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Eyes, Ears, and Teeth

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Eyes, Ears, and Teeth - 12/25/2019 3:41:56 PM   


Posts: 96
Joined: 3/12/2017
From: Akron, OH
Status: offline
What is going on exactly? It appears to be a meeting engagement but the Soviets have 2x the force size of the US in terms of VPs so good luck with that. I don't get it, as NATO, I am not really sure what I am expected to actually accomplish. The helos are nice while they live which is not long.

Try to grab a few VP hexes right before the scenario ends? Grab them early and Soviets just take them.
Post #: 1
RE: Eyes, Ears, and Teeth - 3/19/2020 10:16:01 PM   

Posts: 333
Joined: 4/25/2016
From: Red China
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ORIGINAL: ctcharger

What is going on exactly? It appears to be a meeting engagement but the Soviets have 2x the force size of the US in terms of VPs so good luck with that. I don't get it, as NATO, I am not really sure what I am expected to actually accomplish. The helos are nice while they live which is not long.

Try to grab a few VP hexes right before the scenario ends? Grab them early and Soviets just take them.

I played this scenario several times , both against AI and in PBEM. I believe the NATO's best chance to win is in south, on the hill overlook the whole valley.

NATO force's units VP is 2602, groud VP is 3500. WP's unit VP is 5939. So technically you can give up all the groud, preserve your force, give soviets a bloody nose and acheive tactical victory.

You have superior arty force, this is your teeth. Everything else is your eyes and ears. So the hill village is the key to the victory.

Due to the distance, Soviets recon force could be the first on the hill. But there is a gap between the recon and mainbody. So you can intitate an attack to take the hill back. Then setup a good air defence to take care of the Hind. After that it should be relatively easy.


Sir? Do you want to order a Kung Pao Chicken or a Kung Fu Chicken?

(in reply to ctcharger)
Post #: 2
RE: Eyes, Ears, and Teeth - 3/31/2020 7:16:41 PM   

Posts: 318
Joined: 4/4/2002
From: Montevideo, Uruguay
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It happens that, after a long time with FPG safely stored in my HD I updated it to GR hoping that the aspects of the game I disliked and pushed me to quit playing it had been corrected with the succesive updates. Some had, some others hadn't.
I pbem the scenario you refer to with a friend, a total newbie who played NATO. I found the scenario and the game itself quite disappointing.
Recon is a very tricky thing to simulate in games. The main objective of the highly trained recon units is to find information about the enemy and, if possible, to survive. In most games recon units just perform, as some gamer pointed, "recon by death" which means that once they spot the enemy they are killed by the often superior forces they tried to shadow.
If you read a military manual about recconoitering you will notice that nobody ask you to be killed, and they give you many info about how to see without being seen. You hide and watch, then get away without being noticed. Tell me a game in which you can do that without your recon units being wiped out. I was able to do that only playing Steel Beasts Pro PE, a simulation created to train the military that the designers were kind enough to allow us civilians to use, albeit in a limited version. In SBPE you can disembark from your recon vehicle well hid behind a hill or blocking obstacle, crawl down until yo see the enemy, do your account and stealthy crawl back, get into your vehicle and get away before you are spotted.
I didn't understand the goals of that particular scenario you mention either. I guess the designer just tried to replicate the difficulties of reconnoitering but I also found it confusing. And one thing is to play, either side, against the meager AI and another against another human. WP outnumbers NATO (far more in the version designerd to be played as NATO!) but most WP assets are just outgunned tin cans. And T64's against M-1s...a joke. I have also noticed that in many scenarios WP has only T64s. Didn't they have T72s?
Now my friend and I are finishing another scenario, me playing WP again and there is something in this game that I feel very wrong. Hopefully the new version will be better, let's see...

(in reply to KungPao)
Post #: 3
RE: Eyes, Ears, and Teeth - 4/2/2020 10:04:45 PM   
fluidwill matrix


Posts: 140
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This. Great answer.

(in reply to KungPao)
Post #: 4
RE: Eyes, Ears, and Teeth - 7/16/2020 8:57:42 PM   

Posts: 489
Joined: 8/13/2002
Status: offline
I played this the other day as NATO against the AI and got clobbered. I didn't expect the WP main body to arrive.

I wonder if NATO should get to the bridges as quick as possible, blow them, then fall back.

Anyone try this?

(in reply to fluidwill matrix)
Post #: 5
RE: Eyes, Ears, and Teeth - 2/26/2021 9:29:10 AM   


Posts: 182
Joined: 2/11/2019
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ORIGINAL: Panta_slith
I have also noticed that in many scenarios WP has only T64s. Didn't they have T72s?

T-72s aren't an upgrade of T-64s but a parallel development. T-64 are more advanced and equiped first line units, reason we sometimes see more T-64s in FPCRS.

(in reply to Panta_slith)
Post #: 6
RE: Eyes, Ears, and Teeth - 9/20/2021 2:55:50 PM   


Posts: 51
Joined: 10/10/2013
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ORIGINAL: ctcharger

What is going on exactly? It appears to be a meeting engagement but the Soviets have 2x the force size of the US in terms of VPs so good luck with that. I don't get it, as NATO, I am not really sure what I am expected to actually accomplish. The helos are nice while they live which is not long.

Try to grab a few VP hexes right before the scenario ends? Grab them early and Soviets just take them.

I played this scenario several times , both against AI and in PBEM. I believe the NATO's best chance to win is in south, on the hill overlook the whole valley.

NATO force's units VP is 2602, groud VP is 3500. WP's unit VP is 5939. So technically you can give up all the groud, preserve your force, give soviets a bloody nose and acheive tactical victory.

You have superior arty force, this is your teeth. Everything else is your eyes and ears. So the hill village is the key to the victory.

Due to the distance, Soviets recon force could be the first on the hill. But there is a gap between the recon and mainbody. So you can intitate an attack to take the hill back. Then setup a good air defence to take care of the Hind. After that it should be relatively easy.

Thanks for that, this is a really good advice

(in reply to KungPao)
Post #: 7
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