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A new patch (v 1.2.5) for Field of Glory II: Medieval has been released, here's what's new: UI: Dismountable units now show “(D)” in the “tooltip” in Army List Preview and Force Selection. Units that can form square now display “Can form square” in unit UI, detailed (CTRL-L click) unit information, Force Selection and Campaign Army Review. Random Maps: Added Plains map type for North Europe, Mediterranean, Middle East, Frozen and Tropical regions. Plains maps are not completely featureless open terrain, but are a lot more open than many Agricultural maps, with no hills or marshes and fewer areas of woods or rough going. Plains have been added to the Pot Luck terrain selection as a relatively uncommon selection. (Bearing in mind that many “Agricultural” maps are also mostly open terrain.) Gameplay: ZOCs and Permitted Charges: A unit that is in the primary ZOC of one or more enemy units could already charge any of those within a 45 degree arc of the unit’s front. It can now also charge an enemy unit in the square directly to its front if it is in that unit's secondary ZOC. This is intended to remove the deliberate or inadvertent contact-delaying effect of each unit in a line of units turning to face diagonally. Custom Battles – new Ambush scenarios: Ambush (Own): - Ambush is by Side A (player). 50-70% of their units are sent on a flank march, which arrives at the start of Side A’s second turn. - Points balancing adjustment for Ambush (Own) scenario is 15% reduction in Side A forces compared with Open Battle. - In Multiplayer and Hot Seat Ambush battles forces are Autoselected and only side A gets a Deployment phase. This is to minimise the opportunity for the Side B player to re-arrange his troops in advance to counter the flank march. Ambush (Enemy): - Ambush is by Side B (AI or Player B). 50-70% of their units are sent on a flank march, which arrives at the start of Side B’s first turn. - Points balancing adjustment for Ambush (Enemy) scenario is the same as Open Battle. - Forces are Autoselected and Autodeployed and neither side gets a Deployment phase. This is to minimise the opportunity for the Side A player to re-arrange his troops in advance to counter the flank march. All units in ambushed army take a cohesion test when the ambush arrives. This includes the possibility of double drops. Ambushes use Narrow maps. This seems to work even with large armies. To prevent Flank March from being blocked by mountains in Ambush scenarios, the random map generator automatically converts Mountainous terrain to Hilly in Ambush scenarios. Ambush flank march gets 2 sub-generals, both of which can command any units in the flank march. The remaining generals are assigned to the on-map part of the army. Ambushes (Own) can be one of the options in Sandbox Campaigns. Ambushes (Enemy) will probably be added to Sandbox Campaigns in a future update. Units: Standard Wagon changes: - Standard Wagon guards reduced to 480 men (600 UnitSize) and Above Average quality (in view of built-in +1 CT modifier – see below). - Cost reduced to 54 points. - Rout % multiplier for Standard Wagons increased to 4, so that they have the same effect on rout % as 4 standard-sized heavy infantry units. (Previously it was 3.75) - In addition to their effect on rout % calculations, Standard Wagons (as long as they are facing the right way and not too far from the main action) now also give a +1 Cohesion Test modifier to friendly units on adjacent squares. This modifier also applies to the Standard Wagon itself, hence the reduction in troop Quality. Cost of Superior Protected Heavy Foot Offensive Spearmen increased. Above Average increased proportionately. - Veteran Muslim Spearmen raised from 51 to 57. - Dismounted Cavalry (in pre-1200 Polish lists) raised from 45 to 48 - Dismounted Lancers (Time Warp) raised from 45 to 48 - Veteran Hoplites (Time Warp) raised from 57 to 60. Note that they should have been 54 before, rather than 57. Irish Foot and Picked Irish Foot units are assumed to contain a mixture of men with various combinations of heavy axes, spears, javelins, swords and shields. As such they have been upgraded to Lightly Protected. They continue to be rated as Heavy Weapon, representing the overall effect of the combination. Taking into account the excessive cost-effectiveness of heavy weapon for lightly protected troops (as demonstrated by overperformance of Irish armies in tournaments), points cost increased to 42 and 54 respectively. Reduced cost of longbows for Bowmen units without close combat capability. Welsh longbowmen cost reduced from 42 to 39. Army Lists: Andalusian allies added to Aragonese 1050-1136 list. Reduced proportion of Irish Foot rated as Heavy Weapon in Irish armies. Removed archers from the earlier Irish lists. They are still present in the 1131-1259 list because there was some adoption of bows by the Irish after the Anglo-Norman invasion. We aware that there are duplicate versions of the Pecheneg and Ghaznavid lists in Time Warp, as the same list appears in FOG2 Ancients and FOG2 Medieval. However, removing them could mess up ongoing campaigns or MP challenges, so we have left them in. AI: Improved AI for mounted knights. Now more likely to head forwards towards enemy infantry and charge them, instead of veering off to attack enemy mounted. Multiplayer: Pause button added for replay. Custom Campaign design: Custom Campaigns can include Ambush (Own). Ambush (Enemy) will probably be added in a future update. Latest version of CustomCampaignTemplate.txt, with up to date notes on Custom Campaign design, added to main game directory. Lighting: Added several additional variant lighting files for use in Editor-created scenarios. Engine Tweaks: FPS reduces when unfocused and more when minimised. (Should be disabled when either AI turn or MP replay). Slightly tighter camera logic when trying to show a given unit etc. Bug Fixes: Hopefully fixed the occasional issue of interference by synching software corrupting MP game files, with loss of height data from the map. This version uses a different location for temporary files when saving or loading SP and MP games. This location (<appdatalocal>/temp, or if that does not exist <appdatalocal>), is one that should not be accessed by synching software. It now only uses the Documents folder for temporary files if neither of the above folders exist on the system. Fixed issue of low frame rate in Full Screen mode. This was due to a bug in the new code that lowers frame rate when the game is minimised. Note, however, that frame rate is, and always has been, capped at 60 fps in Full Screen mode, so it is almost always better to run the game in Windowed mode (not Framed Windowed mode). Non-framed Windowed mode is indistinguishable from Full Screen mode if the game resolution is set to match your screen resolution, but does not have a capped frame rate, so, depending on your system, will normally run at a higher frame rate. Note that when you change the screen mode or resolution in Options, the change does not take effect until you have quit the game and started it again. AI flank marches should now always advance on the turn they arrive. Fixed bug that could prevent flank march units from charging enemy within charge reach when they first arrive. Corrected position of Muslim Light Horse (Bow) and Indian Horse Archers on square. Note that the revised model had to be re-scaled so will look tiny in games saved with the previous version. Fixed issue whereby If you went into a historically-based campaign from a DLC you own immediately after attempting to set up a custom battle with armies from a DLC you don’t own, the campaign CREATE button would be greyed out. Fixed bug that awarded LUCKY and UNLUCKY achievements when unit triggering achievement was enemy unit. Fixed bug that could make text from flank march message in Baggage escort scenario overwrite the proper text for the popup showing the number of available generals, so that the game showed the flank march message for the same flank twice and did not show the generals message. Fixed Best-Equipped Druzhina textures in Time Warp modules. Hopefully fixed issue that could sometimes prevent the Force Selection UI from closing. Fixed bug that could leave theoretical unit facing (banner facing) incorrect after pass through by a unit that started facing away.