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JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30

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JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/27/2021 1:03:33 PM   


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Greetings to All,
John Tiller software website posted Summer Sale June 15-30 2021.

Post #: 1
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/27/2021 5:00:54 PM   

Posts: 441
Joined: 12/29/2000
From: München, Bayern, Deutschland
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Good. Bring it on.


(in reply to rommel222)
Post #: 2
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/28/2021 8:18:09 AM   


Posts: 65
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So when is JTS joining in a partnership Slitherine and making their games available on Steam. Seems to be working well for Battlefront

(in reply to Vasquez)
Post #: 3
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/28/2021 10:24:08 AM   


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I believe there is good amount of players will be interested in Russia&Turkey market and Asia market if at least older JTS games could be in Slitherine and Steam. Discount in Dollar&Euro doesn't work well or not enough. Last I've purchased JTS games were 7-8 years ago.

(in reply to Para87)
Post #: 4
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/28/2021 10:43:42 AM   

Posts: 4688
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From: Washington, DC
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Dunno, I like Matrix/Slitherine well enough but don't think that every wargame needs to be distributed through it. And I don't care for Steam at all, so don't care if games ever come to Steam.

(in reply to gamer78)
Post #: 5
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/28/2021 11:23:06 AM   


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Dunno, I like Matrix/Slitherine well enough but don't think that every wargame needs to be distributed through it. And I don't care for Steam at all, so don't care if games ever come to Steam.

Neither thing is likely to happen.

(in reply to 76mm)
Post #: 6
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/28/2021 11:29:08 AM   

Posts: 6668
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From: United States
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I seriously doubt that JTS games will ever be distributed by Matrix/Slitherine and or ever be a available on Steam ever. JTS has been running and selling games on there own storefront for decades and will unlikely change.


Beta Tester for:
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(in reply to jmlima)
Post #: 7
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/28/2021 9:08:21 PM   


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Youtube and twitter were just only about entertainment videos some time ago. Now it is mainstream media even for political opposition. Times have changed. Wargamedesignstudio has good graphics and rules enchantments for also older titles. More people play these games the better I think.

(in reply to Zovs)
Post #: 8
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/30/2021 1:49:48 AM   


Posts: 212
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Ok, time for me to ask the perennial question:
Which game should I buy? I play solo vs the AI. I have both Japan games, Bulge, Market Garden, and a slew of Civil War games like Gettysburg and Antietam. Disappointed in that for many of Antietam's scenarios the AI is not scripted. I have the newer CW games Shenandoah and Petersburg

Also have Wolfpack, Midway and War Over Vietnam.

Was thinking maybe Normandy or Schedlt, if it’s been out a year and qualifies for the sale. I have all the Early American Games and they are meh.

Any suggestions? Maybe Stalingrad?

(in reply to gamer78)
Post #: 9
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/30/2021 7:09:08 AM   

Posts: 632
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ORIGINAL: Delaware

Ok, time for me to ask the perennial question:
Which game should I buy? I play solo vs the AI. I have both Japan games, Bulge, Market Garden, and a slew of Civil War games like Gettysburg and Antietam. Disappointed in that for many of Antietam's scenarios the AI is not scripted. I have the newer CW games Shenandoah and Petersburg

Also have Wolfpack, Midway and War Over Vietnam.

Was thinking maybe Normandy or Schedlt, if it’s been out a year and qualifies for the sale. I have all the Early American Games and they are meh.

Any suggestions? Maybe Stalingrad?

Scheldt ‘44 was released less than a year ago, of course Kiev ‘43 was released this month.
Maybe take a look at the WW1 titles - France, Tannenberg and Serbia?

Also Panzer Battles has a nice scale.

(in reply to Delaware)
Post #: 10
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/30/2021 1:36:28 PM   

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After playing some Warplan:Pacific I couldnt wait and bought Guadalcanal last week for $30. I like how they retrofitted the aircraft rules from Midway into it.
And man oh man are there alot of running torpedo's in these scenarios!

(in reply to Simulacra53)
Post #: 11
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/30/2021 2:00:41 PM   

Posts: 4688
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From: Washington, DC
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The WWI titles get very good reviews, but I'm not interested in the period so don't plan to buy those. Personally I'm going to buy Kiev '43 in a few days. Those who play against the AI, you should at least try playing hotseat against yourself; not perfect but better than the AI.

(in reply to Blond_Knight)
Post #: 12
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/30/2021 3:01:49 PM   


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Maybe Waterloo. I don’t have any Napoleonic titles. Any advice on those?

(in reply to 76mm)
Post #: 13
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/30/2021 5:10:06 PM   


Posts: 725
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Greetings Delaware,
I have and have played all the JTS Napoleonic games. Get the game with battles you know or are interested in.
Check the Napoleonic Wargamer's website for videos of each game:

The Napoleon in Russia 1812 Campaign has lots of variety and weather conditions summer, fall & winter battles.

If you have any interest in the Peninsular War in Spain then the Bonaparte & Wellington titles are great(includes Spanish guerrillas too).

If you want HUGE campaigns then get the Leipzig 1813 Campaign title (there are small & medium scenarios too).

< Message edited by rommel222 -- 5/30/2021 5:19:07 PM >

(in reply to Delaware)
Post #: 14
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/30/2021 7:39:44 PM   


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I seriously doubt that JTS games will ever be distributed by Matrix/Slitherine and or ever be a available on Steam ever. JTS has been running and selling games on there own storefront for decades and will unlikely change.

They said the same thing about Battlefront.

(in reply to Zovs)
Post #: 15
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/30/2021 11:14:54 PM   

Posts: 5104
Joined: 8/8/2013
From: Third rock from the Sun.
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ORIGINAL: jmlima



Dunno, I like Matrix/Slitherine well enough but don't think that every wargame needs to be distributed through it. And I don't care for Steam at all, so don't care if games ever come to Steam.

Neither thing is likely to happen.

I didn't think Battlefront would ever be on Steam let alone available through Matrix/Sliterine. I thought Battlefront did well enough on their own that they didn't need anyone else. I was very surprised.

Would love to see all JT titles through Matrix/Sliterine.

< Message edited by Lobster -- 5/30/2021 11:16:35 PM >


Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I’m not sure about the universe-Einstein

Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back?
A: A stick.

(in reply to jmlima)
Post #: 16
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/31/2021 9:13:39 AM   


Posts: 536
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JTS games can be in Matrix/Sliterine distribution at first and then Epic Games Store or Steam maybe after a few months -depends which one cut less income-. Alvaro -Warplan developer- very rightly have said there is good sales in Matrix&Slitherine community. But once that is depleted it is good to move into different platforms. Strategic Command series did become popular in Slitherine&matrix and also by Steam in which I buy these games before in those platforms. But was expensive.

France'14 'Battle of the Marne', Campaign Leipzig (Dresden and Leipzig)and Tunisia '43(Battle of Kasserine Pass) is good.

(in reply to Lobster)
Post #: 17
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/31/2021 12:01:23 PM   

Posts: 6668
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From: United States
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Like I said JTS has their own store front and has no need for Matrix/Slitherline and I serious doubt that they would ever change based on their track record and a few other things. As far as Steam goes again based on what I have seen I doubt they will ever use steam.


Beta Tester for:
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(in reply to gamer78)
Post #: 18
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/31/2021 1:11:26 PM   

Posts: 5104
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From: Third rock from the Sun.
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Battlefront has their own store front too. They didn't need Matrix. They didn't need Steam. They had been around a very long time and had/have a large following and an excellent product. Yet there they are. When Battlefront consisted of their older Combat Mission titles they didn't need anything but their storefront. Yet they sold other places too like Direct to Drive which is where I found them. It might be more about exposure. I'm no marketing expert but it seems the more people there are that know about your products the more likely you have more sales. Whether or not you survive as a game producer is determined by sustained sales. Does not matter if a handful of people don't like this site or that platform. Matters where they can get more people to see their product.

< Message edited by Lobster -- 5/31/2021 1:14:20 PM >


Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I’m not sure about the universe-Einstein

Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back?
A: A stick.

(in reply to Zovs)
Post #: 19
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/31/2021 4:36:25 PM   

Posts: 4688
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From: Washington, DC
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Battlefront has their own store front too. They didn't need Matrix. They didn't need Steam. They had been around a very long time and had/have a large following and an excellent product. Yet there they are...I'm no marketing expert but it seems the more people there are that know about your products the more likely you have more sales. Whether or not you survive as a game producer is determined by sustained sales. Does not matter if a handful of people don't like this site or that platform. Matters where they can get more people to see their product.

That's the thing about Battlefront--they had their own storefront since forever, but they did zero marketing, and I mean zero--like not even sending out e-mails announcing new games to people that had purchased previous games. Kind of baffling, really... So more exposure via Slitherine and Steam couldn't but help.

And while JTS doesn't exactly do heavy marketing, they do at least send out e-mails about new games to existing customers and have someone post about them on various wargaming sites, so while they'd probably get more sales from Slitherine/Steam, I suspect that they'd benefit less than Battlefront.

(in reply to Lobster)
Post #: 20
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 5/31/2021 4:52:29 PM   

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Even just putting up older games will give them a larger market looking at them. If people like what they see, then they can look to see if there is anything new.


Seek peace but keep your gun handy.

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

“Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).”
― Julia Child

(in reply to 76mm)
Post #: 21
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 6/1/2021 12:04:46 PM   


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Whether or not you survive as a game producer is determined by sustained sales. Does not matter if a handful of people don't like this site or that platform. Matters where they can get more people to see their product.

Yes at first game designer should profit from sales and from player perspective, handful of people should be able to buy. Able to buy is simple. Better currency according to where they're from. Steam is very popular because of that. Not about simple to use or mod support. From what I see there is only a few Russian players whole lot of American players playing East Front games. Bit of an irony.

(in reply to Lobster)
Post #: 22
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 6/26/2021 7:15:25 AM   


Posts: 346
Joined: 1/7/2007
From: France
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I tried to install again my old HPS Kursk'43 on my computer, patched 1.08, and it works fine, but i can't find anymore the Volcano website, where there was wonderful graphic mods for all panzer campaigns games. Have all these mods disappeared from the internet?

(in reply to gamer78)
Post #: 23
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 7/2/2021 11:10:53 PM   
Freyr Oakenshield

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I tried to install again my old HPS Kursk'43 on my computer, patched 1.08, and it works fine, but i can't find anymore the Volcano website, where there was wonderful graphic mods for all panzer campaigns games. Have all these mods disappeared from the internet?

HPS versions (those games that could be bought on the HPS website and can still be bought there) are no longer supported. There are plenty of new official patches for these wargames but they are available on the JTS website. The games are now called JTS games. These patches officially include Volcano mods and some other extra stuff as well (e.g. extra scenarios, improved graphics).

As far as Kursk '43 is concerned, the latest JTS Kursk '43 is version "Gold 2.02"

You can check the updates and what they contain here but they are only for JTS versions, they won't work with your HPS titles:

Actually, if I were you, I'd contact JTS support; it's quite likely that they would send you a new serial and a download link for the JTS version of Kursk '43 as long as you can provide them with some sort of proof that you bought the game legally (e.g. its serial, order number, etc). Why don't you talk to them?

< Message edited by Freyr Oakenshield -- 7/2/2021 11:18:11 PM >


(in reply to boudi)
Post #: 24
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 7/3/2021 1:12:24 AM   

Posts: 6668
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I picked up 31 titles during the sale, quite pleased.


Beta Tester for:
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WarPlan & WarPlan Pacific
Valor & Victory
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(in reply to Freyr Oakenshield)
Post #: 25
RE: JTS Software Summer Sale June 15-30 - 7/4/2021 3:08:54 PM   

Posts: 2840
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31 titles?????? How the heck are you going to play them all plus did you hit the lottery?

(in reply to Zovs)
Post #: 26
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