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Poll: First DW2 expansion?

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Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 9:27:19 AM   

Posts: 589
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From: Eastern Nebula
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"But wait! DW2 is not even close to be released yet!"

I know, but I'm curious to probe the ground since the subject of expansions has come up several times already.

It doesn't seem that I can create a poll directly in this forum, so I created one at StrawPoll.

>>> TO VOTE:


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EDIT: Extended modding support in not among the available answers, but if that's a priority for you, feel free to mention it below!

< Message edited by Miletkir -- 2/1/2021 6:31:25 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 10:36:30 AM   

Posts: 574
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Wanna wait and see the final game before I check what expansions we will need. I would prefer any of these(except multiplayer) in no order.

(in reply to Miletkir)
Post #: 2
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 11:02:37 AM   


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Multiplayer can not be a Addition/DLC feature. There are two options. Either:
- the game is designed for Multiplayer. In this case the base game should be MP capable, to have a healthy player base and as a selling point.
- the game is not designed for Multiplayer. Adding Multiplayer is somewhere around impossible in this case.

Orbiting planets also has the potential to be a giant CPU time waste. Pathfinding alone would become a nightmare, nevermind actually tracking all those objects moving around across the entire galaxy.

< Message edited by zgrssd -- 2/1/2021 11:04:11 AM >

(in reply to LordMM)
Post #: 3
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 11:27:08 AM   


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None of those sound at all interesting except for more playable races, and orbiting planets (and I suspect the latter will never happen).

(in reply to zgrssd)
Post #: 4
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 12:02:40 PM   


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Playable Pirates of course :).

MP if possible.

I see Races as individual DLCs, but could also be expansion.

(in reply to Cauldyth)
Post #: 5
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 12:05:28 PM   

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Pirates for me too.

(in reply to arvcran2)
Post #: 6
RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 12:15:23 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Miletkir

"But wait! DW2 is not even close to be released yet!"

I know, but I'm curious to probe the ground since the subject of expansions has come up several times already.

It doesn't seem that I can create a poll directly in this forum, so I created one here:


Content of the poll:

The first Distant Worlds 2 expansion would have to be...

  • Playable pirates!

  • Implementation of jump gates

  • Development of ground assault mechanics

  • More playable races / factions

  • A model with raw, processed and manufactured resources

  • Multiplayer

  • Orbiting planets! Orbiting planets! Orbiting planets!

  • Pirates or planetary development

    (in reply to Miletkir)
    Post #: 7
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 12:30:49 PM   

    Posts: 589
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    Pirate people, vote for pirates on the Straw poll! Currently at 0 votes

    (in reply to Webbco)
    Post #: 8
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 1:26:38 PM   


    Posts: 724
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    I voted for orbital planets. In DW, especially with the advanced ranges of Fighters/Bombers in my mod, the changing positions of the planets became very important. A mining base might have two or three bomber bases that could defend it sometimes and at other times have revolved away from that protection. It added another element of planning when to attack. I'm not sure I can go back to static planets, 3d or not.


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    (in reply to Miletkir)
    Post #: 9
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 2:27:12 PM   

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    Orbiting planets. As RogerBacon states, they can make a big difference in some tactical situations and add a lot of visual appeal as well. The first time I played DW 1, I was in such a hurry to start a colony that I built a colony ship before I had a FTL drive. Unfortunately, I didn't give it enough engines to exceed the target planet's orbital speed and didn't realize it until I ended up in a stern chase I couldn't win. So, no space game can be believable if the planets don't orbit.

    After that, more races of course!


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    Post #: 10
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 2:41:38 PM   

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    I would pick orbiting planets, but I fear that it just isn't practical for them to make it happen. It's a real shame, because that feature, in my opinion, contributed to the living galaxy feal of 'Distant Worlds'. It made the galaxy seem dynamic instead of static. I recall the first time I played Stellaris, and my first thought was 'OMG, the planets don't even orbit!'

    It's a tragedy that we have to lose this one.

    There's a lot to be positive about in DW2, but this is one of the negatives.



    (in reply to Sieben)
    Post #: 11
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 3:44:23 PM   

    Posts: 589
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    Results at 25 votes:

    < Message edited by Miletkir -- 2/1/2021 3:52:55 PM >

    (in reply to Osito)
    Post #: 12
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 5:03:53 PM   


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    I voted for ground assault mechanics because this is the most lacking game element in every 4x game I played so far.

    Polaris sector game so far implements best ground assault tactics, although focus on that aspect is far from enough.

    I consider this very important because waging battles in space with space ships is one thing, while conquering planets is completely another thing,
    both deserve equal amount of focus and complexity.

    Smaller empires should be able to defend their planets primarily because they can't wield larger space navies due to lack of required resources.
    In combination with alliances (for survival) smaller empires should be able to stand the test of time against larger empires.

    (in reply to Miletkir)
    Post #: 13
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 5:37:59 PM   

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    My choice isn't on your list.

    Extensive modding support.

    (in reply to zebanovich)
    Post #: 14
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 6:15:43 PM   

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    ORIGINAL: SirHoraceHarkness

    My choice isn't on your list.

    Extensive modding support.

    Yes, I considered adding it in, but I thought the addition of modding tools was different than a standalone expansion with new content. Duly noted, though.

    (in reply to SirHoraceHarkness)
    Post #: 15
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 6:41:40 PM   

    Posts: 7380
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    From: Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
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    Orbiting planets? Like DW1?


    Chancellor Gorkon to Captain James T. Kirk:
    You don't trust me, do you? I don't blame you. If there is to be a brave new world, our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it.

    (in reply to Miletkir)
    Post #: 16
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 6:50:37 PM   

    Posts: 589
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    ORIGINAL: ncc1701e

    Orbiting planets? Like DW1?

    Yeah. Erik mentioned it would be a huge amount of work, but did not entirely reject it forever... hum...

    (in reply to ncc1701e)
    Post #: 17
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 7:00:45 PM   

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    ORIGINAL: Miletkir


    ORIGINAL: ncc1701e

    Orbiting planets? Like DW1?

    Yeah. Erik mentioned it would be a huge amount of work, but did not entirely reject it forever... hum...

    The theme from the replies I am getting is that just to bring DWU into a modern engine polishing it up and expanding on some of the features along with an actual 3d art budget is taking up all they can invest at the moment. So depending on sales and interest we could see a flood of new content and features or a trickle. I guess its all going to be down to marketing and word of mouth once enough details come out.

    From a niche game perspective there isn't really any competition if they get it out third quarter so those inclined to play these types of games will have only one real choice. They could probably have done a fair bit more if they had stuck to a modern 2d engine as 2d art is way cheaper to produce but they decided 3d was the great leap forward so here we are.

    (in reply to Miletkir)
    Post #: 18
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 7:06:39 PM   

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    ORIGINAL: Miletkir


    ORIGINAL: ncc1701e

    Orbiting planets? Like DW1?

    Yeah. Erik mentioned it would be a huge amount of work, but did not entirely reject it forever... hum...

    Wow I missed it. Do you mean DW2 has no orbiting planets?


    Chancellor Gorkon to Captain James T. Kirk:
    You don't trust me, do you? I don't blame you. If there is to be a brave new world, our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it.

    (in reply to Miletkir)
    Post #: 19
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 7:14:37 PM   

    Posts: 589
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    From the FAQ:

    Am I crazy or do the planets no longer orbit their stars?
    --> I explained this a bit in the stream Q&A, but bottom line is that the the planets still rotate, but they no longer have animated orbits.
    Partly this is due to the change in scale, the rest comes down to the difference between having things look ok in 2D where ships and stations moved through each other all the time vs. nice 3D where they need to avoid colliding, enter hangars and docking bays properly, exit construction yards, etc.
    Having the orbits match up with the more realistic scale would have meant they would be slow enough that you likely wouldn't notice the movement easily, while at the same time any movement would create a lot more challenges for us in terms of the new 3D mechanism for docking of ships in spaceports and near planets and collision avoidance. We decided ultimately that it wasn't worth adding extremely slow orbits to create a huge amount of extra bugs and work to account for that when we could spend that limited time better elsewhere on other more noticeable features. It's not impossible that orbits may return at some future date, but it's not in the plans right now.

    (in reply to ncc1701e)
    Post #: 20
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 7:21:51 PM   


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    @Miletkir: LOL setting up a Poll then ignoring the results tisk! LOL

    Clearly you have not seriously attempted to playing as a DWU Pirate.

    I played a lot of hours with empires.

    I switched to Pirates because they were always a thorn in my side, and I wanted to better understand them.

    I never switched back. (lots of I's) The game was now very challenging, and hence interesting!

    The game-play was very different from the Pirate perspective. You should give them a serious attempt without any mods in DW1.

    (in reply to ncc1701e)
    Post #: 21
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 7:25:54 PM   

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    Out of all those amazing options and people choose...orbiting planets?!

    (in reply to arvcran2)
    Post #: 22
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 7:39:16 PM   

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    ORIGINAL: arvcran2

    @Miletkir: LOL setting up a Poll then ignoring the results tisk! LOL

    Not sure what you're saying. You have to register the vote yourself at StrawPoll.

    (in reply to arvcran2)
    Post #: 23
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 7:42:59 PM   


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    ORIGINAL: Miletkir


    ORIGINAL: arvcran2

    @Miletkir: LOL setting up a Poll then ignoring the results tisk! LOL

    Not sure what you're saying. You have to register the vote yourself at StrawPoll.

    Oh I see, you edited the original post and added 'StrawPoll' - Roger. What we have to re-read threads now? ;)

    (in reply to Miletkir)
    Post #: 24
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 7:46:05 PM   

    Posts: 589
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    ORIGINAL: arvcran2


    ORIGINAL: Miletkir


    ORIGINAL: arvcran2

    @Miletkir: LOL setting up a Poll then ignoring the results tisk! LOL

    Not sure what you're saying. You have to register the vote yourself at StrawPoll.

    Oh I see, you edited the original post and added 'StrawPoll' - Roger. What we have to re-read threads now? ;)

    No, StrawPoll was set up at the start, but it was perhaps a less obvious link in the middle of it. Anyway, if you voted for Pirates now, all is good

    (in reply to arvcran2)
    Post #: 25
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 8:46:04 PM   

    Posts: 7380
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    ORIGINAL: Miletkir

    From the FAQ:

    Am I crazy or do the planets no longer orbit their stars?
    --> I explained this a bit in the stream Q&A, but bottom line is that the the planets still rotate, but they no longer have animated orbits.
    Partly this is due to the change in scale, the rest comes down to the difference between having things look ok in 2D where ships and stations moved through each other all the time vs. nice 3D where they need to avoid colliding, enter hangars and docking bays properly, exit construction yards, etc.
    Having the orbits match up with the more realistic scale would have meant they would be slow enough that you likely wouldn't notice the movement easily, while at the same time any movement would create a lot more challenges for us in terms of the new 3D mechanism for docking of ships in spaceports and near planets and collision avoidance. We decided ultimately that it wasn't worth adding extremely slow orbits to create a huge amount of extra bugs and work to account for that when we could spend that limited time better elsewhere on other more noticeable features. It's not impossible that orbits may return at some future date, but it's not in the plans right now.

    Thanks, well orbiting planets is indeed missing, I definitely agree.


    Chancellor Gorkon to Captain James T. Kirk:
    You don't trust me, do you? I don't blame you. If there is to be a brave new world, our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it.

    (in reply to Miletkir)
    Post #: 26
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 9:27:50 PM   


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    IT has also been stated that ORbiting planets will not be supported as it is such a drain on the system and overcomplicates AI with trivial gameplay impact

    Edit: I just saw my point had already been made.

    < Message edited by Handbanana -- 2/1/2021 9:28:56 PM >

    (in reply to ncc1701e)
    Post #: 27
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/1/2021 11:26:34 PM   


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    I voted for resource processing, but really anything that is economics focused would please me most.

    Orbits would be great, but I'd hardly say it should be the central feature of an expansion.

    (in reply to Handbanana)
    Post #: 28
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/2/2021 2:18:48 AM   


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    I also voted resource processing, but man it was a tough call between that and orbiting planets

    (in reply to AKicebear)
    Post #: 29
    RE: Poll: First DW2 expansion? - 2/2/2021 5:07:54 AM   

    Posts: 142
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    I understand why orbiting planets didn't make it into the release version, however they were still one of my absolute favorite parts about DW1. I'd love to see them make a return to the series more than anything else when it comes to post-launch development. Orbits just added so much when it came to making Distant Worlds really feel like a living, breathing galaxy.

    Edit: Also wanted to add I totally get orbits will be a complicated mess to implement (hence their absence at release), so I won't necessarily be disappointed if they remain absent indefinitely. Orbits most likely would eat up too much development time for far too little pay off, unfortunately.

    < Message edited by Galaxy227 -- 2/2/2021 5:26:55 AM >

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