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Minor map issues

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Minor map issues - 9/25/2020 12:56:11 PM   
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Matrix Hero


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Some minor corrections/comments on the map based on looking at Scandinavian parts of it for a while:

- Nuuk wasn't called that until 1979, before then it's official name was Godthåb.

- The Ounasjoki river in northern Finland is mispelt Ounaajoki

- The port of Reyðarfjörður in eastern Iceland should probably be included as it was a major logistics centre in WW2.

- Maybe consider including at least the largest of the Åland Islands (Fasta Åland) with the port of Mariehamn as this was claimed by Sweden and they (and the Germans) actually invaded it in 1918.

- Ditto Torshavn in the Faroe Islands (theoretically could have been a submarine base has it be taken by the CP or Denmark joined the CP)

< Message edited by FOARP -- 9/28/2020 9:22:43 AM >


American Front: a Work-in-progress CSA v USA Turtledove mod for SC:WW1 can be seen here.
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RE: Minor map issues - 9/28/2020 9:04:40 AM   
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Thanks FOARP.


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Post #: 2
RE: Minor map issues - 9/28/2020 7:37:42 PM   
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Matrix Recruit


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Now, for the Balkans and the Middle East, in no particular order

- Messina, Plovdiv, Corfu, and Constantinople have this weird road that is not connected on the other end. This might seem innocent, but for the latter it might prevent operating from Asia to Europe.

- Gaziantep was just Antep in this era, Gazi being a title conferred to the city because of its resistance in the Franco-Turkish war. Similarly with "Sanli" Urfa and "Kahraman" Marash

- Pretty sure Üsküb and Rustchuk were just the Turkish names for the cities, and they would probably be called by their present names by WWI

- Many of the Caucasus Mountains are definitely high mountains, and Mount Elbrus, being the highest mountain in Europe, is higher than all of the Alps.

- As far as I am aware, there was no railroad through the Darial Gorge, but there was one along the Russian Black Sea coast

- The Trans-Iranian railway, as far as I know, was not constructed yet either.

- The Aras (or Araks) is a tributary of the Kura, linking to it somewhere southwest of Kurdamir.

(in reply to BillRunacre)
Post #: 3
RE: Minor map issues - 9/28/2020 7:59:49 PM   
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Matrix Hero


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ORIGINAL: Tendraline

- Pretty sure Üsküb and Rustchuk were just the Turkish names for the cities, and they would probably be called by their present names by WWI

Wiki says that Skopje was called Üsküb right up until the Balkan Wars, and this map from 1914 says "Üsküb (Skoplje)" so it seems both names were in use at that point. For preference I would go with Skopje as it is more recognisable and is the Serbo-Croat/Macedonian name.

For "Rustchuk" this name appears to have still been in use on English maps as late as 1919. I don't know when Ruse started to become the commonly-used in English or why the Turkish name was still being used then.

Agree about most other points though.

< Message edited by FOARP -- 9/28/2020 8:01:22 PM >


American Front: a Work-in-progress CSA v USA Turtledove mod for SC:WW1 can be seen here.

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Post #: 4
RE: Minor map issues - 9/29/2020 3:34:24 AM   
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Matrix Elite Guard

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ORIGINAL: Tendraline

- Pretty sure Üsküb and Rustchuk were just the Turkish names for the cities, and they would probably be called by their present names by WWI

Wiki says that Skopje was called Üsküb right up until the Balkan Wars, and this map from 1914 says "Üsküb (Skoplje)" so it seems both names were in use at that point. For preference I would go with Skopje as it is more recognisable and is the Serbo-Croat/Macedonian name.

For "Rustchuk" this name appears to have still been in use on English maps as late as 1919. I don't know when Ruse started to become the commonly-used in English or why the Turkish name was still being used then.

Agree about most other points though.

Uskub threw me for a loop too when I started playing on this map. I have an antique map from around 1908 (pre-Balkan Wars) with this name instead of Skopje. I believe this map was published in London but unfortunately its severely worn in places....still, a fascinating piece of reference material.

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Post #: 5
RE: Minor map issues - 11/14/2020 6:38:28 PM   
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Matrix Recruit


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Some minor corrections/comments regarding the North Sea:

- Until the Afsluitdiik ("Enclusure Dam") was built in 1927-1932 the IJsselmeer (Lake IJssel) was called Zuiderzee.

- The important German naval port of Emden (shipyard, submarine and torpedoboat base) is missing.

(in reply to OldCrowBalthazor)
Post #: 6
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