use of mines - 12/20/2019 10:10:52 PM   


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Mines by their nature in the game are a double edged sword. As the CP I use them to close waterways and act as "tripwires". It is my belief that as the CP your navies are national morale sinks. Other than subs should remain in port unless you can fight a very lopsided battle against an opponent.

I fight a very "sabermetric" style of war and judge everything against the impact on national morale. Surface navys to me are very much a losing proposition in my style of game. Why loose 250 NM points and give my opponent 750?

So as the CP I use the Turks to close the Dardanelles. As the IG I use them in the triangle of Hegoland , Hamburg, Kiel Canal to secure the High Seas fleet anchorage. As the AH I use them to close the Adriatic.

As the Entente I use them off the coast of Jutland to lay a thick tripwire against a sortie of the High Seas Fleet to break the blockade. In the Med I dont use them at all. See Jutland above. That Italian Destroyer beats feet to the North sea at best possible speed.

(in reply to Peter Hugo)
Post #: 3
RE: Best use of mines - 12/23/2019 7:35:59 PM   

Posts: 10762
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From: England
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I can't work out how to use Subs. Haven't had a sub sink anything yet, lots sink though.

I find the warfare at sea as the poor bit in the game. I'd have rather had the naval warfare as totally abstracted.

The one ship in miles of sea doesn't work for me.

Another way would to have had a unit be a whole formation. One you could add or take out ships increasing and decreasing unit size\power.


(in reply to 1775Cerberus)
Post #: 4
RE: Best use of mines - 12/23/2019 10:24:47 PM   
Peter Hugo


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Joined: 2/17/2016
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Wodin, unless you have some thoughts about using mines, there are other threads that discuss the limitations with the naval system. I agree there are issues, but would rather know what you think about the best use of mines. Thanks!

(in reply to wodin)
Post #: 5
RE: Best use of mines - 12/24/2019 3:07:58 AM   

Posts: 10762
Joined: 4/20/2003
From: England
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ORIGINAL: Peter Hugo

Wodin, unless you have some thoughts about using mines, there are other threads that discuss the limitations with the naval system. I agree there are issues, but would rather know what you think about the best use of mines. Thanks!


(in reply to Peter Hugo)
Post #: 6
RE: Best use of mines - 12/24/2019 10:04:14 AM   

Posts: 632
Joined: 5/16/2015
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Subs work well in an abstract way when used on convoy routes and naval zones.

They also excel in the scouting / screening role for capital ships,
It might be nearly impossible to sink any ships in a single attack, they can certainly damage a capital ship or finish one off.

Mines are of use in narrow shipping lanes, again helping to damage enemy ships and function as a force multiplier.

(in reply to wodin)
Post #: 7
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