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RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union

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RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 4/29/2021 6:47:56 PM   


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T32 Supply Net South:

The supply net has improved as the front line falls back on it. 6th Army is able to hold its line against Soviet attacks and the Dnepr River bend area is beginning to benefit from the new reinforcements being rushed into the area.

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Post #: 421
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 4/29/2021 6:48:19 PM   


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T32 Air Phase:

Still no LW with snow and blizzards along the entire front.

T32 Freight:

The supply deficit holds at about 7K. The Panzer Armies are actually in pretty shape at this time but the 4th Army received less that half of its needs.

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Post #: 422
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 4/29/2021 6:48:49 PM   


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T32 AGN:

Attempt to stabilize the line for 9th Army. Shifting some reserves around to attempt to hold Kalinin for as long as possible.

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Post #: 423
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 4/29/2021 6:49:11 PM   


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T32 AGC:

Shift out worn out divisions and replace with some refitted divisions. The isolated division from 2nd Army is a lost cause at this point. I don't have the reserves or ability to try and rescue it.

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Post #: 424
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 4/29/2021 6:49:35 PM   


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T32 AGS:

Some isolated counterattacks against weak Soviet divisions helps increase the Soviet losses for the turn with few Axis losses. My Rumanians and panzer corps over the Kerch Strait force the single division facing them to retreat and the forces advance trying to divert Soviet reinforcements to this area.

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Post #: 425
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 4/29/2021 6:50:02 PM   


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T32 Files:

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Post #: 426
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 4/30/2021 4:06:05 PM   

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Loaded up some of your saves. Looks like youre starting to stabilize, which is good (although have to watch for Crimea). The mid winter mini Kerch offensive is very intriguing. What are your thoughts on 1942 plans?

< Message edited by Bamilus -- 4/30/2021 4:07:34 PM >


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Post #: 427
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 4/30/2021 5:28:39 PM   


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If I survive - and it is beginning to look okay - then a quick drive to take Leningrad is a must. This could go off pretty early as bringing back the LW will be able to isolate the Leningrad area. I probably could do the offensive there on a shoe string budget with the troops in the area and start fairly early on.

After that is the points. I need sufficient points that even taking Moscow and the surrounding VP cities will not win the game for me so there will have to be a southern offensive. Whether I could take attack both Moscow and the southern front is a question that will be crucial early on - if I decide wrong then I probably will fail in my hopes for a 42 Sudden Victory. If the Axis do not get a Sudden Victory in 42 it will be very hard to offensively win the game and it will come down to my defensive abilities in keeping the Soviets bottled up and slowed down. Since the Soviets are only at 110 settings this might be possible if I do not over stretch myself in 42 and stay strong.

The Soviets NM is down to 45 until Jul 42. This is a big boost for me although it will probably only be about two months of the summer campaign. Remember that the Soviets are at 110 so they are actually at NM of 49 now and will go up to 55 in Jul due to the 10% boost. The 55 is at the upper edge of the retreat attrition boost and will change things drastically if they get morale > 55. This will mean that pockets are more important as new units will be at NM and have to be rebuilt from scratch so pockets are vital in summer of 42 to cause harm to the Soviets. They will also have to pay for the replacement divisions (but the AI does not because it cheats).

The Kerch offensive was done when I noticed there were no Soviets defending the straits and I could pass (in good weather) without combat. The goal is to force the AI to defend the area and draw down units that could be used further north to better effect in creating double lines, large stacks, etc.

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Post #: 428
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 4/30/2021 5:32:38 PM   


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T33 Soviet Attacks

The Soviets go all out on the Rumanians north of the Sea of Azov. There were 71 Soviet Attacks resulting in one surrender (isolated German division from last turn), 5 Routs, 31 Retreats, and 34 Held. A better performance for the Soviets this turn. But we are now in February so the CV penalties will improve once again.

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Post #: 429
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 4/30/2021 5:33:05 PM   


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T33 Supply Net North:

Good supply net overall. No attacks north of Lake Ilmen again. 16th Army is able to hold in place. 9th Army is forced back in a few spots and Kalinin is now isolated. I don't know if I can open up the pocket there or not but it has definitely been serving its purpose. AGC is pushed back in the center of their line but 2nd Army is beginning to fall apart. I do have a few new divisions reaching their area this turn which I hope will help.

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Post #: 430
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 4/30/2021 5:33:30 PM   


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T33 Supply Net South:

Good supply net in the area. The Rumanians are my large problem here. The Soviets really smacked into them this past turn and are beginning to threaten the Crimean position. The Soviets also heavily reinforced to hold back my Kerch expansion.

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Post #: 431
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 4/30/2021 5:33:54 PM   


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T33 Air Phase:

Still no LW but I will have to consider it soon as the weather may start clearing.

T33 Freight:

Its down to a 5K deficit now as the units are getting the freight to the front.

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Post #: 432
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 4/30/2021 5:34:26 PM   


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T33 AGN:

I opened the Kalinin pocket but left the infantry division in the city to continue holding the city. Keeping the double line railroad cut to the Leningrad area is that important.

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Post #: 433
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 4/30/2021 5:34:46 PM   


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T33 AGC:

I restore what I can of the defensive line in 2nd Army. There are two new infantry divisions bolstering the line so hopefully things will stabilize in the near future.

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Post #: 434
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 4/30/2021 5:35:13 PM   


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T33 AGS:

I build up a line with reserves. The Rumanians are still pretty weak but hopefully it will at least be a speed bump until more units can shift down to the area.

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Post #: 435
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 4/30/2021 5:35:42 PM   


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T33 Files:

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Post #: 436
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/1/2021 12:20:52 AM   

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This is looking like a good fight, you wrote a reply to one of my posts about overlaying the road system and it helped greatly in my last game didn't get as far you in it.

So I thought I would see what else in the way of help from checking out your current game.

I noticed in your opening turn you smashed through the entire front line in the North and route them clearing the whole area, myself I just push enough of the Russians out of the way to clear a path for my Panzers then encircle as many units as possible so they can be captured next turn.

This same rule applies to both Center and South, I would rather capture as many troops as possible on turn 2 than route them and have them escape.
I am just wondering in my next game try your approach at least with AGN as you moved so far and so fast through The Baltic States in your first few turns I tend to get bogged down around Pskov waiting for the Infantry.

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Post #: 437
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/1/2021 12:49:59 AM   


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Okay some turn 1 explanations.

1. I use the infantry corps that are not assigned to any army to blow away some fort units and open up some lanes through the Soviet line.

2. Use a motorized division from each PG to clear out the advance lanes for further panzer advances. The idea is to capture the dot towns and cities that need to be clear for your advance so Soviet units will not rout into those cities. DO NOT FORM ANY POCKETS. Pockets will not allow Soviets to rout into them.

3. Capture the Soviet supply depots where you are about to pocket the Soviets. This will eliminate supplies for the surviving Soviets and make them weaker in the future. Do your homework on the starting Soviet set up to identify the locations of these depots.

4. Move units so that the front line units have no retreat options. This will make the units rout on the first attack.

5. Attack the front lines. I do this on turn 1 because you gain the odds adjustments, increased retreat losses, and the other turn 1 bonuses along with getting the Soviets out of their front line defenses. The units SHOULD rout into the dot towns and cities that you are about to pocket.

6. Things in AGS are a bit different and I am no expert on that front. I suggest you study some of HYLA's AGS openings as the best I have seen. Another person to study on the AGS opening is Tyronec but I think he does not have a production AAR up as of yet but I know he just got a Soviet opponent so hopefully soon.

After the above, use the rest of the infantry to run as far as they can while making sure that all pockets are well secured as far as they can reach. Then finish up with the PGs making sure the pockets are formed and secured.

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Post #: 438
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/1/2021 1:10:04 PM   


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T34 Soviet Attacks:

The Soviets attacked 82 times for 3 Routs (including Kalinin), 26 Retreats, 52 Holds, and 1 Scouted. A better turn than the last so hopefully the worst is over.

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Post #: 439
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/1/2021 1:10:33 PM   


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T34 Supply Net North:

A good supply net. Other than losing Kalinin (with a rout not a surrender due to last turn's opening the pocket) this is not a bad turn. 2nd Army is still getting beat up but the others have pretty much held the line.

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Post #: 440
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/1/2021 1:11:12 PM   


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T34 Supply Net South:

Decent supply net. The defensive line holds firm this turn. I am still worried about the Rumanians and the southern 11th Army flank. The Soviets have had to reinforce against my Kerch incursion so that has helped some.

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Post #: 441
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/1/2021 1:11:39 PM   


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T34 Air Phase:

LW is still gone but with clear weather in the Crimea I will have to start bringing some of the AOGs back to the map.

T34 Freight:

Back up to a 6K deficit but blizzards cover the majority of the front this turn. 9th Army seems to be my bad situation this turn.

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Post #: 442
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/1/2021 1:12:09 PM   


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T34 AGN:

I pulled back further from the Kalinin bulge in order to allow more units to move into the rear and refit.

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Post #: 443
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/1/2021 1:12:34 PM   


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T34 AGC:

Some minor pull backs to shorten the line and strengthen it. 2nd Army is getting several more divisions to help stop the Soviet steamroller.

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Post #: 444
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/1/2021 1:13:09 PM   


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T34 AGS:

Some reorganizations along with more troops going to the front line to strengthen the Rumanians in the south. If I do this right I could possibly start off the 42 Offensive with a large Soviet pocket trapped against the northern coast of the Sea of Azov.

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Post #: 445
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/1/2021 1:13:31 PM   


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T34 Soviet Garrison

The garrison is back up to 120% which seems to help against the Partisan Level 2 in the Smolensk area.

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Post #: 446
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/1/2021 1:13:59 PM   


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T34 Files:

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Post #: 447
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/1/2021 8:57:28 PM   


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T35 Soviet Attacks:

The Soviets attack 94 times resulting in 1 Surrender (Fort unit in Zaporozhye), 6 Routs, 30 Retreats, and 56 Held. The Soviet victory in Zaporazhye was a surprise and we will look at that attack next.

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Post #: 448
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/1/2021 8:57:55 PM   


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T35 The Fall of Zaporazhye:

A closer look at the combat tells the story. Essentially it comes down to the German Infantry Division being overwhelmed by the Soviets using 21 Artillery units to disrupt all of the combat elements. So nothing left to defend.

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Post #: 449
RE: Heading East into the Soviet Union - 5/1/2021 8:58:34 PM   


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T35 Supply Net North:

9th Army is being blown away by the Soviet attacks. Essentially the armies that have had supply problems during the winter have pretty much wasted away to nothing. The Soviet armies are well supplied and equipped and are just pushing the Axis units out of its way.

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Post #: 450
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