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RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR.

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RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/26/2021 7:57:19 PM   

Posts: 23483
Joined: 5/21/2009
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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. Allied #9. (Continued).

1/22/21, 4:19 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/22/21, 4:19 PM - [Allied]: Instructions?
1/22/21, 4:20 PM - [Axis]: 4 box
1/22/21, 4:20 PM - [Allied]: Naval air I assume?
1/22/21, 4:20 PM - [Axis]: yes
1/22/21, 4:21 PM - [Allied]: No AA
1/22/21, 4:21 PM - [Axis]: max damage
1/22/21, 4:21 PM - [Allied]: copy

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 571
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/26/2021 7:58:37 PM   

Posts: 23483
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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. Allied #9. (Continued).

1/22/21, 4:21 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/22/21, 4:21 PM - [Axis]: D on Algerie
1/22/21, 4:21 PM - [Allied]: copy
1/22/21, 4:22 PM - [Allied]: 2nd D on Duguay.
1/22/21, 4:22 PM - [Axis]: Axis will stay in zone
1/22/21, 4:22 PM - [Allied]: Allies too
1/22/21, 4:24 PM - [Allied]: Got two emails for Round 3 searches? Did you too? Applied the first. Not sure why the second came?
1/22/21, 4:26 PM - [Allied]: CA Algeire damged, CA Duguay aborted. That leaves the last A. Algerie or Suffren
1/22/21, 4:26 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/22/21, 4:26 PM - [Axis]: Suffren
1/22/21, 4:26 PM - [Allied]: copy
1/22/21, 4:26 PM - [Axis]: I received 2 as well. Probably accidentally clicked twice
1/22/21, 4:27 PM - [Allied]: So in those cases first one received by timestamp is the one applied ... sound ok?
1/22/21, 4:27 PM - [Allied]: Suffren aborted.
1/22/21, 4:27 PM - [Axis]: sure

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 572
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/26/2021 7:59:42 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. Allied #9. (Continued).

1/22/21, 4:27 PM - [Allied]: Off to round 4. Subs not committed.
1/22/21, 4:29 PM - [Allied]: Searches: RN/French=10, RM/KM=5, only the Italians find.
1/22/21, 4:30 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/22/21, 4:30 PM - [Axis]: 4 box only
1/22/21, 4:30 PM - [Axis]: Let's try and sink the Algerie
1/22/21, 4:30 PM - [Allied]: copy. no aa so max damage I assume.
1/22/21, 4:31 PM - [Axis]: yes

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 573
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/26/2021 8:00:21 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. Allied #9. (Continued).

1/22/21, 4:32 PM - [Allied]: 2D, 1A. But only the first roll matters as the Algerie is already damaged. 70% chance of sinking her. Time to roll.
1/22/21, 4:32 PM - [Allied]: d10=1, she's sunk.
1/22/21, 4:32 PM - [Allied]: Allies stay.
1/22/21, 4:33 PM - [Axis]: Axis stay
1/22/21, 4:33 PM - [Allied]: Round 5 now.
1/22/21, 4:33 PM - [Allied]: Subs not commited.
1/22/21, 4:35 PM - [Allied]: Searches: RN=9, Ita RM/Ger KM=6. Neither find. Battle ends.
1/22/21, 4:37 PM - [Allied]: Italian aborts to where? Potential for intercept in both West Med and Italian Coast.
1/22/21, 4:37 PM - [Axis]: Salonica
1/22/21, 4:37 PM - [Allied]: Where is that?
1/22/21, 4:38 PM - [Axis]: Northern Greece
1/22/21, 4:38 PM - [Allied]: got you.
1/22/21, 4:38 PM - [Allied]: Need to learn my geography.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 574
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/26/2021 8:03:23 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. Allied #9. (Continued).

1/22/21, 4:39 PM - [Allied]: What back up: Faeores Gap & West Med. Initiate in either or both?
1/22/21, 4:40 PM - [Axis]: Just West Med
1/22/21, 4:40 PM - [Allied]: copy
1/22/21, 4:41 PM - [Allied]: air support? commit sub?
1/22/21, 4:41 PM - [Allied]: no air support possible. sub?
1/22/21, 4:42 PM - [Axis]: no
1/22/21, 4:42 PM - [Allied]: copy
1/22/21, 4:42 PM - [Allied]: Searches then
1/22/21, 4:44 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/22/21, 4:44 PM - [Allied]: Italy=3, RN=9. Only Italy finds.
1/22/21, 4:44 PM - [Allied]: Instructions?
1/22/21, 4:45 PM - [Axis]: avoid
1/22/21, 4:45 PM - [Allied]: Ok. That's interesting since you initiate but understand.
1/22/21, 4:45 PM - [Allied]: avoided.
1/22/21, 4:46 PM - [Allied]: time for dinner and such. Will finish up later and get turn back to you for you to go through your impulse tomorrow (or later).
1/22/21, 4:47 PM - [Allied]: But before, RAF will go ahead and strat bomb Paris.
1/22/21, 4:48 PM - [Axis]: ok

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 575
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/26/2021 8:05:26 PM   

Posts: 23483
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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. Allied #9. (Continued).

1/22/21, 4:48 PM - [Allied]: d10=3+1=4 missed.
1/22/21, 4:49 PM - [Allied]: Oh you can intercept ... missed that.
1/22/21, 4:49 PM - [Allied]: Intercept? 5 a2a vs 1 defense.
1/22/21, 4:49 PM - [Axis]: yes
1/22/21, 4:50 PM - [Allied]: How should we handle my premature strat roll, or such rolls like that in the future?
1/22/21, 4:51 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/22/21, 4:52 PM - [Allied]: Axis 2D10=7, Wellesley shot down, PIL survives (so strat roll n/a, but still need to decided how to handle such mistakes in the future).
1/22/21, 4:53 PM - [Axis]: What do u think is fair?
1/22/21, 4:54 PM - [Allied]: Allied 2d10=18, Bf 109 E-2 shot down, PIL survives.
1/22/21, 4:54 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/22/21, 4:55 PM - [Allied]: Personally I think if there are prior rolls that need to be made for an event that has been rolled for prematurely
1/22/21, 4:56 PM - [Allied]: But for only for those events.
1/22/21, 4:58 PM - [Allied]: For example if a series of rolls are made for a number of strat or ground strikes, but we find that a mission could be intercepted; then the person that can intercept can decide to intercept or not and only that specific mission is impacted (i.e., it's strat or ground strike roll is voided).
1/22/21, 4:59 PM - [Allied]: This does penalize the player a bit who rolled prematurely in that the defender knows the outcome of the event (strat or ground strike) if they choose not to intercept.
1/22/21, 4:59 PM - [Allied]: But only that event.
1/22/21, 5:00 PM - [Allied]: But only that specific event (or mission) is void if they choose to intercept. The others which can't be intercepted are not.
1/22/21, 5:00 PM - [Allied]: Long winded I know. What do you think? Your opinion?
1/22/21, 5:01 PM - [Axis]: Let me think about it, family talking to me
1/22/21, 6:17 PM - [Allied]: ND40. Allied #9. End of turn check (ends on 3 or less).
1/22/21, 6:18 PM - [Allied]: d10=9, turn continues. Now for the weather.
1/22/21, 6:19 PM - [Allied]: d10=7,
1/22/21, 6:19 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/22/21, 6:20 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/22/21, 6:20 PM - [Allied]: back to you for axis impulse 11

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 576
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/26/2021 8:30:34 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. Axis #11.

1/23/21, 12:08 AM - [Axis]: Land actions for Italy and Japan. Combined for Germany
1/23/21, 6:12 AM - [Axis]: Turn ends

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 577
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/26/2021 8:31:16 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn.

1/23/21, 6:12 AM - [Axis]: Good morning
1/23/21, 6:19 AM - [Axis]: <Media omitted>
1/23/21, 6:19 AM - [Axis]: U have a Chinese partisan. I will need it back for SAS this time
1/23/21, 8:32 AM - [Allied]: morning.☕
1/23/21, 8:32 AM - [Allied]: Just back from my run. 🏃
1/23/21, 8:34 AM - [Allied]: Will get to my impulse later this morning.
1/23/21, 11:32 AM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/23/21, 11:32 AM - [Allied]: Chinese partisan placed on RP 73,143
1/23/21, 11:33 AM - [Axis]: ok
1/23/21, 11:33 AM - [Allied]: Assume both Nazi pact chits to offensive?
1/23/21, 11:33 AM - [Axis]: yes please
1/23/21, 11:34 AM - [Allied]: Soviet to defensive.
1/23/21, 11:36 AM - [Allied]: 172, 62, 80; all 1's.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 578
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/26/2021 8:32:33 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. (Continued).

1/23/21, 11:36 AM - [Allied]: US draw will be made for Germany/Italy entry
1/23/21, 11:37 AM - [Allied]: 286 => 3-value
1/23/21, 11:38 AM - [Allied]: no additional US entry options (could be) selected.
1/23/21, 11:38 AM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 579
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/26/2021 8:38:11 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. (Continued).

1/23/21, 11:51 AM - [Axis]: Have to run an errand. For Germany, only the He 115C remains at sea. For Italy, everything in the one box of East med moves down a box. Gabby in 4 box there moves down a box. Everything else returns to base
1/23/21, 12:05 PM - [Allied]: copy
1/23/21, 12:27 PM - [Allied]: German RTB (can move if necessary):
(1) 2 German U-boats Faeores Gap to Bordeaux, France
(2) He 112 Italian Coast (0-box) to Trapani, Sicily
1/23/21, 12:29 PM - [Allied]: Italian RTB (can move if necessary):
(1) Gabbiano West Med (4-box) to Sicily 73,37
(2) Sub West Med (4-box) to La Spezia, Italy
(3) 2 BBs & CA Italian Coast (3-box) to La Spezia, Italy
(3) CA East Med (3-box) to La Spezia, Italy
1/23/21, 12:31 PM - [Axis]: 2 bbs to salonica
1/23/21, 12:31 PM - [Axis]: everything else good
1/23/21, 12:31 PM - [Allied]: copy

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< Message edited by rkr1958 -- 1/26/2021 11:41:05 PM >



(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 580
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 7:41:25 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. (Continued).

1/23/21, 12:32 PM - [Axis]: before i get oil, please make sure no oil is being sent to production
1/23/21, 12:33 PM - [Allied]: copy
1/23/21, 12:33 PM - [Axis]: matter of fact, i won't need file if u can send screenshots
1/23/21, 12:34 PM - [Allied]: copy
1/23/21, 12:49 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/23/21, 12:49 PM - [Allied]: Use Oil. Germany. Instructions?
1/23/21, 12:50 PM - [Axis]: leave the amphib, transport, and he115c unoiled
1/23/21, 12:50 PM - [Axis]: use 1 exactly
1/23/21, 1:04 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/23/21, 1:04 PM - [Axis]: looks good
1/23/21, 1:04 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 581
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 7:42:09 PM   

Posts: 23483
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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. (Continued).

1/23/21, 1:04 PM - [Allied]: Next up, Italy
1/23/21, 1:05 PM - [Axis]: use 51,36 resource first and reorg all
1/23/21, 1:06 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/23/21, 1:06 PM - [Axis]: good
1/23/21, 1:06 PM - [Allied]: copy
1/23/21, 1:07 PM - [Allied]: probably shouldn't tell you this but I will since it's a friendly game. You could also have reorg the 3 German units left flipped without having to send any more oil.
1/23/21, 1:07 PM - [Allied]: Want me to do that for you?
1/23/21, 1:08 PM - [Axis]: That's ok. I was thinking Italy needed the .4. Continue on to Japan please
1/23/21, 1:08 PM - [Allied]: ok

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 582
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 7:42:47 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. (Continued).

1/23/21, 1:09 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/23/21, 1:09 PM - [Allied]: Japan
1/23/21, 1:09 PM - [Axis]: all please
1/23/21, 1:10 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/23/21, 1:10 PM - [Axis]: good
1/23/21, 1:15 PM - [Allied]: Use Oil. Allied.
(1) China: 0.4 need, 0.4 used, 0 consumed, 1 left available for reorg
(2) CW: 5.3 need, 5.3 used, 5 consumed, 14 left
(3) Free France: 0.4 need, 0.4 used, 0 consumed, 3 left
(4) USA: 0 need, 0 used, 0 consumed, 25 left
(5) USSR: 0.1 need, 0.1 used, 0 consumed, 14 left

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 583
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 7:43:23 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. (Continued).

1/23/21, 1:15 PM - [Allied]: any breakdowns or scraps?
1/23/21, 1:15 PM - [Axis]: no
1/23/21, 1:16 PM - [Allied]: do you need the file back for final production?
1/23/21, 1:16 PM - [Axis]: Italy should be at 8 and Germany 17 BP I think
1/23/21, 1:16 PM - [Axis]: no
1/23/21, 1:17 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/23/21, 1:17 PM - [Allied]: got Germany at 15
1/23/21, 1:17 PM - [Allied]: 16
1/23/21, 1:17 PM - [Allied]: only idle resource is on Cyprus
1/23/21, 1:18 PM - [Axis]: got it
1/23/21, 1:18 PM - [Axis]: Germany good

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 584
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 7:43:54 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. (Continued).

1/23/21, 1:21 PM - [Allied]: Final Production. Axis.
(1) Germany: 16 BPs, 1+2=3 saved oil
(2) Italy: 8 BPs, 0+0=0 saved oil
(3) Japan: 13 BPs, 18+4=22 saved oil
(4) Vichy: 1 BP, 0+0=0 saved oil
1/23/21, 1:22 PM - [Axis]: Good

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 585
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 7:44:44 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. (Continued).

1/23/21, 1:23 PM - [Allied]: Final Production. Allied.
(1) China: 4 BPs, 1+0=1 saved oil
(2) CW: 17 BPs, 13+6=19 saved oil
(3) Free France: 0 BPs, 3+1=4 saved oil
(4) USA: 10 BPs, 10+1=11 saved oil
(5) USSR: 13 BPs, 6+1=7 saved oil
1/23/21, 1:26 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/23/21, 1:26 PM - [Allied]: back to you for axis production
1/23/21, 1:27 PM - [Axis]: got it
1/23/21, 1:36 PM - [Axis]: back to u
1/23/21, 1:36 PM - [Axis]: <Media omitted>
1/23/21, 1:38 PM - [Allied]: got it
1/23/21, 1:57 PM - [Allied]: Surrender China to Japan? No.
1/23/21, 1:59 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/23/21, 1:59 PM - [Allied]: back you for axis factory destruction and then place units.
1/23/21, 2:06 PM - [Axis]: back to u
1/23/21, 2:06 PM - [Axis]: <Media omitted>
1/23/21, 2:06 PM - [Allied]: got it

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 586
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 8:10:57 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. Western Front.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 587
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 8:11:27 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. West Med/Italian Coast.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 588
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 8:11:51 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. Greece/East Med.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 589
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 8:12:17 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. Eastern Europe.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 590
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 8:12:49 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. China.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 591
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 8:13:18 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. Mongolia/Manchuria/Soviet Asia.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 592
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 8:13:45 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. Global Map. Control.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 593
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 8:14:03 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. Global Map. Units.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 594
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 8:14:25 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. Global Map. Active Axis.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 595
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 8:14:57 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. Global Map. Active Allied.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 596
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/27/2021 8:15:19 PM   

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Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. Victory Totals.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 597
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/29/2021 6:36:06 PM   

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Turn 9. Jan/Feb 1941. Start of Turn.

1/23/21, 2:07 PM - [Allied]: Lending change(s) and initiative instructions?
1/23/21, 2:07 PM - [Axis]: no lending changes
1/23/21, 2:08 PM - [Axis]: Will wait and see how first initiative roll goes
1/23/21, 2:19 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/23/21, 2:19 PM - [Allied]: Free France starts sending 1 oil to the CW. No other changes.

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 598
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/29/2021 6:37:11 PM   

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Turn 9. Jan/Feb 1941. Start of Turn. (Concluded).

1/23/21, 2:19 PM - [Allied]: Rolls for initiative coming ...
1/23/21, 2:21 PM - [Allied]: First roll (allies win tie): Axis=7, Allied=4+1=5, axis win. Allies request a reroll.
1/23/21, 2:22 PM - [Axis]: ok
1/23/21, 2:22 PM - [Allied]: Survival of Nationalist China is at stake!
1/23/21, 2:22 PM - [Axis]: Weather roll could save u
1/23/21, 2:23 PM - [Allied]: not the way my luck's been going. :(
1/23/21, 2:24 PM - [Allied]: Phew ... axis=5, allied=8.
1/23/21, 2:24 PM - [Allied]: Though it cost me 1 on the initiative track; had to do it!
1/23/21, 2:25 PM - [Axis]: Yep
1/23/21, 2:25 PM - [Allied]: Obviously allies move first.
1/23/21, 2:25 PM - [Axis]: sure

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(in reply to rkr1958)
Post #: 599
RE: PBEM Global War: Narrative AAR. - 1/29/2021 6:37:57 PM   

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Turn 9. Jan/Feb 1941. Allied #1.

1/23/21, 2:25 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/23/21, 2:26 PM - [Allied]: Now for the weather roll.
1/23/21, 2:27 PM - [Allied]: d10=8+1=9.
1/23/21, 2:28 PM - [Allied]: <Media omitted>
1/23/21, 2:28 PM - [Allied]: That was close ... for the Nationalist that is ...
1/23/21, 2:29 PM - [Axis]: Yep
1/23/21, 2:29 PM - [Axis]: Gonna be afk a while, I don't think you need me in short term do you?
1/23/21, 2:31 PM - [Allied]: ok, talk to you later
1/23/21, 2:35 PM - [Allied]: I love MWiF for the ability to make probability calculations of certain things; for example, the probability at the end of your last impulse of getting the turn to end, axis winning the initiative and getting the weather you needed in order to flank the Nationalists and capture an empty Chungking.
1/23/21, 2:36 PM - [Axis]: should be back in about 45
1/23/21, 2:36 PM - [Allied]: see you then. have a good trip/etc.
1/23/21, 2:38 PM - [Allied]: Four things had to happen for the axis to make that a reality: (1) turn ends (80%), (2) allies lose the first roll (35%), (3) allies lose the second roll (45%) and (4) weather in north temperate for JF snow/fine (fine not possible with +1) (60%).
1/23/21, 2:40 PM - [Allied]: Before you rolled for end of turn, the probability of all four of these things occurring was 0.0756, or 7.56%. Even though I knew the turn was likely to end (80% chance), I was still VERY nervous about the initiative.
1/23/21, 2:40 PM - [Allied]: I do like solo play but what I like about multi-player play is the cat and mouse.
1/23/21, 2:41 PM - [Allied]: In solo both sides would have the same knowledge ... in our game I was hoping against hope you had possibly overlooked or forgot the situation in China.
1/23/21, 2:42 PM - [Allied]: I was hoping when I asked about the initiative you'd say if the axis win they'll move second.
1/23/21, 2:43 PM - [Allied]: By the way, I was fully aware of the situation since last turn but maintained OPSEC (i.e., was tight lip) not to tip you off if case you had overlooked the situation.
1/23/21, 2:44 PM - [Allied]: When you gave me the wait and see for the initiative roll I was 99.99% positive that you knew what score.
1/23/21, 2:45 PM - [Allied]: You did get 3 of the 4 things needed (i.e., turn ended, won the first roll and got snow in the north temperate); fortunately for Chaing and his nationalist the allies won the 2nd initiative roll.
1/23/21, 2:46 PM - [Allied]: Well I fear this is more of a postponement than a reprieve for the Nationalist. 😧
1/23/21, 3:06 PM - [Allied]: Turn 9. Jan/Feb 1941. CW - naval, France - naval, China - land, USA - combine, USSR - combine.

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