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RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand)

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RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/15/2021 4:58:28 PM   


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A veritable ocean of ambiguities. It's why I'm passing on purchasing this title so far.

I believe that was the intent of the designer. He didn't want us able to calculate the exact odds of how combat would resolve. But it would help to have general information, so you would at least know what is good or bad without having to set up a situation and repeatedly execute the attacks until you got some feel for it. This early in the game it is hard to come up with a reasonable strategy when you don't know how the combat will go.

(in reply to Torplexed)
Post #: 61
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/16/2021 1:30:34 AM   


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42 Dec 20 Turn

Reinforcements: US 2 divisions, Marine, and 1 Sub.

US Fleet is at 73% Effectiveness. They aren't going anywhere.
Based on movements observed in the Pacific Kido Butai returned to Truk but not spotted there.
Looks like the Indian Ocean fleet has withdrawn as well. They may be planning to join the two fleets for an ultimate showdown with the US Carriers when they return to sea.

UK with a logistics stockpile of 59 isn't going to be able to do much other than build support items.
UK builds a Supply Truck.
Com. China builds a Supply Truck.
Australia is able to build a division.
US builds 2 Landing Ships.

UK with 75 MM: 25 for Imports, 25 to India, the remaining 25 will be used by US to send PP to UK.
US with 33 MM: 5 PP and 3 Oil to Australia, 20 PP and 5 Oil to India, 10 PP and 15 Oil to UK.

The only thing that saved India is the Japanese underestimating how much damage they were doing at commerce raiding by surface ships. If they hadn't shutdown those raids, India would be trying to maintain its armies with less than 20 production and no oil.


Instead, the UK and Indian armies go on the offensive. Rain in the north limits the attack there to a testing which failed so was cut short to just a single attack.

But in the south with clear weather air attacks followed by a ground attack by two armies against the Japanese 17th Army causes it 13 casualties (Allies 7) and drives it back. I don't advance to take the gap since their are no reserves yet to fill the line.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 62
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/16/2021 1:32:43 AM   


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42 Dec 20 Turn Cont'd.


Snow in the upper part so no attacks but the Chinese armies advance to close up on the Japanese lines. In the south they move to isolate the Japanese unit there and take a port.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 63
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/16/2021 1:43:56 AM   


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42 Dec 20 Turn Cont'd.


I make a bomber attack on a Japanese air base to see what damage can be done. I use two bombers, XXI and IV, supported by the RAAF to inflict 13 hits against the Japanese at the cost of 8 hits to Allied air.


My fleet has to recover and wait on the Essex to get to full strength. Probably will have to wait on the Lexington and Yorktown "II" to have enough strength to take on the Japanese combined fleets.

One of the objectives of my first year of movements was to keep the Japanese fleets at sea so they couldn't accumulate oil reserves. Now that my main fleet is stuck in Pearl, I can't make this happen.

I do have some battleships at 100% so I send them south back to Australia. Not sure what I am going to do with them other than hope the Japanese Intel is bad so they follow.

I send a 5 Sub group back to raid Japanese Convoys (blue line). Supposedly, they are now up to surface 3. See if they can do anything.

The Marines at Wake move to take Enewetak (red line).
A landing is also made on Nauru.

I also attempt to sink the coastal off Wake with a sub attack - fails.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 64
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/16/2021 2:11:59 AM   


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End of 1942

Having finished the first year of the war I thought I would make some observations on what happen and problems I see.


India is still to easy to lose. I successfully held it but only because my opponent underestimated how much force was required and didn't realize how effective some of the things he was doing were. I also had to sacrifice my fleet in suicide missions to give even minor relief to the ground troops in India.

The UK lost most of its surface fleet trying to distract the Japanese. Two battleships and one Heavy Cruiser. Probably could add the two US carriers to that count since they had to support an attack in the Pacific whose main purpose was to draw Kido Butai east from the Indian Ocean.

While I learned a few things that I could have done to better support India. They are minor compared to the things I learned that would have made the conquest of India a sure thing.

What the Japanese could have done to take India.

They should have sent two more armies from China. Changsha taking would have been delayed but when it is done in 43 it would be quickly done with the armies now freed up from India. Probably all of South China could be overrun this way.

Kido Butai should have be moved to the Indian Ocean as soon as Rabaul and Port Moresby were taken. US has nothing they can do here that ground air couldn't handle. And, all could be retaken later.

But with Kido Butai and the CVL fleet camping the Indian Convoy lane India would have been reduced to starvation in just a few turns. If the UK and US tried to supply it they would lose their entire Merchant Marine in just a few turns. With the few divisions they had and no way to even bring them up to full strength, the Japanese can easily and quickly overrun the country.

And losing India in 42 is losing the war. Or at least it should be based on the resources lost. If the US can come back from losing India and win then the game is out of balance.

Outside the US India has the most unused logistics of any ally. With over 1000 logistics in stockpile it can build 100 divisions ( or 30+ Armies). If conquered, they all disappear. The Japanese don't even need to defend it other than to try to hold on to victory hexes for as long as they can.

Not only do they wipe out a potential 30+ armies but they gain 3 VP per turn while holding it. Plus it helps protect another 2 VP hexes in Burma.

Then there are the potential windfalls from taking India. Because of its value the Allies will have to commit their carriers and surface fleets to saving it. Forcing them to fight superior Japanese carriers at poor odds within range of Japanese land based air.

The game is going to be badly out of balance until the India situation if fixed.
(Then it will become the China situation when all these armies are used there instead.)

(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 65
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/16/2021 5:34:16 PM   


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Convoy System

There are some serious problems in how the Convoy system works in Pacific. Most of these problems didn't show up in Europe because the Germans had no Carrier fleets. I haven't compared sub handling between the two. Also, the convoy escort system seemed to work well enough that the Allies could rely on it with only minor support from land based air.

In Pacific subs are almost worthless for attacking convoys. Because the China sea convoy routes are all near land, air power completely dominates the Convoy war. Combined with the apparent ability of just about any air unit taking out a sub, US subs can't venture into the Japanese waters until the Carriers can escort them. But if you can bring in Carriers who needs Subs?

Especially since Carriers are devastating to Convoys. Most recent example in my game was the Japanese Indian Ocean fleet returned for just one round on the Convoy lanes. Made up of just one CV, 3 CVL's, and 1 CVE it killed 14 Merchants after moving to get there. Considering at full strength the combined Allied Merchant fleet is only 150, the Japanese could wipe it out in just 10 combat turns. Five if they have both fleets committed to the task.

The only Allied counter to this is to shut down the Indian Ocean convoys. They have the potential to contest the S. Pacific route but it is questionable. But keeping the S. Pacific in operation only allows the US to send production to Australia and New Zealand. The UK is totally dependent on Imports through the Indian Ocean route to get its oil and production. India is completely cut off from support with the route down.

The Japanese can't lose. They either shutdown all production going to India or they get to sink the Allied Merchant fleet until it cuts off all production going to India.

I am going to run a test to see how quickly the Japanese cant eliminate India from the war using both massive invasion supported by cutting off the Indian Ocean Convoy route.

(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 66
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/16/2021 5:49:49 PM   


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43 Jan 3 Turn

A new year begins, hopefully with significant fleet reinforcements.
Advancements: UK Interceptor to 43, US Sub torpedoes improve to 3.

US gets Essex CV, Cutlass SS.

Production: India starts a division, Com China a Supply Truck, UK a Supply Truck, US saving up for air.
Oil situation has improved: UK at 64 (20%), Australia 20 (8%), India 40 (12%).

UK 75 MM: 25 Imports, 25 PP to India, 25 for use by US.
US 33 MM: 5PP/3Oil to Australia, 20PP/5Oil to India, 15PP/10Oil to UK.

China - Rain - No actions.


Kido is missing. I need to send my Intel people to the front lines and see if that will motivate them.
Sub groups moves to the northern tip of the E. China convoy route but I suspect this isn't in use.
Two subs move in support distance to replace losses.
A landing is made on Tarawa to expand my hold on the Marshal Islands.
Other subs move to break blockades.

India - Rain in north.

My cut of US division surrenders.
The Japanese pull back their northern line and I follow.
One attack is made against the Japanese 15th Army forcing it to retreat.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 67
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/16/2021 6:19:22 PM   


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43 Jan 3 Turn Cont'd.


The first phase of the war where all I do is desperately try to hold on to India and Australia is ending so I need to switch some of my points around to what I will be needing in late 43 and 44.

China doesn't have enough points to do much other than build up Infantry. They currently are:
Assault: 1940 with 5 points.
Anti-Tank: 1940 with 5 points.
If they ever have more points than they can allocate to these two it will go to Assault.
I got rid of the one air unit so don't have to support it.

UK: UK really builds for only two things India ground (Assault and Anti-Tank) and UK fleet which is still mainly warships. In late 44 they will need support for carriers but that is a long way off. If I can find some way to have enough logistics to build air units they will need Interceptor and Close Support.

Assault: '43 with 8 points.
Anti-tank: '43 with 0 points (stopping this one at that level)
Interceptors: '43 with 8 points.
Close Support: '42 with 2 points.
Naval Air: '42 with 2 points (may stop this one soon unless it is of use to CV's later).
Large Warships: '42 with 4 points (also may back off on this one since wont' see one until late 44).
Warships: '42 with 8 points.
Carrier Ops: '41 with 4 points (probably where I will shift Large Warship too).

US: What it needs is continuously shifting depending on how things are going in war with Japan. Right now I will be focusing more on what will sink Japanese Carriers. Also, will need better offensive support against Japanese Land Air.

Assault: '42 with 8 points.
Escort Fighters: '42 with 5 points. (need more in this one)
Close Support: '42 with 0 points. (I will start putting points in as soon as I start winning the carrier battles.
Naval Air: '42 with 6 points. (I need this one to get control of the sea first).
Large Warships: '41 with 1 Point. (It will probably be a while before I get one, by then it may not be needed).
Warships: '43 with 8 Points. (This is one of my main weapons against Japanese sea power).
Carrier Oper: '43 with 8 Points. (And, this is my main weapon).
Amphibious Ops: '42 with 4 Points. (Don't know how useful this will be long term).
LR Subs: '42 with 5 Points. (so far they aren't proving to be very useful unless unopposed).

General feeling on Advancements:
Anti-Tank need will decrease with time as units are switched to Assault.
Large Warships advancement of limited usefulness due to how few of these are available.
Amphibious I am not sure of. The gain is only marginal since most landing are unopposed.
LR Subs, I thought would be more useful than they are proving to be. Easily sunk by almost anything that can throw something bigger than a rock at them.
Close Support, not sure how much use this will be until the Japanese navy is destroyed.

(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 68
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/16/2021 6:37:06 PM   


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43 Jan 3 Turn Con'd.

Production Plans

India will of course build Infantry. I am not sure that they will have enough logistics to route some toward air units or not. But with a 1000+ logistics in stockpile and almost unlimited manpower, they can build a lot of armies if I can get enough production to them.

UK only has 59 logistics and 93 Manpower (at 61%) so they can't do much of anything. Probably only able to produce support units that have little logistics and manpower costs. The rest will have to be shipped to India.

The US is the production power house but it doesn't have all that much manpower. But it probably won't need much since there are only so many hexes to occupy in the Pacific theater for them.

But the US has a lot of short term demands to get their war machine going. Production expensive things like Merchants and Transports are needed to rebuild the loses and limit number of these. Plus some specialty items like Air Transports to supply cut off troops. The US also needs a lot of very expensive Air units to support their Carriers.

Currently the production queue only has a few combat units in it:
Infantry Divisions: 1
Marine Division: 1
Submarines: 2
Air Superiority: 1
Strategic Air: 1

The US also needs to build up its support units so it can sustain a long offensive. Current state and targets:

Transport (takes 6 Mon): Have 57, building 50 more, need 150.
Landing Ships (takes 3 Mon): Have 75, building 30 more, need 200.
Oilers (takes 2 Mon): Have 11, building 1 more, need to maintain inventory of 12.
Supply Trucks (takes 3 Mon): Have 66, building 20 more, need to maintain about 100 of these.
Air Transports (takes 5 Mon): Have 1, none being built, would like to have 2 for resupply needs.
Merchant Marine (takes 6 Mon): Have 33, building 30, target is 60 minimum.
Escorts (takes 7 Mon): Have 12, building none, completely useless.

(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 69
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/16/2021 8:32:50 PM   
John B.

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I have no clue about what the various things mean but it looks to me like the Americans accomplished their strategic goal of saving India at a pretty low cost. One dead BB and damaged carriers while taking Kawjalien (sp?). Iif those were your only losses from a Japanese ambush of your fleet it was a lucky day for the Americans. Japan burned a lot of fuel to sink a BB and it can't keep you bottled up in Pearl without spending a lot more fuel.

I wonder if the longer you stay in one area the more intel the other side gathers so while the American fleet was loitering near Kwajaelein letting the Japanese side build up spotting points you lost a bunch as the Kido Butai did a full speed steam from India to your carriers. That would make sense given that the Midway ambush required several weeks worth of intelligence work. But that's just my guess.

(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 70
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/17/2021 3:11:21 PM   


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I have no clue about what the various things mean but it looks to me like the Americans accomplished their strategic goal of saving India at a pretty low cost. One dead BB and damaged carriers while taking Kawjalien (sp?). Iif those were your only losses from a Japanese ambush of your fleet it was a lucky day for the Americans. Japan burned a lot of fuel to sink a BB and it can't keep you bottled up in Pearl without spending a lot more fuel.

I wonder if the longer you stay in one area the more intel the other side gathers so while the American fleet was loitering near Kwajaelein letting the Japanese side build up spotting points you lost a bunch as the Kido Butai did a full speed steam from India to your carriers. That would make sense given that the Midway ambush required several weeks worth of intelligence work. But that's just my guess.

I saved India but barely. It was within a few turns of falling when the Monsoons shut the Japanese down for the summer. It cost the UK almost half of their surface fleet buying time for India to recover. They lost 2 BB's, 1 BC and 1 CA. What was left built around two battleships was no threat to the Japanese. Then there were the US loses when their fleet came over to help. I would have to look through my notes but I think I lost a CV doing that which really hurt.

I am hoping all this activity is burning through their Oil Supplies since my main strategy for 43 will be attacking oil.

Because my fleet tried to strike at the air base (which did nothing which is also a flaw in the combat system) they know the name of every ship in my fleet.

Game is a bit off on Intel but its hard to judge since you only see one side. It looks like the US in spite of having broken the Japanese codes knows just about nothing about their fleet activities until they attack something.

Wait until you see the "real" carrier battle coming in 1943.

(in reply to John B.)
Post #: 71
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/17/2021 3:31:37 PM   


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43 Jan 17 Turn

Japanese Codes change.
No Convoy attacks.
Kido is invisible again.
US Carriers are at 85%

Apparently, rain is bad for ships in dry dock. They must have trouble keeping the "dock" "dry".
Ships in Pearl Harbor don't recover Effectiveness (may even lose some) when it rains on them.
Maybe we need a build for umbrellas and rain coats.
I can see weather affecting troops out in the mud. But ships aren't in mud.

Reinforcements: US receives CVL, Div, Sub, and Merchant.

So far Subs are proving to be useless against Convoys. They make good blockade busters as long as the Japanese have no air around to sink them.

China - Hvy Rain - Nothing happening there.

Subs move to break blockades.
Japanese move infantry and an air unit to Wotje (I hadn't taken it yet). And, I plan to make them sorry they did that.
But I suspect they are hopping to draw out the American fleet before it recovers effectiveness.

Australia & S. Pacific - No actions there.

Hvy Rain in the north but the fighting is all around Bombay.
In the north the Japanese fell back a hex so I follow them.
Near Bombay for some reason the Japanese fall back from the river line one hex (shown in blue).
I use this to advance a UK Corps and attack there reduced 10th Army and the weak garrison division to the south.
A 3:1 then 4:1 attack against the garrison forces it to retreat. UK division follows it across river.
Attacks by three Allied Corps against the Japanese 10th Army reduces it considerably but doesn't force it to retreat.
Attacks were at 2:1 which got 3 hits to Allies and 6 hits to Japanese, followed by a second attack at 3:1 which cost the Allies only 1 hit compared to 6 hits on the 10th Army.
The UK fleet puts to sea with the intent to enter Bombay next turn.

US builds a Tactical Air, Landing Ship.
India builds a division.
Canada builds a Supply Truck.
Com. China builds Supply Truck.

US increases trade to India to 25 PP and 5 Oil. And, send 10 PP and 3 Oil to Australia.

Australia does have some potential to create infantry but US would have to supply all the PP for doing it. But it would have the advantage of creating garrison troops near the combat areas and reduce transportation requirement by the US.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 72
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/17/2021 3:53:59 PM   


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43 Jan 31 Turn.

Attempt to break Japan's new codes. UK fails, US succeeds.
This apparently gets me access to what the Emperor eats for supper.
I also buy a Com Intel which won't be available until Feb 28th.

Convoy attack by my subs. Five subs now at level 3 manage to sink 1 Merchant. Wow!!!

My sub off Wotje gets sunk by air based there.
My subs manage to sink a coastal that attacks them.
Japanese air attacks on the sub group in Raider mode on the E. China trade route sink two subs groups.

US CV's still at only 89% Effectiveness because of rain.
US Naval Air strike at Coastal off Nauru sinks the 2nd Torp. Boat.

Reinforcements: For US a sub plus 5th Marine.


Snow in North and Central area.
Japanese counter attack my advanced Indian Corps near Bombay with 2 Armies at 3:1 but they hold with loss of 3.
UK fleet moves near Madras to interfere with their supplies and to attack the Japanese Convoy route there.
UK and Indian Corps counter attack the Japanese Army from earlier.
Air strikes followed by Infantry attacks at 3:1 causing Allies 2 hits and Japanese 4 hits. 2nd Attack at 4:1 forces the Japanese to retreat with 2 loss. UK advances to occupy.

China - Snow
No combat activity but the new Com. China army moves into the line in the north.


Kido Butai is finally found in Rabaul.
I withdraw my useless subs to safer locations.
I also notice a lot of infantry moving to garrison all the captured Islands around Japan and China sea.

US builds Sub, Inf. Div., Landing Ship.
India builds another Inf. Div.
UK builds 2 Landing Ships.

The Victory Level situation as I enter 1943

If my counting is right the allies hold 13 VP hexes and the Japanese 25.
This means they are gaining VP at the rate of 12 per turn until I can take something back.

In India, while now stable, it will take a long time to reach the first overland VP hex, Calcutta.
I am building some Landing Ships for the UK but I am not sure they will have the means to take Colombo without significant help from the US.

The US has to choices for reversing the situation. They can start retaking the Solomon Islands and New Guinea where there are three VP hexes but a lot of land based air that will cost my carriers. Or I can strike at DEI and try to knock out the Japanese Oil supplies. I like the DEI plan. But can I put a force together large enough to do it.

(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 73
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/17/2021 5:03:12 PM   


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43 Feb 15 Turn

Convoy War
US Sub stack manages to sink 1 Merchant. Probably due to Japanese captain running aground because he wasn't distracted by his laughing at the 30 or 40 subs that couldn't manage to hit him with a torpedo or gun fire.
The Japanese CVL fleet in Indian Ocean decides to camp the Convoy lane and sinks 14 Merchants. Apparently Cargo ships are attracted to Carriers like flies to a light.
Japanese land base air sink another US sub.

Japanese Indian Ocean fleet now consists of 3 CVL's, 1 CVE and 1 CV (Hiyo), 2 BB's, 2 BC's, 1 CA and 2 DD's.

UK builds division.
US builds a Tactical Bomber, Transport.
India builds another division.
Com. China builds a Supply Truck.

Convoys with Japanese fleet on the prowl the Indian Ocean convoy route is shut down again.

China - Snow
But Com. Chinese armies do advance over the Yellow River into Japanese territory.

India - Rain in North.

UK fleet goes back to Bombay. Surprised the Japanese didn't attack it. Maybe invisible since it was Raiding.

Couple of harassment attacks that push back small Japanese garrison units. The attack on Bombay front is beginning to open up quite a hole in their line. Unfortunately, India still doesn't have enough units to support any kind of advance through a break through. I have to keep the line solid for now.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 74
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/17/2021 5:12:28 PM   


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43 Feb 14 Turn Cont'd.


Subs are doing poorly, especially when land based air around. But I still deployed then to help support my carriers.
Kido Butai is in Rabaul so I am going to take advantage of that to see if I can destroy the Wotje garrison and air unit.
Unfortunately, US CV's still at only 92% Effectiveness but I move them outside Wotje anyway.
To give them a chance I also move the XXI Bomber (Naval Air) to Canton to support them.
Also, the Lexington II which came in this turn moves to the NE of Canton Island to be ready to support the US fleet. It is joined by two CVL's and some surface ships out of Pearl.

The Japanese Air launches an Interdiction strike getting one hit on the Wasp. Both sides lose 2 air.

I move subs to attack the coastal unit off Kwajalein. One finally manages to sink the 9th Coastal.

I also make a landing on Maloelap taking it but at considerable cost. Japanese air gets six hits against it. Since those hits also count against my Transports they hurt.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 75
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/17/2021 7:52:10 PM   


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43 Feb 28 Turn

And, then s*** hits the fan. But first the basic info.

US gets the Princeton CVL which moves NE of Canton Is.
Australians get a division.

Convoys are restarted to India and UK.

Production: UK has none.
US starts an Inf. Div., Supply Truck, and Landing Ship.

China - Snow
This forces my advance in the north to pull back to get into supply.

Shifting air forces nearer Port Moresby.
Sent a sub group of 4 to blockade Port Moresby.


Japanese fleet withdraws to Colombo.
Weather is clear so Allies make a series of attacks to push back the Japanese line in front of Bombay.

Three attacks are made against the 19th Army. It holds with Allies losing 6 to Japan's 4.

An attack is made against the weak 1st Division forcing it to retreat. UK units follow.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 76
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/17/2021 8:12:17 PM   


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43 Feb 28 Turn Cont'd.

Then the great Pacific carrier battle.

Kido Butai moves in NE of Wotje triggering a massive air strike by the US forces.

But first they make a pre-move air attack by their Dive Bombers based on Wotje. They get a hit on the battleship Tennessee but take 3 hits to the Japanese 12th Air.

They also move some Coastal boats next to Kwajalein to cut it off from supply. This is met by US sub interdictions that sink the 1st Coastal and 10th Torpedo. But not before they sink one of the Subs.

Kido Butai arrives triggering first a Sub interdiction by Cero SS which they much regret as they are easily sunk.

Since my carriers were in Raider mode, no action from them but the Japanese execute a Carrier Pursuit (shown in screenshot).
US however gains the "AMBUSH" advantage. Unfortunately the US carriers take the majority of the hits while the Japanese Battleships absorb the US punishment. But the US suffers only 2 Air to Air losses compared to Japanese 3. The US takes one more hit to AA guns than enemy but I have increased my AA with specialties on four of my carriers. I can take it.

Going into a carrier battle with 1 hit on the Hornet and with 2 hits on the Yorktown it is withdrawn to Pearl. So I am a carrier short for the coming battle.

But I have Bombers with Naval Air Training on Canton Is. to soften up the target and hopefully draw off their fighter protection. The XXI Bomber attacks:
First Attack: 1 hit to XXI and 3 hits to fleet's Air.
Second Attack: 2 hits to XXI and 3 hits to fleet's Air.

Sub attack - hoping this is getting them less and less prepared since it is really costing me subs.
5 Sub groups get Surprise which gets one hit on the Takao CA. The surprise was what the captain of one of the Sea Fox got when they sunk him.

My light carrier group build around the Lexington II CV (Hermes and Independence CVL's) moves to trigger an interdiction about 3 hexes to the SE of Kido.

They take the bait with a Carrier Interdiction attack. And, somehow they perform beyond expectations:
Air to Air: US loses 5 to Japans 2
AA loses: US 5 Japan 1
The US groups takes hard hits to it's battleships: 1 on Indiana and 2 on Maryland with the Arizona being sunk.
But they get the prize: The Kaga CV is sunk.

I try another lone sub attack which is quickly sent to the bottom.

Then the main act. The US CV fleet makes its Carrier Attack:

First Attack
Air to Air: US loses 2 - Japanese lose 3
AA Gun Losses: US 0 - Japanese 3
Ship loses for US:
The Tennessee BB and the Hornet CV are sunk.
Ship loses for Japanese:
The Junyo CV is sunk.
Damage to Hiryu CV (1), Hiei BC (1).

Second Attack
Air to Air: US 1 - Japanese 3
AA Gun Loss: US 4 - Japanese 3
Ship losses - US no hits or sinking's.
Japanese - Musashi BB sunk, 2 hits on Kirishima BC

Light Carrier fleet makes a second attack but achieves nothing (took 5 AA hits to 1 AA for Japanese)

Now to see if the Japanese continue the battle.
I fly another bomber up to Tarawa Island so I will have two Air units covering the battle if it continues.
But I expect they took the worst of this with two CV's sunk to my one.
I withdrew my heavily damaged CV but with the light Carrier group I probably out number Kido Butai if it decides to continue.
I expect a withdrawal.

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< Message edited by kennonlightfoot -- 8/17/2021 8:29:51 PM >

(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 77
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/18/2021 2:10:11 AM   


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43 Mar 14 Turn

China Assault Adv to 41.
Kido Butai disappears again. Got the runs this time.

US builds a Tac Bomber and a Landing Ship.
Canada builds a Supply Truck

Made an error in setting my Convoys up so none got through to India. Corrected this. Should be back in business.

China - Snow - No action.


The Japanese counter attacked the Bombay line driving back some of my units and threatening to cut of a UK Corps.
I return the favor with a counter attack against the their line.

Attack against the Japanese 14th Army results in heavy loss to the Allies (3 points to 0).
So I redirect against the 23rd Mixed Bde driving in back. The X Corps advances and combines with other units to attack the 14th Army again. This time the loses are 1 for Allies and 2 for Japanese and the army retreats. The Indian 17th Corps advances into the spot. The X Corps attacks the 23rd again causing 2 loss and another retreat.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 78
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/18/2021 2:14:21 AM   


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43 Mar 14 Turn Cont'd.


The Japanese in their turn attacked my smaller CVL fleet with their 12th Air in Wotje. 3 point loss to my 2 air.
In my turn I return the favor by bomber and Carrier air attacks on Wotje air base with no effect.

I do send two sub groups to Enewetak and sink the 10th Torpedo trying to blockade it.

My two small fleet groups move to join the main fleet off Wotje.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 79
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/18/2021 2:32:35 PM   


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43 Mar 28 Turn

US LR Subs adv to 43, China AT Adv to 41.
Reinforcements: India gets division, US gets a Merchant.

And, Kido goes into hiding again.

Production: US builds a Merchant, Oiler, Landing Ship and Supply Truck.
Convoys: Unchanged.

China - Rain
Try to continue advance in north but supply lines are to short.


Japanese air moved back north of Port Moresby to attack my subs blockading it.
The Subs withdraw to Sydney.

My Bombers attack the Japanese 10th Air Div which moved to a land base above Port Moresby.
IV Bomber Attack: Losses 3 and gets 3 hits.
I RAAF: Losses 4 and gets only 1 hit.
US AF1: nothing


Japan sends a their lone remaining sub to relieve Wotje.
XXI Bomber attacks it and sinks the RO-67.
My fleet uses an oiler to resupply and is joined by the Yorktown and some fresher surface ships.


See if I can trap and kill some Japanese infantry.
Make a 5:1 attack against the 23rd Bde driving it back.
I advance and drive it back further.
Support units move behind and through the gap on the coast.
This should come close to surrounding the Japanese 10th Army although it may still draw enough supplies through the mountain gap to keep from being isolated.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 80
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/18/2021 3:03:27 PM   


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43 Apr 11 Turn

The Great Carrier Battle Round 2 - Who will be supreme in the Pacific.

Kido Butai returns to the Marshall Islands in one more attempt to gain the upper hand in the carrier war before more US carriers arrive.

But this time they are at quite a disadvantage. I now have two bomber groups in the area and my fleet has been brought up to full strength of six carriers while theirs has taken severe damage from the previous campaign and is only fielding four carriers.

Kido Butai moves adjacent and just north of my Carrier Fleet.
II Bomber executes an Naval Interdiction attack: Loses 2, Kido only suffers 2 Air to Air losses.
But more critically Zuikaku CV takes 2 hits.

US Carrier Interdiction (shown in screen shot)
Combat US Losses Japanese Losses
Air to Air: 2 2
AA Guns: 4 4
Ships: 2 on Yorktown 1 on CL
2 on S. F. CA Zuikaku CV Sunk

Japanese Naval Air Strike: 12th Air loses 1 and no damage to US.
No Enemy Carrier Strike (probably used up all movement getting here).

US Turn's Attacks
I resupply my Bombers to increase their Effectiveness
XXI Bomber Attacks:
1st Strike: Air to Air US loss 2 Japanese loss 3
2nd Strike: Air to Air US loss 2 Japanese loss 2 and 2 hits on Shokaku CV

III Bomber Attacks:
1st Strike: Air to Air US loss 2 Japanese loss 3 plus 4th DD takes 2 hits.
2nd Strike: A miss

US Carrier Strike:
1st Strike: Air to Air US loss 0 Japanese loss 1
AA Guns US loss 2 Japanese loss 3 plus 1 hit on Takao CA
2nd Strike: AA Guns US loss 2 Japanese Shokaku CV is sunk.

Take note of the Air to Air losses. They were substantial and combined with the hits and sinking of Carriers left the Japanese fleet air power badly crippled. They will later withdraw without an attack.

The combat log shows to carriers sunk but the Ship casualty log doesn't match. I am trying to check back to see if this is a bug. Main problem now is I am not really sure how many CV's the Japanese have but my estimate is:

US Receives Reinforcements this turn of Yorktown II and Wasp II plus a CVL and BB.

This gives the US/UK vs Japan:
Fleet Carriers: 8 to 4
Light Carriers: 4 to 5
Escort Carriers: 0 to 1

This will considerably free my fleets for offensive actions rather than keeping Japan sea power in check.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 81
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/18/2021 3:07:20 PM   


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37 Apr 11 Turn Cont'd.

China - Snow

Australia - Hvy Rain


Made a minor attack in north to test the position. About equal damage.
I use my Supply Trucks to boost my forces around Bombay readiness.
Also use an air transport to resupply the cut off UK Corp and then advance to cut off the Japanese army.
Indian division enters Bombay as a reinforcement.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 82
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/18/2021 5:13:12 PM   


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43 Apr 25 Turn

US Naval Air adv to 43.
Reinforcements: UK gets a division, US Fighters, India a Division.

UK: Supply Truck
India Division.
US 1 Fighter, 1 Supply Truck, 1 Transport, 1 Landing Ship, 1 Oiler.

Convoys - Unchanged.

Looks like garrison in Wotje starved or somehow left. For sure the Air unit flew out to safety.
Kido Butai withdraws.

China - Snow - No action.

Pacific - Rain
US Fleet moves to Fiji on way to Australia. Effectiveness down to 60%.
I land infantry on the undefended islands of Ponape and Wotje.

Australia - Rain

India - Monsoons start with rain in most of India.

Japanese land a marine behind my line at Bombay but Indian Air gets 3 hits in on them.
Japanese carriers and land air make a whole lot of strikes against my 14th Division.
The attack with infantry but it holds and their army stays cut off.

The surrounded Japanese 10th Army is attacked at 4:1 and shatters.
I advance into the vacated hex and replace the unit in Bombay with a reinforcement.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 83
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/18/2021 5:25:25 PM   


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43 May 9 Turn

US has fully upgraded their Torpedoes - wonder if my subs can hit anything with them.
Japan changes their codes. US attempts to break them and fails.
Kido disappears again.

Reinforcements: US gets Bunker Hill CV and Division.

UK builds 2 Trucks.
US builds Landing Ships, Oiler and Truck.
Canada builds a Truck.
India builds two divisions.

Convoys - no change.

China - Clear with Hvy Rain in south.
I do some minor test attacks but they are still to weak.

India - Hvy Rains - Monsoons are here for the next three months.


Heavy rains through out the ocean areas and clear in DEI.
I am going to try to take advantage of this weather pattern as soon as my ships recover enough. Taking the DEI will cut off almost half of Japans oil supply. I am planning on moving in force into the Indian Ocean and Timor Sea (below DEI).

Moving troops toward Australia.
Subs move into the W. China Sea convoy routes to test there new torpedoes.

(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 84
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/18/2021 9:31:43 PM   


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43 May 23 Turn

UK Carrier Adv to 42.
Reinforcements: US Transport, BB and Sub.
Code Breaking: US tries again and succeeds. Again I can track what the Emperor is having for dinner.

China - Clear - but still to weak.

Australia and S. Pacific

I have 4 CV at 100% but the rest are still low on preparedness.
The weather clears in the Pacific so I send my subs to E. China Sea to draw air north.
Transports with troops for invading DEI move westward. So far have two Marine and one Infantry Corps.
Moved a BB and CVL fleet to Perth to support the invasion of DEI.
Moved my main carrier flet to Melbourne from Fiji although still had to leave some behind to recover.


Rain in central region and south limits movement.
Japanese pull back a hex in south and I follow.
A fresh UK division arrives in Bombay.

US builds Transport, Landing Ship, Oiler and Truck.
India builds another division.

Convoys - No change.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 85
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/18/2021 9:44:32 PM   


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43 Jun 6 Turn

US Escort Fighters adv to 43.
Reinforcements: US CVL, Bomber and COMMIT.

Convoy Attacks: US Sub kill 1 lousy Merchant, Japanese Naval Air gets 5 hits on subs (at least didn't sink any).

Australia builds a division.
India builds a division.
US builds Transport, Landing Ship and Truck.

Convoys - no change.

India - Rain
Small advancements along southern line.
UK fleet blockades Madra.


Hvy Rains throughout the S. Pacific, DEI and China Sea. Good to hid in. Also, blinds me.
My fleets, transports and invasion forces move into position in the East Indian Ocean well below DEI.
Everything depends on weather and visibility.
Right now the heavy rains make landings impossible. Considering there is only a 10% chance of this, the plan isn't getting off to a good start.

I am very much playing the weather odds:
DEI Islands are Equatorial with a 70% chance of clear, 20% chance of rain and 10% chance of Heavy Rain.
The coastal waters are Southern Monsoon with a 25% chance of clear, 50% chance of rain, and 25% chance of Heavy Rain.
The mid ocean waters are Tropical with a 40% chance of clear and 60% chance of rain.

My ideal weather would be for the Islands to be clear so I can move and attack when I land.
The coastal waters must be clear (preferred) or rain so my ships can support.
The mid ocean needs to stay rain until I have made my landings to keep the whole thing from being discovered.

The Japanese move an air unit to Batavia. Since it is only one it is probably just my opponent making adjustments.

(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 86
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/19/2021 4:04:10 PM   


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43 Jun 20 Turn

UK and India learn jungle fighting. Tarzan taught them.
I don't see any movement except in the E. China sea area. Hopefully that means my fleet movement into the Indian Ocean isn't spotted.

My Sub group manages to sink 2 Merchants at the cost of only 2 hits in return. No sinkings for a change.

Japanese Air unit in India gets 2 hits on the Glasgow CA.

Reinforcements: US gets a Bomber and a CVL. India gets a division.

Indian Ocean (massing of fleet to try to take DEI)

Heavy Rains in DEI. The chance of this was only 10%. Not a good start.
All I can do is move my fleets and transports to better positions in range of the DEI but not near enough to be spotted.
They are now in two groups. CVL's with transports and the main CV fleet in supporting distance.

Australia and S. Pacific - Heavy Rains ground everything.

India - Heavy Rains.

The blocking of supply had some effect. Japanese in south pull back further.
Allies follow but only able to execute one attack below Hyderabad.
6:1 attack causes 3 Allied and 7 Japanese losses.
Followed up with a 7:1 attack causing 1 Allied loss and 1 Japanese loss with retreat.
UK Corps is able to pursue for another 6:1 attack that causes another Japanese loss with retreat.
Getting close to being able to cut them off in the south.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 87
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/19/2021 4:40:13 PM   


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43 Jul 4 Turn

Hopefully the 4th July turns out luck day for the Americans. The invasion of DEI begins.
But first some paper work.

UK CS adv to 43 US Amphibious Op to 43.

Used a COMMINT on Rabaul to get intel. Not sure how this works. So far nothing.

Reinforcements: India gets a division.

Convoys - no change.

UK: 1 Landing Ship.
US: 4 Landing Ships, 1 Transport (preparing for losses)
Com. China: Supply Truck
Indian: Division.
NZ: Supply Truck

Com. Chinese attack above Sian driving back the Japanese unit with 3 to 6 loss.
Chinese attack line east of Chungking but just attrition result.

India - Rain
The Japanese continue to fall back and Allies continue to advance after them trying to cut them off.
A Japanese fleet with 2 CVL's attacks the UK blockading fleet at Madras sinking the Ramillies BB.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 88
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/19/2021 4:56:00 PM   


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43 Jul 4 Turn Cont'd.

The Invasion of DEI.
There is rain in the islands and offshore so conditions are poor but doable. But it means I won't be able to land and attack with any strength. I will be lucky if I can move.

The screenshot shows the landings in light blue arrows, fleet movements to support in dark blue, and land movements after coming ashore in green.

Light Carrier group (but has 2 CV's) moves south of Banda Lampung to trigger an air interdiction by the lone Japanese air unit (13th Air). 13th Air executes a Naval Air Interdiction taking 4 hits and causing 2 Air to Air hits on US fleet plust 1 hit on the Belleau Wood CVL.

A destroyer moves south of Batavia to see if it can trigger another interdiction. It does and takes 2 hits for its trouble. I withdraw the destroyer to Derby.

A sub group of four moves offshore Batavia on the E. China trade route to blockaded the port.

The US Reserve Corps lands SW of Bandar.
2nd Marine lands further up from Bandar and moves to cut the rail line to the oil fields.
3rd Marine lands on a Supply Dept on the NW side of Sumatra. This turned out to be useless. It either doesn't work or requires complete control of the DEI.
5th Marine lands SW of Batavia and takes out the mine field.
4th Marine passes through the minefield to land SE of Batavia.
Austi Division lands SW of Surabaya.
Austi 3rd FA Coastal division lands NW of Surabaya and takes Oil Field there.

Main US fleet with six carriers move off Surabaya to blockade it.
A Battleship flee moves NE of Bandar and is joined by the Bunker Hill CV.

This will cut off 37 Oil. It will also trigger a massive retaliation.

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(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 89
RE: Lightfoot (Allies) vs stjeand (Axis) 3.1 (no stjeand) - 8/19/2021 7:56:38 PM   
John B.

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Congrats on the CV battle! That was a very nice result for the allies taking out 4 CVs! And, the threat to their oil almost certainly makes them come out to play before they get any significant reinforcements. You're also pushing them back in India so Japan may be on defense from now on barring some miracle fleet battle.

(in reply to kennonlightfoot)
Post #: 90
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