Matrix Recruit

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Joined: 9/28/2020 Status: offline
Now, for the Balkans and the Middle East, in no particular order - Messina, Plovdiv, Corfu, and Constantinople have this weird road that is not connected on the other end. This might seem innocent, but for the latter it might prevent operating from Asia to Europe. - Gaziantep was just Antep in this era, Gazi being a title conferred to the city because of its resistance in the Franco-Turkish war. Similarly with "Sanli" Urfa and "Kahraman" Marash - Pretty sure Üsküb and Rustchuk were just the Turkish names for the cities, and they would probably be called by their present names by WWI - Many of the Caucasus Mountains are definitely high mountains, and Mount Elbrus, being the highest mountain in Europe, is higher than all of the Alps. - As far as I am aware, there was no railroad through the Darial Gorge, but there was one along the Russian Black Sea coast - The Trans-Iranian railway, as far as I know, was not constructed yet either. - The Aras (or Araks) is a tributary of the Kura, linking to it somewhere southwest of Kurdamir.